455 research outputs found

    Early (and Later) LHC Search Strategies for Broad Dimuon Resonances

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    Resonance searches generally focus on narrow states that would produce a sharp peak rising over background. Early LHC running will, however, be sensitive primarily to broad resonances. In this paper we demonstrate that statistical methods should suffice to find broad resonances and distinguish them from both background and contact interactions over a large range of previously unexplored parameter space. We furthermore introduce an angular measure we call ellipticity, which measures how forward (or backward) the muon is in eta, and allows for discrimination between models with different parity violation early in the LHC running. We contrast this with existing angular observables and demonstrate that ellipticity is superior for discrimination based on parity violation, while others are better at spin determination.Comment: 31 pages, 19 figures. References added, minor modifications made to section

    Non-universal minimal Z' models: present bounds and early LHC reach

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    We consider non-universal 'minimal' Z' models, whose additional U(1) charge is a non-anomalous linear combination of the weak hypercharge Y, the baryon number B and the partial lepton numbers (L_e, L_mu, L_tau), with no exotic fermions beyond three standard families with right-handed neutrinos. We show that the observed pattern of neutrino masses and mixing can be fully reproduced by a gauge-invariant renormalizable Lagrangian, and flavor-changing neutral currents in the charged lepton sector are suppressed by a GIM mechanism. We then discuss the phenomenology of some benchmark models. The electrophilic B-3L_e model is significantly constrained by electroweak precision tests, but still allows to fit the hint of an excess observed by CDF in dielectrons but not in dimuons. The muonphilic B-3L_mu model is very mildly constrained by electroweak precision tests, so that even the very early phase of the LHC can explore significant areas of parameter space. We also discuss the hadrophobic L_mu-L_tau model, which has recently attracted interest in connection with some puzzling features of cosmic ray spectra.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figure

    Higgs Mass from D-Terms: a Litmus Test

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    We explore supersymmetric theories in which the Higgs mass is boosted by the non-decoupling D-terms of an extended U(1)XU(1)_X gauge symmetry, defined here to be a general linear combination of hypercharge, baryon number, and lepton number. Crucially, the gauge coupling, gXg_X, is bounded from below to accommodate the Higgs mass, while the quarks and leptons are required by gauge invariance to carry non-zero charge under U(1)XU(1)_X. This induces an irreducible rate, σ\sigmaBR, for ppXpp \rightarrow X \rightarrow \ell\ell relevant to existing and future resonance searches, and gives rise to higher dimension operators that are stringently constrained by precision electroweak measurements. Combined, these bounds define a maximally allowed region in the space of observables, (σ\sigmaBR, mXm_X), outside of which is excluded by naturalness and experimental limits. If natural supersymmetry utilizes non-decoupling D-terms, then the associated XX boson can only be observed within this window, providing a model independent `litmus test' for this broad class of scenarios at the LHC. Comparing limits, we find that current LHC results only exclude regions in parameter space which were already disfavored by precision electroweak data.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Low Scale Flavor Gauge Symmetries

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    We study the possibility of gauging the Standard Model flavor group. Anomaly cancellation leads to the addition of fermions whose mass is inversely proportional to the known fermion masses. In this case all flavor violating effects turn out to be controlled roughly by the Standard Model Yukawa, suppressing transitions for the light generations. Due to the inverted hierarchy the scale of new gauge flavor bosons could be as low as the electroweak scale without violating any existing bound but accessible at the Tevatron and the LHC. The mechanism of flavor protection potentially provides an alternative to Minimal Flavor Violation, with flavor violating effects suppressed by hierarchy of scales rather than couplings.Comment: 24 pages + appendices; v2) Refs. added and numerical examples improved. Results unchanged; v3) small typos in appendix B correcte

    Naturalness bounds in extensions of the MSSM without a light Higgs boson

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    Adopting a bottom-up point of view, we make a comparative study of the simplest extensions of the MSSM with extra tree level contributions to the lightest Higgs boson mass. We show to what extent a relatively heavy Higgs boson, up to 200-350 GeV, can be compatible with data and naturalness. The price to pay is that the theory undergoes some change of regime at a relatively low scale. Bounds on these models come from electroweak precision tests and naturalness, which often requires the scale at which the soft terms are generated to be relatively low.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures. v2: minor revision, added references. v3,v4: some numerical correction

    Leishmaniosis felina (L. infantum) en Paraguay. Diagnóstico, tratamiento y evolución

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    Leishmaniasis is a group of zoonotic diseases caused by a protozoa of the genus Leishmania sp. There have been numerous cases in canines, and in recent years isolated cases in felines were reported. Therefore, cats that live in endemic areas of leishmaniasis are significantly more likely to be infected. It is probable that feline’s immune system is able to control the infection of the parasite, either by eliminating it or by keeping it in a chronic subclinical state. We report a feline case, young adult from Asuncion (Paraguay) with non-specific clinical symptoms. Complementary hematological studies were performed, among them peripheral blood smear and bone marrow puncture, that allowed the identification of the presence of amastigotes of Leishmania sp. L. infantum was identified by molecular techniques. Patient was submitted to treatment, with favorable response and total remission of clinical signs. The identification of the protozoa is determinant for the diagnosis of this disease. Therefore, feline leishmaniasis is less frequent, but not non-existent, and should be included as a differential diagnosis, especially in endemic areas.Leishmaniosis es un conjunto de enfermedades zoonóticas causadas por protozoos del género Leishmania sp. Desde tiempo atrás se vienen registrando numerosas infecciones en caninos y en los últimos años ocurrieron casos aislados en felinos. Algunos gatos que cohabitaron en áreas endémicas de leishmaniosis canina contrajeron la enfermedad. Es probable que el sistema inmunitario del felino sea capaz de controlar la contaminación del parásito, ya sea eliminándolo o bien manteniéndolo en un estado crónico subclínico. Se reporta un caso de leishmaniosis en un felino adulto joven, residente en Asunción (Paraguay), cuya sintomatología clínica era inespecífica. Los estudios de laboratorio permitieron identificar la presencia de amastigotes de Leishmania infantum. El paciente fue sometido a tratamiento con respuesta favorable y remisión total de signos clínicos. La identificación del protozooario es determinante para el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad. Si bien la leishmaniosis es menos frecuente en felinos que en caninos, debe incluirse en el diagnóstico diferencial, especialmente en áreas endémicas

    Meningeal Relapse of Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma Transformed to T-Cell/Histiocyte-Rich Large B-Cell Lymphoma: A Case Report.

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    Central nervous system involvement in Hodgkin lymphoma is extremely rare, especially in nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL), which usually carries a favorable prognosis. Here we report a case of a young patient with NLPHL, who developed a progressive and fatal neurological deterioration requiring a very extensive work-up including two biopsies to obtain the diagnosis of T-cell/histiocyte-rich large B-cell lymphoma like transformation. This report, which includes post-mortem analysis, highlights the correlations between clinical, radiological, and biological data but also the difficulties encountered in reaching the correct diagnosis

    The Impact of Flavour Changing Neutral Gauge Bosons on B->X_s gamma

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    The branching ratio of the rare decay B->X_s gamma provides potentially strong constraints on models beyond the Standard Model. Considering a general scenario with new heavy neutral gauge bosons, present in particular in Z' and gauge flavour models, we point out two new contributions to the B->X_s gamma decay. The first one originates from one-loop diagrams mediated by gauge bosons and heavy exotic quarks with electric charge -1/3. The second contribution stems from the QCD mixing of neutral current-current operators generated by heavy neutral gauge bosons and the dipole operators responsible for the B->X_s gamma decay. The latter mixing is calculated here for the first time. We discuss general sum rules which have to be satisfied in any model of this type. We emphasise that the neutral gauge bosons in question could also significantly affect other fermion radiative decays as well as non-leptonic two-body B decays, epsilon'/epsilon, anomalous (g-2)_mu and electric dipole moments.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figures; version published on JHEP; added magic QCD numbers for flavour-violating Z gauge boson contribution to B -> X_s gamm