1,098 research outputs found

    Optimal dynamic control of invasions: applying a systematic conservation approach

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    The social, economic, and environmental impacts of invasive plants are well recognized. However, these variable impacts are rarely accounted for in the spatial prioritization of funding for weed management. We examine how current spatially explicit prioritization methods can be extended to identify optimal budget allocations to both eradication and control measures of invasive species to minimize the costs and likelihood of invasion. Our framework extends recent approaches to systematic prioritization of weed management to account for multiple values that are threatened by weed invasions with a multi-year dynamic prioritization approach. We apply our method to the northern portion of the Daly catchment in the Northern Territory, which has significant conservation values that are threatened by gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus), a highly invasive species recognized by the Australian government as a Weed of National Significance (WONS). We interface Marxan, a widely applied conservation planning tool, with a dynamic biophysical model of gamba grass to optimally allocate funds to eradication and control programs under two budget scenarios comparing maximizing gain (MaxGain) and minimizing loss (MinLoss) optimization approaches. The prioritizations support previous findings that a MinLoss approach is a better strategy when threats are more spatially variable than conservation values. Over a 10-year simulation period, we find that a MinLoss approach reduces future infestations by ~8% compared to MaxGain in the constrained budget scenarios and ~12% in the unlimited budget scenarios. We find that due to the extensive current invasion and rapid rate of spread, allocating the annual budget to control efforts is more efficient than funding eradication efforts when there is a constrained budget. Under a constrained budget, applying the most efficient optimization scenario (control, minloss) reduces spread by ~27% compared to no control. Conversely, if the budget is unlimited it is more efficient to fund eradication efforts and reduces spread by ~65% compared to no control

    Innovating Language Education: An NMC Horizon Project Strategic Brief

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    The NMC is a leading educational technology organization. A main outcome of the collaboration between the Language Flagship Technology Innovation Center and the NMC was this publication, which highlights recommendations that emerged from discussions of major trends, challenges, and technology developments by experts and practitioners in language technologies in higher education. Innovating Language Education identifies main trends and areas of interest and constitutes a rich resource that includes key definitions and proofs of concept

    Cultivating Racial Solidarity Among Mathematics Education Scholars of Color to Resist White Supremacy

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    In this paper, we propose a racial solidarity praxis in mathematics education grounded in Black-, Latinx-, and Indigenous-led scholarship and their respective communities’ joining efforts to combat White supremacy. Increased solidarity across racial groups in mathematics education could illuminate new ways of nourishing and affirming Indigenous, Latinx, and Black students’ racial identities and cultural strengths. We leverage four frameworks: (1) Whiteness as property (a tenet of Critical race theory) and (2) Tribal Critical Race Theory; (3) Latino Critical Theory; and (4) pedagogy of solidarity, to conceptualize the interdependence required for solidarity work and to expose how White supremacy is maintained overtly and covertly in mathematics curriculum, policies and practices. This study outlines the nuances across each community of scholars, drawing on their strengths to combat oppressive educational structures for students. The authors conclude in solidarity, focusing on the ways our communities have sought to challenge White supremacy and deficit framings of our students, families, and communities. Our hope in bringing these bodies of literature together is to invite others within (and outside of) the field of mathematics education to co-imagine how we might engage our work synergistically. It is through a collectivizing of efforts that we imagine a racial solidarity praxis that begins to erode the power of White supremacy in math education because of the unique and unassimilable strengths and priorities of each community engaged

    Identifying and explaining the variability in development and implementation costs of disease management programs in the Netherlands

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    BACKGROUND: In the Netherlands, disease management programs (DMPs) are used to treat chronic diseases. Their aim is to improve care and to control the rising expenditures related to chronic diseases. A bundled payment was introduced to facilitate the implementation of DMPs. This payment is an all-inclusive price per patient per year for a pre-specified care package. However, it is unclear to which extent the costs of developing and implementing DMPs are included in this price. Consequently, the organizations providing DMPs bear financial risk because the development and implementation (D&I) costs may be substantial. The aim of this paper is to investigate the variability in and drivers of D&I costs among 22 DMPs and highlight characteristics th

    The Prevalence of Secondary School Sport Safety Policies within State Athletic Associations and Legislation

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    Purpose: The location of secondary school health and safety policies impacts how they are implemented by the sports medicine team and stakeholders. Yet, a comprehensive list of each state’s policy locations has not been established. The purpose of this study was to describe where secondary school health and safety policies were located at the state level within the United States. Method: Emergency related health and safety policies were designated as either being located in the state high school athletics association (SHSAA), state legislation (LEGIS), or in both SHSAA and LEGIS (BOTH). Designation was determined by two researchers who independently reviewed each individual policy. Frequencies were tabulated for the leading causes of catastrophic injury (exertional heat stroke (EHS), traumatic head injuries (THI), sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), and emergency preparedness (EP)) for the distribution of policies emanating from SHSSA, LEGIS or BOTH. Prevalence ratios (PRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated between the policies categories and location. Results: Most (99.35%) EHS and EP (83.02%) policies were found in SHSAA. Whereas the majority (79.70%) of SCA policies were found in LEGIS. Traumatic head injuries were most frequently observed in SHSAA, however, had the greatest distribution across all three categories (SHSAA=45.31%, LEGIS=25.52%, BOTH = 29.16%). The category that most frequently found policies in BOTH was THI (THI= 29.16%, all others =2.25%; PR=12.96; 95% CI=7.81, 21.53). Conclusions: Emergency related health and safety policies for secondary school sports are commonly found in SHSAA. TBI and SCA are also found in LEGIS. This demonstrates great variability of policy locations

    The management of cardiovascular disease in the Netherlands: analysis of different programmes

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    Background: Disease management programmes are increasingly used to improve the efficacy and effectiveness of chronic care delivery. But, disease management programme development and implementation is a complex undertaking that requires effective decision-making. Choices made in the earliest phases of programme development are crucial, as they ultimately impact costs, outcomes and sustainability. Methods: To increase our understanding of the choices that primary healthcare practices face when implementing such programmes and to stimulate successful implementation and sustainability, we compared the early implementation of eight cardiovascular disease management programmes initiated and managed by healthcare practices in various regions of the Netherlands. Using a mixed-methods design, we identified differences in and challenges to programme implementation in terms of context, patient characteristics, disease management level, healthcare utilisation costs, development costs and health-related quality of life. Results: Shifting to a multidisciplinary, patient-centred care pathway approach to disease management is demanding for organisations, professionals and patients, and is especially vulnerable when sustainable change is the goal. Funding is an important barrier to sustainable implementation of cardiovascular disease management programmes, although development costs of the individual programmes varied considerably in relation to the length of the development period. The large number of professionals involved in combination with duration of programme development was the largest cost drivers. While Information and Communication Technology systems to support the new care pathways did not directly contribute to higher costs, delays in implementation indirectly did. Conclusions: Developing and implementing cardiovascular disease management programmes is time-consuming and challenging. Multidisciplinary, patient-centred care demands multifaceted changes in routine care. As care pathways become more complex, they also become more expensive. Better preparedness and training can prevent unnecessary delays during the implementation period and are crucial to reducing costs

    Evaluatie van disease management programma's in Nederland

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    In het ZonMw programma ‘Disease Management Chronische Ziekten’ (DMCZ) zijn 22 praktijkprojecten ontwikkeld, gevolgd en geĂ«valueerd. Deze ZonMw-praktijkprojecten hadden een looptijd van ongeveer drie jaar. Gedurende deze periode zijn de projecten systematisch gevolgd op een aantal proces- en effectmaten en kosten-effectiviteit. De verwachting is dat disease management programma's gebaseerd op Ed Wagner's chronische zorgmodel bijdragen aan betere kwaliteit van chronische zorgverlening. Inzicht in de korte en lange termijn effecten van implementatie van dit type programma's voor verschillende chronische aandoeningen is echter nog schaars. [...

    The electronic medication complete communication (EMC2) study: Rationale and methods for a randomized controlled trial of a strategy to promote medication safety in ambulatory care

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    AbstractBackgroundAdverse drug events (ADEs) affect millions of patients annually and place a significant burden on the healthcare system. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has developed patient safety information for high-risk medications that pose serious public health concerns. However, there are currently few assurances that patients receive this information or are able to identify or respond correctly to ADEs.ObjectiveTo evaluate the effectiveness of the Electronic Medication Complete Communication (EMC2) Strategy to promote safe medication use and reporting of ADEs in comparison to usual care.MethodsThe automated EMC2 Strategy consists of: 1) provider alerts to counsel patients on medication risks, 2) the delivery of patient-friendly medication information via the electronic health record, and 3) an automated telephone assessment to identify potential medication concerns or ADEs. The study will take place in two community health centers in Chicago, IL. Adult, English or Spanish-speaking patients (N=1200) who have been prescribed a high-risk medication will be enrolled and randomized to the intervention arm or usual care based upon practice location. The primary outcomes of the study are medication knowledge, proper medication use, and reporting of ADEs; these will be measured at baseline, 4weeks, and three months. Intervention fidelity as well as barriers and costs of implementation will be evaluated.ConclusionsThe EMC2 Strategy automates a patient-friendly risk communication and surveillance process to promote safe medication use while minimizing clinic burden. This trial seeks to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of this strategy in comparison to usual care
