13 research outputs found

    Arabidopsis Iron Superoxide Dismutase FSD1 Protects Against Methyl Viologen-Induced Oxidative Stress in a Copper-Dependent Manner

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    Iron superoxide dismutase 1 (FSD1) was recently characterized as a plastidial, cytoplasmic, and nuclear enzyme with osmoprotective and antioxidant functions. However, the current knowledge on its role in oxidative stress tolerance is ambiguous. Here, we characterized the role of FSD1 in response to methyl viologen (MV)-induced oxidative stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. In accordance with the known regulation of FSD1 expression, abundance, and activity, the findings demonstrated that the antioxidant function of FSD1 depends on the availability of Cu2+ in growth media. Arabidopsis fsdl mutants showed lower capacity to decompose superoxide at low Cu2+ concentrations in the medium. Prolonged exposure to MV led to reduced ascorbate levels and higher protein carbonylation in fsdl mutants and transgenic plants lacking a plastid FSD1 pool as compared to the wild type. MV induced a rapid increase in FSD1 activity, followed by a decrease after 4 h long exposure. Genetic disruption of FSD1 negatively affected the hydrogen peroxide-decomposing ascorbate peroxidase in fsdl mutants. Chloroplastic localization of FSD1 is crucial to maintain redox homeostasis. Proteomic analysis showed that the sensitivity of fsd1 mutants to MV coincided with decreased abundances of ferredoxin and photosystem II light-harvesting complex proteins. These mutants have higher levels of chloroplastic proteases indicating an altered protein turnover in chloroplasts. Moreover, FSD1 disruption affects the abundance of proteins involved in the defense response. Collectively, the study provides evidence for the conditional antioxidative function of FSD1 and its possible role in signaling.Peer reviewe

    Mrs2p is an essential component of the major electrophoretic Mg(2+) influx system in mitochondria

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    Steady-state concentrations of mitochondrial Mg(2+) previously have been shown to vary with the expression of Mrs2p, a component of the inner mitochondrial membrane with two transmembrane domains. While its structural and functional similarity to the bacterial Mg(2+) transport protein CorA suggested a role for Mrs2p in Mg(2+) influx into the organelle, other functions in cation homeostasis could not be excluded. Making use of the fluorescent dye mag-fura 2 to measure free Mg(2+) concentrations continuously, we describe here a high capacity, rapid Mg(2+) influx system in isolated yeast mitochondria, driven by the mitochondrial membrane potential Δψ and inhibited by cobalt(III)hexaammine. Overexpression of Mrs2p increases influx rates 5-fold, while the deletion of the MRS2 gene abolishes this high capacity Mg(2+) influx. Mg(2+) efflux from isolated mitochondria, observed with low Δψ only, also requires the presence of Mrs2p. Cross-linking experiments revealed the presence of Mrs2p-containing complexes in the mitochondrial membrane, probably constituting Mrs2p homo- oligomers. Taken together, these findings characterize Mrs2p as the first molecularly identified metal ion channel protein in the inner mitochondrial membrane

    Actin turnover is required for myosin-dependent mitochondrial movements in Arabidopsis root hairs

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    Background: Previous studies have shown that plant mitochondrial movements are myosin-based along actin filaments, which undergo continuous turnover by the exchange of actin subunits from existing filaments. Although earlier studies revealed that actin filament dynamics are essential for many functions of the actin cytoskeleton, there are little data connecting actin dynamics and mitochondrial movements. Methodology/Principal Findings: We addressed the role of actin filament dynamics in the control of mitochondrial movements by treating cells with various pharmaceuticals that affect actin filament assembly and disassembly. Confocal microscopy of Arabidopsis thaliana root hairs expressing GFP-FABD2 as an actin filament reporter showed that mitochondrial distribution was in agreement with the arrangement of actin filaments in root hairs at different developmental stages. Analyses of mitochondrial trajectories and instantaneous velocities immediately following pharmacological perturbation of the cytoskeleton using variable-angle evanescent wave microscopy and/or spinning disk confocal microscopy revealed that mitochondrial velocities were regulated by myosin activity and actin filament dynamics. Furthermore, simultaneous visualization of mitochondria and actin filaments suggested that mitochondrial positioning might involve depolymerization of actin filaments on the surface of mitochondria. Conclusions/Significance: Base on these results we propose a mechanism for the regulation of mitochondrial speed of movements, positioning, and direction of movements that combines the coordinated activity of myosin and the rate of actin turnover, together with microtubule dynamics, which directs the positioning of actin polymerization events.<br/

    Tissue culture, genetic transformation, interaction with beneficial microbes, and modern bio-imaging techniques in alfalfa research

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    Ticha M, Illesova P, Hrbackova M, et al. Tissue culture, genetic transformation, interaction with beneficial microbes, and modern bio-imaging techniques in alfalfa research. Critical reviews in biotechnology. 2020;40(8):1265-1280.Current research needs to be more focused on agronomical plants to effectively utilize the knowledge obtained from model plant species. Efforts to improve legumes have long employed common breeding tools. Recently, biotechnological approaches facilitated the development of improved legumes with new traits, allowing them to withstand climatic changes and biotic stress. Owing to its multiple uses and profits, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) has become a prominent forage crop worldwide. This review provides a comprehensive research summary of tissue culture-based genetic transformation methods, which could be exploited for the development of transgenic alfalfa with agronomically desirable traits. Moreover, advanced bio-imaging approaches, including cutting-edge microscopy and phenotyping, are outlined here. Finally, characterization and the employment of beneficial microbes should help to produce biotechnologically improved and sustainable alfalfa cultivars

    Proteomics on Brefeldin A-Treated Arabidopsis Roots Reveals Profilin 2 as a New Protein Involved in the Cross-Talk between Vesicular Trafficking and the Actin Cytoskeleton

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    Takac T, Pechan T, Richter H, et al. Proteomics on Brefeldin A-Treated Arabidopsis Roots Reveals Profilin 2 as a New Protein Involved in the Cross-Talk between Vesicular Trafficking and the Actin Cytoskeleton. Journal of Proteome Research. 2011;10(2):488-501.The growing importance of vesicular trafficking and cytoskeleton dynamic reorganization during plant development requires the exploitation of novel experimental approaches. Several genetic and cell biological studies have used diverse pharmaceutical drugs that inhibit vesicular trafficking and secretion to study these phenomena. Here, proteomic and cell biology approaches were applied to study effects of brefeldin A (BFA), an inhibitor of vesicle recycling and secretion, in Arabidopsis roots. The main aim of this study was to obtain an overview of proteins affected by BFA, but especially to identify new proteins involved in the vesicular trafficking and its cross-talk to the actin cytoskeleton. The results showed that BFA altered vesicular trafficking and caused the formation of BFA-compartments which was accompanied by differential expression of several proteins in root cells. Some of the BFA-up-regulated proteins belong to the class of the vesicular trafficking proteins, such as V-ATPase and reversibly glycosylated polypeptide, while others, such as profilin 2 and elongation factor 1 alpha, are rather involved in the remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton. Upregulation of profilin 2 by BFA was verified by immunoblot and live imaging at subcellular level. The latter approach also revealed that profilin 2 accumulated in BFA-compartments which was accompanied by remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton in BFA-treated root cells. Thus, profilin 2 seems to be involved in the cross-talk between vesicular trafficking and the actin cytoskeleton, in a BFA-dependent manner

    Secretion of Phospholipase D delta Functions as a Regulatory Mechanism in Plant Innate Immunity

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    Plant phospholipase Ds (PLDs), essential regulators of phospholipid signaling, function in multiple signal transduction cascades; however, the mechanisms regulating PLDs in response to pathogens remain unclear. Here, we found that Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) PLD delta accumulated in cells at the entry sites of the barley powdery mildew fungus, Blumeria graminis f. sp hordei. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and single-molecule analysis, we observed higher PLD delta density in the plasma membrane after chitin treatment; PLD delta also underwent rapid exocytosis. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer with fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy showed that the interaction between PLD delta and the microdomain marker AtREMORIN1.3 (AtREM1.3) increased in response to chitin, indicating that exocytosis facilitates rapid, efficient sorting of PLD delta into microdomains upon pathogen stimulus. We further unveiled a trade-off between brefeldin A (BFA)-resistant and -sensitive pathways in secretion of PLD delta under diverse conditions. Upon pathogen attack, PLD delta secretion involved syntaxin-associated VAMP721/722-mediated exocytosis sensitive to BFA. Analysis of phosphatidic acid (PA), hydrogen peroxide, and jasmonic acid (JA) levels and expression of related genes indicated that the relocalization of PLD delta is crucial for its activation to produce PA and initiate reactive oxygen species and JA signaling pathways. Together, our findings revealed that the translocation of PLD delta to papillae is modulated by exocytosis, thus triggering PA-mediated signaling in plant innate immunity

    Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the BRI1 Receptor and its Regulation by Membrane Microdomains in Living Arabidopsis Cells

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    The major brassinosteroid (BR) receptor of Arabidopsis BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1 (BRI1) plays fundamental roles in BR signaling, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of BR on BRI1 internalization and assembly state remain unclear. Here, we applied variable angle total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy to analyze the dynamics of GFP-tagged BRI1. We found that, in response to BR, the degree of co-localization of BRI1-GFP with AtFlot1-mCherry increased, and especially BR stimulated the membrane microdomain-associated pathway of BRI1 internalization. We also verified these observations in endocytosis-defective chc2-1 mutants and the AtFlot1 amiRNA 15-5 lines. Furthermore, examination of the phosphorylation status of bri1-EMS-suppressor 1 and measurement of BR-responsive gene expression revealed that membrane microdomains affect BR signaling. These results suggest that BR promotes the partitioning of BRI1 into functional membrane microdomains to activate BR signaling