7 research outputs found

    Pengetahuan, Budaya, Serta Media Massa Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Pernikahan Dini pada Remaja Putri

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    Persoalan klasik seperti tradisi pernikahan dini yang masih dipraktikkan di masyarakat dapat menjadi pemicu terjadinya permasalahan kesehatan. Masalah yang dapat muncul seperti kematian ibu, persalinan sulit, kanker serviks, dan penyakit lainnya. Masalah ini dapat terjadi jika dipengaruhi oleh faktor resiko internal maupun eksternal. Melihat masalah yang ada maka pada penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan faktor pengetahuan, budaya, serta media massa dengan pernikahan dini pada remaja putri. Metode case control digunakan dalam penelitian kuantitatif ini. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dan terdapat 40 case dan 40 control. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian yaitu pada kelompok case sebagian besar memiliki pengetahuan kurang sebesar 67,5%, budaya baik sebesar 92,5%, dan keterapaparan media massa tinggi sebesar 52,5%. Kelompok control sebagian besar memiliki pengetahuan baik sebesar 95%, budaya buruk sebesar 52,5%, dan keterpaparan media massa sedang sebesar 90%. Faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya pernikahan dini yakni pengetahuan (p value 0,000, OR 39,462), budaya (p value 0,000 OR 0,073), dan media massa (p value 0,000, OR 0,101). Pada penelitian ini disimpulkan pengetahuan, budaya, dan media massa memiliki hubungan dengan terjadinya pernikahan dini

    Pengaruh Thought Stopping Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan Masyarakat Penerima Vaksinasi Covid-19 di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Terminal Banjarmasin: The Effect of Thought Stopping on Reducing Axiety Levels for the Recipient of the Covid-19 Vaccination in the Banjarmasin Terminal Health Center Work Area

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused various impacts that have been experienced by Indonesian people. The government has provided a breakthrough to reduce the number of Covid-19 in Indonesia, namely the Covid-19 vaccination. The hope of the Covid-19 vaccination is to create herd immunity for the people of Indonesia, but there are still many people who experience anxiety during the process of receiving the Covid-19 vaccination. A preliminary study conducted in the working area of ​​the Banjarmasin Terminal Health Center showed that 5 out of 10 people experienced anxiety. The anxiety experienced by the community can be reduced in various ways, one of which is the provision of thought stopping therapy interventions. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of thought stopping on reducing the anxiety level of the people who receive the COVID-19 vaccination in the working area of ​​the Banjarmasin Terminal Health Center.This research uses quantitative methods. The population taken is the community receiving the covid-19 vaccination in the working area of ​​the Banjarmasin Terminal Health Center. The number of samples is 30 people with purposive sampling technique. The results of the Paired T-Test statistic test showed that the significance value (2-tailed) was 0.000 <0.05, indicating a difference between anxiety before and after the intervention. There is an effect of thought stopping on reducing the level of anxiety of the people receiving the covid-19 vaccination in the working area of ​​the Banjarmasin Terminal Health Cente

    Layanan Persiapan Uji Kompetensi Tenaga Kesehatan Di Universitas Sari Mulia

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    Prodi Diploma Tiga Kebidanan Universitas Sari Mulia Banjarmasin merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan kesehatan yang berada di Kalimantan Selatan yang mempunyai tujuan menghasilkan lulusan yang professional dan mampu memberikan pelayanan kebidanan professional, mandiri dan mampu bersaing secara global. Salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut adalah dengan mengikuti kegiatan uji kompetensi dan mendapatkan surat tanda registrasi (STR). Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan pada kegiatan bimbingan belajar tahun 2018, persentase tingkat kelulusan uji kompetensi tenaga kesehatan mengalami peningkatan khusunya bagi alumni kebidanan dan ners Universitas Sari Mulia Banjarmasin. Sehingga hal tersebut yang mendasari Universitas Sari Mulia tetap ingin mengadakan layanan persiapan uji kompetensi tenaga kesehatan dalam bentuk layanan bimbingan belajar yang dilaksanakan tiga kali dalam satu tahun. Pelaksaan kegiatan ini berupa: 1. Pemasaran kepada masyarakat dan alumni tenaga kesehatan khusunya bidan dan ners tentang keberadaan bimbel uji kompetensi ini, 2. Peningkatan kapasitas SDM dalam pembuatan soal uji kompetensi yang dilaksanakan dalam kegiatan workshop item development, 3. Perencanaan bimbel dengan pengadaan modul soal, 4. Pelaksanaan bimbel di Universitas Sari Mulia Banjarmasin. Hasil dari program ini adalah tersusunnya modul soal uji kompetensi yang sesuai dengan standar nasional dan meningkatnya angka kelulusan uji kompetensi tenaga kesehatan khusunya bidan dan ners

    Pengaruh Thought Stopping Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan Masyarakat Penerima Vaksinasi Covid-19 di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Terminal Banjarmasin: The Effect of Thought stopping on Reducing Anxiety Levels for the Recipient of the Covid-19 Vaccination in the Banjarmasin Terminal Health Center Work Area

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused various impacts that have been experienced by Indonesian people. The government has provided a breakthrough to reduce the number of Covid-19 in Indonesia, namely the Covid-19 vaccination. The hope of the Covid-19 vaccination is to create herd immunity for the people of Indonesia, but there are still many people who experience anxiety during the process of receiving the Covid-19 vaccination. A preliminary study conducted in the working area of ​​the Banjarmasin Terminal Health Center showed that 5 out of 10 people experienced anxiety. The anxiety experienced by the community can be reduced in various ways, one of which is the provision of thought stopping therapy interventions. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of thought stopping on reducing the anxiety level of the people who receive the COVID-19 vaccination in the working area of ​​the Banjarmasin Terminal Health Center.This research uses quantitative methods. The population taken is the community receiving the covid-19 vaccination in the working area of ​​the Banjarmasin Terminal Health Center. The number of samples is 30 people with purposive sampling technique. The results of the Paired T-Test statistic test showed that the significance value (2-tailed) was 0.000 <0.05, indicating a difference between anxiety before and after the intervention. There is an effect of thought stopping on reducing the level of anxiety of the people receiving the covid-19 vaccination in the working area of ​​the Banjarmasin Terminal Health Cente


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    Latar Belakang: Dampak BBLR banyak menimbulkan resiko mengenai permasalahan pada sistem tubuh akibat kondisi tubuh tidak stabil sehingga dapat menyebabkan kematian. Preeklampsia merupakan salah satu permasalahan dari faktor ibu yang serius dan memiliki tingkat kompleksitas yang tinggi. Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh preeklampsia terhadap kejadian BBLR di RSUD Pangeran Jaya Sumitra. Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel adalah total populasi yaitu 34 kasus preeklampsia di RSUD Pangeran Jaya Sumitra tahun 2021. Analisis menggunakan Chi Square. Hasil: Dari 34 kasus preeklampsia tahun 2021 di RSUD Pangeran Jaya Sumitra didapatkan 20 kasus yang berat lahir kategori BBLR atau sebesar 58,8%. Kasus preeklampsia tahun 2021 di RSUD Pangeran Jaya Sumitra didapatkan 17 kasus preeklampsia (50%) dan 17 kasus preeklampsia berat (50%). Hasil analisis statistik didapatkan p-value sebesar 0,081 yang artinya tidak ada pengaruh preeklampsia terhadap kejadian BBR di RSUD Pangeran Jaya Sumitra. Simpulan: Kejadian kasus preeklampsia sebanyak 34 kasus dengan BBLR sebanyak 20 kasus. Tidak ada pengaruh preeklampsia terhadap kejadian BBLR di RSUD Pangeran Jaya Sumitra


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    Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of warm water compress therapy on the incidence of hyperemia in 40 patients with phlebitis at the Inpatient Installation of H. Hasan Basry General Hospital Kandangan. Research method used quasi-experimental with two group; control and intervention. The control group was untreated phlebitis, while the intervention group was a phlebitis patient treated with warm water compresses. Data collection was collected by measuring the redness diameter before and after warm compress therapy. The result showed that the mean of intervention group diameter before treatment 49.3 mm and after treatment 40.2 mm. The mean diameter of control group before treatment 48.1 mm and after treatment 46.4 mm. The mean diameter of intervention group was decreased 9.1 mm and 1.7 mm in the control group. Statistically result test show that there was a significant difference of mean hyperemia diameter between intervention and control group (p<0.05). Statistically result test also shows that there was a significant difference of mean hyperemia between pre- and post-treatment with warm water (p<0.05). It was concluded that the warm compress therapy could decreased the incidence of hyperemia in phlebitis patients

    Pemberdayaan Kader Posyandu Bina Sejahtera dalam Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Stunting melalui pendekatan kesehatan Ibu dan Anak di Kelurahan Sungai Lulut

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    Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by a lack of nutrition in the long term, resulting in impaired growth in children. Stunting is also one of the causes of stunted children's height, so that it is lower than children of their age. The prevalence of stunting under-fives in South Kalimantan province based on data from the survey on the nutritional status of Indonesia in 2022 is 24.6% and in the city of Banjarmasin it is 22.4%. It is necessary to empower Posyandu Bina Sejahtera Cadres in the Prevention and Control of Stunting through a maternal and child health approach in Sungai Lulut Village. Some of the activities include increasing the knowledge and skills of cadres through education and training, providing anthropometric kit grants to support Posyandu activities, evaluating the performance of cadres related to education and service to the community by cadres. Activities can be carried out smoothly so that there is an increase in the knowledge of both cadres and the community, the performance of cadres in conducting education and posyandu services is included in the very good category, there is an increase in the quality of implementation of posyandu activities so that it also raises awareness and motivation of the community in participating in posyandu. It is hoped that the activity will continue to create stunting care cadres who can indirectly contribute to efforts to prevent stunting in toddlers. Abstrak: Stunting adalah masalah gizi kronis akibat kurangnya asupan gizi dalam jangka waktu panjang sehingga mengakibatkan terganggunya pertumbuhan pada anak. Stunting juga menjadi salah satu penyebab tinggi badan anak terhambat, sehingga lebih rendah dibandingkan anak-anak seusianya. Prevalensi balita stunting provinsi Kalimantan Selatan berdasarkan data hasil survei status gizi Indonesia tahun 2022 sebesar 24,6% dan pada kota Banjarmasin sebesar 22,4%. Perlu dilakukan kegiatan Pemberdayaan Kader Posyandu Bina Sejahtera dalam Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Stunting melalui pendekatan kesehatan Ibu dan Anak di Kelurahan Sungai Lulut. Beberapa kegiatan diantaranya Peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kader melalui Pendidikan dan pelatihan, pemberian hibah antropometri kit sebagai penunjang kegiatan posyandu, penilaian performa kader terkait edukasi dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat oleh kader. Kegiatan dapat dilaksanakan dengan lancar sehingga terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan baik kader maupun masyarakat, performa kader dalam melakukan edukasi dan pelayanan posyandu termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik, terjadi peningkatan kualitas pelaksanaan kegiatan posyandu sehingga juga menimbulkan kesadaran dan motivasi masyarakat dalam mengikuti posyandu. Kegiatan diharapkan terus berlanjut sehingga tercipta kader peduli stunting yang secara tidak langsung dapat berkontribusi dalam upaya pencegahan terjadinya stunting pada balita