406 research outputs found

    Eficacia de la luz ultravioleta-C en la eliminación de bacterias asociadas a infecciones nosocomiales aisladas en estetoscopios de estudiantes de medicina

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    OBJETIVO: Demostrar la eficacia de la luz ultravioleta-C emitida por un dispositivo comercial, para la eliminación de bacterias involucradas en infecciones asociadas a la atención sanitaria, aisladas de las membranas de estetoscopios de estudiantes de Doctorado en Medicina de 4°, 5° y 6° año de la Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado. METODOLOGÍA: De tipo cuasiexperimental, se realizó la inoculación de 66 membranas de estetoscopios de estudiantes en placas con Plate Count Agar previo y posterior a la aplicación de luz ultravioleta-C (LUV-C); se utilizó un dispositivo comercial de LUV-C a 254nm en un espacio cerrado por 10 minutos. Se realizó conteo manual de las unidades formadoras de colonia (UFC) a las 24 horas. Se identificaron las bacterias presentes por medio de pruebas microbiológicas. Se evaluó el porcentaje de reducción de UFC y si existía una diferencia estadísticamente significativa con la prueba de Wilcoxon (p<0.05). RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de membranas contaminadas fue del 97%, posterior a la LUV-C esta se redujo a 21.2%. Se identificaron 88 bacterias en las membranas: Staphylococcus coagulasa negativa 68.2%, Bacillus subtilis 21.6%, MRSA 3.4%, Streptococcus spp. 2.3%, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1.1%, Pseudomonas oryzihabitans 1.1%, Serratia fonticola 1.1% y Myrioides spp/Chryseobacterium indologenes 1.1%. Posterior a la aplicación de LUV-C se aislaron 14 bacterias: Staphylococcus coagulasa negativa 92.9% y MRSA 7.1%. El promedio de UFC previo y posterior a la aplicación de LUV-C fue de 27.9 y 1.5 respectivamente. El porcentaje de eliminación promedio fue del 98%. CONCLUSIONES: La LUV-C redujo el crecimiento bacteriano en un 98% para bacterias totales (p<0.0001), 97.9% Staphylococcus coagulasa negativa (p<0.0001), 96.9% MRSA y 100% Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Se determina la eficacia de un método que puede contribuir a la reducción de infecciones asociadas a la atención sanitaria, mediante su aplicación en dispositivos médicos.Tesis de grado para optar al Título de Doctor en Medicin

    Menstrual blood‑derived stromal cells modulate functional properties of mouse and human macrophages

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    Menstrual blood-derived stromal cells (MenSCs) are emerging as a strong candidate for cell-based therapies due to their immunomodulatory properties. However, their direct impact on innate immune populations remains elusive. Since macrophages play a key role in the onset and development of inflammation, understanding MenSCs implication in the functional properties of these cells is required to refine their clinical effects during the treatment of inflammatory disorders. In this study, we assessed the effects that MenSCs had on the recruitment of macrophages and other innate immune cells in two mouse models of acute inflammation, a thioglycollate (TGC)-elicited peritonitis model and a monobacterial sepsis model. We found that, in the TGC model, MenSCs injection reduced the percentage of macrophages recruited to the peritoneum and promoted the generation of peritoneal immune cell aggregates. In the sepsis model, MenSCs exacerbated infection by diminishing the recruitment of macrophages and neutrophils to the site of infection and inducing defective bacterial clearance. Additional in vitro studies confirmed that co-culture with MenSCs impaired macrophage bactericidal properties, affecting bacterial killing and the production of reactive oxygen intermediates. Our findings suggest that MenSCs modulate the macrophage population and that this modulation must be taken into consideration when it comes to future clinical applications.Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016, ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain PI16/01642 PI10/01096European Union (EU)Catedra de Investigación Antonio Chamorro-Alejandro Otero, Universidad de Granada CACH2017-

    SLAMF8 Downregulates Mouse Macrophage Microbicidal Mechanisms via PI3K Pathways

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    SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2022.910112/ full#supplementary-materialACKNOWLEDGMENTS SR-P is a PhD student belonging to the Official Doctoral Program in Biomedicine of the University of Granada. The authors thank Dr. Ana Santos Carro and Dr. David Porcell from the Center of Technical Instrumentation, University of Granada, for their excellent technical assistance with confocal microscopy, and Dr. M.C. Ruiz-Ruiz and Dr. Silvia Calpe-Flores for revising the manuscript.Signaling lymphocytic activation molecule family 8 (SLAMF8) is involved in the negative modulation of NADPH oxidase activation. However, the impact of SLAMF8 downregulation on macrophage functionality and the microbicide mechanism remains elusive. To study this in depth, we first analyzed NADPH oxidase activation pathways in wild-type and SLAMF8-deficient macrophages upon different stimulus. Herein, we describe increased phosphorylation of the Erk1/2 and p38 MAP kinases, as well as increased phosphorylation of NADPH oxidase subunits in SLAMF8-deficient macrophages. Furthermore, using specific inhibitors, we observed that specific PI3K inhibition decreased the differences observed between wild-type and SLAMF8-deficient macrophages, stimulated with either PMA, LPS, or Salmonella typhimurium infection. Consequently, SLAMF8-deficient macrophages also showed increased recruitment of small GTPases such as Rab5 and Rab7, and the p47phox subunit to cytoplasmic Salmonella, suggesting an impairment of Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV) progression in SLAMF8-deficient macrophages. Enhanced iNOS activation, NO production, and IL-6 expression were also observed in the absence of SLAMF8 upon Salmonella infection, either in vivo or in vitro, while overexpression of SLAMF8 in RAW264.7 macrophages showed the opposite phenotype. In addition, SLAMF8-deficient macrophages showed increased activation of Src kinases and reduced SHP-1 phosphate levels upon IFNγ and Salmonella stimuli in comparison to wild-type macrophages. In agreement with in vitro results, Salmonella clearance was augmented in SLAMF8-deficient mice compared to that in wild-type mice. Therefore, in conclusion, SLAMF8 intervention upon bacterial infection downregulates mouse macrophage activation, and confirmed that SLAMF8 receptor could be a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of severe or unresolved inflammatory conditions.Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Ténica y de Innovación, ISCIII Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (Grants PI16/01642 and PI10/01096


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    ABSTRACT Seed banks have been studied to a greater extent in agriculture than in forestry due to long-standing concerns about the threat to agricultural crops posed by weed species. However, in forest areas seed banks have an important influence on plant succession since the vegetation that colonizes a space after a major disturbance will arise at least partly from them. Knowledge about this condition can help land managers to prescribe site treatments that produce desired vegetation from the perspectives of wildlife habitat, reduced plant competition with crop tree species, and related management concerns. The variability of the soil seed bank of a Pinus montezumae forest was assessed using seedling-emergence method for soil samples. The number of species and seedling abundance were evaluated by sampling four plots in a natural regeneration area. A total of 43 species were recorded in the seed bank (2 trees, 17 shrubs, 1 grass and 23 herbs). Viable seeds of most species were contained in similar abundance in the humus and mineral soil layers. Dominant species in the stand (P. montezumae) and codominant species (P. ayacahuite, Abies religiosa, and Alnus firmifolia) were poorly represented in the soil seed bank which was dominated by seeds of an array of annual and perennial herbs. Regeneration of commercial species under any silvicultural method must come from current seed production, or seed produced off site, but not from the soil seed bank. RESUMEN Los bancos de semillas han sido estudiados más en la agricultura que en el área forestal debido a la preocupación sobre el peligro de que los cultivos sean dominados por malas hierbas. Tienen una gran influencia en la sucesión vegetal que coloniza un área después de un disturbio. El conocimiento sobre bancos de semillas en el suelo puede ayudar a prescribir los tratamientos que propicien condiciones de vegetación deseadas desde la perspectiva de hábitat de fauna silvestre, reducción de competencia con especies de importancia y otros problemas relacionados con el manejo forestal. La variación del banco de semillas en el suelo de un bosque de Pinus montezumae fue evaluado por medio del método de emergencia en muestras de suelo; se determinó la abundancia y el número de taxa mediante el muestreo en cuatro parcelas en un área de regeneración natural. Los resultados indican 43 especies (dos de árboles, 17 de arbustos, una de pasto y 23 de hierbas). La abundancia de semillas viables fue similar para la mayoría de ellas en la capa de humus y suelo mineral; en tanto que las dominantes del rodal (P. montezumae) y codominantes (P. ayacahuite, Abies religiosa y Alnus firmifolia), no estuvieron presentes en el banco, en el cual dominaron herbáceas anuales y perennes. La regeneración de las especies comerciales para este tipo de bosque, bajo cualquier método silvícola, debe provenir de semilla producida en el año in situ o de áreas aledañas, pero no del banco de semillas. Palabras clave: Abies religiosa, Alnus firmifolia, regeneración natural, Pinus montezumae Lamb., plántula, banco de semillas en el suelo

    Connectivity between white shark populations off Central California, USA and Guadalupe Island, Mexico

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    Marine animals often move beyond national borders and exclusive economic zones resulting in a need for trans-boundary management spanning multiple national jurisdictions. Highly migratory fish vulnerable to over-exploitation require protections at international level, as exploitation practices can be disparate between adjacent countries and marine jurisdictions. In this study we collaboratively conducted an analysis of white shark connectivity between two main aggregation regions with independent population assessment and legal protection programs; one off central California, USA and one off Guadalupe Island, Mexico. We acoustically tagged 326 sub-adult and adult white sharks in central California (n=210) and in Guadalupe Island (n=116) with acoustic transmitters between 2008-2019. Of the 326 tagged white sharks, 30 (9.20%) individuals were detected at both regions during the study period. We used a Bayesian implementation of logistic regression with a binomial distribution to estimate the effect of sex, maturity, and tag location to the response variable of probability of moving from one region to the other. While nearly one in ten individuals in our sample were detected in both regions over the study period, the annual rate of trans-regional movement was low (probability of movement = 0.015 yr-1, 95% credible interval = 0.002, 0.061). Sub-adults were more likely than adults to move between regions and sharks were more likely to move from Guadalupe Island to central California, however, sex, and year were not important factors influencing movement. This first estimation of demographic-specific trans-regional movement connecting US and Mexico aggregations with high seasonal site fidelity represents an important step to future international management and assessment of the northeastern Pacific white shark population as a whole

    The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: tomographic BAO analysis of DR12 combined sample in configuration space

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    We perform a tomographic baryon acoustic oscillations analysis using the two-point galaxy correlation function measured from the combined sample of BOSS DR12, which covers the redshift range of 0.2<z<0.750.2<z<0.75. Splitting the sample into multiple overlapping redshift slices to extract the redshift information of galaxy clustering, we obtain a measurement of DA(z)/rdD_A(z)/r_d and H(z)rdH(z)r_d at nine effective redshifts with the full covariance matrix calibrated using MultiDark-Patchy mock catalogues. Using the reconstructed galaxy catalogues, we obtain the precision of 1.3%2.2%1.3\%-2.2\% for DA(z)/rdD_A(z)/r_d and 2.1%6.0%2.1\%-6.0\% for H(z)rdH(z)r_d. To quantify the gain from the tomographic information, we compare the constraints on the cosmological parameters using our 9-bin BAO measurements, the consensus 3-bin BAO and RSD measurements at three effective redshifts in \citet{Alam2016}, and the non-tomographic (1-bin) BAO measurement at a single effective redshift. Comparing the 9-bin with 1-bin constraint result, it can improve the dark energy Figure of Merit by a factor of 1.24 for the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder parametrisation for equation of state parameter wDEw_{\rm DE}. The errors of w0w_0 and waw_a from 9-bin constraints are slightly improved when compared to the 3-bin constraint result.Comment: 14 pages, 21 figures, 7 Tables. Submitted to MNRA

    Arterial line pressure control enhanced extracorporeal blood flow prescription in hemodialysis patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In hemodialysis, extracorporeal blood flow (Qb) recommendation is 300–500 mL/min. To achieve the best Qb, we based our prescription on dynamic arterial line pressure (DALP).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This prospective study included 72 patients with catheter Group 1 (G1), 1877 treatments and 35 arterio-venous (AV) fistulae Group 2 (G2), 1868 treatments. The dialysis staff was trained to prescribe Qb sufficient to obtain DALP between -200 to -250 mmHg. We measured ionic clearance (IK: mL/min), access recirculation, DALP (mmHg) and Qb (mL/min). Six prescription zones were identified: from an optimal A zone (Qb > 400, DALP -200 to -250) to zones with lower Qb E (Qb < 300, DALP -200 to -250) and F (Qb < 300, DALP > -199).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Treatments distribution in A was 695 (37%) in G1 vs. 704 (37.7%) in G2 (<it>P </it>= 0.7). In B 150 (8%) in G1 vs. 458 (24.5%) in G2 (<it>P </it>< 0.0001). Recirculation in A was 10.0% (Inter quartile rank, IQR 6.5, 14.2) in G1 vs. 9.8% (IQR 7.5, 14.1) in G2 (<it>P </it>= 0.62). IK in A was 214 ± 34 (G1) vs. 213 ± 35 (G2) (<it>P </it>= 0.65). IK Anova between G2 zones was: A vs. C and D (<it>P </it>< 0.000001). Staff prescription adherence was 81.3% (G1) vs. 84.1% (G2) (<it>P </it>= 0.02).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In conclusion, an optimal Qb can de prescribed with DALP of -200 mmHg. Staff adherence to DLAP treatment prescription could be reached up to 81.3% in catheters and 84.1% in AV fistulae.</p

    Connectivity between white shark populations off Central California, USA and Guadalupe Island, Mexico

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    Marine animals often move beyond national borders and exclusive economic zones resulting in a need for trans-boundary management spanning multiple national jurisdictions. Highly migratory fish vulnerable to over-exploitation require protections at international level, as exploitation practices can be disparate between adjacent countries and marine jurisdictions. In this study we collaboratively conducted an analysis of white shark connectivity between two main aggregation regions with independent population assessment and legal protection programs; one off central California, USA and one off Guadalupe Island, Mexico. We acoustically tagged 326 sub-adult and adult white sharks in central California (n=210) and in Guadalupe Island (n=116) with acoustic transmitters between 2008-2019. Of the 326 tagged white sharks, 30 (9.20%) individuals were detected at both regions during the study period. We used a Bayesian implementation of logistic regression with a binomial distribution to estimate the effect of sex, maturity, and tag location to the response variable of probability of moving from one region to the other. While nearly one in ten individuals in our sample were detected in both regions over the study period, the annual rate of trans-regional movement was low (probability of movement = 0.015 yr-1, 95% credible interval = 0.002, 0.061). Sub-adults were more likely than adults to move between regions and sharks were more likely to move from Guadalupe Island to central California, however, sex, and year were not important factors influencing movement. This first estimation of demographic-specific trans-regional movement connecting US and Mexico aggregations with high seasonal site fidelity represents an important step to future international management and assessment of the northeastern Pacific white shark population as a whole

    The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey : cosmological implications of the Fourier space wedges of the final sample

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    We extract cosmological information from the anisotropic power-spectrum measurements from the recently completed Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), extending the concept of clustering wedges to Fourier space. Making use of new fast-Fourier-transform-based estimators, we measure the power-spectrum clustering wedges of the BOSS sample by filtering out the information of Legendre multipoles ℓ > 4. Our modelling of these measurements is based on novel approaches to describe non-linear evolution, bias and redshift-space distortions, which we test using synthetic catalogues based on large-volume N-body simulations. We are able to include smaller scales than in previous analyses, resulting in tighter cosmological constraints. Using three overlapping redshift bins, we measure the angular-diameter distance, the Hubble parameter and the cosmic growth rate, and explore the cosmological implications of our full-shape clustering measurements in combination with cosmic microwave background and Type Ia supernova data. Assuming a Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology, we constrain the matter density to ΩM=0.311+0.009/−0.010 and the Hubble parameter to H0=67.6+0.7/−0.6kms−1 Mpc−1, at a confidence level of 68 per cent. We also allow for non-standard dark energy models and modifications of the growth rate, finding good agreement with the ΛCDM paradigm. For example, we constrain the equation-of-state parameter to w=−1.019+0.048/−0.039. This paper is part of a set that analyses the final galaxy-clustering data set from BOSS. The measurements and likelihoods presented here are combined with others in Alam et al. to produce the final cosmological constraints from BOSS.PreprintPublisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Primer consenso en leucemia linfocítica crónica de la agrupación mexicana para el estudio de la hematología: epidemiología, diagnóstico y tratamiento

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    La leucemia linfocítica crónica (LLC) es la leucemia crónica menos frecuente en México. En consideración a los avances recientes, a una mejor clasificación pronóstica y a la introducción de nuevas modalidades terapéuticas, la Agrupación Mexicana para el Estudio de la Hematología organizó el primer consenso mexicano en leucemia linfocítica crónica. Este consenso se llevó a cabo en Cancún, Quintana Roo, México, en Septiembre del 2007. Los objetivos de esta reunión fueron actualizar y compartir los conocimientos de la enfermedad entre los especialistas mexicanos, con el fin de mejorar el diagnóstico y el pronóstico de la LLC en México. En el artículo se discute los aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos de la LLC