525 research outputs found

    Vasculogenic Mimicry in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma—Time to Take Notice

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    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is a group of common cancers characterized by a swift growth pattern, early metastasis, and dismal 5-year survival rates. Despite the recent advances in cancer management, the multimodality approach is not effective in eradicating HNSCC. Moreover, the clinical response to the antiangiogenic therapy remains considerably limited in HNSCC patients, suggesting that tumour perfusion can take place through other non-angiogenic pathways. Tumour cell-induced angiogenesis is one of the main hallmarks of cancer. However, at the end of the previous millennium, a new paradigm of tumour cell-associated neovascularization has been reported in human melanoma cells. This new phenomenon, which was named “vasculogenic mimicry” or “vascular mimicry” (VM), describes the ability of aggressively growing tumour cells to form perfusable, matrix-rich, vessel-like networks in 3-dimenstional matrices in vitro. Similar matrix-rich VM networks were also identified in tissue samples obtained from cancer patients. To date, myriad studies have reported intriguing features of VM in a wide variety of cancers including HNSCC. We aim in this mini-review to summarize the current evidence regarding the phenomenon of VM in HNSCC—from the available detection protocols and potentially involved mechanisms, to its prognostic value and the present limitations.Peer reviewe

    Puhelimet kulttuurin katsomoissa : Mobiililaitteiden hyödyntäminen yleisötutkimuksessa

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia ja kehittää mobiilitutkimuksen soveltuvuutta ja käyttöä kult-tuuripalvelujen yleisötutkimuksen tiedonkeruumenetelmäksi. Työn tilaajana oli tekijän oma yritys, Tuo-tantoyhtiö Tutsa Oy, jonka käyttöön tuotteistettiin mobiiliteknologiaa hyödyntävä yleisötutkimuspalve-lu, KultQuest sekä pilotoitiin sen käytettävyyttä. Palvelun rakenteessa ja hinnoittelussa pyrittiin erityi-sesti huomioimaan kulttuuriorganisaatioiden rajalliset resurssit yleisötutkimuksien tekoon. Mobiiliteknologian kehittymisen ja älypuhelimien yleistymisen myötä mobiililaitteiden käyttö tutkimus-ten tiedonkeruuvälineinä on yleistynyt. Yleisötutkimuksissa niitä ei vielä kuitenkaan ole hyödynnetty, vaikka teknologia on muuten laajasti käytössä myös kulttuurisektorilla. Yleisöllä on puhelimet muka-naan erilaisissa kulttuuritapahtumissa, ja monet kokevat erilaiset sähköiset palvelut luontevaksi tavaksi osallistua ja vaikuttaa. Monet kulttuurilaitokset toteuttavat säännöllisesti yleisötutkimuksia. Niiden tekeminen koetaan kuitenkin työlääksi ja kerättyä tietoa ei aina osata hyödyntää organisaation päätöksen teossa. Tietoa yleisöstä kerätään ilman tarkkaa suunnitelmaa siitä, miten sitä tullaan hyödyntämään. Opinnäytetyön yhteydessä tehtiin yleisötutkimuksen parissa toimiville ammattilaisille kyselyjä ja haastatteluja, joissa ilmeni niiden useimmiten olevan hyvin perinteisiä kyselytutkimuksia. Tutkiva taho kysyy ja yleisö vastaa esitettyihin kysymyksiin. Megatrendien, kuten digitalisaation ja voimaantuvien yhteisöjen vaikutuksia ei yleisötut-kimuksien menetelmissä ole huomioitu. Mobiilitutkimus osoittautui työn yhteydessä mahdollisuudeksi kehittää yleisötutkimusta kohti jatkuvampaa dialogia yleisön kanssa. Mobiilitutkimuksen soveltuvuutta yleisötutkimukseen pilotoitiin kesän 2015 aikana Taidekeskus Salme-lassa. Pilotin yhteydessä kerättiin yleisöltä palautetta mobiilitutkimuksen toimivuudesta kyselyn, haas-tattelun ja havainnoin avulla. Näiden tulosten, sekä tietoperustan, työn tilaajan ja tekijän aiemman osaamisen pohjalta syntyi työn yhteydessä KultQuest palvelu. Palvelun tarkoituksena on tuoda ylei-sötutkimukseen valmis konsepti, jonka avulla voidaan toteuttaa kustannustehokkaasti laadukkaita tut-kimuksia. Opinnäytetyöni tulokset osoittavat, että mobiilitutkimus sopii pääsääntöisesti hyvin yleisötutkimuksen välineeksi. Mobiililaitteiden käyttö yleisötutkimuksessa koettiin vaivattomaksi ja helpoksi. Rajoituksia mobiilitutkimuksen käyttöön yksinomaisena tutkimusvälineenä aiheuttaa eri yleisöryhmien erilaiset mo-biililaitteiden käyttötottumukset, sekä tutkimusympäristön mahdollisesti aiheuttamat rajoitukset mobiili-laitteiden käytössä. Tiedonkeruumenetelmänä mobiilitutkimus osoittautui myös erittäin kustannuste-hokkaaksi ja teknisesti helposti toteutettavaksi.This final thesis focuses on the general applicability and possible limitations of uti-lizing mobile devices in audience research. The objective of the thesis was to study mobile data collection methods and the applicability of mobile research in the cul-tural sector. The theoretical framework of the thesis draws upon audience research in general and especially upon the methods and possibilities of mobile research. The actual study was conducted using several different methods such as mobile surveys, inter-views, benchmarking, observation and piloting. The pilot was carried out at Art Cen-tre Salmela in Mäntyharju, Finland during the summer 2015. Based on the results of the study, it is obvious that utilizing the personal mobile de-vices carried by the audience in cultural events is an effective way to collect data for audience research. The pilot phase indicated that the general public is quite pre-pared to adopt new ways of completing surveys. However, some audiences have not yet adapted to the use of mobile devices, which might impose limitations to this kind of research. More limitations can be imposed by technical issues such as weak mo-bile network coverage or traffic overload. Based on the results of the study a new mobile research service, KultQuest, was created for the commissioner of the study, Production Company Tutsa Ltd

    Role of Cyclooxygenase-2 in Head and Neck Tumorigenesis

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    The cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is a potent enzyme that converts arachidonic acid to prostaglandins (PG), including PGE2, a key mediator of inflammation and angiogenesis. Importantly, COX-2 is activated in response to inflammatory stimuli, where it is also believed to promote the development and progression of head and neck cancers (HNC). COX-2 can mediate its protumorigenic effect through various mechanisms, such as inducing cell proliferation, inhibition of apoptosis, and suppressing the host’s immune response. Furthermore, COX-2 can induce the production of vascular endothelial growth factors, hence, promoting angiogenesis. Indeed, the ability of COX-2 inhibitors to selectively restrict the proliferation of tumor cells and mediating apoptosis provides promising therapeutic targets for cancer patients. Thus, in this comprehensive review, we summarized the reported differential expression patterns of COX-2 in different stages of head and neck carcinogenesis—from potentially premalignant lesions to invasive carcinomas. Furthermore, we examined the available meta-analysis evidence for COX-2 role in the carcinogenesis of HNC. Finally, further understanding of the biological processes of COX-2 and its role in orchestrating cell proliferation, apoptosis, and angiogenesis may give therapeutically beneficial insight to develop the management plan of HNC patients and improve their clinical outcomes

    The Prognostic Influence of Lymphatic Endothelium-specific Hyaluronan Receptor 1 In Cancer—A Systematic Review

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    Lymphangiogenesis is a key process in cancer development and metastasis. Lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1 (LYVE-1) is a widely used marker for lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC), which also mediates immune and cancer cell migration. Recently, LYVE-1-positive tumor cells were shown to acquire LEC-like phenotype and exploit this receptor for lymphatic dissemination. Furthermore, selective targeting of LYVE-1 impaired the growth of cancer-related vasculature and reduced metastasis in vivo, signifying its role in therapeutic and prognostic applications. Although numerous studies have investigated the role of LYVE-1 in cancer, a unifying detailed review of its prognostic utility is lacking to date. Thus, we compiled and critically appraised evidence from clinical studies comprising a total of 2352 patients diagnosed with different types of cancer and using a variety of experimental approaches. Collectively, most studies revealed a significant association between LYVE-1 overexpression and dismal outcome of at least one survival estimate. Furthermore, the importance of vasculature location, intra- or peritumoral, and the influence of various lymphangiogenesis-related parameters, such as lymphatic vessel density and invasion, were discussed. However, the specificity of LYVE-1 staining is challenged by its expression in non-LEC cells, implying the need for double labelling to better estimate its prognostic significance. In conclusion, this is to our knowledge the first comprehensive systematic review on the prognostic value of LYVE-1 in cancer. More well-designed studies across different populations and the development of standardized protocols would be paramount for the consistency of LYVE-1 findings and for its potential transferability to clinical practice in future.Peer reviewe

    Oral Microbiota—A New Frontier in the Pathogenesis and Management of Head and Neck Cancers

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    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) comprises the majority of tumors in head and neck tissues. The prognosis of HNSCC has not significantly improved for decades, signifying the need for new diagnostic and therapeutic targets. Recent evidence suggests that oral microbiota is associated with carcinogenesis. Thus, we conducted a comprehensive systematic review to evaluate the current evidence regarding the role of oral microbiota in HNSCC and whether their targeting may confer diagnostic, prognostic or therapeutic utility. Following the screening of 233 publications retrieved from multiple databases, 34 eligible studies comprising 2469 patients were compiled and critically appraised. Importantly, many oral pathogens, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum were linked to certain oral potentially malignant lesions and various types of HNSCC. Furthermore, we summarized the association between the expression profiles of different oral bacterial species and their tumorigenic and prognostic effects in cancer patients. We also discussed the current limitations of this newly emerging area and the potential microbiota-related strategies for preventing and treating HNSCC. Whilst many clinical studies are underway to unravel the role of oral microbiota in cancer, the limited available data and experimental approaches reflect the newness of this promising yet challenging field

    Oral Microbiota—A New Frontier in the Pathogenesis and Management of Head and Neck Cancers

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    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) comprises the majority of tumors in head and neck tissues. The prognosis of HNSCC has not significantly improved for decades, signifying the need for new diagnostic and therapeutic targets. Recent evidence suggests that oral microbiota is associated with carcinogenesis. Thus, we conducted a comprehensive systematic review to evaluate the current evidence regarding the role of oral microbiota in HNSCC and whether their targeting may confer diagnostic, prognostic or therapeutic utility. Following the screening of 233 publications retrieved from multiple databases, 34 eligible studies comprising 2469 patients were compiled and critically appraised. Importantly, many oral pathogens, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum were linked to certain oral potentially malignant lesions and various types of HNSCC. Furthermore, we summarized the association between the expression profiles of different oral bacterial species and their tumorigenic and prognostic effects in cancer patients. We also discussed the current limitations of this newly emerging area and the potential microbiota-related strategies for preventing and treating HNSCC. Whilst many clinical studies are underway to unravel the role of oral microbiota in cancer, the limited available data and experimental approaches reflect the newness of this promising yet challenging field

    Variable roles of interleukin-17F in different cancers

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    Background Interleukin (IL)-17 family is a group of six cytokines that plays a central role in inflammatory processes and participates in cancer progression. Interleukin-17A has been shown to have mainly a protumorigenic role, but the other members of the IL-17 family, including IL-17F, have received less attention. Methods We applied systematic review guidelines to study the role of IL-17F, protein and mRNA expression, polymorphisms, and functions, in cancer. We carried out a systematic search in PubMed, Ovid Medline, Scopus, and Cochrane libraries, yielding 79 articles that met the inclusion criteria. Results The findings indicated that IL-17F has both anti- and protumorigenic roles, which depend on cancer type and the molecular form and location of IL-17F. As an example, the presence of IL-17F protein in tumor tissue and patient serum has a protective role in oral and pancreatic cancers, whereas it is protumorigenic in prostate and bladder cancers. These effects are proposed to be based on multiple mechanisms, such as inhibition of angiogenesis, vasculogenic mimicry and cancer cell proliferation, migration and invasion, and aggravating the inflammatory process. No solid evidence emerged for the correlation between IL-17F polymorphisms and cancer incidence or patients' prognosis. Conclusion IL-17F is a multifaceted cytokine. There is a clear demand for more well-designed studies of IL-17F to elucidate its molecular mechanisms in different types of cancer. The studies presented in this article examined a variety of different designs, study populations and primary/secondary outcomes, which unfortunately reduces the value of direct interstudy comparisons.Peer reviewe