57 research outputs found
The impact of Opisthorchis felineus infection and praziquantel treatment on the intestinal microbiota in children
peer reviewedThe presence of some species of helminths is associated with changes in host microbiota composition and diversity, which varies widely depending on the infecting helminth species and other factors. We conducted a prospective case-control study to evaluate the gut microbiota in children with Opisthorchis felineus infection (n=50) before and after anthelmintic treatment and in uninfected children (n=49) in the endemic region. A total of 99 children and adolescents aged between 7 and 18 years were enrolled to the study. Helminth infection was assessed before and at 3 months after treatment with praziquantel. A complex examination for each participant was performed in the study, including an assessment of the clinical symptoms and an intestinal microbiota survey by 16S rRNA gene sequencing of stool samples. There was no change in alpha diversity between O. felineus-infected and control groups. We found significant changes in the abundances of bacterial taxa at different taxonomic levels between the infected and uninfected individuals. Enterobacteriaceae family was more abundant in infected participants compared to uninfected children. On the genus level, O. felineus-infected participants’ microbiota showed higher levels of Lachnospira, Escherichia-Shigella, Bacteroides, Eubacterium eligens group, Ruminiclostridium 6, Barnesiella, Oscillibacter, Faecalitalea and Anaerosporobacter and reduction of Blautia, Lachnospiraceae FCS020 and Eubacterium hallii group in comparison with the uninfected individuals. Following praziquantel therapy, there were significant differences in abundances of some microorganisms, including an increase of Faecalibacterium and decrease of Megasphaera, Roseburia. Enterobacteriaceae and Escherichia abundances were decreased up to the control group values. Our results highlight the importance of the host-parasite-microbiota interactions for the community health in the endemic regions. © 202
The goal of study was the epidemiological substantiation of optimization measures of a vaccinal prevention of whooping cough in the Russian Federation. Materials and methods. The retrospective descriptive epidemiological research has been conducted by analysis of the official statistical data on the whooping cough case rate (form No. 2) in 2005–2017 in the Russian Federation, as well as the data about preventive whooping cough inoculations (forms No. 5, No. 6) in 2005–2017 and about epidemic outbreakes in 2017 (form No. 23-17). The assessment of an economic damage from whooping cough in 2005-2017 has been carried out. Results. The following adverse characteristics of a modern epidemiological situation on whooping cough in Russia are shown: long-term recurrence of epidemic process, tendency of rising of a case rate of children of 0-2 years; high percentage of children of preschool and school age among whooping cough cases; prevalence among the patients with whooping cough of the children who have been vaccinated against this infection previously, epidemic outbreakes in children’s collectives, the stability of a case rate of teenagers and adults with prevalence of the mild and the erased clinical forms of this infection. The risks due to weaknesses of the whooping cough vaccinal prevention are noted: the insufficient immunization coverage owing to falce contraindications and refusals of parents of vaccinations of children, noncompliance with terms and intervals between inoculations, lack of domestic vaccine for revaccination of children at the age of 5 years and older. Conclusion. It is necessary to introduce in the national vaccination schedule a preschool booster dose for children at the age of 6 and adolescents at 14 years with the combined reduced antigen content tetanus–diphtheria and acellular pertussis vaccines as well as the inoculations of this vaccine according to epidemiological indications to health workers, employees of educational institutions. A revaccination against whooping cough is recommended as “cocoon” for the persons contacting to not vaccinated child under 1 year of age.Цель: эпидемиологическое обоснование мер по оптимизации вакцинопрофилактики коклюша в Российской Федерации. Материалы и методы. Проведено ретроспективное описательное исследование. Изучены официальные статистические данные о заболеваемости коклюшем в Российской Федерации (форма № 2) за 2005–2017 гг., о профилактических прививках против коклюша (формы № 5, № 6) за 2005–2017 гг., об эпидемических вспышках за 2017 г. (форма № 23-17). Проведена оценка экономического ущерба от коклюша за 2005–2017 гг. Результаты: показаны неблагоприятные характеристики современной эпидемиологической ситуации по коклюшу в России: сохранение многолетней цикличности эпидемического процесса, тенденция роста заболеваемости детей 0–2 лет; высокий удельный вес среди заболевших детей дошкольного и школьного возраста; преобладание среди заболевших коклюшем детей, ранее привитых против этой инфекции, эпидемические вспышки в детских коллективах, стабильность заболеваемости подростков и взрослых с преобладанием легких и стертых клинических форм инфекции. Отмечены риски, связанные с недостатками вакцинопрофилактики: недостаточный охват прививками вследствие необоснованных медицинских отводов и отказов родителей от вакцинации детей, несоблюдение сроков и интервалов между прививками, отсутствие отечественной вакцины для проведения ревакцинации детям в возрасте 5 лет и старше. Заключение: необходимо внедрить в национальный календарь профилактических прививок ревакцинации детей в возрасте 6 и 14 лет комбинированной вакциной против дифтерии и столбняка (со сниженным содержанием анатоксинов) с бесклеточным коклюшным компонентом, а также включить в национальный календарь прививок по эпидемиологическим показаниям прививки данной вакцины медицинским работникам, работникам образовательных учреждений. Проводить ревакцинацию против коклюша по типу «кокона» лиц, контактирующих с непривитым ребенком в возрасте до 1 года
Hemozoin "knobs" in Opisthorchis felineus infected liver
Background Hemozoin is the pigment produced by some blood-feeding parasites. It demonstrates high diagnostic and therapeutic potential. In this work the formation of co-called hemozoin “knobs” – the bile duct ectasia filled up by hemozoin pigment - in Opisthorhis felineus infected hamster liver has been observed. Methods The O. felineus infected liver was examined by histological analysis and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The pigment hemozoin was identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and high resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry analysis. Hemozoin crystals were characterised by high resolution transmission electron microscopy. Results Hemozoin crystals produced by O. felineus have average length 403 nm and the length-to-width ratio equals 2.0. The regurgitation of hemozoin from parasitic fluke during infection leads to formation of bile duct ectasia. The active release of hemozoin from O. felineus during in vitro incubation has also been evidenced. It has been shown that the hemozoin knobs can be detected by magnetic resonance imaging. Conclusions In the paper for the first time the characterisation of hemozoin pigment extracted from liver fluke O. felineus has been conducted. The role of hemozoin in the modification of immune response by opisthorchiasis is assumed
Analysis of the intestinal microbiota of the taxonomic composition of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
The paper summarizes the results ot studies on the composition ot microbial communities in stool samples of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease compared with healthy volunteers using genome-metagenomic sequencing. It is shown that the microbial community ot the intestine in patients with COPD is characterized as diverse taxonomic composition of metagenomes that the microbiota of healthy volunteers. In this case, the normal composition of intestinal microbiota in patients with COPD differs from samples of healthy individuals qualitatively and quantitatively. In contrast to healthy volunteers, the intestinal microbiota in patients with COPD was characterized by a higher average representation of microorganisms of the genus Acidaminococcus, Bacteroides, Barnesiella, Flavonifractor, Odoribacter, Parabacteroides, Tannerella and reduced representation of commensal microorganisms - the genera Bifidobacterium. Catenibacterium, Coprococcus, Lactobacillus, Prevotella (mainly Prevotella copri). Ruminococcus. representatives of Firmicutes - Faecalibacterium and Eubacterium.В статье обобщены результаты исследований по изучению состава сообщества микроорганизмов в образцах кала больных хроническом обструктивной болезнью легких в сравнении со здоровыми добровольцами методом полногеномного метагеномного секвенирования. Показано, что сообщество микроорганизмов кишечника у пациентов с ХОБЯ характеризуется столь же разнообразным таксономическим составом метагеномов, что и микробиота здоровых добровольцев. При этом нормальный состав кишечной микробиоты у больных ХОБЛ отличается от образцов здоровых лиц качественно и количественно В отличие от здоровых добровольцев, кишечная микробиота больных ХОБЛ характеризовалась более высокой средней представленностью микроорганизмов родов Acidaminococcus, Bacteroides, Barnesiella, Flavonifractor, Odoribacter. Parabacteroides. Tannerella и сниженной представленностью микроорганизмов-комменсалов - представителен родов Bifidobacterium. Catembacterium, Coprococcus. Lactobacillus, Prevotella (преимущественно Prevotella copri), Ruminococcus. представителей отдела Firmicutes - Faecalibacterium и Eubacterium
Cholangiocarcinoma is a malignant tumor, characterized by poor prognosis and a low five-year survival rate. There is a clear correlation between the incidence of opisthorchiasis and high incidence of cholangiocarcinoma in South-East Asia. Liver flukes Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis viverrini are I class carcinogens. There are some endemic regions of opisthorchiasis In the Russian Federation. The most important factor that leads to carcinogenesis during liver fluke infection is chronic inflammation. This review article focuses on the communication of chronic inflammation caused by invasion of liver flukes and cholangiocarcinoma. This paper summarizes the current knowledge about the risk factors for cholangiocarcinoma, as well as knowledge about the molecular aspects of the induction of carcinogenesis by liver flukes.Холангиокарцинома характеризуется неблагоприятным прогнозом и низкой пятилетней выживаемостью. Прослеживается связь между заболеваемостью описторхозом и высокой частотой возникновения холангиокарциномы в странах Юго-Восточной Азии. Печеночные сосальщики Clonorchis Sinensis и Opisthorchis viverrini являются канцерогенами I класса. Известно, что в Российской Федерации также существует несколько эндемических очагов заболеваемости описторхозом. Важнейшим фактором, который обусловливает канцерогенез при описторхозной инвазии, является хроническое воспаление. В обзорной статье основное внимание уделено связи хронического воспаления, вызванного инвазией печеночных сосальщиков, и холангиокарциномы. Обобщены имеющиеся знания о факторах риска развития холангиокарциномы, а также данные о молекулярных аспектах индукции канцерогенеза печеночными сосальщиками
Cytokine profile and expression of FYN, ZAP-70 and LAT during concanavalin a stimulation in patients with resistant bronchial asthma
Background: Bronchial asthma (BA) is one of the most spreading chronic lung pathology in the world. The disease is characterized by high heterogeneity of clinical phenotypes including resistant forms which provoke significant clinical problem. Immune shift from Th2 to alternative immunological response is considered to be a mechanism of drug-resistance in BA treatment but this issue is not considerably studied yet. Aims: Detection of distinctive patterns in cytokine secretion and genetic expression (ZAP-70, FYN and LAT) of naïve and concanavalin A stimulated lymphocytes in patients with resistant BA. Materials and methods: The study enrolled ten patients in each group: subjects with treatment resistant BA, severe BA, and controls (30 in total). During the experiment, all patients with BA received treatment according to the condition. For each participant lymphocytes isolation from venous blood was performed. Cells were cultured with concanavalin A and without stimulation. Concentrations of cytokines IL-2, IL-12, TNF-α, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-6 in supernatants were measured with ELISA. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was used to detect the mRNA expression of LAT, ZAP-70, and FYN genes. Results: Significant disease contribution to the lymphocyte secretion profile was established without concanavalin A stimulation: increased levels of IL-2 and IL-4 was observed in lymphocytes of patients with resistant BA if compared to the results of gorup with severe BA. Patients with resistant BA were characterized by weak cytokine response to the stimulation: only TNF-α and IL-5 levels were significantly increased whereas in group with severe BA all cytokines concentrations increased except IL-12, in controls - except IL-12 and IL-2. Significant FYN upregulation was identified in resistant BA group if compared with other groups, and in severe BA patients if compared with controls. The concanavalin A-stimulated cells showed increased expression of ZAP-70 in cells of patients with resistant BA compared to control group. Conclusions: Lymphocytes from patients with resistant BA are characterized by lack of cytokine response to concanavalin A stimulation, alteration of cytokine secretion, and genetic expression profile similar to cells with low sensitivity to apoptosis. The FYN gene is a perspective target for finding approaches to overcome resistance to steroid drugs in bronchial asthma. © 2018 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved
Correlation between emotional-affective disorders and gut microbiota composition in patients with Parkinson's disease
Background: Despite the efforts of scientific community the data available on the correlation between emotional-affective symptoms of Parkinson's disease and changes in microbiome is still scarce. Deeper studies of nonmotor symptoms evident in premotor stages of the disease and the reciprocal influence of microbiota may help to understand the etiology and pathogenesis of PD neurodegeneration better. The aim of the study was to discover the relations between emotional-affective disorders prevalent in PD population and changes in gut microbiota composition. Methods:51 patient diagnosed with PD participated in the study. Every participant's emotional-affective state was examined using Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Taxonomic richness of microbiome was studied using 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing, bioinformatics, and statistical analysis. Results: Anxiety and depression are prevalent affective disorders in patients with PD. In our study, most of the subjects demonstrated certain anxiety and depression. Taxonomic diversity of gut microbiota in BP was increasing with the increase in anxiety levels, reaching the maximum in the group with subclinical anxiety, and decreasing in the group with clinically significant anxiety disorder. At the species level, patients with clinically significant anxiety had higher abundance of Clostridium clariflavum compared to the anxiety-free patients. Patients with moderate depression were characterized by the higher prevalence of Christensenella minuta, Clostridium disporicum, and Oscillibacter valericigenes compared to subjects without depression or with mild depression. Conclusion: The data we received in our study allow better understanding of PD pathogenesis
Эпидемиологическая характеристика острых респираторных вирусных инфекций и гриппа на территории Российской Федерации и г. Москвы
Аim: Give an epidemiological description of the incidence of acute respiratory viral infection and influenza in the Russian Federation and Moscow.Materials and methods: The form of the federal state statistical observation № 2 “Information on infectious and parasitic diseases” for 2007–2017. When analyzing the etiological structure of the agents of ARVI and influenza in Moscow, protocols were used for weekly laboratory tests of agents of ARVI and influenza conducted by the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow.Results: The epidemic process of ARVI in Russia is characterized by a stabilization of morbidity with an average annual growth rate of 0,4%, and Moscow has a moderate tendency to reduce morbidity with an average annual rate of decline of 2,3%. The highest incidence of ARVI is observed among children under 1 year, 1–2 years and 3–6 years. The greatest proportion in the structure of the incidence of ARVI is children under 17 years. Both for Russia and for Moscow, there is a pronounced tendency to reduce the incidence of influenza. In contrast to ARVI, the largest proportion of people with influenza in Russia and in Moscow are adults, but the highest incidence rates are registered among the children. The epidemic rise of the incidence of ARVI and influenza in Moscow starts 10–12 weeks earlier than in the Russia as a whole.Conclusion: For the epidemic of ARVI in Moscow and in Russia it is typical to involve children under 1 year, 1–2 years and 3–6 years. In Moscow in 2016 and 2017 there is a significant increase in the incidence of influenza among children under 1 year and 1–2 years. In contrast to the Russian Federation for Moscow among the causative agents of non-influenza etiology, dominated parainfluenza viruses (1–3 types) and adenoviruses.Цель: дать эпидемиологическую характеристику заболеваемости ОРВИ и гриппом в РФ и г. Москве.Материалы и методы: ретроспективный анализ динамики показателей заболеваемости ОРВИ и гриппом, а также смертности проводился по данным формы федерального государственного статистического наблюдения № 2 «Сведения об инфекционных и паразитарных заболеваниях» за 2007–2017 гг. При анализе этиологической структуры возбудителей ОРВИ и гриппа в г. Москве использовались протоколы еженедельных лабораторных исследований возбудителей ОРВИ и гриппа, проводимых в Центре гигиены и эпидемиологии в г. Москве.Результаты: эпидемический процесс ОРВИ на территории России характеризуется стабилизацией заболеваемости со среднегодовым темпом прироста 0,4%, а для Москвы характерна умеренная тенденция к снижению заболеваемости со среднегодовым темпом снижения -2,3%. Самая высокая заболеваемость ОРВИ отмечается среди детей до 1 года, 1–2 лет и 3–6 лет. Как для России, так и для Москвы характерна выраженная тенденция к снижению заболеваемости гриппом. В целом по России и Москве в структуре заболеваемости ОРВИ наибольший удельный вес составляют дети до 17 лет. В отличие от ОРВИ, наибольшую долю заболевших гриппом в РФ и г. Москве составляют взрослые, но максимальные показатели заболеваемости регистрируются среди детей. Эпидемический подъем заболеваемости ОРВИ и гриппом в г. Москве начинается на 10–12 недель раньше, чем в РФ в целом. Для Москвы наиболее актуальными возбудителями ОРВИ, помимо вирусов гриппа, являются вирусы парагриппа (1–3 типов) и аденовирусы.Заключение: для эпидпроцесса ОРВИ как в Москве, так и в РФ характерно вовлечение детей до 1 года, 1–2 лет и 3–6 лет. В г. Москве в 2016 и 2017 гг. отмечается значительное увеличение заболеваемости гриппом среди детей до 1 года и 1–2 лет. И в Москве, и в России среди вирусов гриппа, в зависимости от сезона, преобладали вирусы A(H1N1)pdm2009 и A(H3N2). В отличие от РФ, для г. Москвы среди возбудителей негриппозной этиологии наиболее актуальны вирусы парагриппа (1-3 типов) и аденовирусы
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