410 research outputs found

    Unifying Consciousness and Time to Enhance Artificial Intelligence

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    Consciousness is a sequential process of awareness which can focus on one piece of information at a time. This process of awareness experiences causation which underpins the notion of time while it interplays with matter and energy, forming reality. The study of Consciousness, time and reality is complex and evolving fast in many fields, including metaphysics and fundamental physics. Reality composes patterns in human Consciousness in response to the regularities in nature. These regularities could be physical (e.g., astronomical, environmental), biological, chemical, mental, social, etc. The patterns that emerged in Consciousness were correlated to the environment, life and social behaviours followed by constructed frameworks, systems and structures. The complex constructs evolved as cultures, customs, norms and values, which created a diverse society. In the evolution of responsible AI, it is important to be attuned to the evolved cultural, ethical and moral values through Consciousness. This requires the advocated design of self-learning AI aware of time perception and human ethics.Comment: This discussion paper has been submitted to Cognitive Neuroscience of Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis publication

    Acceleration Techniques for Sparse Recovery Based Plane-wave Decomposition of a Sound Field

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    Plane-wave decomposition by sparse recovery is a reliable and accurate technique for plane-wave decomposition which can be used for source localization, beamforming, etc. In this work, we introduce techniques to accelerate the plane-wave decomposition by sparse recovery. The method consists of two main algorithms which are spherical Fourier transformation (SFT) and sparse recovery. Comparing the two algorithms, the sparse recovery is the most computationally intensive. We implement the SFT on an FPGA and the sparse recovery on a multithreaded computing platform. Then the multithreaded computing platform could be fully utilized for the sparse recovery. On the other hand, implementing the SFT on an FPGA helps to flexibly integrate the microphones and improve the portability of the microphone array. For implementing the SFT on an FPGA, we develop a scalable FPGA design model that enables the quick design of the SFT architecture on FPGAs. The model considers the number of microphones, the number of SFT channels and the cost of the FPGA and provides the design of a resource optimized and cost-effective FPGA architecture as the output. Then we investigate the performance of the sparse recovery algorithm executed on various multithreaded computing platforms (i.e., chip-multiprocessor, multiprocessor, GPU, manycore). Finally, we investigate the influence of modifying the dictionary size on the computational performance and the accuracy of the sparse recovery algorithms. We introduce novel sparse-recovery techniques which use non-uniform dictionaries to improve the performance of the sparse recovery on a parallel architecture


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    Beyond its role in capital generation, a stock market is emulated as a facet in economic development indication. Sri Lankan stock market, the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) is a languidly developing market known for instability and periodical fluctuations increasing the volatility risk for the investors. Toward market development, it is imperative in attracting and retaining long term investors. Thus, the study aimed to identify the dynamics of the CSE through volatility estimation of the Sri Lankan stock market during a high volatile period. Further, the use of ARMA-GARCH models aims to contribute to the local empirical studies on the applicability of ARMA-GARCH models in the Sri Lankan context. The study used the daily closing prices of the All-Share-Price Index (ASPI) from January 2018 to December 2022 in log return volatility. Owing to the non-normality and serial dependence conditions inherent in the data, the study developed an ARMA (2,2) mean equation and separate volatility equation applying symmetric models of GARCH, and TGARCH and asymmetric GARCH models of EGARCH, and GJR-GARCH. The study findings identified that asymmetric GARCH models are more reliable in volatility estimation and forecasting. Further, ASPI indicated a leverage effect where negative information caused idiosyncratic volatility. Keywords: ARMA-GARCH, GARCH, Leverage Effect, Stock Markets, Volatility &nbsp

    Production and characterization of black charcoal from Bambusa vulgaris (Yellow Bamboo) and potentiality for advance applications

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    Issues of air and water pollution and necessity of health care are becoming serious problem as the inter country and global industrialization accelerates. Finding solutions and speedy addressing to these problems via sustainable management and expansion of woody and non woody forest crops, extraction, eco and health friendly products development is increasingly important.  Environmentally and health friendly bamboo charcoal has greater potential and upcoming demand in the globe. Evaluation of higher carbonation temperature and characterization of charcoal properties compared to traditional carbonation temperature pave the way for modification of surface and absorbance properties of bamboo charcoal and expansion of areas applications. This paper provides a scientific research about the optimum carbonation temperature to produce charcoal from Bambusa vulgaris (yellow bamboo).  The bamboo culm was carbonized at four differed temperatures ranging from 600 to 950oC. Products of charcoal were characterized by SEM micrograph analysis, modules of rupture (MOR), calorific value, density, bulk density, density determination and water absorption determination. Optimum carbonization temperature to gain maximum property enhancement of bamboo charcoal was observed around 700 and 850 oC.  By changing carbonization temperature charcoal properties can be change. Removal and solidification of carbon in the flue gas during manufacturing and convert into usable foam of product development pave the way for the expansion of charcoal manufacturing industry without harmful damage to the environment


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    Dadru is one of the most common dermatological conditions encountered in clinical practice. Most of skin diseases in Ayurveda are described under the heading of Kushta. In general clinical practice around 10-20% patients suffer from skin disorders and out of them, fungal infections constitute up to 20%. Dadru is a variety of Kushta with Rasa, Rakta and Mamsadhatu involvement, manifesting with Kandu, Mandala, Ruja, Raaga, Rookshata and Pidaka. Chakramarda possesses Katu rasa, Laghu, Rukshaguna, Kapha Vatahara, Varnya, Vishagna, Vranaropana and Kushtagna properties. Chakramardhataila is an Anuboota yoga employed in management of Dadrukushta. Current study includes 42 Patients from O.P.D. of S.D.M. College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan diagnosed to have Dadrukushta based on signs and symptoms. Therapeutic effect was evaluated before, in between and after treatment. The present clinical study has shown Symptoms of Kandu, Raaga and Twakrukshata reduced after application of Chakramarda taila, which were statistically highly significant with P value 0.001. Symptoms of Uthsanna mandala reduced after application of Chakramarda taila. It was also statistically significant with P value 0.002. Pidaka between before treatment to after treatment showed reduction with P value 0.005 which is statistically significant. After Chakramarda taila application on lesion of Dadru Kushta has demonstrated decrease in pathognomonic signs and symptoms Kandu, Raga, Twakrukshata which was statistically highly significant with P value 0.001 and reduction in Uthsanna mandala, Pidaka which is statistically significant. Hence, application of Chakramarda Taila is an effective treatment modality in management of Dadru Kushta.

    Diversity of Reptiles in the Eastern and Southern parts of the Sinharaja Rain Forest

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    The Sinharaja Forest Reserve is located in the Southern as well as Sabaragamuwa provinces in the wet zone, between latitudes 6o21-6o26 N and longitudes 80o21-80o34 E is one of the biologically unique Tropical Forest in Sri Lanka. Although Sinharaja is considered a lowland rain forest, the Eastern part of the forest consists montane and sub-montane forests. Many scholars have already researched on reptiles in the lowland rain forests of Sri Lanka including Sinharaja, however, they have not significantly attended to the diversity of reptiles in the Eastern and Southern parts of the Sinharaja forest. Considering this gap, the research focuses on studying diversity of reptiles in diverse lowland rain forests, montane and sub-montane forests in the Southern and Eastern parts of Sinharaja. Giguruwa-Kosmulla and Pitadeniya sites in the Southern part, and Hadpanella and Morningside in the Eastern part are selected as study areas of the research. 16 line transects (as four from each site) and quadrate 16 samples (as four from each site) are used for primary data collecting. Lowland rain forests, montane and sub-montane forests are identified as biologically sensitive habitats of reptiles. High number of native reptile species are recorded in lowland rain forests than in montane and sub-montane forests. 36 reptile species are identified in Southern and Eastern parts of the Sinharaja forest and 19 species of them are endemic to Sri Lanka. Among them, 05 vulnerable species, 04 endangered species, 05 critically endangered species are recorded. Many threats have been found, however, among them issues of bio piracy loss of forest genetic resources and wildlife smuggling, illegal forest utilisation practices, gem mining, illegal forest encroachments and unethical tourism practices are major issues. Thus, state forest department and other responsible authorities must attend to minimize the effects of these negative human impact on these vulnerable areas to protect sensitive reptile species in their habitats in order to conserve their diversity

    A Review on Mutra Pareeksha in Ayurveda

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    Examination plays an important role in diagnosis and prognosis of diseases. Since Samhita Kala various methods of examination is explained like Dwividha Pareeksha, Trividha Pareeksha, Dashavidha Pareeksha, Ashtasthana Pareeksha and Dwadasa Pareeksha. In Samhita Kala Mutra Pareeksha was carried out by Pratyaksha (inspection) and Anumana (inference). Hence, from ancient period great attention is given to examine various attributes of urine in order to understand course of disease. Ashta Sthana Pareeksha incorporated by Yogaratnakara represents clinical assessment as well as laboratory investigations of medieval period. Among the Ashta Sthana Pareeksha, Mutra Pareeksha is one which proves to be an important aid in diagnosis as well as assessing prognosis of a disease. Taila Bindu Pareeksha developed in the medieval period is a method of the Mutra Pareeksha utilised in assessing prognosis of diseases. Hence an attempt is made to understand both diagnostic and prognostic importance of Mutra Pareeksha in various diseases as explained in Ayurvedic literature. In this regard references of Mutra Pareeksha are gathered from Bruhatrayi, Yoga Ratnakara, Bhavaprakasha, Vangasena and Basavarajeeyam to understand diagnostic and prognostic importance of Mutra Pareeksha

    6D Assembly Pose Estimation by Point Cloud Registration for Robot Manipulation

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    The demands on robotic manipulation skills to perform challenging tasks have drastically increased in recent times. To perform these tasks with dexterity, robots require perception tools to understand the scene and extract useful information that transforms to robot control inputs. To this end, recent research has introduced various object pose estimation and grasp pose detection methods that yield precise results. Assembly pose estimation is a secondary yet highly desirable skill in robotic assembling as it requires more detailed information on object placement as compared to bin picking and pick-and-place tasks. However, it has been often overlooked in research due to the complexity of integration in an agile framework. To address this issue, we propose an assembly pose estimation method with RGB-D input and 3D CAD models of the associated objects. The framework consists of semantic segmentation of the scene and registering point clouds of local surfaces against target point clouds derived from CAD models to estimate 6D poses. We show that our method can deliver sufficient accuracy for assembling object assemblies using evaluation metrics and demonstrations. The source code and dataset for the work can be found at: https://github.com/KulunuOS/6DAPoseComment: 8 page
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