69 research outputs found

    Upravljanje ljudskim resursima u 'AD Imlek Beograd'

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    Human resources include overall human potential within an organization: the available knowledge and experience, usable skills and abilities, possible ideas and creations, the level of motivation and interest in the achievement of organizational objectives, etc. The objective of this paper is to highlight the role and importance of human resource management (HRM) in achieving business success, based on the analysis of the most important theoretical and practical aspects of human resource management at the 'Imlek' Company. This study required the use of different methods and techniques such as: content analysis, case study, observation, testing and systemic approach. The study showed that sale of the Imlek Company products was widespread in the country and the region. An ongoing market advantage is achieved due to a high quality standard of products, and primarily due to an effective management of human resources. Company management should make formalization and unification, and implement a set of measures in order to improve discipline of the employees. Top workers should be motivated through incentives for performance and innovation.Ljudski resursi uključuju ukupne ljudske potencijale unutar organizacije: dostupno znanje i iskustvo, upotrebljive veÅ”tine i sposobnosti, moguće ideje i kreacije, nivo motivacije i interesovanja u ostvarivanju ciljeva organizacije, itd. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na ulogu i značaj koji upravljanje ljudskim resursima (ULjR) ima na poslovanje i ostvarivanje uspeha, i to na osnovu analize teorijski i praktično najznačajnijih aktivnosti upravljanja ljudskim resursima u kompaniji 'Imlek'. U pripremi ove studije koriŔćeni su različiti metodi i tehnike, kao Å”to su: analiza sadržaja, studija slučaja, posmatranje, ispitivanje i sistemski pristup. Studija je pokazala da je prodaja proizvoda kompanije Implek Å”iroko rasprostranjena u zemlji i regionu. Postojeća prednost na tržiÅ”tu postignuta je standardnim proizvodima visokog kvaliteta, ali pre svega, efikasnim upravljanjem ljudskim resursima. Menadžment kompanije treba da ostvari formalizaciju i ujedinjenje, i sprovede niz mera u cilju poboljÅ”anja discipline zaposlenih. Najbolje radnike treba motivisati putem podsticaja za ostvarene rezultate i inovacije

    Human resource management at 'AD Imlek Belgrade'

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    Human resources include overall human potential within an organization: the available knowledge and experience, usable skills and abilities, possible ideas and creations, the level of motivation and interest in the achievement of organizational objectives, etc. The objective of this paper is to highlight the role and importance of human resource management (HRM) in achieving business success, based on the analysis of the most important theoretical and practical aspects of human resource management at the 'Imlek' Company. This study required the use of different methods and techniques such as: content analysis, case study, observation, testing and systemic approach. The study showed that sale of the Imlek Company products was widespread in the country and the region. An ongoing market advantage is achieved due to a high quality standard of products, and primarily due to an effective management of human resources. Company management should make formalization and unification, and implement a set of measures in order to improve discipline of the employees. Top workers should be motivated through incentives for performance and innovation.Ljudski resursi uključuju ukupne ljudske potencijale unutar organizacije: dostupno znanje i iskustvo, upotrebljive veÅ”tine i sposobnosti, moguće ideje i kreacije, nivo motivacije i interesovanja u ostvarivanju ciljeva organizacije, itd. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na ulogu i značaj koji upravljanje ljudskim resursima (ULjR) ima na poslovanje i ostvarivanje uspeha, i to na osnovu analize teorijski i praktično najznačajnijih aktivnosti upravljanja ljudskim resursima u kompaniji 'Imlek'. U pripremi ove studije koriŔćeni su različiti metodi i tehnike, kao Å”to su: analiza sadržaja, studija slučaja, posmatranje, ispitivanje i sistemski pristup. Studija je pokazala da je prodaja proizvoda kompanije Implek Å”iroko rasprostranjena u zemlji i regionu. Postojeća prednost na tržiÅ”tu postignuta je standardnim proizvodima visokog kvaliteta, ali pre svega, efikasnim upravljanjem ljudskim resursima. Menadžment kompanije treba da ostvari formalizaciju i ujedinjenje, i sprovede niz mera u cilju poboljÅ”anja discipline zaposlenih. Najbolje radnike treba motivisati putem podsticaja za ostvarene rezultate i inovacije

    Cystitis in Children

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    Urinary tract infections in children are very common. However, their etiology, treatment, and prognosis are very different compared to adult patients. It is a field of interest that is covered by Pediatricians, Pediatric Nephrologists, Pediatric Surgeons, and Pediatric Urologists. There are of course different approaches with a common goal of urinary tract treatment, prevention, and in more serious cases kidney function preservation. This chapter offers a comprehensive review on the topic, with an attempt to offer impartial analysis of the practices widely accepted in treatment of urinary tract infections in childhood, with all the specific procedures typical for pediatric population

    Analiza koriÅ”tenja preventivne aktivnosti kao odgovora na nadolazeću krizu u javnom sektoru

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    Krizno komuniciranje jedno je od najizazovnijih i najsloženijih područja praktične primjene odnosa s javnoŔću. Javni sektor se, zbog tromosti sustava, vrlo često spominje i u kontekstu neučinkovite komunikacije, a to uključuje i reaktivan pristup kriznoj komunikaciji. U suprotnosti s ponuđenim stereotipom, ovaj rad proučava studiju slučaja krizne komunikacije u kojemu je čelnik javne institucije primijenio strategiju preventivnog protuodgovora i svojim proaktivnim istupom uzrokovao kriznu situaciju u javnoj instituciji koju je vodio te negativan publicitet. S ciljem ispitivanja ispravnosti ovog pristupa, ujedno i prvog takvog slučaja u komunikaciji hrvatskih javnih institucija, analizirane su naslovnice triju najčitanijih dnevnih listova u Hrvatskoj ā€“ 24sata, Večernjeg lista i Jutarnjeg lista ā€“ njihova online izdanja te joÅ” deset najčitanijih news portala u razdoblju od 24. rujna do 18. listopada, odnosno od sazivanja izvanredne konferencije za medije i početka krize do razrjeÅ”enja Dubravka PonoÅ”a s funkcije direktora Fonda za zaÅ”titu okoliÅ”a i energetsku učinkovitost

    Jezična akomodacija na Twitteru: Primjer Srbije

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    U ovom radu istražujemo fenomen jezične akomodacije kod srpskih korisnika Twittera analizirajući geokodirane poruke objavljene u razdoblju između 2013. i 2016. godine na području Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Hrvatske i Srbije. Jezičnu produkciju korisnika Twittera opi- sujemo s pomoću 16 varijabli za koje je poznato da variraju među govornicima policentričnog makrojezika BCHS. Uspoređujemo jezičnu produkciju mobilnih srpskih korisnika Twittera s produkcijom nemobilnih srpskih korisnika, kao i produkciju mobilnih korisnika u Srbiji i izvan nje. Dok prva analiza djelomično podržava teoriju akomodacije, druga analiza ne daje nikakve naznake tog fenomena

    Malignant Neoplasms of Respiratory and Intrathoracic Organs (C30-C39) in the Osijek-Baranja County, Croatia

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    The Institute of Public Health of the Osijek-Baranja County in collaborate with different county institutes provide updated information on the cancer occurrence and trends in the Osijek-Baranja County (OBC). The cancers were defined according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10), codes of malignant neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoracic organs (C30-C39). The aim of this article was to show the size of cancer problem with the C30-C39 cancer group in the Osijek-Baranja County (OBC). This article processes data on cancer incidence and mortality, appertaining age distribution, median age, cancer survival and length of stay in hospital collected in period 2001-2009. Out of all patients diagnosed with C30-C39 cancers, there were 18.2% of females and 81.8% of males. The total incidence rate in males (119.5/100,000) decreases while the total mortality rate (110.9/100,000) does not change in 9-year period. In the same period, the total mortality rate in females (15.7/100,000) increase moderately. The age-standardized incidence rate was six times higher in males than in females. The overall median age at diagnosis of C30-C39 cancers of both genders was 64.5 years, which exceeds the average age at diagnosis of cancer in general in the OBC by 4.8 years. Five-year relative survival rate was 14.8%, 19.7% for females and 13.7% for males. Male lung and bronchus cancer patients (C34) were 1 year younger at diagnosis of cancer than the respective female patients. An average C30-C39 cancer patient was hospitalized 2.0 times during the course of their illness while the median length of stay in hospital amounted to 16.1 days. The number of hospital admissions in both genders decreased over the 2001-2009 period. In both genders, the total length of stay in hospitals was slightly reduced. Females spent 0.4 days more in hospital than males. The overall incidence and mortality rate in the OBC were among the highest in Europe. However, these rates in females reached neither the Croatian nor the EU average. Other data are similar to those in Europe

    Evaluation of recovery after cranial cruciate ligament rupture surgery in 60 dogs - questionnaire and clinical examination

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    Puknuće prednje križne veze najčeŔći je ortopedski problem i uzrok Å”epanja u pasa. Kako bi se istražila uspjeÅ”nost oporavka nakon operativnog liječenja ovog ortopedskog problema, uspoređivane su dvije operacijske metode: kranijalna transpozicija goljenične kvrge i metoda lateralnog Å”ava. Ispitanici su bili podijeljeni u 4 skupine te se u svakoj nalazilo 15 pasa različite dobi, spola i pasmine. Prvu skupinu činili su psi kojima je jedno koljeno liječeno metodom lateralnog Å”ava (MRIT), dok je kontralateralna noga intaktna. Drugu skupinu činili su psi kojima je jedno koljeno podvrgnuto metodi kranijalne transpozicije goljenične kvrge (TTA), a druga noga je intaktna. Trećoj skupini pripadali su psi s bilateralnim puknućem te je jedno koljeno liječeno MRIT metodom, a drugo metodom TTA. Četvrtoj skupini pripadali su psi kojima je dijagnosticirano svježe, neliječeno puknuće. Provodeći anketu među vlasnicima pasa iz prve tri navedene skupine, dobiveni su njihovi subjektivni dojmovi i procjene oporavka njihovih ljubimaca nakon operacije. Njihovi navodi uspoređeni su s kliničkim pregledom koji je izvrÅ”en na svakom pacijentu uz procjenu osteoartritisa te su tako dobiveni objektivni nalazi. ViÅ”e od polovice anketiranih vlasnika zadovoljno je kvalitetom života u vidu ortopedskog problema njihovog psa nakon operacije. Rezultati kliničkih mjerenja pokazali su statističku razliku između koljena sa svježom rupturom i koljena koja su bila operirana jednom od metoda. Kliničkim pregledom ustanovljeno je da funkcija operiranog koljena nije značajno smanjena u odnosu na zdravo koljeno. Zaključak je da sama procjena vlasnika ne odudara pretjerano od nalaza kliničkog pregleda te da nema značajne razlike u uspjeÅ”nosti oporavka između dvije navedene kirurÅ”ke metode.Cranial cruciate ligament rupture is the most common orthopaedic problem and cause of lameness in dogs. In order to examine the success of the recovery after surgical treatment of this orthopaedic issue, we compared two surgical methods: cranial tibial tuberosity transposition and lateral seam method. Participants were divided into 4 groups, each of 15 dogs of different age, sex and breed. The first group consisted of dogs whose one stifle joint was treated using the modified retinacular imbrication technique (MRIT) method while the contralateral leg was intact. The second group consisted of dogs whose one stifle joint was subjected to the tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) method and the other leg was intact. The third group included dogs with bilateral rupture where one stifle joint was treated with MRIT method and the other with TTA method. The fourth group consisted of dogs diagnosed with a fresh, untreated rupture. A survey was conducted among the owners of the first three groups, to obtain their subjective impressions and assessments of the recovery of their pets after surgery. Their observations were compared with the clinical examination, which was performed on each patient to obtain objective findings. More than half of participants were satisfied with the quality of life concerning the orthopaedic problem of their dog after surgery. The results of clinical measurements showed a statistically significant difference between stifle joints with fresh rupture and the stifle joints that had been operated by one of the methods. Clinical examination showed that the function of the operated stifle joint was not significantly decreased compared to the healthy stifle joint. It was established that the ownerā€™s assessment did not differ notably from the findings of the clinical examination and that there was no significant difference in the success of recovery between the two specified surgical methods

    The challenge of living in Belgrade 1918-1941: housing, disease and malnourishment

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    After the end of the First World War, Belgrade became the capital of the new state ā€” Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes/Yugoslavia. This enticed a great immiā€‘ gration wave of the surrounding rural population, but also the influx of educated and professionally trained people (clerks, administrative staff, soldiers, officers, businessmen etc.), as it was demanded by Belgradeā€™s new status of political, administrative, economic and military centre of the new state. This great immigration wave ā€” the population doubled in the first ten years after the war ā€” worsened the already existent problem of inadequate housing. Belgrade was one of the few European capitals that was on the frontline, and consequently it suffered enormous damage during the First World War. According to contemporary data, between 25% and 33% of the existing preā€‘war residences were destroyed in the 1914ā€‘1918 period. Therefore, after the end of the war, Belgrade experienced a huge influx of immiā€‘ gration. The capitalā€™s population was 112,000 in 1919 and 314,000 in 19392 . This was not only witnessed in Belgrade, however. All other major urban centers of the newly established Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes were subjected to a similar reality. It could be argued that this was actually a panā€‘European trend, considering that all other major cities of the Continent were subjected to a similar immigration influx.In Belgrade, the disparity between the number of immigrants and the quantity of available apartments led to situations where newcomers were lodged in staircases, hallways, vestibules and even tents. These developments led to an abrupt increase of the building activity. During the following decade, two peaks can be observed: the first one happened between 1926āˆ’1928, while the second encompassed the 6 January Dictatorship of the King Alexander 1930āˆ’19324 . During these intervals, 13.21% (1927) and 12.5% (1932) more buildings have been constructed
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