6,241 research outputs found

    “MITOS CITRA DIRI PEREMPUAN DALAM DRAMA KOREA” (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes pada Drama Korea Shadow Beauty)

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    This research is entitled "The Myth of Women's Self-Image in Korean Drama (Semiotic Analysis of Roland Barthes in the Korean Drama Shadow Beauty)". The aim of this research is to determine the representation of the reality of women's lives and how the myth of women's self-image is represented in the drama Shadow Beauty based on Roland Barthes' semiotics. Drama can influence and shape society based on the content of the message behind it. The messages or values contained in the drama can influence the audience. In this research, researchers used a constructivist paradigm with a qualitative approach and interpretive research type. The analysis used in this research is Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis in the form of two orders of significance; divided into signifier and signified at the denotation level and signifier and signified at the connotation level to find the meaning of myth in it in the form of the dominant ideology of today. Also, analyze it in terms of audio visuals or mise en scene. The results of this research found that a woman's image does not only lie in her physical aspects, but also in her psychological and social conditions. In the current era of globalization, women are required to look attractive, so women have a tendency to compare themselves with unreal social constructs, one of which is beauty standards. This results in a woman doing everything she can to get recognition from her environment. Therefore, it is important to know yourself so that you are not easily influenced by detrimental social constructions. Because society is aware of its negative impacts, this construction is opposed because it is considered to be detrimental to several groups of society who are far from the standards set, especially in the concept of beauty which is the main thing in measuring a person's quality or the image of a woman today

    PERSONAL BRANDING INFLUENCER PADA MEDIA SOSIAL TIKTOK (Analisis isi Pesan Personal Branding pada Akun @shaturday)

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    Shadira Firdausi is one of the influencers on TikTok social media who uses TikTok social media as a place to build personal branding. Shadira's TikTok account presents DIY and a day in my life content that is uniquely packaged in her style. The @shaturday account has been followed by 4.1 million followers. This research aims to describe the personal branding carried out by Shadira Firdausi through her TikTok social media account. Researchers use the theory of The Eight Laws of Personal Branding by Peter Montoya, where there are 8 concepts in building personal branding. Researchers also use the basic characteristics that must be built when forming personal branding according to Montoya & Vandehey, namely you, promise, and relationship as well as video elements in describing Shadira's personal branding on TikTok social media. Peter Montoya defines personal branding as a process that requires unique skills, personality and characteristics packaged in a strong identity, so that it can be remembered by the public. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type and a qualitative content analysis research basis. This research uses documentation techniques in the form of screenshots from the @shaturday account with DIY themed videos. This data was then analyzed using interactive data analysis developed by Miles and Huberman. The research results show that the personal branding built by Shadira Firdausi through her TikTok social media account @shaturday prioritizes Shadira, who is seen as an aesthetic and candid influencer. In the content presented, Shadira uses 3 video elements, namely text, images and sound. Shadira has also met the basic criteria for building personal branding, namely you, promise, and relation


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    This article discusses cooperation between Laos and China, namely the China-Laos high-speed train which began construction in 2016. This research uses dependency theory, where a country that continuously needs another country is indirectly dependent on that country. Many factors influence this, including superior technology, a stronger economy and others, such as Laos which needs China to carry out the China-Laos high-speed train project. This research is descriptive qualitative in nature which describes, illustrates and explains events or phenomena and facts by sorting, collecting and generalizing facts. In this research, the author presents and provides a detailed description of the opportunities and challenges faced by Laos in the 2015-2023 China-Laos high-speed train project. The China- Laos high-speed rail project provides benefits for both countries such as increased connectivity between regions. However, behind the benefits, there are also quite a few challenges faced by Laos in this project, starting from capital challenges, natural sustainability, increasing debt burdens and the emergence of Laos' dependence on China


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    Haliza, Salsabila Nur. 2024. Strategi Penerbit Dalam Memproduksi Buku Pendidikan Dan Teori Melalui Selfpublishimg Di Inara Publisher. Scriptpreneur. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Pembimbing: (1) Arti Prihatini, M. Pd. Publisher's strategies in producing educational and theoretical books through self-publishing involve an approach that focuses on efficiency and flexibility. Publishers tend to leverage modern technology and online platforms to provide broader access to both authors and readers, as well as to enhance the production and distribution processes. Additionally, this strategy often entails close collaboration between editorial teams and authors to ensure the quality and relevance of the book content aligns with the evolving needs of the educational and theoretical market. This research aims to describe publisher strategies in producing educational and theoretical books in both pre-printing and post-printing processes through self-publishing at Inara Publisher. Research data comprises internship experiences and interviews. Utilizing the Resource-Based View (RBV) theoretical framework, considering two main aspects: Heterogeneous Resources (diversity of human resources) and Resources that are Hard to Imitate: (1) Research and Reference Networks, (2) Editorial and Professional Design Staff. The research findings indicate that pre-printing strategies include editing, layout, proofreading, and printing, while post-printing strategies encompass binding, lamination, packaging, quality inspection, and promotion. Internal constraints such as editorial knowledge deficiencies and distribution limitations, as well as external challenges like fierce competition and financial constraints, are addressed. Data for this research was collected through interviews and document analysis to gain an in-depth understanding of publisher strategies. These findings are expected to provide crucial insights for the publishing industry, particularly in overcoming internal and external challenges in producing and marketing educational and theoretical books through self-publishing at Inara Publisher


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    Timor Leste is a country that just gained independence in 2002. Since its independence, the Government of Timor Leste has faced many problems related to the welfare of its people and has been unable to resolve these problems within its own country. The supply shortage of water supply and sanitation in rural areas of Timor Leste is one of the most significant domestic problems that continue to receive assistance from abroad. This then becomes a big problem being faced by the Government of Timor Leste regarding the health of its people. Given these problems, Australia as a neighboring country, provides assistance through cooperation between the Government of Australia through AusAID (Australian Agency for International Development) and the Government of Timor Leste through the Community Water Supply and Sanitation Program, which is then followed by the Rural Clean Water and Sanitation Program or BESIK. II. The results of this study were that there were several problems during the program, but BESIK II still achieved significant and very good output results in increasing access to clean water and sanitation for people in Timor Leste. In this study, the authors will analyze the collaboration of the BESIK II Program through the concept of Global Water Governance by Messner and Nuschler with the four core variables of Global Water Governanc


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    The intersection of capitalism and the beauty industry has given rise to a concept known as beauty capitalism. Globalization has propelled capitalism in the beauty industry to become massive and expansive, resulting in exploitative impacts on the environment and society. Empowerment efforts targeting specific communities and environments are needed to ensure that business activities can support sustainability. This can be achieved by a beauty company through the implementation of fair trade practices. L'Occitane Group, as one entity in the international beauty industry sector, strives to implement fair trade principles to empower the environment and society for sustainable development. This is done through a series of programs, ranging from supply chains to product distribution processes to consumers. This research applies the concepts of Fair Trade and Empowerment for Sustainable Development to analyze and provide a detailed overview of L'Occitane Group's implementation of fair trade for sustainable development. Findings from this research identify that L'Occitane conducts its programs for sustainable purposes in both ecological and socio-economic sectors


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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui hubungan kematangan emosi dengan kesiapan menikah di usia emerging adulthood pada perempuan beretnis Arab, (2) mengetahui seberapa tinggi kesiapan menikah subjek penelitian, (3) mengetahui seberapa tinggi kematangan emosi subjek penelitian. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling diperoleh subjek penelitian (N=118). Kesiapan menikah diukur dengan angket yang disusun oleh peneliti dengan acuan dari Ghalili et al (2012) dan kematangan emosi diukur dengan Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS) yang dikembangkan oleh Dr. Yashvir Singh dan Dr.Mahesh Bhargava 2010 (dalam Sangtam,2014). Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif antara kematangan emosi dengan kesiapan menikah di usia emerging adulthood pada perempuan beretnis Arab. Mayoritas subjek penelitian memiliki tingkat kematangan emosi dan kesiapan menikah yang tergolong tinggi. Kata kunci: Kematangan Emosi, Kesiapan Menikah, Perempuan Beretnis Arab, Emerging Adulthood Abstract. This research is purposed to find out (1) the relation between emotional maturity with marriage readiness in emerging adulthood to women with arabian ethnic,(2) find out the level of marriage readiness of research subjects,(3) find out how mature the emotion of the subjects. This research sampling method use purposive sampling method with (N=118) subjects. The marriage readiness is measured with quitioner which according to Ghalili et al (2012) and the emotional maturity measured with Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS) method which was developed by Dr. Yashvir Singh and Dr.Mahesh Bhargava 2010 (Sangtam,2014). The results show positive relation between the emotional maturity to marriage readiness at emerging adulthood on arabian ethnic women. Majority of subjects have high level emotional maturity and marriage readiness. Keywords: Emotional Maturity, Marriage Readiness, Arabian Ethnic Women, Emerging Adulthoo


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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui hubungan kematangan emosi dengan kesiapan menikah di usia emerging adulthood pada perempuan beretnis Arab, (2) mengetahui seberapa tinggi kesiapan menikah subjek penelitian, (3) mengetahui seberapa tinggi kematangan emosi subjek penelitian. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling diperoleh subjek penelitian (N=118). Kesiapan menikah diukur dengan angket yang disusun oleh peneliti dengan acuan dari Ghalili et al (2012) dan kematangan emosi diukur dengan Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS) yang dikembangkan oleh Dr. Yashvir Singh dan Dr.Mahesh Bhargava 2010 (dalam Sangtam,2014). Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif antara kematangan emosi dengan kesiapan menikah di usia emerging adulthood pada perempuan beretnis Arab. Mayoritas subjek penelitian memiliki tingkat kematangan emosi dan kesiapan menikah yang tergolong tinggi. Kata kunci: Kematangan Emosi, Kesiapan Menikah, Perempuan Beretnis Arab, Emerging Adulthood Abstract. This research is purposed to find out (1) the relation between emotional maturity with marriage readiness in emerging adulthood to women with arabian ethnic,(2) find out the level of marriage readiness of research subjects,(3) find out how mature the emotion of the subjects. This research sampling method use purposive sampling method with (N=118) subjects. The marriage readiness is measured with quitioner which according to Ghalili et al (2012) and the emotional maturity measured with Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS) method which was developed by Dr. Yashvir Singh and Dr.Mahesh Bhargava 2010 (Sangtam,2014). The results show positive relation between the emotional maturity to marriage readiness at emerging adulthood on arabian ethnic women. Majority of subjects have high level emotional maturity and marriage readiness. Keywords: Emotional Maturity, Marriage Readiness, Arabian Ethnic Women, Emerging Adulthoo


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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui hubungan kematangan emosi dengan kesiapan menikah di usia emerging adulthood pada perempuan beretnis Arab, (2) mengetahui seberapa tinggi kesiapan menikah subjek penelitian, (3) mengetahui seberapa tinggi kematangan emosi subjek penelitian. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling diperoleh subjek penelitian (N=118). Kesiapan menikah diukur dengan angket yang disusun oleh peneliti dengan acuan dari Ghalili et al (2012) dan kematangan emosi diukur dengan Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS) yang dikembangkan oleh Dr. Yashvir Singh dan Dr.Mahesh Bhargava 2010 (dalam Sangtam,2014). Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif antara kematangan emosi dengan kesiapan menikah di usia emerging adulthood pada perempuan beretnis Arab. Mayoritas subjek penelitian memiliki tingkat kematangan emosi dan kesiapan menikah yang tergolong tinggi. Kata kunci: Kematangan Emosi, Kesiapan Menikah, Perempuan Beretnis Arab, Emerging Adulthood Abstract. This research is purposed to find out (1) the relation between emotional maturity with marriage readiness in emerging adulthood to women with arabian ethnic,(2) find out the level of marriage readiness of research subjects,(3) find out how mature the emotion of the subjects. This research sampling method use purposive sampling method with (N=118) subjects. The marriage readiness is measured with quitioner which according to Ghalili et al (2012) and the emotional maturity measured with Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS) method which was developed by Dr. Yashvir Singh and Dr.Mahesh Bhargava 2010 (Sangtam,2014). The results show positive relation between the emotional maturity to marriage readiness at emerging adulthood on arabian ethnic women. Majority of subjects have high level emotional maturity and marriage readiness. Keywords: Emotional Maturity, Marriage Readiness, Arabian Ethnic Women, Emerging Adulthoo