113 research outputs found

    Prensa jerezana de primeros años del siglo XX: un estudio de la figura y obra del periodista y esccritor jerezano Francisco Guerra Tenorio

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    La importancia de este trabajo radica en que se ha trabajado sobre una materia inédita. La figura y obra de Francisco Guerra Tenorio se ha mantenido oculta en las páginas de los diferentes diarios y semanario locales ubicados primordialmente en el Archivo Histórico Municipal y en los fondos antiguos de la Hemeroteca de la Biblioteca Municipal Central de Jerez de la Frontera.La tesis titulada: Prensa jerezana... consta principalmente de diez puntos. Además de la introducción se podrá observar un exhaustivo e índice del catálogo cronológico de la prensa jerezana de todo el siglo XX que incide en la prensa republicana local. En otro punto importante del trabajo se dedicará unas páginas al estudio y análisis de la vida y obra del escritor y periodista jerezanano Francisco Guerra Tenorio. El estudio de la obra del autor contribuirá al análisis de la personalidad del periodista jerezano y que enlazará con sus obras: novelitas cortas, o sus folletines inéditos como Historia de Jerez y Los funerales del pueblo.Esta tesis está enmarcada en 897 páginas din A-4 letra New Times Roman 12. Contiene los siguientes apartados: agradecimiento, índice, conclusión, bibliografía general, bibliografía específica, enlace de interés de diferentes organismos locales y archivísticos para concluir con una cita del filósofo Walter Benjamin

    Evaluación de la calidad microbiológica del queso fresco artesanal a través de su cadena de comercialización, producidos en una quesera artesanal del cantón Mocha de la provincia de Tungurahua y comercializados en una ciudad de la provincia del Guayas

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    Se evaluó la calidad microbiológica del queso fresco artesanal de una empresa familiar, ubicada en la provincia de Tungurahua, región sierra, a través de su cadena de comercialización hasta la costa del Ecuador, tomando en cuenta los criterios máximos permitidos en la norma general para quesos frescos no madurados (NTE INEN 1528). Se determinaron cuatro puntos críticos de muestreo en diversas etapas desde la recepción de la materia prima hasta su comercialización, así como las características fisicoquímicas: composición química de la leche cruda como la tratada térmicamente, además de la temperatura, actividad de agua, pH y acidez en el producto terminado en el sitio de la planta y después del transporte; para su análisis a través del tiempo. Se evaluó los niveles de microorganismos indicadores de la calidad microbiológica en los puntos muestreados, contrastando con los máximos permitidos en la NTE-INEN 1528. Se procesó los datos a través del análisis de correspondencias, estableciendo una relación entre el producto queso y enterobacterias en un extremo de la línea de correspondencias versus la leche cruda y la Salmonella al lado opuesto de la misma. El proceso de crecimiento de microorganismos (E.coli, Salmonella, S. aureus y Aerobios mesófilos) dentro del contexto de la norma mencionada no cumple los requisitos determinados. La calidad fisicoquímica de las muestras analizadas se encuentra dentro NTE-INEN 009:2012. La calidad microbiológica del queso artesanal se encuentra enlazada a focos de contaminación que no son monitoreados por los productores y ello converge en un riesgo alto sobre el incumplimiento de requisitos dictados por la normativa que establece si el producto es apto para consumo humano. Se recomienda la determinación de un contexto legal aplicable sobre controles y mediciones para los procesos artesanales que coadyuven a cumplir con los criterios mínimos microbiológicos del queso fresco artesanal.The microbiological quality of artisanal fresh cheese of a family business was evaluated, throughits marketing chain which goes from Tungurahua province, in the highlands region; where it is located, to the coast of Ecuador, taking into account the maximum criteria allowed in the generalstandard for fresh unripened cheeses (NTE INEN 1528). Four critical sampling points were determined at various stages, from the raw material reception to its commercialization, as well asthe physicochemical characteristics: chemical composition of raw milk as well as heat-treated milk, in addition, temperature, water activity, pH and acidity in the finished product at the manufacturing plant and after transportation, for analysis over time. The levels of microorganisms, indicators of the microbiological quality in the sampled points, were evaluated,contrasting with the maximum levels allowed in the NTE-INEN 1528. The data was processed through correspondence analysis, establishing a relationship between the cheese product and enterobacteria in one end of the correspondence line versus raw milk and Salmonella on the opposite side of it. The growth process of microorganisms (E.coli, Salmonella, S. aureus and Mesophilic Aerobes) within the context of the aforementioned standard does not meet the determined requirements. The physicochemical quality of the analyzed samples is within NTE- INEN 009:2012. The microbiological quality of artisanal cheese is linked to contamination sources which are not monitored by the producers and this converges in a high risk of non- compliance with the regulations which establish whether the product is suitable for human consumption. The determination of an applicable legal context on controls and measurements forartisanal processes that help meet the minimum microbiological criteria for artisanal fresh cheeseis recommended

    Evaluation of compliance with good prescription practices in the children's maternal hospital in capiatá, paraguay

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    The evaluation of “Good Prescription Practices” is essential to know what are the most frequent mistakes that health’s professionals develop at prescribing a drug to their patients and quantify it these errors are associated to serious adverse reactions. Errors in medical prescriptions are a health problem that can result in patient's health damage. Each Health institution must know these errors in order to perform actions to minimize them. The objective of this work is to quantify prescription errors in the Maternal-Children hospital in Capiatá, Paraguay in order to detect the points that require improvements. Methods: It is a crosssectional study that analyse pharmacological prescriptions, and type and quantity of medical errors. Variables studied were calligraphy, legible or illegible of letter; presence or lack of signature & stamp of the doctor; presence or lack of date; paper prescription with/without letterhead or institution stamp; concentration of the pharmaceutical form; omission of the pharmaceutical form; prescription by trade name; amendments in recipes. Results: 7836 prescriptions were analysed with a total of 15429 prescribed medications. It was detected 18.25% of an illegible prescription; 0.06% lack of doctor's signature or stamp; 12% omit the date; 1% were recipes without letterhead or seal of the institution; 18.4% drug concentration not registered; 14.5% do not clarify the pharmaceutical form or quantity to be dispensed; 34.6% had error or omission in the unit of measure; 0.9% carry out the prescription with a trade name and 0.16% submit an amendment to the recipe. Conclusion: the present study reveals that Good Prescriptions Practices are poorly performed in Paraguay’s Maternal & Children Hospital. As consequence, prescription errors are frequent, mostly of them severe; and potentially patient’s health is in risk. From this knowledge, the errors are now detected and can be corrected.Fil: Flecha Galeano, Liz Paola. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Zully, Vera. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Marin, Gustavo Horacio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Articulación de Ciencias Básicas y Clínicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Lugo, Gladys Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Samaniego, Lourdes. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Maidana, Gladys Mabel. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; Paragua

    Evaluation of medication errors detected in private health sector prescriptions in Asuncion, Paraguay

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    The aim of the present research, performed in theNational University of Asuncion, is to determine the prevalence ofMedication Errors in prescription orders at the Private Health SectorPharmacy in Paraguay. Methods: This is a retrospectiveobservational study, whose main variable was the error inprescriptions, and its secondary variables were the number ofpatients reached by the errors and the type of error detected. Asimple random sampling technique was used to obtain 670 casesamong the universe of prescriptions made during the study period.Prescription errors were grouped according to the type of errorsfound. Results: 56.2% of the prescriptions received at the Pharmacysector have between 1 to 5 errors, and only in 43.8% of the cases, theprescriptions were complete. The most prevalent error was theomission of the patient's name, representing 51.58% of the totalerrors. The second most frequent type of error was the omission ofthe date of the prescription (20.18%), followed by errors in thepharmaceutical form (either by omission or by error) with 8.42%.Other types of errors represent percentages less than 8%. Theprevalence of prescription of medications by their generic namereached only 0.14 of the total prescriptions evaluated. Conclusion:In-depth training of prescribers of the Private Health Sector inParaguay is necessary. Encouraging the development of technicalskills in conjunction with active pharmaceutical care could improvethe quality of the prescription and reduce the amount of medicalerrors in the Paraguayan private health sector.Fil: Rotela de Grau, Virginia. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Marin, Gustavo Horacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Articulación de Ciencias Básicas y Clínicas; ArgentinaFil: Morinigo, Macarena. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Samaniego, Lourdes. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Marin, Lupe. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Maidana, Gladys. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Lugo, Gladys Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; Paragua

    Incidence of burns caused by epileptic crisis in Paraguay

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    Objectives: The present study was initiated in order to evaluate the epileptic crisis as causes of serious burns that merit an admission to hospital. Methodology: This is a retrospective descriptive study based on information on admission reports and medical records of patients who met the inclusion criteria to be enrolled in the present investigation. The Institution studied was the Public Hospital Specialized in Burns, in Asuncion City, Republic of Paraguay, South America. Results: From 937 adult patients admitted in the National Centre of Burns in Paraguay during the study period, in only 35 of them their burns were due to epileptic seizures, which represent 3.73% of all admissions. The average age of those affected was 40 ± 16.5 years. 62.86% of the patients were female and 65.71% of those affected came from rural areas where to heat homes and to cook food braziers are used. Education and prevention campaigns to reduce burn injuries in people with seizure disorders may help to minimize the incidence of these cases.Fil: Montiel, Carolina Soledad. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Troche, María Ignacia. Centro Nacional de Quemaduras y Cirugías Reconstructivas; ParaguayFil: Marin, Gustavo Horacio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Articulación de Ciencias Básicas y Clínicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Lugo Ortellado, Gladys. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Samaniego, Lourdes. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Marin, Lupe. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Articulación de Ciencias Básicas y Clínicas; ArgentinaFil: Mabel Maidana, Gladys. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; Paragua

    Factors Associated with the Lack of Adherence to Drug Therapy in Diabetic Patients

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    According to the World Health Organization, there are more than 347 million people living with diabetes, being one of theleading causes of death in our days. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by an increase in glycemiavalues above normal, which is accompanied by late complications derived from progressive damage in kidney, retina, vessels,heart, and nervous system. The best way to avoid these complications is adherence to treatment. However, the lack of treatmentcontinuity is very frequent. This paper demonstrated that in 76% of the cases, patients with diabetes do not accomplish theprescribed treatment. The main causes of this situation are related to the patient?s habits (since diabetes has no symptoms,the patients skip doses) and to the health system (due to the lack of free drug provision, patients do not have access to thetreatment). From this data, health country authorities initiated a program to aware patients of the importance to accomplish thetreatment and provided free drug for those patientsFil: Rivas, Alba. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Vera, Zully. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Marin, Gustavo Horacio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Lugo, Gladys B.. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Domenech, María Gloria. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Samaniego, Lourdes. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Mastroianni, Patricia. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Maidana, Gladys Mabel. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; Paragua

    Therapeutic profile of patients with diabetes treated at the first level of health care

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    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) is a chronic metabolic disease frequently associated with late complications derived from progressive damage several tissues. When patients with DM2 do not respond adequately to non-pharmacological measures, anti-diabetic agents should be indicated to avoid the long-term risk of macro and microvascular complications. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the therapeutic profile for DM2 in the first level of care in the health system in two different countries (Argentina and Paraguay). Methods: This study was an observational descriptive cross-section study. Variables considered were age, sex, date of disease debut, clinical signs of diabetes complications, blood pressure, abdominal circumference, anti-diabetic and anti-hypertensive drugs, and laboratory data. Results: Regarding medication, 30.6% of the patients were treated with biguanides (metformin) and 23.5% with oral hypoglycemic agents; 21.7% with a combination of both anti-diabetic groups; and 3.5% with other therapeutically options (glitazones, meglitinides, SGLT2 inhibitors, and GLP-1 agonist). All the cases of new drug indications were register in Argentina while in Paraguay; all drugs prescribed were considered essential medicines. Conclusion: Diabetes is a frequent disease that causes severe disabilities and death in the affected population. Although it exists several drugs for DM2 treatment, only a few of them follow the rational use of medicines guidelines, while other drugs might be unsafe and certainly more expensive than essential options. Since first level health-care therapeutic strategy plays a major role in avoiding complications from diabetes, countries with low or middle income such as Paraguay or Argentina should do efforts to provide to all patients a rational treatment. This work shows that not in all scenarios, this pattern is true.Fil: Maidana, Gladys Mabel. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Marin, Gustavo Horacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas; ArgentinaFil: Samaniego, Lourdes. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Marin, Lupe. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas; ArgentinaFil: Montiel, Dalva Fariña. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Marin, Gina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas; ArgentinaFil: Vera, Zully. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Lugo Rodríguez, Gladys B.. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; Paragua

    Dietary intake, nutritional adequacy and food sources of vitamins involved in the methionine-methylation cycle from Spanish children aged one to <10 years: results from the EsNuPI study

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    Background: Methionine-methylation cycle and the derived critical functions during infancy are key regulated by folates, vitamins B12, and B6. At present in Spain, there is an absence of studies that assess the intakes and dietary sources of total folates and B12 by children consuming all types of milks and those regularly consuming adapted milk formulas. Thus, our aim was to evaluate folates intakes alongside with vitamins B6 and B12 while describing their major dietary contributors in Spanish children aged one to <10 years. Methods: A total of 1,448 children aged between 1 and 10 years (49.7% girls and 50.3% boys) from the EsNuPI, a prospective cross-sectional study, were allocated into two cohorts: one Spanish Reference Cohort (SRS) of the general population (n = 707), and another including children consuming adapted milks called Adapted Milk Consumers Cohort (AMS) (n = 741) completed two 24 h dietary recalls used to estimate their nutrient intakes and to compare them to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Population Reference Intakes. Results: The median intake of vitamin B6 was 1.35 (1.06–1.70) mg/day in the SRS and 1.45 (1.17–1.79) mg/day in the AMS, being significantly higher in the AMS for all age-groups. Prevalence of adequacy for vitamin B6 in the SRS and AMS was 97.7 and 98.7%, respectively. Total folates intakes in the AMS were significantly higher (p ≤ 0.001) in all age groups than in the SRS, independently of age. In addition, the prevalence of adequacy for folates intakes in all groups was more than 60%. Vitamin B12 intake increased with age independently of the type of milk consumed. The prevalence of adequacy for vitamin B12 was highly compliant by all population groups. The major contributors to vitamin B6 were milk and dairy products being significantly higher in AMS than SRS (p ≤ 0.001). The highest contributors to folates intakes were milk and dairy products, cereals, vegetables, and fruits in both groups whereas for vitamin B12 in the SRS sample were milk and dairy products followed by meat and meats products and for adapted milks, were milk and dairy products, followed by eggs, then meat and meats products. Conclusion: A satisfactory prevalence of adequacy for vitamins B6, and B12 amongst the Spanish children population was observed, which was not the case for folates, regardless of the dietary group evaluated. Nevertheless, a possible strategy to increase folate intake among the youngest children is to increase the consumption of milk and dairy products within a healthier dietary pattern, as these may contribute significantly to the vitamin needs of the infant population.Instituto Puleva de Nutrición (IPN) under an agreement with Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) and Iberoamerican Nutrition Foundation (FINUT

    Evaluación del Servicio de Farmacia que atiende a pacientes diabéticos.

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    Introducción: La satisfacción del paciente con el servicio prestado, es un indicador para medir la calidad de los servicios farmacéuticos. El Objetivo principal fue: Evaluar el grado de satisfacción de pacientes diabéticos con respecto a la atención recibida en el Servicio de Farmacia.  Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo transversal en el que se entrevistó a pacientes diabéticos atendidos en el Programa Nacional de Diabetes, utilizando un cuestionario de tipo Likert, con cinco posibles respuestas cerradas (1: en desacuerdo, y 5: muy de acuerdo). Los motivos de insatisfacción se evaluaron a través preguntas abiertas.  Resultados: Participaron 108 pacientes, de los cuales el 69% era del sexo femenino, la edad promedio fue de 58,5 años, y tiempo promedio de evolución de la enfermedad de 12,5 años, el 52%  tenía grado de instrucción secundaria, 51% vivía en pareja, y 82% de los pacientes tenía diabetes mellitus tipo 2, la hemoglobina glicosilada 7,8%. Siendo 5 el puntaje máximo posible, se obtuvo mayor satisfacción en la zona y proceso de dispensación (4,16 ±0,69; IC 95%). Y la menor satisfacción en la información al paciente y evaluación del estado de salud (2,44±1,19; IC 95%). Los motivos de insatisfacción más frecuentes fueron: falta de cortesía (57%) inadecuada información o ausencia (46%). Conclusión: La satisfacción general con respecto al servicio de farmacia fue (3,32/5) 66%. Los aspectos a mejorar son la zona y el proceso de dispensación, siendo necesario un aumento de los recursos estructurales y humanos

    Uso de plantas medicinales y fitoterápicos en pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2

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    Un gran número de especies vegetales son utilizados con fines medicinales para tratar diferentes patologías y entre ellas la diabetes que en el 2015 presentaba la mayor carga económica a los países de América Latina y el Caribe. A su vez, para la OMS, el uso de las plantas medicinales constituye una terapia más natural, más inocua, efectiva, de un costo racional y asequible a las poblaciones, por ende, para establecer su uso seguro es necesaria su correcta identificación. El objetivo del estudio fue describir las plantas medicinales y fitoterápicos empleadas por pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, para lo cual se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transverso, que incluyó a 41 pacientes registrados en el Programa Nacional de Diabetes por consulta regular en enero del 2015. Más de la mitad de la población manifestó consumir algún tipo de planta medicinal para el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Las plantas medicinales mayormente utilizadas mencionadas por los pacientes fueron: Jaguareté po (Jungia floribunda Less.), Ajenjo (Artemisia absinthium L.), Moringa (Moringa oleífera L.), e Insulina (Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson &amp; C. E. Jarvis). El número promedio de plantas consumidas por paciente fue 3. A través de este tipo de estudios se puede describir las plantas medicinales y/o fitorerápicos, generar nuevas informaciones, y de esta forma promover el uso más racional de los mismos