140 research outputs found

    Multiple interactions and AGK rules in pQCD

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    We review some aspects of multiple interactions in High Energy QCD; we discuss in particular AGK rules and present some results concerning multiple interactions in the context of jet production.Comment: Talk given by MS at 12th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering: Forward Physics and QCD, Hamburg, DESY, Germany, 21-25 May 2007. 7pp. Minor change

    Bistable defect structures in blue phase devices

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    Blue phases (BPs) are liquid crystals made up by networks of defects, or disclination lines. While existing phase diagrams show a striking variety of competing metastable topologies for these networks, very little is known as to how to kinetically reach a target structure, or how to switch from one to the other, which is of paramount importance for devices. We theoretically identify two confined blue phase I systems in which by applying an appropriate series of electric field it is possible to select one of two bistable defect patterns. Our results may be used to realise new generation and fast switching energy-saving bistable devices in ultrathin surface treated BPI wafers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    The AMS-02 Time of Flight System. Final Design

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    The AMS-02 detector is a superconducting magnetic spectrometer that will operate on the International Space Station. The time of flight (TOF) system of AMS-02 is composed by four scintillator planes with 8, 8, 10, 8 counters each, read at both ends by a total of 144 phototubes. This paper describes the new design, the expected performances, and shows preliminary results of the ion beam test carried on at CERN on October 2002.Comment: 4 pages, 6 EPS figures. Proc. of the 28th ICRC (2003

    AGK Cutting Rules and Multiple Scattering in Hadronic Collisions

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    We discuss the AGK rules for the exchange of an arbitrary number of reggeized gluons in perturbative QCD in the high energy limit. Results include the cancellation of corrections to single jet and double jet inclusive cross sections, both for hard and soft rescattering contributions.Comment: 31 pages, latex, 20 figure

    Initial results of tests of depth markers as a surface diagnostic for fusion devices

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    The Accelerator-Based In Situ Materials Surveillance (AIMS) diagnostic was developed to perform in situ ion beam analysis (IBA) on Alcator C-Mod in August 2012 to study divertor surfaces between shots. These results were limited to studying low-Z surface properties, because the Coulomb barrier precludes nuclear reactions between high-Z elements and the ∼1 MeV AIMS deuteron beam. In order to measure the high-Z erosion, a technique using deuteron-induced gamma emission and a low-Z depth marker is being developed. To determine the depth of the marker while eliminating some uncertainty due to beam and detector parameters, the energy dependence of the ratio of two gamma yields produced from the same depth marker will be used to determine the ion beam energy loss in the surface, and thus the thickness of the high-Z surface. This paper presents the results of initial trials of using an implanted depth marker layer with a deuteron beam and the method of ratios. First tests of a lithium depth marker proved unsuccessful due to the production of conflicting gamma peaks, among other issues. However, successful trials with a boron depth marker show that it is possible to measure the depth of the marker layer with the method of gamma yield ratios.United States. Department of Energy. (grant number DE-FG02-94ER54235, cooperative agreement number DEFC02-99ER54512

    Four point function of R-currents in N=4 SYM in the Regge limit at weak coupling

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    We compute, in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory, the four point correlation function of R-currents in the Regge limit in the leading logarithmic approximation at weak coupling. Such a correlator is the closest analog to photon-photon scattering within QCD, and there is a well-defined procedure to perform the analogous computation at strong coupling via the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main result of this paper is, on the gauge theory side, the proof of Regge factorization and the explicit computation of the R-current impact factors.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, typos correcte

    The AMS-02 Time of Flight System

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    The Time-of-Flight (TOF) system of the AMS detector gives the fast trigger to the read out electronics and measures velocity, direction and charge of the crossing particles. The first version of the detector (called AMS-01) has flown in 1998 aboard of the shuttle Discovery for a 10 days test mission, and collected about 10810^8 events. The new version (called AMS-02) will be installed on the International Space Station and will operate for at least three years, collecting roughly 101010^{10} Cosmic Ray (CR) particles. The TOF system of AMS-01 successfully operated during the test mission, obtaining a time resolution of 120 ps for protons and better for other CR ions. The TOF system of AMS-02 will be different due to the strong fringing magnetic field and weight constraintsComment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Talk given at the ``First International Conference on Particle and Fundamental Physics in Space'', La Biodola, Isola d'Elba (Italy), 14 -- 19 May 2002. To be published by Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplement. Sep. 13, 2002: added "Conclusion" sectio

    ARC: A compact, high-field, fusion nuclear science facility and demonstration power plant with demountable magnets

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    The affordable, robust, compact (ARC) reactor is the product of a conceptual design study aimed at reducing the size, cost, and complexity of a combined fusion nuclear science facility (FNSF) and demonstration fusion Pilot power plant. ARC is a ∼200–250 MWe tokamak reactor with a major radius of 3.3 m, a minor radius of 1.1 m, and an on-axis magnetic field of 9.2 T. ARC has rare earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) superconducting toroidal field coils, which have joints to enable disassembly. This allows the vacuum vessel to be replaced quickly, mitigating first wall survivability concerns, and permits a single device to test many vacuum vessel designs and divertor materials. The design point has a plasma fusion gain of Q[subscript p] ≈ 13.6, yet is fully non-inductive, with a modest bootstrap fraction of only ∼63%. Thus ARC offers a high power gain with relatively large external control of the current profile. This highly attractive combination is enabled by the ∼23 T peak field on coil achievable with newly available REBCO superconductor technology. External current drive is provided by two innovative inboard RF launchers using 25 MW of lower hybrid and 13.6 MW of ion cyclotron fast wave power. The resulting efficient current drive provides a robust, steady state core plasma far from disruptive limits. ARC uses an all-liquid blanket, consisting of low pressure, slowly flowing fluorine lithium beryllium (FLiBe) molten salt. The liquid blanket is low-risk technology and provides effective neutron moderation and shielding, excellent heat removal, and a tritium breeding ratio ≥ 1.1. The large temperature range over which FLiBe is liquid permits an output blanket temperature of 900 K, single phase fluid cooling, and a high efficiency helium Brayton cycle, which allows for net electricity generation when operating ARC as a Pilot power plant.United States. Department of Energy (Grant DE-FG02-94ER54235)United States. Department of Energy (Grant DE-SC008435)United States. Department of Energy. Office of Fusion Energy Sciences (Grant DE-FC02-93ER54186)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1122374

    Staging Bipolar Disorder.

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the evidence supporting a staging model for bipolar disorder. The authors conducted an extensive Medline and Pubmed search of the published literature using a variety of search terms (staging, bipolar disorder, early intervention) to find relevant articles, which were reviewed in detail. Only recently specific proposals have been made to apply clinical staging to bipolar disorder. The staging model in bipolar disorder suggests a progression from prodromal (at-risk) to more severe and refractory presentations (Stage IV). A staging model implies a longitudinal appraisal of different aspects: clinical variables, such as number of episodes and subsyndromal symptoms, functional and cognitive impairment, comorbidity, biomarkers, and neuroanatomical changes. Staging models are based on the fact that response to treatment is generally better when it is introduced early in the course of the illness. It assumes that earlier stages have better prognosis and require simpler therapeutic regimens. Staging may assist in bipolar disorder treatment planning and prognosis, and emphasize the importance of early intervention. Further research is required in this exciting and novel area
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