267 research outputs found

    The changes in TVN and histamin of kilka within the different preservation methods

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    The purpose of this research was to evaluate the quality of preserved kilka for human consumption. The different preservation methods (CSW and crushed ice) were used and the results were compared with the traditional method. Two main parameters (TVN and Histamine) of collected samples were measured in different preservation-time, namely: a) Time zero (after fishing), b) T5 and T10 (5 and 10 hours duration from fishing ground to processing room). The mean value of Histamine of T10 (10 hours after fishing) for traditional, CSW and crushed ice methods were determined 10.3, 2.2 and 1.5mg/100, respectively. On the other hand, the measured TVN values above mentioned methods were 22.3, 19.0 and 17.0 mg/100, respectively. The results showed a significant difference between the traditional method and two other methods (P<0.05) but (here was no significant between CSW and crushed ice methods. Since, the preserved kilkas in the CSW showed higher quality, therefore, it is proposed that tor using kilka as human consumption, they showed be preferably preserved in chilled sea water after fishing


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    Kabupaten Murung Raya adalah salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah yang berada di pedalaman pulau kalimantan dan terletak di daerah khatulistiwa dengan ibukota Kabupaten di Kota Puruk Cahu. Sungai barito hulu merupakan induk dari be-berapa anak sungai yang ada di wilayah kabupaten murung raya yaitu : Sungai Laung, Sungai Babuat, Sungai Joloi, Sungai Busang. Debit Sungai Barito Hulu pada saat ini di-pergunakan untuk memenuhi berbagai macam sektor kebutuhan air disekitar Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Barito Hulu yaitu di Puruk Cahu Kabupaten Murung Raya. Ketersediaan air dihitung dengan Metode Debit Andalan. Data yang diperlukan untuk analisa ketersediaan air adalah data debit sungai bulanan atau harian dengan periode waktu lebih besar dari 10 tahun, dimana data ini tidak ada sehingga debit bulanan di-simulasikan berdasarkan data hujan dan data evapotranspirasi potensial pada daerah penelitian dengan bantuan model matematik hubungan hujan-limpasan. Model hubungan hujan-debit dengan interval bulanan yang digunakan adalah NRECA. Dari Metoda Ke-tersediaan Air/Debit andalan DAS Barito Hulu menggunakan debit hasil perhitungan Me-tode Nreca menunjukan bahwa debit andalan 80% didapat rata-rata per bulan 349,853 m3/detik, dan 85% didapat rata-rata per bulan 261,675 m3/detik. Ketersediaan Air/Debit Andalan 90% didapat rata-rata per bulan 167,094 m3/detik. Ketersediaan airĀ  95% di-dapat rata-rata per bulan 97.384 m3/detik, dan 99% didapat rata-rata per bulan 69,170 m3/detik

    An outpatient department based observational study to review the pattern of utilization of proton pump inhibitors for their co-relation with the indications in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are one of the commonest drugs prescribed for a variety of indications. They are considered remarkably safe and prescribed liberally. However, on long term administration, they can cause a number of adverse effects. In a tertiary care hospital, where the patient numbers are large and many attending super speciality centre, a number of patients were observed to receive PPIs for approved and unapproved indications. It was therefore considered prudent to study the prescribed PPIs for a co-relation with their indications or otherwise so as to formulate corrective interventions.Methods: The observational study was conducted in the dispensary of a tertiary care centre. The prescriptions of the patients were the study material. Prescriptions for a full week were taken in for consideration. A total of 4142 prescriptions were studied. All aspects related to PPIs were noted and analysed. Additionally, a note on prescribed calcium supplements, vitamins and antioxidants was made.Results: Of all the prescriptions studied by us, 33% had PPIs in them. Omeprazole was the commonest PPI followed by pantoprazole. Almost half the patients prescribed PPIs, the duration of administration was over 30 days. 78% patients prescribed PPIs also had some or the other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in their prescription. Over one fourth of the total patients also received calcium supplements, vitamins or anti-oxidants.Conclusions: Proton pump inhibitors are very popular drugs and are being prescribed for approved and unapproved indications in the hope of providing relief to the patients. They are being advised quite liberally and more so if any NSAID has been co-prescribed. Even for prescriptions lasting for less than 5 days, PPIs have been included in the presumption to prevent gastritis due to NSAIDs. This practice is contrary to guidelines and also exposes the patients to avoidable adverse drug reactions

    Entropy as logarithmic term of the central charge and modified Friedmann equation in AdS/CFT correspondence

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    This paper is about the extended thermodynamics of AdS black holes and its relation to CFT thermodynamics. The logarithmic term of the central charge is interpreted as black hole entropy. We have obtain a modified Friedmann equation from the Smarr formula. We find that the AdS radius is the critical shadow radius. We obtain the Hawking-Bekenstein formula with logarithmic corrections, which depends on the central charge. The real gas in AdS is a dual of an ideal gas in CFT. This work can be extended to the AdS-Kerr black holes.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Possible signatures of mixed-parity superconductivity in doped polar SrTiO3 films

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    Superconductors that possess both broken spatial inversion symmetry and spin-orbit interactions exhibit a mix of spin singlet and triplet pairing. Here, we report on measurements of the superconducting properties of electron-doped, strained SrTiO3 films. These films have an enhanced superconducting transition temperature and were previously shown to undergo a transition to a polar phase prior to becoming superconducting. We show that some films show signatures of an unusual superconducting state, such as an in-plane critical field that is higher than both the paramagnetic and orbital pair breaking limits. Moreover, nonreciprocal transport, which reflects the ratio of odd versus even pairing interactions, is observed. Together, these characteristics indicate that these films provide a tunable platform for investigations of unconventional superconductivity

    The Psychological Impact of Referral for Mammography Screening for Breast Cancer Among Women in Muscat Governorate: A cross-sectional study

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    Objectives: Breast cancer constitutes the majority of diagnosed cancers in Omanā€™s females, accounting for 19.2%, which prompted the introduction of a breast cancer screening programme into the Omani healthcare system. There are rising international concerns about the effectiveness of mammography as a screening tool and its psychological impact. The current study aimed to determine the social, emotional and physical dysfunction caused by the waiting time from the day of scheduling the appointment until the day of screening and explore associated risk factors. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted between March and December 2017 at Khoula Hospital, Muscat, Oman, using a two-part self-administered questionnaire. Part one of the questionnaire collected clinical and demographic data. Part two consisted of the Psychological Consequences Questionnaire (PCQ) and focused on psychological consequences, measuring the effect of mammographic screening on emotional, physical and social functions. Results: A total of 300 women aged ā‰„40 years old participated in this study (response rate: 100%). Results revealed that there was a minimal negative psychological impact from screening using mammograms. All PCQ domains were significantly impacted for participants who reported a family history of cancer (P = 0.007). The social score was significantly higher among women between 40ā€“50 years old (P = 0.008). Scores of emotional and social functions were significantly affected by participantsā€™ employment status; employed women were more affected than those who were not (P = 0.043 and 0.012, respectively). However, womenā€™s levels of literacy did not affect any of the domains. Conclusion: The psychosocial impact of the waiting period between scheduling and undergoing mammography screening was minimal in the current sample. Future research should evaluate the psychosocial impact on patients at different recall times.Keywords: Breast Cancer; Mammography; Psychological Factors; Depression; Anxiety; Oman

    An analysis of adherence to the World Health Organisation guidelines pertaining to drug promotional literature by pharmaceutical firms

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    Background: Pharmaceutical companies used Drug Promotion Literatures (DPLs) as a major tool to advertise their new products. World Health Organization (WHO) has set some guidelines for promotion of drug literature. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate various DPLs for their accuracy and credibility as per WHO ethical criteria.Methods: This was an observational and cross-sectional study. Total 100 drugs advertisements published in various medical journals were collected from the library of the college. Advertisements were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The selected advertisements were evaluated based on the WHO ethical criteria for drug promotion.Results: From 100 advertisements, 73 were single drug whereas 27 were fixed drug combinations. Antimicrobials (16%) were the most promoted advertisements. Only 28% of the advertisements carried references to support their claim. Out of which majority (91.78%) were from journal articles. The generic name, brand name, names of active ingredients, manufacturer, distributor and dosage regimen were mentioned in majority of advertisements. Drug interactions (12%), contraindications (22%), precautions (24%) and side effects (22%) were least mentioned in the advertisements.Conclusions: It was observed that none of the advertisement followed all the guidelines laid down by WHO. Pharmaceutical companies should follow ethical regulatory measures to promote their product in various journals. The regulatory authority must ensure the pharmaceutical companies to follow ethical guidelines for publishing various drug promotional literatures

    Kajian Kawasan Pergudangan di Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara

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    Penajam Paser Utara Regency is one of the regencies in East Kalimantan that is predicted to be a candidate for the new capital city of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Industrial development has changed along with the increasing intensity of development implementation. The designation of the Buluminung Industrial area has been determined, to support its existence, the Penajam Paser Utara Regency Government plans to build a warehousing area. This article briefly reviews the results of spatial analysis, transportation analysis, technical analysis, supply chain management analysis, financial economic analysis, social analysis, environmental risk analysis. The results of this study are expected to provide an overview of the prospects for the development of warehousing areas in Penajam Paser Utara Regency and can be utilized as well as possible by Penajam Paser Utara Regency.Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara merupakan salah satu Kabupaten di Kalimantan Timur yang digadang sebagai calon Ibukota baru Negara Republik Indonesia. Perkembangan industri di Kabupaten ini mengalami perubahan seiring peningkatan intensitas penyelenggaran pembangunan. Kawasan peruntukan Industri Buluminung telah ditetapkan, untuk mendukung keberandaanya, pemerintah Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara berencana membangun sebuah kawasan pergudangan. Artikel ini secara singkat mengulas hasil analisis keruangan, analisis transportasi, analisis teknis, analisis manajemen rantai pasok, analisis ekonomi finansial, analisis sosial, analisis resiko lingkungan rencana pembangungan kawasan pergudangan di Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara. Hasil kajian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan gambaran prospek pembangunan kawasan pergudangan di Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara dan dapat dimanfaatkan dengan sebaik ā€“ baiknya oleh pihak Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara

    Effect of Drilling Fluid Properties on Rate of Penetration

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    Zadaća ovoga rada je odrediti učinak svojstava buÅ”ačih fluida na brzinu buÅ”enja u ležiÅ”tu koristeći dnevne izvjeÅ”taje buÅ”enja. Na osnovi naÅ”ih studija na terenu, slijedeća svojstva buÅ”ačih fluida u nejednakom omjeru utječu na brzinu buÅ”enja: težina isplake, plastična viskoznost i koncentracija krutih čestica. Rezultat ove studije pokazuje da je čisti učinak svojstava buÅ”ačeg fluida na brzinu buÅ”enja manji no Å”to se smatralo. Brzina buÅ”enja smanjuje se povećanjem plastične viskoznosti, koncentracije krutih čestica i težine isplake. Smanjenje brzine buÅ”enja viÅ”e se pripisuje povećanju dubine, zato Å”to se povećanjem dubine povećava čvrstoća stijene i smanjuje poroznost.The scope of this work is to determine the effect of drilling fluid properties on penetration rate in a field using daily drilling reports. Based on our field studies the following drilling fluid properties affect penetration rate to varying degrees: mud weight, plastic viscosity and solid content. The result of this study shows that the net effect of drilling fluid properties on penetration rate is less than what it thought to be. Penetration rate is decreased by increasing plastic viscosity, solid content and mud weight. Decreasing the penetration rate is more attributed to increase of depth, because by increasing the depth, rock strength increases and porosity decreases
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