1,131 research outputs found

    Cosmography of f(R) gravity

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    It is nowadays accepted that the universe is undergoing a phase of accelerated expansion as tested by the Hubble diagram of Type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa) and several LSS observations. Future SNeIa surveys and other probes will make it possible to better characterize the dynamical state of the universe renewing the interest in cosmography which allows a model independent analysis of the distance - redshift relation. On the other hand, fourth order theories of gravity, also referred to as f(R)f(R) gravity, have attracted a lot of interest since they could be able to explain the accelerated expansion without any dark energy. We show here how it is possible to relate the cosmographic parameters (namely the deceleration q0q_0, the jerk j0j_0, the snap s0s_0 and the lerk l0l_0 parameters) to the present day values of f(R)f(R) and its derivatives f(n)(R)=dnf/dRnf^{(n)}(R) = d^nf/dR^n (with n=1,2,3n = 1, 2, 3) thus offering a new tool to constrain such higher order models. Our analysis thus offers the possibility to relate the model independent results coming from cosmography to the theoretically motivated assumptions of f(R)f(R) cosmology.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Breaking the Vainshtein screening in clusters of galaxies

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    In this work we will test an alternative model of gravity belonging to the large family of galileon models. It is characterized by an intrinsic breaking of the Vainshtein mechanism inside large astrophysical objects, thus having possibly detectable observational signatures. We will compare theoretical predictions from this model with the observed total mass profile for a sample of clusters of galaxies. The profiles are derived using two complementary tools: X-ray hot intra-cluster gas dynamics, and strong and weak gravitational lensing. We find that a dependence with the dynamical internal status of each cluster is possible; for those clusters which are very close to be relaxed, and thus less perturbed by possible astrophysical local processes, the galileon model gives a quite good fit to both X-ray and lensing observations. Both masses and concentrations for the dark matter halos are consistent with earlier results found in numerical simulations and in the literature, and no compelling statistical evidence for a deviation from general relativity is detectable from the present observational state. Actually, the characteristic galileon parameter Υ\Upsilon is always consistent with zero, and only an upper limit (0.086\lesssim0.086 at 1σ1\sigma, 0.16\lesssim0.16 at 2σ2\sigma, and 0.23\lesssim0.23 at 3σ3\sigma) can be established. Some interesting distinctive deviations might be operative, but the statistical validity of the results is far from strong, and better data would be needed in order to either confirm or reject a potential tension with general relativity.Comment: 26 pages, 3 tables, 4 figures. Accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    Unifying static analysis of gravitational structures with a scale-dependent scalar field gravity as an alternative to dark matter

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    Aims. We investigated the gravitational effects of a scalar field within scalar-tensor gravity as an alternative to dark matter. Motivated by chameleon, symmetron and f(R)-gravity models, we studied a phenomenological scenario where the scalar field has both a mass (i.e. interaction length) and a coupling constant to the ordinary matter which scale with the local properties of the considered astrophysical system. Methods. We analysed the feasibility of this scenario using the modified gravitational potential obtained in its context and applied it to the galactic and hot gas/stellar dynamics in galaxy clusters and elliptical/spiral galaxies respectively. This is intended to be a first step in assessing the viability of this new approach in the context of "alternative gravity" models. Results. The main results are: 1. the velocity dispersion of elliptical galaxies can be fitted remarkably well by the suggested scalar field, with model significance similar to a classical Navarro-Frenk-White dark halo profile; 2. the analysis of the stellar dynamics and the gas equilibrium in elliptical galaxies has shown that the scalar field can couple with ordinary matter with different strengths (different coupling constants) producing and/or depending on the different clustering state of matter components; 3. elliptical and spiral galaxies, combined with clusters of galaxies, show evident correlations among theory parameters which suggest the general validity of our results at all scales and a way toward a possible unification of the theory for all types of gravitational systems we considered. All these results demonstrate that the proposed scalar field scenario can work fairly well as an alternative to dark matter.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Reduced combustion mechanism for fire with light alcohols

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    The need for sustainable energy has incentivized the use of alternative fuels such as light alcohols. In this work, reduced chemistry mechanisms for the prediction of fires (pool fire, tank fire, and flash fire) for two primary alcohols—methanol and ethanol—were developed, aiming to integrate the detailed kinetic model into the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. The model accommodates either the pure reactants and products or other intermediates, including soot precursors (C2H2, C2H4, and C3H3 ), which were identified via sensitivity and reaction path analyses. The developed reduced mechanism was adopted to predict the burning behavior in a 3D domain and for the estimation of the product distribution. The agreement between the experimental data from the literature and estimations resulting from the analysis performed in this work demonstrates the successful application of this method for the integration of kinetic mechanisms and CFD models, opening to an accurate evaluation of safety scenarios and allowing for the proper design of storage and transportation systems involving light alcohols

    On the prediction of the ignition delay time of bio-syngas

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    The growing energy demand and more stringent environmental regulations have raised concerns about the production and use of alternative fuels. Due to the potential application of the resulting gaseous streams in turbines as an energy source, slow pyrolysis of biomass including municipal waste have been extensively studied under various situations and atmospheric conditions. Nevertheless, the combustion characteristics of these complex mixtures and the chemical interactions between their constituent species are still not fully understood. Hence, the accuracy of commonly used empirical-based mixing rules for the estimation of the overall reactivity, such as laminar burning velocity and ignition delay time is inefficient. This work is addressed to the numerical prediction of the Ignition Delay Time, IDT, of bio-syngas mixtures at different fuel compositions, stoichiometries, temperature, and pressure, by means of a detailed kinetic model. A simplified tool for preliminary evaluation of the overall reactivity with respect to the above-mentioned conditions was proposed for these mixtures, as well, providing an effective feature for safety and management evaluations

    Explosion Behavior of Ethanol-Ethyl Acetate/Air Mixtures

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    Alcohol-ester mixtures and, among them, ethanol-ethyl acetate mixtures are widely used as solvents in the packaging industry. For the safe use of such mixtures, it is essential to characterize their explosion behavior. Specifically, knowledge is required about maximum pressure and the maximum rate of pressure rise (i.e., the deflagration index), which are among the most important parameters for the assessment of process hazards and the safe design of process equipment. To this aim, in this work, closed-vessel explosion tests were carried out for an ethanol-ethyl acetate composition (mole fraction of ethanol in ethanol + ethyl acetate equal to 0.62) of interest to the packaging industry, varying the fuel/air equivalence ratio from 1.0 to 1.7. Tests were also extended to ethanol/air and ethyl acetate/air to quantify the effects of the possible interaction between the two fuels in the mixture. All tests started from 25°C and 1 bar. Experimental results show that, as the fuel equivalence ratio is increased, a transition occurs from a regime in which synergistic effects arise making the explosion behavior of ethanol-ethyl acetate more severe (i.e., making the rate of explosion pressure rise of ethanol-ethyl acetate higher) than both ethanol and ethyl acetate, to a regime in which, as a result of a completely different interaction between ethanol and ethyl acetate, the explosion behavior of their mixture is less severe than both the individual components. The maximum rate of pressure rise falls within an intermediate regime in which non-linear interaction effects substantially disappear and, thus, the value of deflagration index for the mixture can be obtained by averaging the values of the two fuels according to their molar proportions

    Assessment of Failure Frequencies of Pipelines in Natech Events Triggered by Earthquakes

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    During a seismic event, underground pipelines can undergo to significant damages with severe implications in terms of life safety and economic impact. This type of scenarios falls under the definition of Natech. In recent years, quantitative risk analysis became a pivotal tool to assess and manage Natech risk. Among the tools required to perform the quantitative assessment of Natech risk, vulnerability models are required to characterize equipment damages from natural events. This contribution is focused on the review of the pipeline vulnerability models available for the case of earthquakes. Two main categories of models have been identified in the literature. A first category proposes the repair rate as performance indicator for the damage of pipeline due to seismic load, and gives as output the number of required repairs per unit length. A second category proposes fragility curves associated with risk states depending on the mechanism of ground failure. In the framework of Natech risk assessment, the latter have the important advantage of having clearly and unambiguously defined the risk status (and thus the extent of the release) with which they are associated. A subset of vulnerability models deemed more appropriate to be applied in the framework of Natech risk assessment is then identified. Their application to the assessment of the expected frequencies of release events due to pipeline damage is provided, enabling their comparison and the discussion of the relative strengths and weaknesses

    On the Mechanical Energy Involved in the Catastrophic Rupture of Liquid Hydrogen Tanks

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    Hydrogen can play a central role in the energy transition thanks to its unique properties. However, its low density is one of the main drawbacks. The liquefaction process can drastically increase its density up to virtually 71 kg m-3 at atmospheric pressure and -253°C (NIST, 2019). The safety knowledge gap on physical explosions is still broad in the case of liquid hydrogen (LH2). For instance, it is unclear what are the consequences yields as well as the probabilities of a catastrophic rupture of an LH2 tank. A boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE) might arise after this top event. In this case, the expansion of the compressed gaseous phase is followed by the flashing of a fraction of the liquid. Moreover, combustion may occur for hydrogen since it is highly flammable. This complex phenomenon was not widely explored for LH2 yet. This study focused on the physical explosion by also considering the combustion process. Many integral models were adopted to estimate the mechanical energy developed by the explosion. The tank pressure prior to the rupture was considered below the critical one (1.298 MPa (NIST, 2019)). It was assumed that both liquid and gaseous phases are present inside the tank. The influences of the filling degree of the tank (liquid level) and the temperatures of the liquid and gaseous phases on the explosion energy were analysed. The results were compared with the ones of a previous study where similar models were employed to estimate the mechanical energy of an LH2 tank with different initial conditions (Ustolin et al., 2020a). In particular, the effect of the combustion process on the explosion energy and shock wave overpressure was not accounted for. The aim of this study is to conduct a comparison between different models and assess which are the most and the least conservative. The outcomes of this work provide critical suggestions on the consequence analysis of cryogenic liquefied gas vessels explosions