287 research outputs found

    Poststroke Depression as a Factor Adversely Affecting the Level of Oxidative Damage to Plasma Proteins during a Brain Stroke

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    Poststroke depression, the second most serious psychosomatic complication after brain stroke, leads to delay of the rehabilitation process and is associated with an increased disability and cognitive impairment along with increase in termmortality. Research into the biochemical changes in depression is still insufficiently described. The aim of our study was therefore to evaluate the possible association between plasma protein oxidative/nitrative damages and the development of poststroke depression. We evaluated oxidative/nitrative modifications of specific proteins by measurement of 3-nitrotyrosine and carbonyl groups levels using ELISA test. Additionally, we checked differences in proteins thiol groups by spectrophotometric assay based on reaction between DTNB and thiols. We also evaluated catalase activity in erythrocytes measured as ability to decompose H2O2. Correlation analysis was performed using Spearman’s rank. We observed significant ( < 0.001) differences in all oxidative/nitrative stress parameters in brain stroke patients compared to healthy group.Our research shows that oxidative damage of proteins is correlated with the degree of poststroke depression, while nitrative changes do not show any relationship.We demonstrate a positive correlation between the concentration of carbonyl groups and the Geriatric Depression Scale and a negative correlation between the degree of depression and the concentration of -SH groups or catalase activity

    Relationship between the Increased Haemostatic Properties of Blood Platelets and Oxidative Stress Level in Multiple Sclerosis Patients with the Secondary Progressive Stage

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the autoimmune disease of the central nervous system with complex pathogenesis, different clinical courses and recurrent neurological relapses and/or progression. Despite various scientific papers that focused on early stage of MS, our study targets selective group of late stage secondary progressive MS patients. The presented work is concerned with the reactivity of blood platelets in primary hemostasis in SP MS patients. 50 SP MS patients and 50 healthy volunteers (never diagnosed with MS or other chronic diseases) were examined to evaluate the biological activity of blood platelets (adhesion, aggregation), especially their response to the most important physiological agonists (thrombin, ADP, and collagen) and the effect of oxidative stress on platelet activity. We found that the blood platelets from SP MS patients were significantly more sensitive to all used agonists in comparison with control group. Moreover, the platelet hemostatic function was advanced in patients suffering from SP MS and positively correlated with increased production of in these cells, as well as with Expanded Disability Status Scale. We postulate that the increased oxidative stress in blood platelets in SP MS may be primarily responsible for the altered haemostatic properties of blood platelets.Grants nos. 506/1136 and 545/785 from University of Lodz

    Оценка оздоровительного влияния занятий по физическому воспитанию студентов как средство индивидуализации учебного процесса

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    У статті висвітлено методологію організації навчального процесу з фізичного виховання студентів через індивідуальний підхід, враховуючи стан їхнього фізичного здоров’яВ статье отражена методология организации учебного процесса по физическому воспитанию студентов через индивидуальный подход, учитывая состояние их физического здоровьяThe article highlights the methodology of the educational process in physical education students through an individual approach, taking into account their state of physical healt

    Дифференцированый подход к использованию нагрузок в физическом воспитании студентов младших курсов высшего технического учебного заведения

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    Визначено нові підходи до розподілу студентів на типологічні підгрупи в залежності від рівня соматичного здоров’я. Описано динаміку морфофункціональних показників студентів під впливом експериментальної методики.The purpose of work consisted in introduction of the differentiated approach to application of the special physical loadings in the typological groups of students, formed after a somatic health level. Research methods: analysis of literary sources; express-estimation of somatic health of students; determination of indexes of physical development, to physical preparedness; mathematically statistical treatment of research data. Certainly new approaches to distribution of students on typological sub-groups depending on a somatic health level. The dynamics of morpho-functional indexes of students is described under act of experimental method.Цель работы заключалась во внедрении дифференцированного подхода к применению специальных физических нагрузок в типологических группах студентов, сформированных за уровнем соматического здоровья. Методы исследования: анализ литературных источников; экспресс- оценка соматического здоровья студентов; определение показателей физического развития, физической подготовленности; математически статистическая обработка результатов исследования. Определенно новые подходы к распределению студентов на типологические подгруппы в зависимости от уровня соматического здоровья. Описана динамика морфофункциональных показателей студентов под воздействием экспериментальной методики


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    Soluble antigen-antibody-complement complexes bound to mouse B lymphocytes are rapidly released from the cell membrane in the presence of normal serum from several mammalian species. The release is not the result of antigen-antibody dissociation or extensive degradation of the complexes. However, the released complexes have been altered because they will no longer bind to fresh lymphocytes. The release is not the result of lymphocyte damage mediated by complement. It is complement-dependent, and is generated either preferentially or exclusively via the alternate pathway, since it occurs in C4-deficient serum, is Mg++ but not Ca++ dependent, and requires C3 proactivator. C3 inactivator is not involved. The release activity of the serum, once generated, is unstable at 37°C. The release of complexes from the lymphocyte membrane by serum provides a convenient assay for the functioning of the alternate pathway in the mouse and in other species


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    With the financial support of Internal Security Fund Police Programme European Commission Directorate General Home Affairs. This project has been founded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein