4 research outputs found

    Efficiency Analysis of Partner Organizations: Poverty Stoplight

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    While poverty has a variety of interpretations around the world, almost everyone experiences some aspect of poverty at some point in their lives. Our sponsor, Poverty Stoplight, partners with organizations around the world to reduce poverty through the use of deprivation indicator surveys, which are used to help families progress out of poverty. Our project analyzed a subset of these partner organizations in relation to the Poverty Stoplight survey to determine which resources and processes partner organizations have that help families move out of poverty more efficiently. We provided recommendations based on this analysis to help improve efficiency between Poverty Stoplight and their partner organizations

    The Private Sector’s Role in Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change: The Case of New Zealand

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    As climate change is an increasingly serious global problem, the goal of our project was to document response strategies in New Zealand. We conducted 14 interviews with decision makers in critical economic sectors to gather these strategies and assess their impacts. Our findings were categorized into governmental policies and actions, and technical solutions implemented by companies within different sectors. Based on these interview results, we recommended a series of solutions to the United States based on current greenhouse gas emissions by economic sectors