769 research outputs found

    Reduced combustion mechanism for fire with light alcohols

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    The need for sustainable energy has incentivized the use of alternative fuels such as light alcohols. In this work, reduced chemistry mechanisms for the prediction of fires (pool fire, tank fire, and flash fire) for two primary alcohols—methanol and ethanol—were developed, aiming to integrate the detailed kinetic model into the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. The model accommodates either the pure reactants and products or other intermediates, including soot precursors (C2H2, C2H4, and C3H3 ), which were identified via sensitivity and reaction path analyses. The developed reduced mechanism was adopted to predict the burning behavior in a 3D domain and for the estimation of the product distribution. The agreement between the experimental data from the literature and estimations resulting from the analysis performed in this work demonstrates the successful application of this method for the integration of kinetic mechanisms and CFD models, opening to an accurate evaluation of safety scenarios and allowing for the proper design of storage and transportation systems involving light alcohols

    On the prediction of the ignition delay time of bio-syngas

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    The growing energy demand and more stringent environmental regulations have raised concerns about the production and use of alternative fuels. Due to the potential application of the resulting gaseous streams in turbines as an energy source, slow pyrolysis of biomass including municipal waste have been extensively studied under various situations and atmospheric conditions. Nevertheless, the combustion characteristics of these complex mixtures and the chemical interactions between their constituent species are still not fully understood. Hence, the accuracy of commonly used empirical-based mixing rules for the estimation of the overall reactivity, such as laminar burning velocity and ignition delay time is inefficient. This work is addressed to the numerical prediction of the Ignition Delay Time, IDT, of bio-syngas mixtures at different fuel compositions, stoichiometries, temperature, and pressure, by means of a detailed kinetic model. A simplified tool for preliminary evaluation of the overall reactivity with respect to the above-mentioned conditions was proposed for these mixtures, as well, providing an effective feature for safety and management evaluations

    Obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome: Relationship with obesity and management in obese patients

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    SUMMARY Obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS) is a disease characterised by upper airway obstruction during sleep, quite frequent in the general population, even if underestimated. Snoring, sleep apnoea and diurnal hypersomnia are common in these patients. Central obesity plays a key role: it reduces the size and changes the conformation of the upper airways, besides preventing lung expansion, with consequent reduction of lung volumes. Furthermore, obese people are also resistant to leptin, which physiologically stimulates ventilation; as a result, this causes scarce awakening during apnoea. OSAHS diagnosis is based on the combination of clinical parameters, such as apnoea/hypopnoea index (AHI), medical history, physical examination and Mallampati score. The first objective reference method to identify OSAHS is polysomnography followed by sleep endoscopy. Therapy provides in the first instance reduction of body weight, followed by continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), which still remains the treatment of choice in most patients, mandibular advancement devices (MAD) and finally otolaryngology or maxillofacial surgery. Among surgical techniques, central is barbed reposition pharyngoplasty (BRP), used in the field of multilevel surgery


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    The supplementary intake of vitamin D is one of the most debated topics in the medical field, a source of controversy and convictions that are also strongly antithetical. Both the judgment of clinicians and public opinion consider this vitamin necessary for the maintenance of bone health, but also for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases, including diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases, neoplasms, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, stroke, depression and more association between low levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D. In fact, Vitamin D is responsible for regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism and maintaining a healthy mineralized skeleton. It is also known as an immunomodulatory hormone. Experimental studies have shown that 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, the active form of vitamin D, exerts immunologic activities on multiple components of the innate and adaptive immune system as well as endothelial membrane stability. Association between low levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Vitamin D plays a fundamental role in nutrition, especially for the new evidence related to the SARS pandemic Covid-19 and for this reason it is important to maintain optimal levels of the vitamin, controlled through food


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    The tomato, Lycopersicum esculentum, is a horticultural plant belonging to the Solanaceae family. In Italy, the term "tomato" is found for the first time in the famous "Herbarius" by Pietro Mattioli. The etymology of the name leads back to the Latin "pomum aureus", apple or golden apple. Unlike in other languages, such as English, the term "tomato" is linked to the etymology of the Aztec version "Xitotomate". The origin of the tomato plant seems to be South America, in particular Chile and Ecuador, where it grows as a wild plant due to the tropical climate and is able to bear fruit throughout the year, while in European regions, if cultivated in 'open, has a seasonal cycle limited to the summer period. From here, it later spread to Central America and it was the Spaniards who made it known in Europe in the 16th century. The cultivation of the tomato plant was already widespread in the pre-Columbian age, when it was used as an ornamental plant and was not used in the kitchen: this is because the tomato was considered poisonous due to its high content in solanine, a substance considered harmful for the 'man. In 1544, the Italian herbalist Pietro Mattioli classified the tomato plant among the poisonous species. It is not clear when the tomato, as an ornamental and poisonous plant, was considered edible by Europeans; it should be noted that not even the inhabitants of South America ate the fruits of the plant. From Europe, or perhaps more precisely from Spain, the tomato plant landed in Morocco, where it found an ideal climate, and from there it spread throughout the Mediterranean basin. Starting from the seventeenth century, in southern Europe, as well as in Bohemia and England, the tomato began to be used fresh and for the preparation of sauces, while its diffusion as a food in northern Europe encountered many difficulties, perhaps due to the presence of other similar wild plants which, due to their high alkaloid content, were not suitable for food consumption. Only at the end of the 18th century, the cultivation of tomatoes for food purposes experienced a strong boost in Europe, mainly in France and Southern Italy. Starting from the 19th century, the tomato was finally included in European gastronomic treaties, favoring a conspicuous diffusion both on the tables of the richest and those of the less well-off


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    The origin of the tomato plant seems to be South America, in particular Chile and Ecuador, where it grows as a wild plant due to the tropical climate and is able to bear fruit throughout the year, while in European regions, if cultivated in 'open, has a seasonal cycle limited to the summer period. From here, it later spread to Central America and it was the Spaniards who made it known in Europe in the 16th century. Only at the end of the 18th century, the cultivation of tomatoes for food purposes experienced a strong boost in Europe, mainly in France and Southern Italy. Starting from the 19th century, the tomato was finally included in European gastronomic treaties, favoring a conspicuous diffusion both on the tables of the richest and those of the less well-off. Today tomatoes are a staple of our diet a series of researches have identified the effects that the consumption of this particular food, in its many variations, has on our health. If previously the effects that tomatoes have on the improvement of blood lipids were recognized, now researchers have identified a direct correlation between the risk of cardiovascular mortality and the consumption of the fruit, for the presence of Lycopene, a carotenoid antioxidant. It is lycopene, in particular, that produces the greatest benefits for our body. It is a powerful antioxidant that determines, among other things, the particular red color of the tomato. Through research on the effects of a diet rich in tomatoes on the body, the experts found a progressive decrease in the concentration of cholesterol accompanied by a decrease in cardiovascular risk

    Some aspects of the liquid water thermodynamic behavior: From the stable to the deep supercooled regime

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    Liquid water is considered to be a peculiar example of glass forming materials because of the possibility of giving rise to amorphous phases with different densities and of the thermodynamic anomalies that characterize its supercooled liquid phase. In the present work, literature data on the density of bulk liquid water are analyzed in a wide temperature-pressure range, also including the glass phases. A careful data analysis, which was performed on different density isobars, made in terms of thermodynamic response functions, like the thermal expansion αP and the specific heat differences CP − CV, proves, exclusively from the experimental data, the thermodynamic consistence of the liquid-liquid transition hypothesis. The study confirms that supercooled bulk water is a mixture of two liquid “phases”, namely the high density (HDL) and the low density (LDL) liquids that characterize different regions of the water phase diagram. Furthermore, the CP − CV isobars behaviors clearly support the existence of both a liquid–liquid transition and of a liquid–liquid critical point

    Performance assessment of drop tube reactor for biomass fast pyrolysis using process simulator

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    Biomass pyrolysis process from a drop tube reactor was modelled in a plug flow reactor using Aspen Plus process simulation software. A kinetic mechanism for pyrolysis was developed considering the recent improvements and updated kinetic schemes to account for different content of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. In this regard, oak, beechwood, rice straw, and cassava stalk biomasses were analyzed. The main phenomena governing the pyrolysis process are identified in terms of the characteristic times. Pyrolysis process was found to be reaction rate controlled. Effects of pyrolysis temperature on bio-oil, gases, and char yields were evaluated. At optimum pyrolysis conditions (i.e., 500?), a bio-oil yield of 67.3, 64, 43, and 52 wt.% were obtained from oak, beechwood, rice straw, and cassava stalk, respectively. Oak and beechwood were found to give high yields of bio-oil, while rice straw produced high gas and char yields compared to other biomasses. Although temperature is the main factor that plays a key role in the distribution of pyrolysis products, the composition of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin in the feedstock also determines the yield behaviour and composition of products. With the rise in pyrolysis temperature, further decomposition of intermediate components was initiated favouring the formation of lighter fractions. Comparably, species belonging to the aldehyde chemical family had the highest share of bio-oil components in all the investigated feedstocks. Overall, the present study shows a good agreement with the experimental study reported in the literature, confirming its validity as a predictive tool for the biomass pyrolysis process

    Mild COVID-19 in an APECED Patient with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) and High Titer of Type 1 IFN-Abs: A Case Report

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    Autoimmune-Poly-Endocrinopathy-Candidiasis-Ectodermal Dystrophy (APECED), caused by mutations in the Autoimmune Regulator (AIRE) gene, is an autosomal recessive multi-organ autoimmunity syndrome usually defined by high serum titers of type I Interferon Autoantibodies (Type 1 IFN-Abs). These antibodies have recently been found in individuals in the general population who develop life-threatening Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), but the significance of pre-existing Type 1 IFN-Abs in APECED patients with COVID-19 remains unclear. Previous reports of COVID-19 outcomes in APECED patients have been divergent, and protective roles have been proposed for female sex, age <26 years, and immunomodulatory medications including intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg). We report the case of a 30-year-old male APECED patient who experienced a Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection with mild symptoms of fatigue and headache without respiratory distress and did not require hospitalization. He received a stress dose of hydrocortisone for adrenal insufficiency and continued on his baseline medications, including subcutaneous administration of Immunoglobulins (SCIgs) for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). Mild COVID-19 in a 30-year-old male patient with APECED and pre-existing Type 1 IFN-Abs was unexpected. Younger age and management of autoimmunity may have played a role