18 research outputs found

    The quality of an expert teacher’s and a student teacher’s pedagogical interactions in early childhood education and care examined through the CLASS lens

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    High-quality interactions between teachers and children in early childhood education and care (ECEC) are at the heart of supporting children’s development, well-being, and learning. The aim of the study was to examine the quality of an experienced ECEC teacher’s and an ECEC student teacher’s teacher–child interactions using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS). Furthermore, the study explored the participants’ reflections on their pedagogical interactions and the extent to which they aligned with the CLASS framework. The data consisted of video recordings, written observation notes, and stimulated recall interview (SRI) transcripts. The videos were rated according to the CLASS manual, and the data were analysed using qualitative thematic analysis. The results suggested that participants’ teacher–child interactions were of relatively high quality, although instructional support was an area for development. However, the interactions of the student teacher varied across observation cycles. In the SRIs, both participants emphasised the importance of emotional support and supporting children’s language skills. Differences arose in the participants’ positioning toward teacher identity: the ECEC teacher as expert and the student teacher as developing a professional identity. The results provide novel qualitative insights into teacher–child interactions and using CLASS tool in combination to teachers’ self-reflections regarding their interactions with the children.High-quality interactions between teachers and children in early childhood education and care (ECEC) are at the heart of supporting children’s development, well-being, and learning. The aim of the study was to examine the quality of an experienced ECEC teacher’s and an ECEC student teacher’s teacher–child interactions using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS). Furthermore, the study explored the participants’ reflections on their pedagogical interactions and the extent to which they aligned with the CLASS framework. The data consisted of video recordings, written observation notes, and stimulated recall interview (SRI) transcripts. The videos were rated according to the CLASS manual, and the data were analysed using qualitative thematic analysis. The results suggested that participants’ teacher–child interactions were of relatively high quality, although instructional support was an area for development. However, the interactions of the student teacher varied across observation cycles. In the SRIs, both participants emphasised the importance of emotional support and supporting children’s language skills. Differences arose in the participants’ positioning toward teacher identity: the ECEC teacher as expert and the student teacher as developing a professional identity. The results provide novel qualitative insights into teacher–child interactions and using CLASS tool in combination to teachers’ self-reflections regarding their interactions with the children

    Opettajankoulutuksen tilannekatsaus: tilannekatsaus marraskuu 2014

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    Artikkeli perustuu vuonna 2012 julkaistuun selvitykseen (Vitikka, Salminen &amp; Annevirta 2012), jossa tarkastelimme opetussuunnitelman k&auml;sittely&auml; suomalaisissa opettajankoulutuksissa. Selvityst&auml; varten analysoitiin 41 peruskoulun opettajan kelpoisuutta antavan koulutuksen lukuvuoden 2011&ndash;2012 kirjallista opetussuunnitelmaa. N&auml;ist&auml; 18 oli luokanopettajan koulutuksen opetussuunnitelmia ja 23 aineenopettajan koulutuksen opetussuunnitelmia. Tarkoituksena oli selvitt&auml;&auml;, kuinka n&auml;kyv&auml;sti opetussuunnitelma on esill&auml; opettajankoulutuksissa ja mist&auml; n&auml;k&ouml;kulmista opetussuunnitelmaa opettajankoulutuksissa k&auml;sitell&auml;&auml;n. Pohdimme t&auml;ss&auml; artikkelissa selvityksen n&auml;k&ouml;kulmien ja tulosten pohjalta opetussuunnitelman k&auml;sittelyn merkityst&auml; opettajankoulutuksessa sek&auml; sen my&ouml;t&auml; opetussuunnitelmaa opettajan ammatillisuuden rakentumisen prosessissa.</div

    Computer-associated health complaints and sources of ergonomic instructions in computer-related issues among Finnish adolescents: A cross-sectional study

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    Background The use of computers has increased among adolescents, as have musculoskeletal symptoms. There is evidence that these symptoms can be reduced through an ergonomics approach and through education. The purpose of this study was to examine where adolescents had received ergonomic instructions related to computer use, and whether receiving these instructions was associated with a reduced prevalence of computer-associated health complaints. Methods Mailed survey with nationally representative sample of 12 to 18-year-old Finns in 2001 (n = 7292, response rate 70%). In total, 6961 youths reported using a computer. We tested the associations of computer use time and received ergonomic instructions (predictor variables) with computer-associated health complaints (outcome variables) using logistic regression analysis. Results To prevent computer-associated complaints, 61.2% reported having been instructed to arrange their desk/chair/screen in the right position, 71.5% to take rest breaks. The older age group (16-18 years) reported receiving instructions or being self-instructed more often than the 12- to 14-year-olds (p < 0.001). Among both age groups the sources of instructions included school (33.1%), family (28.6%), self (self-instructed) (12.5%), ICT-related (8.6%), friends (1.5%) and health professionals (0.8%). Receiving instructions was not related to lower prevalence of computer-associated health complaints. Conclusions This report shows that ergonomic instructions on how to prevent computer-related musculoskeletal problems fail to reach a substantial number of children. Furthermore, the reported sources of instructions vary greatly in terms of reliability.BioMed Central Open acces

    Fermentation quality of ensiled crimped faba beans using different additives with special attention to changes in bioactive compounds

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    Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is a grain legume that provides possibilities to increase local protein self-sufficiency both as feed and food in areas where possibilities for cultivation of other protein crops are limited. However, full ripening may not be achieved and storage of the moist beans by crimping and ensiling provides an economic alternative to drying, and is well suited for animal feeding. The objectives of the current experiment were to evaluate the effects of moisture content and various silage additives on the fermentation quality, aerobic stability and fate of bioactive compounds of ensiled crimped faba beans in a pilot scale ensiling experiment. Faba beans were combine harvested at moisture level of 443 g/kg and crimped prior to ensiling. The following additive treatments were applied using three replicates: 1) control (CON), 2) two commercial lactic acid bacteria inoculants as mixture (LABmix), 3) In-house LAB inoculant (LABLuke), 4) Formic acid based product (FA) and 5) Salt based product (Salt). Further, two of the additive treatments were prepared with additional moisture: 6) Control with tap water addition (CON + w) and 7) LABmix with tap water addition (LABmix + w). The beans ensiled without additive showed elevated pH, butyric acid and ethanol concentrations and proportion of ammonia N in total N. Addition of water further decreased the fermentation quality. The LAB inoculants improved the fermentation quality of the beans compared to CON. The fermentation was effectively restricted when FA was used. Both LAB and chemical additives improved aerobic stability compared to CON and Salt was especially effective in improving aerobic stability. Vicine disappeared totally during the ensiling period and also convicine was effectively degraded. It seems that promoting microbial activity in the silo either by LAB inoculation or increased moisture promoted the degradation of convicine, while chemical additives decreased the degradation of it. Total and particularly soluble proanthocyanidins were also degraded during the ensiling period. Crimping and ensiling is an alternative preservation method for faba beans which eliminates the energy consumption and investments required for drying. In addition, benefits regarding the concentrations of bioactive compounds may be expected


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    OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ Rikosseuraamuslaitoksen Yhdyskuntaseuraamustoimiston ja sosiaalitoimen vĂ€listĂ€ viranomaisyhteistyötĂ€ nuoren seuraamusselvityksen yhteydessĂ€. Vuoden 2011 alusta astui voimaan laki nuoren rikokseen syyllistyneen tilanteen selvittĂ€misestĂ€, joka kumosi ja muutti aiemman kĂ€ytĂ€nnön. Nuorella rikoksentekijĂ€llĂ€ tarkoitetaan henkilöÀ, joka tehdessÀÀn rangaistavan teon on ollut 15 - 20-vuotias. TĂ€mĂ€nikĂ€isistĂ€ rikokseen syyllistyneistĂ€ laaditaan nuoren seuraamusselvitys, jollei rikoksesta ilmeisesti seuraa sakkorangaistus. Nuoren seuraamusselvityksellĂ€ kartoitetaan nuoren elĂ€mĂ€ntilannetta ja otetaan kantaa ehdolliseen vankeusrangaistukseen liitettĂ€vÀÀn valvontaan. LisĂ€ksi siinĂ€ arvioidaan eri seuraamusvaihtoehtojen vaikutusta nuoren elĂ€mĂ€ntilanteeseen. Ehdoton vankeusrangaistus tuo-mitaan alle 18-vuotiaista vain painavista syistĂ€. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa haastateltiin Rikosseuraamuslaitoksen työntekijöitĂ€ sekĂ€ kolmen kunnan sosiaalitoimen edustajia. Tutkimuskysymysten kautta selvitettiin yhdyskunta-seuraamustoimiston ja sosiaalitointen sekĂ€ aiempaa ettĂ€ lakimuutoksen jĂ€lkeistĂ€ yhteistyötĂ€. Haastateltavilta kysyttiin lakimuutoksen herĂ€ttĂ€mistĂ€ ajatuksista sekĂ€ kehit-tĂ€misehdotuksia uuden lain edellyttĂ€mÀÀn yhteistyöhön. Haastattelujen aikana nousi esille myös kaksi muuta ajatuksia herĂ€ttĂ€vÀÀ asiasisĂ€ltöÀ: alaikĂ€isten rikoksiin syyllis-tyneiden lausuntojen siirtyminen lastensuojelusta Rikosseuraamuslaitokseen sekĂ€ lausuntojen laatiminen Rikosseuraamuslaitoksen arviointikeskuksissa. Tutkimustulokseksi muodostui kaksi viranomaisyhteistyön synteesimallia, joissa huomioidaan kolmen kunnan erilaiset resurssit ja toimintatavat.The purpose of the study was to clear up the co-operation between The Criminal Sanctions Agency and Social Services on a personal history report of the young offender. At the beginning of 2011 a new law came into force of a young perpetrator, which changed the previous practice. A young offender is a person who has committed a punishable act at the age of 15 to 20. A personal history report is drawn up of a young offender unless it is evident that the sentence is going to be fine. The personal history report establishes the young offender's life situation and provides an opinion on the need of supervision in connection with a conditional prison sentence. In addition, it assesses the impact of different sanction alternatives on a young offender`s life. Young offenders under 18 years of age can be imprisoned only in weighty reasons. The co-operation between Community Sanction Office and Social Services Department were investigated both before and after the change in the law. The interviewees were asked about the ideas raised from the change in the law and proposals for developing the co-operation according to the requirements of the new law. Also two other issues came up during the interviews: transition of young offenders reports from child protection to the Criminal Sanctions Agency as well as preparation at the Criminal assessment centres. The results of this study showed two models of authorities’ co-operation, in which the different local resources and policies of three municipals are taken into account

    SisÀisen viestinnÀn merkitys Swerock Oy:n työntekijöiden työhyvinvointiin

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ni tutkittiin Swerock Oy:n sisĂ€istĂ€ viestintÀÀ. Haluttiin selvittÀÀ, onko Swerock Oy:ssĂ€ sisĂ€isellĂ€ viestinnĂ€llĂ€ merkitystĂ€ Swerockin työntekijĂ€n työhyvinvointiin tai työmotivaatioon. Swerock Oy on lĂ€himenneisyydessĂ€ laajentunut ja Swerockin toimialue on maantieteellisesti sijoittunut EtelĂ€-Suomeen, LĂ€nsi-Suomeen, Pirkanmaalle ja Pohjanmaalle. Swerock Oy:ssĂ€ työskentelee useita eri toimialojen edustajia. NĂ€mĂ€ seikat tekevĂ€t yrityksen sisĂ€isestĂ€ viestinnĂ€stĂ€ haasteellisen. TutkimustyössĂ€ kysely oli jaettu viiteen sisĂ€isen viestinnĂ€n osaan Leif Åbergin pizzamallin mukaisesti. Kysely toteutettiin Webrolopolilla anonyyminĂ€. Se lĂ€hetettiin kaikille Swerock Oy:n työntekijöille sĂ€hköpostitse. Tutkimusta syvennettiin vielĂ€ haastatteluilla. Webropolin kyselytulosten analysoinnissa vastauksia tarkasteltiin mediaanin perusteella. Kyselyn tulosraporttien perusteella Swerock Oy:n sisĂ€inen viestintĂ€ toimii keskinkertaisesti lĂ€hes kaikilla osa-alueilla. Informoinnin osalta Swerockin sisĂ€inen viestintĂ€ koettiin tiedonvĂ€lityksen samanaikaisuuden ja samansisĂ€ltöisyyden sekĂ€ työsuojelutoiminnasta informoinnin osalta keskiarvoa heikommaksi. Haastatteluissa toivottiin informoinnin samanaikaisuutta, samanlaisuutta ja yhtĂ€aikaista tiedottamista sekĂ€ toimintaohjeiden selkiyttĂ€mistĂ€. SisĂ€isen viestinnĂ€n toimivuus todettiin tĂ€rkeĂ€ksi työhyvinvoinnin yllĂ€pitĂ€miseksi. JohtopÀÀtöksenĂ€ Swerock Oy:n tulisi selkiyttÀÀ informointiaan ja toimintaohjeitaan, jotta työyhteisön jĂ€senten työhyvinvointia kyettĂ€isiin parantamaan. TĂ€llĂ€ olisi vaikutusta myös yrityksen kannattavuuteen. Tutkimustulosten perusteella tehtiin kehitysehdotus Swerock Oy:lle.The aim of this thesis was to study internal communication at Swerock Oy to examine the impact on well-being at work and work motivation. Swerock Oy has expanded recently and business activity is run in the South of Finland, West of Finland, Pirkanmaa and Ostrobothnia.There are many professional fields working at Swerock Oy. All these points cause the internal communication quite challenging int the company. The inquiry of the research had been divided into five parts according to Leif ÅbergÂŽs pizza model. The inquiry was implemented anonymous with the help of Webropol system. It was mailed to everybody in Swerock Oy. Afterwards the research was deepened by interviewing. The results of the inquiry were examined based on the median. The internal communication was found to be working mediocre at almost every field at Swerock Oy. Communication at the same time with the same content and informing of occupational safety and health were experienced not to work at the best possible level. It was asked for simultaneousness informing and clear directives. The efficient internal communication was discovered important to keep well-being at work. As a conclusion the informing and directives should be clarified to improve well-being at work at Swerock Oy. By developing the internal communication the company would effect on the profitability. The improvement proposal was carried out to Swerock Oy

    The quality of an expert teacher’sand a student teacher’s pedagogical interactionsin early childhood education and care examined through theCLASS lens

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    High-quality interactions between teachers and children in early childhood education and care (ECEC) are at theheart of supporting children’s development, well-being, andlearning. Theaim of the study wasto examine the quality of an experienced ECEC teacher’sand an ECEC student teacher’steacher–child interactionsusingthe ClassroomAssessment Scoring System (CLASS). Furthermore, the study exploredthe participants’reflectionson their pedagogical interactions and theextent to which they alignedwith the CLASS framework. The data consistedof video recordings, written observation notes, and stimulated recall interview(SRI) transcripts. Thevideos were rated according to the CLASSmanual, and the data were analysedusing qualitative thematicanalysis. The results suggestedthat participants’teacher–child interactions were of relatively high quality, althoughinstructional supportwas anarea for development.However, the interactions of the student teachervaried acrossobservation cycles. In the SRIs, both participants emphasised the importance of emotional supportand supporting children’s language skills. Differences arose inthe participants’positioningtoward teacher identity:the ECECteacher as expert andthe student teacherasdeveloping aprofessional identity. The results provide novel qualitative insights into teacher–child interactions and using.peerReviewe