181 research outputs found

    Nonclassical Radiation from Thermal Cavities in the Ultrastrong Coupling Regime

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    Thermal or chaotic light sources emit radiation characterized by a slightly enhanced probability of emitting photons in bunches, described by a zero-delay second-order correlation function g(2)(0)=2g^{(2)}(0) = 2. Here we explore photon-coincidence counting statistics of thermal cavities in the ultrastrong coupling regime, where the atom-cavity coupling rate becomes comparable to the cavity resonance frequency. We find that, depending on the system temperature and coupling rate, thermal photons escaping the cavity can display very different statistical behaviors, characterised by second-order correlation functions approaching zero or greatly exceeding two.Comment: results on frequency resolved photon correlations added, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Comprendere la fisica quantistica: breve introduzione per principianti

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    Quantum physics is one of the greatest scientific and cultural in human history. Much of modern technology and our understanding of physical reality are based on it. Quantum physics represented a real cultural revolution as it involves a behavior of particles that radically contradicts our way of understanding everyday reality and the assumptions on which all the previous physics was founded. Yet, after a century from its foundation, mainly due to the abstract and complex mathematical formalism on which it is based, it remains for the non-professionals and for the high school students something mysterious and bizarre. In this paper we illustrate a didactic approach, which is inspired by recent attempts to reformulate this theory on the basis of elementary physical principles. This approach has the advantage of not using the mathematical formalism of the Hibert spaces and of the Hermitian operators, and of obtaining in an intuitive and reasonable way the fundamental concepts of indeterminacy and entanglement. We hope this approach can contribute to a greater dissemination and understanding of this scientific and cultural heritage.La fisica quantistica, rappresenta una delle maggiori scientifiche e culturali nella storia umana. Gran parte della moderna tecnologia e della nostra comprensione della realtà fisica si basano su di essa. La fisica quantistica rappresentò una reale rivoluzione culturale in quanto prevede un comportamento delle particelle che contraddice radicalmente il nostro modo di comprendere la realtà quotidiana e i presupposti su cui è stata fondata tutta la fisica precedente. Eppure, a distanza di un secolo dalla sua fondazione, a causa principalmente del formalismo matematico astratto e complesso su cui si basa, rimane per i non addetti ai lavori e per gli studenti di liceo qualcosa di misterioso e bizzarro. In questo lavoro illustriamo un approccio didattico, che prende spunto da recenti tentativi di riformulare questa teoria sulla base di principi fisici elementari. Tale approccio ha il vantaggio di non utilizzare il formalismo matematico degli spazi di Hibert e degli operatori Hermitiani, e di ricavare in modo intuitivo e ragionevole i concetti fondamentali di indeterminazione ed entanglement. Ci auguriamo che questo approccio possa contribuire ad una maggiore diffusione e comprensione di questo patrimonio scientifico e culturale

    Near-field imaging of surface-plasmon vortex-modes around a single elliptical nanohole in a gold film

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    We present scanning near-field images of surface plasmon modes around a single elliptical nanohole in 88 nm thick Au film. We find that rotating surface plasmon vortex modes carrying extrinsic orbital angular momentum can be induced under linearly polarized illumination. The vortex modes are obtained only when the incident polarization direction differs from one of the ellipse axes. Such a direct observation of the vortex modes is possible thanks to the ability of the SNOM technique to obtain information on both the amplitude and the phase of the near field. The presence of the vortex mode is determined by the rotational symmetry breaking of the system and it can be considered the counterpart of the photonic spin Hall effect. Finite element method calculations show that such a vorticity originates from the presence of nodal points where the phase of the field is undefined, leading to a circulation of the energy flow. The configuration producing vortex modes corresponds to a nonzero total topological charge (+1)

    All Optical Switch of Vacuum Rabi Oscillations: The Ultrafast Quantum Eraser

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    We study the all-optical time-control of the strong coupling between a single cascade three-level quantum emitter and a microcavity. We find that only specific arrival-times of the control pulses succeed in switching-off the Rabi oscillations. Depending on the arrival times of control pulses, a variety of exotic non-adiabatic cavity quantum electrodynamics effects can be observed. We show that only control pulses with specific arrival times are able to suddenly switch-off and -on first-order coherence of cavity photons, without affecting their strong coupling population dynamics. Such behavior may be understood as a manifestation of quantum complementarity

    Quantum control and long-range quantum correlations in dynamical Casimir arrays

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    The recent observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a modulated superconducting waveguide, coronating thirty years of world-wide research, empowered the quantum technology community with a powerful tool to create entangled photons on-chip. In this work we show how, going beyond the single waveguide paradigm using a scalable array, it is possible to create multipartite nonclassical states, with the possibility to control the long-range quantum correlations of the emitted photons. In particular, our finite-temperature theory shows how maximally entangled NOONNOON states can be engineered in a realistic setup. The results here presented open the way to new kinds of quantum fluids of light, arising from modulated vacuum fluctuations in linear systems