659 research outputs found

    Poisson noise reduction with non-local PCA

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    Photon-limited imaging arises when the number of photons collected by a sensor array is small relative to the number of detector elements. Photon limitations are an important concern for many applications such as spectral imaging, night vision, nuclear medicine, and astronomy. Typically a Poisson distribution is used to model these observations, and the inherent heteroscedasticity of the data combined with standard noise removal methods yields significant artifacts. This paper introduces a novel denoising algorithm for photon-limited images which combines elements of dictionary learning and sparse patch-based representations of images. The method employs both an adaptation of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for Poisson noise and recently developed sparsity-regularized convex optimization algorithms for photon-limited images. A comprehensive empirical evaluation of the proposed method helps characterize the performance of this approach relative to other state-of-the-art denoising methods. The results reveal that, despite its conceptual simplicity, Poisson PCA-based denoising appears to be highly competitive in very low light regimes.Comment: erratum: Image man is wrongly name pepper in the journal versio

    Mobilizing Public Will For Social Change

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    Examines the theory and strategies of "public will" campaigns and offers tangible criteria for their evaluation. It provides a rich inventory of strategies for use in mobilizing the public will through an integration of models of agenda building, social problem construction, issues management, social movements, media advocacy, and social capital. In addition, the paper provides cases and examples of public will campaigns directed at various social problems, along with criteria for evaluating these campaigns at various stages of a social problem's life cycle

    Geometric reasoning for process planning

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    The Simultaneous, Ascending Auction: Dynamics of Price Adjustment in Experiments and in the U.K. 3G Spectrum Auction

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    In this paper we develop a model of the behavior of bidders in simultaneous ascending auctions based on two principles: principle of surplus maximization and the principle of bid minimization. These principles lead to models of both price dynamics and equilibration, leading to disequilibrium structural equations that can be used for estimating bidder values. The intention behind the development of this methodology is to provide an auctioneer a method of extracting information during an auction about possible closing prices. We first benchmark the performance of the model with data from experimental auctions and then apply it to the U.K. UMTS or Third Generation Mobile auction


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    Covid-19 merupakan suatu sindrom pernafasan akut yang menular dan disebabkan oleh virus SARS-CoV-2. Covid-19 muncul pertama kali di Kota Wuhan, China. Di Indonesia sendiri, Covid-19 membawa banyak dampak buruk salah satunya yaitu munculnya permasalahan layanan KB. Hal tersebut menyebabkan adanya peningkatan angka kejadian kehamilan tidak direncanakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pandemi Covid-19 terhadap peningkatan angka kejadian kehamilan tidak direncanakan di Puskesmas Made tahun 2021. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik untuk mengetahui bagaimana suatu fenomena dapat terjadi dengan cara menguji hubungan antara faktor sebab dan akibat melalui analisa statistik. Rancangan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan case control. Total sampel sebanyak 41 orang yang terbagi atas 20 kelompok control dan 21 kelompok kasus. Variabel dalam penelitian ini yaitu pengetahuan, keterbatasan akses, dan masalah KB. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara pengetahuan, keterbatasan akses ke layanan kesehatan, dan penurunan angka cakupan KB selama masa pandemi Covid19 memengaruhi peningkatan angka kejadian kehamilan tidak direncanakan

    What do Indonesians talk when they talk about COVID-19 Vaccine: A Topic Modeling Approach with LDA

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    To end the COVID-19 pandemics, the government attempted to accelerate the vaccination through various programs and collaboration. Unfortunately, the number is still relatively small compared to the number of populations in Indonesia. There are some reasons attributed to this challenge, one of them being the reluctance of citizens to accept the COVID-19 vaccine due to various factors. Knowing this factor to increase public compliance, the vaccination program can be speed-up. Unfortunately, traditionally acquiring the knowledge related to COVID-19 vaccine rejection can be challenging.  One of the ways to capture the knowledge is by conducting a survey or interview related to COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. This method can be inefficient in terms of cost and resources. To address those problem, we propose a novel method for analyzing the topics related to the COVID-19 Indonesians’ opinions on Twitter by implementing topic modeling algorithm called Latent Dirichlet Allocation. We gathered more than 22000 tweets related to the COVID-19 vaccine. By applying the algorithm to the collected dataset, we can capture the what is general opinion and topic when people discuss about COVID-19 vaccine. The result was validated using the labeled dataset that have been gathered in the previous research. Once we have the important term, the strategy based on can be determined by the medical professional who are responsible to administer the COVID-19 vaccine.

    Pemberdayaan Kelompok Keluarga Berdaya (KKB) melalui Pelatihan Menjahit, Craft untuk Mempersiapkan Entrepreneur Pemula di Perumahan Griya Candramas Desa Pepe, Kecamatan Sedati, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur

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    Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mengembangkan model suksesi bisnis UKM, mempersiapkan entrepeneur sejati melaui pelatihan menjahit, memproduksi berbagai macam craft, serta memotivasi Kelompok Keluarga Berdaya (KKB). Memotivasi anggota Kelompok Keluarga Berdaya (KKB) dilakukan mengingat pendidikan nonformal seperti pelatihan ini sangat perlu dan urgent untuk memacu semangat agar tidak kendor dalam mengikuti pengembangan kelompok dan kemajuannya. Kegiatan ini berfokus pada satu kelompok KKB dan diharapkan akan berkembang kepada kelompok, wilayah yang lain dengan tetap melakukan inovasi-inovasi dalam bidang entrepreneur. Dengan adanya dukungan dari perangkat desa atau lurah setempat menjadikan kegiatan ini lebih spesifik dan sangat bermanfaat, serta mempermudah penyebaran informasi.  Adanya pelatihan menjahit, pembuatan berbagai macam craft ini diharapkan akan mampu meningkatkan prekonomian keluarga, yang pada gilirannya di samping meningkatkan prekonomian keluarga juga dapat memberikan kebahagian dan kesehatan bagi anggota kelompok anggota Kelompok Keluarga Berdaya (KKB) secara umum dan secara khusus
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