1,739 research outputs found

    Strong Baselines for Simple Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs with and without Neural Networks

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    We examine the problem of question answering over knowledge graphs, focusing on simple questions that can be answered by the lookup of a single fact. Adopting a straightforward decomposition of the problem into entity detection, entity linking, relation prediction, and evidence combination, we explore simple yet strong baselines. On the popular SimpleQuestions dataset, we find that basic LSTMs and GRUs plus a few heuristics yield accuracies that approach the state of the art, and techniques that do not use neural networks also perform reasonably well. These results show that gains from sophisticated deep learning techniques proposed in the literature are quite modest and that some previous models exhibit unnecessary complexity.Comment: Published in NAACL HLT 201

    Affordable interactive virtual reality system for the Dynamic Hip Screw surgery training in vitro

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    Interactive virtual reality systems provide safe and cost-effective training environment to improve the technical skills and competence of surgeons. The trainees can have as many practice sessions, without need to the trainer all the time, before even start carrying out the procedure on any real patient. In this paper, we present an affordable interactive virtual reality system for the Dynamic Hip Screw (DHS) surgery training in vitro, through 3D tracking. The system facilitates a safe (in vitro / off patient) training to improve the cognitive coordination of trainees and junior surgeons, in particular the Hands, Eyes and Brain coordination. The system is based on very cheap commercial off-the-shelf (COT) components, which are very affordable, and needs minimum setup effort and knowledge. It also provides a range of visual and quantitative feedback information and measures, such as position, orientation, insertion point, and depth of drilling. It is envisaged that improving this level of coordination, through the training system, will contribute to reducing the failure rate of the DHS procedure. This means better treatment for patients and less costs for the Health services systems (e.g. UK's NHS system)

    Removal of Sulfate from Waste Water by Activated Carbon

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    Activated carbon was Produced from coconut shell and was used for removing sulfate from industrial waste water in batch Processes. The influence of various parameter were studied such as pH (4.5 9.) , agitation time (0 120)min and adsorbent dose (2 10) gm.<br />The Langmuir and frandlich adsorption capacity models were been investigated where showed there are fitting with langmmuir model with squre regression value ( 0.76). The percent of removal of sulfate (22% - 38%) at (PH=7) in the isotherm experiment increased with adsorbent mass increasing. The maximum removal value of sulfate at different pH experiments is (43%) at pH=7.<br /

    Design, Analysis, and Optimization of Traffic Engineering for Software Defined Networks

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    Network traffic has been growing exponentially due to the rapid development of applications and communications technologies. Conventional routing protocols, such as Open-Shortest Path First (OSPF), do not provide optimal routing and result in weak network resources. Optimal traffic engineering (TE) is not applicable in practice due to operational constraints such as limited memory on the forwarding devices and routes oscillation. Recently, a new way of centralized management of networks enabled by Software-Defined Networking (SDN) made it easy to apply most traffic engineering ideas in practice. \par Toward creating an applicable traffic engineering system, we created a TE simulator for experimenting with TE and evaluating TE systems efficiently as this tool employs parallel processing to achieve high efficiency. The purpose of the simulator is two aspects: (1) We use it to understand traffic engineering, (2) we use it to formulate a new traffic engineering algorithm that is near-optimal and applicable in practice. We study the design of some important aspects of any TE system. In particular, the consequences of achieving optimal TE by solving the multi-commodity flow problem (MCF) and the consequences of choosing single-path routing over multi-path routing. With the help of the TE simulator, we compare many TE systems constructed by combining different paths selection techniques with two objective functions for rate adaptations: load balancing (LB) and average delay (AD). The results confirm that paths selected based on the theoretical approach known as Oblivious Routing combined with AD objective function can significantly increase the performance in terms of throughput, congestion, and delay.\par However, the new proposed system comes with a cost. The AD function has a higher complexity than the LB function. We show that this problem can be tackled by training deep learning models. We trained two models with two different neural network architectures: Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM), to get a responsive traffic engineering system. The input training data is based on synthetic data obtained from the simulator. The output of the two models is the split ratios that the SDN controller uses to instruct the switching devices about how to forward traffic in the network. The result confirms that both models are effective and can be used to forward traffic in an optimal or near-optimal way. The LSTM model has shown a slightly better result than MLP due to its ability to predict a longer output sequence

    Plenum-to-plenum heat transfer characteristics under natural circulation in a scaled-down prismatic modular reactor

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    “Gas-cooled reactor (GCR) is being developed under the Next Generation Nuclear Plant Program (NGNP) in nuclear engineering studies. As the world searches for an energy source with high energy density, clean, abundant, and storable nature to avoid global warming issues, GCR seems to be a promising solution, particularly the possibility of producing hydrogen. Studying and developing the safety analysis and GCR technologies are required for the optimum design and safety of GCR system. Multiphase Reactors Engineering and Applications Laboratory (mReal) at Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T) has developed a natural convection heat transfer test facility with one riser and one downcomer between two plena to investigate loss of flow accident scenario (LOFA) for a prismatic very high temperature reactor (VHTR). Using advanced heat transfer coefficient probe and T-thermocouples. The facility represents a scaled down prismatic modular reactor with a reference to High-Temperature Test Facility at Oregon State University (OSU-HTTF). The natural circulation heat transfer in terms of temperature fields and heat transfer coefficients across the core of current facility (i.e., channels) has been investigated at different conditions to understand the passive safety features of prismatic modular reactors (PMR). This dissertation advance knowledge and understanding of the intra core natural circulation phenomenon in the PMRs. Moreover, fill the gaps in the open literature and understanding of the natural circulation heat transfer and gaseous dynamics in the prismatic VHTR and provide experimental benchmark data, which is much needed and is missing in the literature for verification and validation”--Abstract, page iii

    Computational fluid dynamics modeling and comparison of advanced techniques for heat transfer augmentation for nuclear applications

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    “Passive safety is the most important feature of NuScale’s reactor designs. Twist tape is one passive heat enhance heat technique. The present research investigated thermo-hydraulic characteristics of natural and forced convection of water under different configurations of twisted tape inserted in tube as well as NuScale rod bundles for uniform wall heat flux using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) using ANSYS Fluent 18.1. Results for twist tape inserted in tube under natural circulation showed that heat transfer enhanced and pressure drop increased to 28% and 102.8% over the plain tube respectively. Regularly spaced tapes, and different widths of the twisted tapes also played a significant role in both heat transfer and pressure drop. Moreover, the results revealed a strong effect of twist ratios on the inner wall temperature. The impact of twisted tapes along sub-channel for the water flow through NuScale SMR’s 2X2 RB at the normal operating conditions showed that the Nusselt number (Nu) and secondary flow were enhanced by 101% and 0.16 as compared to the case of plain sub-channel, respectively. On the other hand, the pressure drop for a sub-channel with twisted tape is always higher than the plain sub-channel. The flow in rod bundle sub-channels under natural convection with twist along the sub-channel showed that heat transfer and pressure drop are increased by 39.5% and 112.5% as compared to the case of plain sub-channel respectively. In addition, all results showed that Nu and pressure drop are influenced by changing the twist ratio, and tape geometry. Finally, twisted tapes were effective in enhancing the Nu in sub-channels under both natural and forced convection conditions. The smallest twist ratio in all cases resulted in the high pressure drop and Nu”--Abstract, page iii

    A Topic Modeling approach for Code Clone Detection

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    In this thesis work, the potential benefits of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) as a technique for code clone detection has been described. The objective is to propose a language-independent, effective, and scalable approach for identifying similar code fragments in relatively large software systems. The main assumption is that the latent topic structure of software artifacts gives an indication of the presence of code clones. It can be hypothesized that artifacts with similar topic distributions contain duplicated code fragments and to prove this hypothesis, an experimental investigation using multiple datasets from various application domains were conducted. In addition, CloneTM, an LDA-based working prototype for code clone detection was developed. Results showed that, if calibrated properly, topic modeling can deliver a satisfactory performance in capturing different types of code clones, showing particularity good performance in detecting Type III clones. CloneTM also achieved levels of performance comparable to already existing practical tools that adopt different clone detection strategies

    Aspects of Portuguese rule in the Arabian Gulf, 1521-1622

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    This study deals with Portuguese rule over the Arabian Gulf from 1521, after the occupation of Hormuz, Bahrain and Qatif, to 1622 when Portuguese power declined after the capture of Hormuz by an English-Persian alliance.The work is organised into an introduction and five thematic chapters, each of which addresses one or more political and economic aspects of Portuguese rule in this period. The introduction provides a summary of the primary Portuguese sources, and other English, Arabic, and Turkish sources which pertain to the Portuguese invasion of the Gulf. There then follows a short description of the geography of the Gulf.Chapter One deals with Portuguese expansion and objectives in the East. In addition, the chapter discusses the commercial contacts between India and the Gulf before the Portuguese arrived. Particular attention is paid to the political and social structure of Hormuz. Chapter Two discusses the economic life of the Gulf during the sixteenth century and the beginning of the seventeenth century. This chapter also examines the commercial experiences or influences that the Portuguese brought to the people of the Gulf, and the economic aspects of the Portuguese presence.Chapter Three examines the basis and character of Portugal's political administration in the East in general, and in the Gulf in particular. This chapter also addresses relations between the Portuguese viceroyalty and the local governors. Chapter Four opens with a discussion of local resistance in the Gulf against the Portuguese. It deals also with the arrival of the Ottomans in the Gulf in the sixteenth century and their conflict with the Portuguese, and with Portuguese relations with Persia during the reign of Shah Abbas.Finally, Chapter Five assesses the reasons for the collapse of Portuguese domination in the Gulf in 1622 and its effects on the region. It discusses in detail why Hormuz, as one of the most important props of the Portuguese empire in the East, fell as an easy victim, even though it was thriving economically