37 research outputs found

    Sex‐Specific Variability in the Immune System across Life‐History Stages.

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    Organisms theoretically manage their immune systems optimally across their life spans to maximize fitness. However, we lack information on (1) how the immune system is managed across life‐history stages, (2) whether the sexes manage immunity differentially, and (3) whether immunity is repeatable within an individual. We present a within‐individual, repeated‐measures experiment examining life‐history stage variation in the inflammatory immune response in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). In juveniles, age‐dependent variation in immune response differed in a sex‐ and context‐specific manner, resulting in no repeatability across stages. In adults, females displayed little stage‐dependent variation in immune response when laying while receiving a high‐quality (HQ) diet; however, laying while receiving a low‐quality (LQ) diet significantly reduced both immune responses and reproductive outputs in a manner consistent with a facultative (resource‐driven) effect of reproduction on immunity. Moreover, a reduced immune response in females who were raising offspring while receiving an HQ diet suggests a residual effect of the energetic costs of reproduction. Conversely, adult males displayed no variation in immune responses across stages, with high repeatability from the nonbreeding stage to the egg‐laying stage, regardless of diet quality (HQ diet, r=0.51r=0.51; LQ diet, r=0.42r=0.42). Females displayed high repeatability when laying while receiving the HQ diet (r=0.53r=0.53); however, repeatability disappeared when individuals received the LQ diet. High‐response females receiving the HQ diet had greater immune flexibility than did low‐response females who were laying while receiving the LQ diet. Data are consistent with immunity being a highly plastic trait that is sex‐specifically modulated in a context‐dependent manner and suggest that immunity at one stage may provide limited information about immunity at future stages

    Ontogeny and Individual Variation in the Adrenocortical Response of Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia Guttata) Nestlings

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    Numerous studies indicate interspecies variation in the ontogeny of the adrenocortical response in birds; however, little is known about the extent of interindividual variation in avian young. Toward this end, we examined the ontogeny and interindividual variation in the adrenocortical response in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) nestlings. We measured baseline and stress-induced total (bound and free) corticosterone, corticosteroid binding globulin capacity, and resulting estimated free corticosterone levels in nestlings of four different ages ( days 5, 10, 16, and 21). In addition, we investigated the potential correlates of interindividual variation (brood size and mass). Nestlings at days 5 and 10 post-hatching showed no significant increase in total or free corticosterone levels in response to a standardized handling stress, whereas an adult-like stress response was seen by day 16 post-hatching. There was large interindividual (fivefold) variation in both baseline and stress-induced corticosterone among individual nestlings at any age. We estimate that half of this individual variation in the adrenocortical response could be explained by between-clutch variation (e.g., genetics), while the other half could be explained by other factors such as rearing environment (based on estimated intraclass correlation coefficients). Total baseline corticosterone, but not stress-induced corticosterone, was negatively correlated with fledging mass in this species

    Plasticity in singing effort and its relationship with monoamine metabolism in the songbird telencephalon

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    Factors intrinsic or extrinsic to individuals, such as their quality or the quality of competition in their social environment, can influence their communication signalling effort. We hypothesized that telencephalic monoamine secretion mediates the effects of a male’s own quality and quality of his social environment on his sexual signalling effort. The duration of a male European starling’s (Sturnus vulgaris) principal sexual signal, his song, positively correlates with several aspects of his quality, including his reproductive success, immunocompetence, and ability to attract mates. Therefore, the length of songs to which he is exposed reflects, in part, the quality of competition in his social environment. We manipulated the quality of the competitive environment by exposing male starlings to long or short songs for one week. We measured the length of songs produced by experimental males to gauge their quality, counted the number of songs they produced to gauge singing effort, and quantified telencephalic monoamine metabolism using HPLC. Singing effort increased with the length of the males’ own songs and with the length of songs to which we exposed them. Norepinephrine metabolism in Area X of the song control system was negatively correlated with the subjects’ mean song length and singing effort. Serotonin metabolism in the caudomedial mesopallium of the auditory telencephalon increased with the length of songs to which we exposed the subjects and with their singing effort. This raises the hypothesis that serotonin and norepinephrine secretion in the telencephalon help mediate the effects of extrinsic and intrinsic factors on signalling effort

    Ontogeny and Individual Variation in the Adrenocortical Response of Zebra Finch ( Taeniopygia guttata ) Nestlings

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    Abstract Numerous studies indicate interspecies variation in the ontogeny of the adrenocortical response in birds; however, little is known about the extent of interindividual variation in avian young. Toward this end, we examined the ontogeny and interindividual variation in the adrenocortical response in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) nestlings. We measured baseline and stress‐induced total (bound and free) corticosterone, corticosteroid binding globulin capacity, and resulting estimated free corticosterone levels in nestlings of four different ages (days 5, 10, 16, and 21). In addition, we investigated the potential correlates of interindividual variation (brood size and mass). Nestlings at days 5 and 10 post‐hatching showed no significant increase in total or free corticosterone levels in response to a standardized handling stress, whereas an adult‐like stress response was seen by day 16 post‐hatching. There was large interindividual (fivefold) variation in both baseline and stress‐induced corticos..

    Individual differences in the motivation to communicate relate to levels of midbrain and striatal catecholamine markers in male European starlings

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    Individuals display dramatic differences in social communication even within similar social contexts. Across vertebrates dopaminergic projections from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and midbrain central gray (GCt) strongly influence motivated, reward-directed behaviors. Norepinephrine is also rich in these areas and may alter dopamine neuronal activity. The present study was designed to provide insight into the roles of dopamine and norepinephrine in VTA and GCt and their efferent striatal target, song control region area X, in the regulation of individual differences in the motivation to sing. We used high pressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection to measure dopamine, norepinephrine and their metabolites in micropunched samples from VTA, GCt, and area X in male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). We categorized males as sexually motivated or non-sexually motivated based on individual differences in song produced in response to a female. Dopamine markers and norepinephrine in VTA and dopamine in area X correlated positively with sexually-motivated song. Norepinephrine in area X correlated negatively with non-sexually-motivated song. Dopamine in GCt correlated negatively with sexually-motivated song, and the metabolite DOPAC correlated positively with non-sexually-motivated song. Results highlight a role for evolutionarily conserved dopaminergic projections from VTA to striatum in the motivation to communicate and highlight novel patterns of catecholamine activity in area X, VTA, and GCt associated with individual differences in sexually-motivated and non-sexually-motivated communication. Correlations between dopamine and norepinephrine markers also suggest that norepinephrine may contribute to individual differences in communication by modifying dopamine neuronal activity in VTA and GCt

    Estradiol-dependent Catecholaminergic Innervation of Auditory Areas in a Seasonally Breeding Songbird

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    A growing body of evidence suggests that gonadal steroids such as estradiol (E2) alter neural responses not only in brain regions associated with reproductive behavior, but also in sensory areas. Because catecholamine systems are involved in sensory processing and selective attention, and because they are sensitive to E2 in many species, they may mediate the neural effects of E2 in sensory areas. Here, we tested the effects of E2 on catecholaminergic innervation, synthesis, and activity in the auditory system of white-throated sparrows, a seasonally breeding songbird in which E2 promotes selective auditory responses to song. Non-breeding females with regressed ovaries were held on a winter-like photoperiod and implanted with silastic capsules containing either no hormone or E2. In one hemisphere of the brain, we used immunohistochemistry to quantify fibers immunoreactive for tyrosine hydroxylase or dopamine beta-hydroxylase in the auditory forebrain, thalamus, and midbrain. E2 treatment increased catecholaminergic innervation in the same areas of the auditory system in which E2 promotes selectivity for song. In the contralateral hemisphere, we quantified dopamine, norepinephrine and their metabolites in tissue punches using HPLC. Norepinephrine increased in the auditory forebrain, but not the midbrain, after E2 treatment. We found evidence of interhemispheric differences, both in immunoreactivity and catecholamine content did not depend on E2 treatment. Overall, our results show that increases in plasma E2 typical of the breeding season enhance catecholaminergic innervation and synthesis in some parts of the auditory system, raising the possibility that catecholamines play a role in E2-dependent auditory plasticity in songbirds

    Child Mortality, Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Activity and Cellular Aging in Mothers

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    Psychological challenges, including traumatic events, have been hypothesized to increase the age-related pace of biological aging. Here we test the hypothesis that psychological challenges can affect the pace of telomere attrition, a marker of cellular aging, using data from an ongoing longitudinal-cohort study of Kaqchikel Mayan women living in a population with a high frequency of child mortality, a traumatic life event. Specifically, we evaluate the associations between child mortality, maternal telomere length and the mothers’ hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAA), or stress axis, activity. Child mortality data were collected in 2000 and 2013. HPAA activity was assessed by quantifying cortisol levels in first morning urinary specimens collected every other day for seven weeks in 2013. Telomere length (TL) was quantified using qPCR in 55 women from buccal specimens collected in 2013. Results: Shorter TL with increasing age was only observed in women who experienced child mortality (p = 0.015). Women with higher average basal cortisol (p = 0.007) and greater within-individual variation (standard deviation) in basal cortisol (p = 0.053) presented shorter TL. Non-parametric bootstrapping to estimate mediation effects suggests that HPAA activity mediates the effect of child mortality on TL. Our results are, thus, consistent with the hypothesis that traumatic events can influence cellular aging and that HPAA activity may play a mediatory role. Future large-scale longitudinal studies are necessary to confirm our results and further explore the role of the HPAA in cellular aging, as well as to advance our understanding of the underlying mechanisms involved


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    SUMMARY Recent studies have shown that the metabolic cost of avian egg production involves a 16-27% increase in metabolic rate (MR) above non-reproductive basal or resting values (BMR and RMR, respectively). To determine how the metabolic cost of egg production interacted with the costs of other essential processes (such as cold acclimation and active heat production), we measured the MR of non-breeding and egg-producing zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) while (a) warm-acclimated (to 19-21°C) and measured within their thermoneutral zone (at 35°C), (b) cold-acclimated (to 7°C) and measured at thermoneutrality (at 35°C, i.e. not actively producing heat), and (c) cold-acclimated and measured below thermoneutrality (at 7°C) (i.e. during active heat production). The metabolic cost of egg production was small (24% above BMR) compared with the additive costs of cold acclimation and active heat production (224% above BMR). Exposure to low ambient temperatures was accompanied by an increase in seed consumption (by 72%) and a decrease in locomotor activity (by 72%) compared with warm-acclimated, nonbreeding values. By contrast, egg production in heat-producing females was associated with an 11% decrease in MR and a 22% decrease in seed consumption compared with non-breeding thermoregulating values. Our data suggest that while the increase in MR associated with egg production is small in relation to the birds' capacity to increase MR in response to other energetically demanding processes, the addition of egg production to these metabolically costly activities may be enough to necessitate the use of energy-saving strategies, such as internal energy reallocation, to cope with the additional energetic demands

    Female Lincoln's sparrows modulate their behavior in response to variation in male song quality

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    Sexually reproducing organisms should mate with the highest quality individuals that they can. When female songbirds choose a mate, they are thought to use several aspects of male song that reflect his quality. Under resource-limited environmental conditions, male Lincoln's sparrows (Melospiza lincolnii) vary among one another in several aspects of song quality, including song length, song complexity, and trill performance. In a 2-pronged approach, we tested whether variation in song quality of male Lincoln's sparrows influences the behavior of females that are in a reproductive-like state. Over two trials, we exposed females to songs from the high and low ends of the distribution of naturally occurring song quality variation and found a higher level of behavioral activity in females exposed to high-quality songs, especially when they had first been exposed to low-quality songs. We also examined female phonotaxis toward antiphonally played songs with experimentally elevated and reduced trill performance and found that females moved preferentially toward the songs with elevated trill performance. Contrary to most studies investigating the behavioral responses of wild, female songbirds to variation in male song, we obtained our results without administering exogenous estradiol, which can artificially perturb the female's physiology. Our results demonstrate that the behavior of female Lincoln's sparrows is modulated by the quality of male songs to which they are exposed and that trill performance plays a significant role in this behavioral modulation. Furthermore, as the order of song quality presentation matters, it appears that recent song experience also influences female behavior. Copyright 2010, Oxford University Press.