706 research outputs found

    Ossification of the cartilages of the horse's hoof (side bone)

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    The anatomy, development and histopathology of the distal phalanx (PIII) and the cartilages of the equine hoof were studied by radiological and histological techniques. Chemical analyses of ash, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus were also included.A well defined distal palmar process was present in a 5 month fetus. At this stage, the proximal articular surface of PIII was still cartilaginous; its development was completed 5 months postnatally. Side bone was detectable a month later. The notch of the palmar process may be converted into a foramen any time after 2 years of age. Throughout development, the cartilages of the hoof were fibro- elastic and although directly continuous with the proximal palmar process of PIII, they were attached to the distal palmar process by a short ligament.The side bone developed consistently in all cartilages and was invariably present from 6 months onwards. A means of classification as short, medium, long and marked has been suggested. The short type was the most frequent whereas the others were seldom seen in animals under 3 years of age. The longer types were more commonly observed in the fore than in the hind feet and some bilateral symmetry was present. Although the presence of this bone has been claimed to be a factor in causing lameness, this was not verified.Bony islands were seen at different sites in the cartilaginous plate and in the short ligament which attached the distal palmar process to the solar border of the cartilage of the hoof; those of the cartilaginous plate originated near to cartilage canals. A radiological dense area was sometimes seen in the region of the palmar process in animals older than 2 years. This was due to the presence of the bony bridge which converted the palmar notch into a foramen.Side bone was formed by ossification and not calcification. Bone growth from the proximal palmar process of PIII is one of the factors involved. Its osteogenesis was a normal process of ossification extending from the proximal palmar process of PIII. Bony islands also occurred in the cartilage and at the level of the distal palmar process. There was no evidence of inflammatory reaction but necrosis and "non- provisional" calcification of the cartilage plate occurred and became more marked with age.There was a significant difference between the mineral composition of the side bone and that of the adjacent part of PIII. This was related to differences in the stages of developments of the two regions

    Determination the genotyping diversity between biofilm forming and collagenase producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains

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    A total of 82 Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from four hospitals in Baghdad. The isolates were studied by repetitive element based PCR (rep-PCR) using BOX primer.Methode: Biofilm determination method was used to screen the 82 isolates of forming biofilm .Collagenase production assay was used to screen the 28 isolates that were strong biofilm formers Collagenase production assay was used to screen the 28 isolates that were strong biofilm formers.Results: collagenase production increases when bacteria switch from a planktonic to biofilm phenotype. This indicates that biofilms and collagenase are more virulent and have a greater ability to cause tissue destruction . The REP-PCR analysis using BOX-primer, showed a clusters genetic relatedness among the isolates. The isolates were grouped according to the REP-PCR in 9 different genotypes, named cluster 1 to 3 which included  C1, C2 ,C3 with relatedness  :8 (80%), 8 (86%) ,3 (80%) respectively . A19 and A20 both of them were not included in any cluster , they have 78% similarity .The REP-PCR analysis showed that the genotypic relatedness is consistently high between the 8 producer isolates and non producer isolates (13),showed similarity reached 86% between collagenase and biofilm producers . Keywords: Genotyge ,rep-PCR,Collagenase,Biofilm,Pseudomonas aeruginosa,BOX prime

    Managing usability evaluation practices in agile development environments

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    Usability evaluation is a core usability activity that minimizes risks and improves product quality. The returns from usability evaluation are undeniable. Neglecting such evaluation at the development stage negatively affects software usability. In this paper, the authors develop a software management tool used to incorporate usability evaluation activities into the agile environment. Using this tool, agile development teams can manage a continuous evaluation process, tightly coupled with the development process, allowing them to develop high quality software products with adequate level of usability. The tool was evaluated through verification, followed by the validation on satisfaction. The evaluation results show that the tool increased software development practitioner satisfaction and is practical for supporting usability work in software projects.

    Pathogenesis of Human Papillomavirus – Immunological Responses to HPV Infection

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    Papillomavirus is an oncogenic virus which infects mucosal and cutaneous epithelia where it induces benign hyperproliferative lesions. Few studies have been conducted on the causative factors associated with the development of cancer. Infections by high-risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) have been implicated as causative agents in a variety of cancers such as anogenital, and head and neck cancers. HPVs appear to have evolved mechanisms resulting in escape from host immune surveillance and delay of resolution of infection. The HPV E5 oncoprotein is one of the possible effectors that allows the virus to escape from host immune system through the downregulation of surface classical major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC I) and not the nonclassical MHC I. Lack of classical MHC I in infected cells expressing E5 would allow evasion of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) killing and thus establishment and persistence of viral infection

    The Role of Islamic Boarding Schools in Instilling Deradicalization Values

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    This research focuses on the ethics and morals of educators and learners in Islamic education. The ethics of educators and students in Islam turned out to be gradually starting to change, economic values gradually began to enter, so that what is happening now is that there are many problems that occur in the world of education such as the crisis of ethics from both educators and students. This study aims to examine how the ethics of educators and students in the perspective of Islamic education. The method in this research is a literature method that refers to books, esklopedia, and scientific articles. The conclusions in this study are the ethics that must be possessed by educators in the Islamic education perspective, including: teachers must have a broader understanding, be professional, love their students, provide the right to education in a fair, honest, sincere manner when dealing with diverse student situations. The ethics that must be possessed by peseta didik in the perspective of Islamic education are: having the intention to study because of Allah SWT, strong, sincere and steadfast in studying

    Karakteristik kualitatif dan kuantitatif pedet betina dan jantan umur 4-5 bulan pada sapi perah Friesian Holstein di kelompok ternak Bojong Kawung Ciwidey Bandung

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    Kualitas ternak sapi perah dapat dilihat sejak pedet dilahirkan sampau dengan menjelang dewasa. Tampilan luar tubuh pedet sapi perah sangat penting untuk diketahui. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pedet sapi perah betina dan jantan melaui karakteristik sifat kualitatif dan kuantitatif di Kelompok Ternak Sapi Perah  Bojong Kawung Ciwidey Kabupaten Bandung. Objek penelitian menggunakan pedet sapi perah umur 4-5 bulan dengan jenis kelamin betina dan jantan. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survey. Penentuan sampel penelitian menggunakan simple random sampling. Peubah yang diamati kualitatif dengan melihat tanda segitiga pada dahi, warna ujung ekor, dan bagian bawah carpus sedangkan kuantitatif meliputi bobot badan, panjang badan, lingkar dada, tinggi pundak. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sifat kualitatif pada pedet betina dan jantan umur 4-5 bulan adalah terdapat segitiga pada dahi, warna ujung ekor putih, dan bawah carpus putih-hitam. Kuantitatif menghasilkan rataan bobot badan, panjang badan, lingkar dada, tinggi pundak pada pedet betina yaitu 122,13 kg, 90,3 cm, 120,6 cm, 104,3 cm sedangkan pedet jantan memiliki rataan bobot badan, panjang badan, lingkar dada dan tinggi pundak yaitu 130,87 kg, 87,43 cm, 130,5 cm, 108,43 cm. Terdapat kesamaan karakteristik kualitatif pada pedet sapi perah betina dan jantan yaitu segitiga pada dahi, warna putih pada ujung ekor serta carpus bawah bercorak hitam-putih. Sedangkan nilai kuantitatif terdapat perbedaan antara pedet betina dan jantan terhadap bobot badan, Panjang badan, lingkar dada dan tinggi Pundak. Kata kunci : kualitatif, kuantitatif, pedet, FH, Bojong Kawun

    Raman spectroscopic analysis of normal, abnormal and irradiated oral mucosa: A tissue engineered and ex vivo approach

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    Head and neck cancer (HNC) is the sixth most common malignancy worldwide. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), the primary cause of HNC, evolves from normal epithelium through dysplasia before invading the connective tissue to form a carcinoma. However, less than 18% of dysplastic lesions progress to cancer with diagnosis currently relying on histopathological evaluation, which is invasive and time-consuming. A non-invasive, real-time, point-of-care method could overcome these problems and facilitate regular screening. The aim of this study was to use Raman spectroscopy to identify specific chemical moieties which can be identified to determine cancer progression and thereby investigate its use as a diagnostic tool. Tissue-engineered models of normal, dysplastic and HNC squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) were constructed and their biochemical content determined by interpretation of spectral characteristics. Spectral features of normal models were mainly attributed to lipids, whereas, malignant models were observed to be protein dominant. Visible differences between the spectra of normal, dysplastic and cancerous models, specifically in the bands of amide I and III were observed. Principal component analysis, cluster analysis and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were successful in identifying subtypes of dysplasia and cancer. Patient biopsy samples were also analysed using Raman spectroscopy. Spectral data revealed biochemical variations associated with lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. LDA was utilised for tissue classification and achieved 99% specificity to normal and 97% sensitivity to cancer whereas between dysplasia and cancer a sensitivity of 80 and 92% was achieved respectively. Finally, tissue-engineered models were irradiated and the post-irradiation effects were assessed. Chemometric data analysis revealed that nucleic acids and proteins were mainly targeted whilst increased incubation periods demonstrated cell repair and recovery mechanisms. In summary, vibrational spectroscopy offers great potential in diagnosing, staging and designing treatments for HNSCC. This study has generated a wealth of spectral data, describing chemical structural changes associated with oral cancer progression and thereby building up a single comprehensive and standardised database for future studies

    The Effect of the Solution Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Copper Alloy (2024-T3) Using Rolling Process

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    The effect of solution heat treatment on the mechanical properties of Aluminum-Copper alloy. (2024-T3) by the rolling process is investigated. The solution heat treatment was implemented by heating the sheets to 480 C° and quenching them by water; then forming by rolling for many passes. And then natural aging is done for one month. Mechanical properties (tensile strength and hardness) are evaluated and the results are compared with the metal without treatment during the rolling process. ANSYS analysis is used to show the stresses distribution in the sheet during the rolling process. It has been seen that good mechanical properties are evident in the alloy without heat treatment due to the strain hardening and also the mechanical properties are improved after heat treatment and rolling process but with lower forces and stresses when compared with the untreated
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