59 research outputs found

    Accelerated phosphatidylcholine turnover in macrophages promotes adipose tissue inflammation in obesity.

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    White adipose tissue (WAT) inflammation contributes to the development of insulin resistance in obesity. While the role of adipose tissue macrophage (ATM) pro-inflammatory signalling in the development of insulin resistance has been established, it is less clear how WAT inflammation is initiated. Here, we show that ATMs isolated from obese mice and humans exhibit markers of increased rate of de novo phosphatidylcholine (PC) biosynthesis. Macrophage-specific knockout of phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase A (CCTα), the rate-limiting enzyme of de novo PC biosynthesis pathway, alleviated obesity-induced WAT inflammation and insulin resistance. Mechanistically, CCTα-deficient macrophages showed reduced ER stress and inflammation in response to palmitate. Surprisingly, this was not due to lower exogenous palmitate incorporation into cellular PCs. Instead, CCTα-null macrophages had lower membrane PC turnover, leading to elevated membrane polyunsaturated fatty acid levels that negated the pro-inflammatory effects of palmitate. Our results reveal a causal link between obesity-associated increase in de novo PC synthesis, accelerated PC turnover and pro-inflammatory activation of ATMs

    Autophagy-mediated NCOR1 degradation is required for brown fat maturation and thermogenesis

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    Brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis affects energy balance, and thereby it has the potential to induce weight loss and to prevent obesity. Here, we document a macroautophagic/autophagic-dependent mechanism of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARG) activity regulation that induces brown adipose differentiation and thermogenesis and that is mediated by TP53INP2. Disruption of TP53INP2-dependent autophagy reduced brown adipogenesis in cultured cells. In vivo specific-tp53inp2 ablation in brown precursor cells or in adult mice decreased the expression of thermogenic and mature adipocyte genes in BAT. As a result, TP53INP2-deficient mice had reduced UCP1 content in BAT and impaired maximal thermogenic capacity, leading to lipid accumulation and to positive energy balance. Mechanistically, TP53INP2 stimulates PPARG activity and adipogenesis in brown adipose cells by promoting the autophagic degradation of NCOR1, a PPARG co-repressor. Moreover, the modulation of TP53INP2 expression in BAT and in human brown adipocytes suggests that this protein increases PPARG activity during metabolic activation of brown fat. In all, we have identified a novel molecular explanation for the contribution of autophagy to BAT energy metabolism that could facilitate the design of therapeutic strategies against obesity and its metabolic complications

    A new role for lipocalin prostaglandin d synthase in the regulation of brown adipose tissue substrate utilization.

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    In this study, we define a new role for lipocalin prostaglandin D synthase (L-PGDS) in the control of metabolic fuel utilization by brown adipose tissue (BAT). We demonstrate that L-PGDS expression in BAT is positively correlated with BAT activity, upregulated by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1α or 1β and repressed by receptor-interacting protein 140. Under cold-acclimated conditions, mice lacking L-PGDS had elevated reliance on carbohydrate to provide fuel for thermogenesis and had increased expression of genes regulating glycolysis and de novo lipogenesis in BAT. These transcriptional differences were associated with increased lipid content in BAT and a BAT lipid composition enriched with de novo synthesized lipids. Consistent with the concept that lack of L-PGDS increases glucose utilization, mice lacking L-PGDS had improved glucose tolerance after high-fat feeding. The improved glucose tolerance appeared to be independent of changes in insulin sensitivity, as insulin levels during the glucose tolerance test and insulin, leptin, and adiponectin levels were unchanged. Moreover, L-PGDS knockout mice exhibited increased expression of genes involved in thermogenesis and increased norepinephrine-stimulated glucose uptake to BAT, suggesting that sympathetically mediated changes in glucose uptake may have improved glucose tolerance. Taken together, these results suggest that L-PGDS plays an important role in the regulation of glucose utilization in vivo

    Truncation of Pik3r1 causes severe insulin resistance uncoupled from obesity and dyslipidaemia by increased energy expenditure.

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    OBJECTIVE: Insulin signalling via phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) requires PIK3R1-encoded regulatory subunits. C-terminal PIK3R1 mutations cause SHORT syndrome, as well as lipodystrophy and insulin resistance (IR), surprisingly without fatty liver or metabolic dyslipidaemia. We sought to investigate this discordance. METHODS: The human pathogenic Pik3r1 Y657∗ mutation was knocked into mice by homologous recombination. Growth, body composition, bioenergetic and metabolic profiles were investigated on chow and high-fat diet (HFD). We examined adipose and liver histology, and assessed liver responses to fasting and refeeding transcriptomically. RESULTS: Like humans with SHORT syndrome, Pik3r1WT/Y657∗ mice were small with severe IR, and adipose expansion on HFD was markedly reduced. Also as in humans, plasma lipid concentrations were low, and insulin-stimulated hepatic lipogenesis was not increased despite hyperinsulinemia. At odds with lipodystrophy, however, no adipocyte hypertrophy nor adipose inflammation was found. Liver lipogenic gene expression was not significantly altered, and unbiased transcriptomics showed only minor changes, including evidence of reduced endoplasmic reticulum stress in the fed state and diminished Rictor-dependent transcription on fasting. Increased energy expenditure, which was not explained by hyperglycaemia nor intestinal malabsorption, provided an alternative explanation for the uncoupling of IR from dyslipidaemia. CONCLUSIONS: Pik3r1 dysfunction in mice phenocopies the IR and reduced adiposity without lipotoxicity of human SHORT syndrome. Decreased adiposity may not reflect bona fide lipodystrophy, but rather, increased energy expenditure, and we suggest that further study of brown adipose tissue in both humans and mice is warranted

    Soluble LR11/SorLA represses thermogenesis in adipose tissue and correlates with BMI in humans.

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    Thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT) is an important component of energy expenditure in mammals. Recent studies have confirmed its presence and metabolic role in humans. Defining the physiological regulation of BAT is therefore of great importance for developing strategies to treat metabolic diseases. Here we show that the soluble form of the low-density lipoprotein receptor relative, LR11/SorLA (sLR11), suppresses thermogenesis in adipose tissue in a cell-autonomous manner. Mice lacking LR11 are protected from diet-induced obesity associated with an increased browning of white adipose tissue and hypermetabolism. Treatment of adipocytes with sLR11 inhibits thermogenesis via the bone morphogenetic protein/TGFβ signalling pathway and reduces Smad phosphorylation. In addition, sLR11 levels in humans are shown to positively correlate with body mass index and adiposity. Given the need for tight regulation of a tissue with a high capacity for energy wastage, we propose that LR11 plays an energy conserving role that is exaggerated in states of obesity.AW and AVP were supported by FP7 – BetaBAT, BBSRC (BB/J009865/1), the British Heart Foundation (PG/12/53/29714) and MDU MRC. MJ and HB were supported by Japan Health and Labour Sciences Research grant (H22-rinkensui-ippan-001) and Grants-in–aid for Scientific Research from Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (24390231 and 24790907). VP was supported by Wellcome Trust and the Cambridge Overseas Trust. JR was supported by Ministerio de Educación, through “Programa Nacional de Movilidad de Recursos Humanos del Plan Nacional de I-D+i 2008-2011 (Subprograma de Estancias de Movilidad en el Extranjero “José Castillejo” para jóvenes Doctores, ref: JC2011-0248). SV was supported by MRC. WJS was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF P-20218 and P-20455). Animal work was performed at the MDU DMC Core facilities.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from NPG via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms995

    Soluble LR11/SorLA represses thermogenesis in adipose tissue and correlates with BMI in humans

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    Thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT) is an important component of energy expenditure in mammals. Recent studies have confirmed its presence and metabolic role in humans. Defining the physiological regulation of BAT is therefore of great importance for developing strategies to treat metabolic diseases. Here we show that the soluble form of the low-density lipoprotein receptor relative, LR11/SorLA (sLR11), suppresses thermogenesis in adipose tissue in a cell-autonomous manner. Mice lacking LR11 are protected from diet-induced obesity associated with an increased browning of white adipose tissue and hypermetabolism. Treatment of adipocytes with sLR11 inhibits thermogenesis via the bone morphogenetic protein/TGFb signalling pathway and reduces Smad phosphorylation. In addition, sLR11 levels in humans are shown to positively correlate with body mass index and adiposity. Given the need for tight regulation of a tissue with a high capacity for energy wastage, we propose that LR11 plays an energy conserving role that is exaggerated in states of obesity

    PPAR gamma 2 Prevents Lipotoxicity by Controlling Adipose Tissue Expandability and Peripheral Lipid Metabolism

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    Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma 2 (PPARg2) is the nutritionally regulated isoform of PPARg. Ablation of PPARg2 in the ob/ob background, PPARg2(−/−) Lep(ob)/Lep(ob) (POKO mouse), resulted in decreased fat mass, severe insulin resistance, β-cell failure, and dyslipidaemia. Our results indicate that the PPARg2 isoform plays an important role, mediating adipose tissue expansion in response to positive energy balance. Lipidomic analyses suggest that PPARg2 plays an important antilipotoxic role when induced ectopically in liver and muscle by facilitating deposition of fat as relatively harmless triacylglycerol species and thus preventing accumulation of reactive lipid species. Our data also indicate that PPARg2 may be required for the β-cell hypertrophic adaptive response to insulin resistance. In summary, the PPARg2 isoform prevents lipotoxicity by (a) promoting adipose tissue expansion, (b) increasing the lipid-buffering capacity of peripheral organs, and (c) facilitating the adaptive proliferative response of β-cells to insulin resistance