69 research outputs found

    Pertukaran Sosial Pada Masyarakat Petambak: Kajian Struktur Sosial Sebuah Desa Kawasan Pertambakan Di Sulawesi Selatan

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    An important aspect of society in brackish water agro-ecosystem is the nature of social exchange between each party found in the social system. This is very much related to various social status in that society. An analysis on social exchange pattern will be important to identify which linkages that might lead to a more integrative social structure. With a case study of a brackish-based society in South Sulawesi, the analysis is directed toward a "mapping" of social exchange in the society. Spesifically, the study is related to exchange pattern between Ponggawa and Sawi in terms of patron-client approach, tenure system, and its role in establishing social structure of the society. Some important findings of the study are: (1) most interactions between owner and renter, owner and share holder, owner and sawi, renter and share holder, renter and sawi, and share holder and sawi, are institutionalized through ponggawa-sawi relationship, share holding, and renting; (2) ponggawa-sawi relationship in terms of patron-client linkages dominated by imited exchanges tends to create segmental social structure, while share holding and renting that are dominated by general exchange pattern tend to create a more integrative social structure; (3) imbalance exchanged to both parties; ponggawa is in exploitative side, while sawi is in sub-ordinated one; and (4) strategy for society development in the study site should then consider those social exchange patterns as one most important factors to be considered. This is especially central for the implementation of cooperative and credit program directed toward parties enggaged in those exchange patterns


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    Nowadays, the global environmental crisis is caused by fundamental philosophical errors in understanding the human way of thinking about themselves, their relation with nature, and their place in the whole ecosystem. In turn, these misconceptions lead to wrong actions. This research aims to comprehensively study the description of the anthropocentric actions of a community about the environment of the Jeneberang River. The approach used in this research is qualitative with a phenomenology method. The result of this research indicates that anthropocentric actions prioritize the desire to fulfill life's needs as if they are free to do anything with nature without considering the preservation and the balanced management of the Jeneberang River environment. There were some community anthropocentric actions found in Jeneberang River community, namely, the establishment of residence, garbage disposal, and storage of stockpiles, the establishment of the brick industry, clearing area for agricultural land, various kinds of entrepreneurial activities, and sand mining activities (have been dismissed since 2015). These actions critically impact the condition of Jeneberang River, worsening problems such as river water pollution, the silt of the river, and flash floods that happened at the beginning of 2019


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    Challenges in providing sufficient food is a society problem and it will exist along with human civilization history.In this modern civilization, when the population reach more than 7 million people in the world, food consumption and production become a civilization problem and nature becomes a victim of it. Nowadays, almost 1 million people facing undernutrition and malnutritionThis study aimed to identify the pattern of food consumption and production in Tempe Lake, the biggest lake in the province or in Sulawesi island. A fieldwork conducted on February 2016 at Laelo Village (Kelurahan Laelo) that belongs to Tempe Sub-district (Kecamatan Tempe).  Total respondents in this study were 72 people who were selected randomly from those have use the lake as main source of livelihood. Some informants who know more about the lake were also interviewed. Data gathered mainly about  land use of the lake during dry season and wet (flood) season, and food consumption and production pattern, This research found that fish production of the lake has decreased significantly in the last 20 years due to sedimentation, overfishing and environmental contamination.   People consumed various foods for their dietary but mostly consuming rice that they purchased from market and fish and vegetables from the lake. There was no different in amount of rice and fish consumed during wet and dry season

    Landscape Ecological Changes and Livelihood Dilemma of the Rural Household around the Oil Palm Plantation

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    The pressure of global market demand for palm oil is driving a massive expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesia. Although it provides benefits in economic terms, it also has social and environmental impacts. The impact is in the form of changes in the ecological landscape, conversion of agricultural land, rural household livelihood systems, reduced biodiversity, deformation, plant monoculturalization, and even a monostructuring of livelihood. This study aimed to provide an overview of changes in the ecological landscape that resulted from the expansion of oil palm plantations and the socio-economic impact of the expansion of oil palm plantations on farmers' household livelihood systems. The study was conducted in West Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study uses the livelihood survey method by selecting 30 farmer households selected by random sampling. The results of the study found the fact that oil palm plantations seemed to provide welfare for rural households, but what happened was a vulnerability and high livelihood dependence on income from the wages of oil palm plantations. The expansion of oil palm plantations has created the integration and dependence of rural economies on the global political economy of oil palm, but at risk to even undergoing household livelihood dilemmas due to the two villages’ deliberate divergence of livelihoods because of shifting ecosystems now leading by palm oil commodities

    The role of sago (Metroxylon sp.) as staple food in supporting food security of household and community in Baloli Village, Masamba District, North Luwu Regency

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    Sago is one of an endemic plant in Indonesia which produce starch as staple food in several area in Indonesia like Papua, Maluku, North Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Mentawai and West Sumatera. Sago has taken important role as one of carbohydrate source in Indonesia. This study aimed to know the role of sago in social or cultural, economic aspects and as a staple food in the level of household and community in Baloli Village, Masamba District, North Luwu Regency.  The method used was survey method which was done by observation and interviews using questionnaires. The analysis used in this study was the analysis of the role of sago and food security and food consumption. The role of sago in terms of social or cultural aspects by qualitative and descriptive analysis of the economic analysis of sago farmers' income. The research proved that the role of social or cultural sago is viewed as a traditional crop that is consumed hereditary, there’s also some tradition and customs which maintain the value of life which is known as local wisdom, that’s reflected by the behavior in the society of Baloli Village particularly in sago cultivation and other plant parts such as leaves can also be utilized to craft into roofs and leftovers of the bark is used as fire wood and the pulp is used for animal feed. From the economic aspect, the biggest income of farmers who have their own sago palms and process them to sago starch despite the limited amount and it has not been able to support food security for household and community


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    Restricted production facilities for fishermen and marginal land ownership have triggerred low living standard for communities on small islands. This negatively impacts on community members’ ability to fulfill household food needs. Therefore, long-term survival requires a pattern of adaptation by the social environment of the community. This study examines and analyzes the strategies of a single community’s food production and consumption within an island ecosystem. Case study research was chosen in order to provide in-depth exploration and description of the adaptation patterns of the community’s food production and consumption on Karampuang Island. The data were collected using in-depth interviews supplemented by focus group discussions and field observations in order to comprehensively explore the social and economic lives of community members. The results indicated that the adaptation strategies of the community’s food production in Karampuang Island included a double livelihood strategy.  Gendered division of labor was found to utilize the optimal potential of household workers: men were responsible to do fishing in the sea and work as wage laborers in Mamuju City while women were responsible for selling the fish to market in Mamuju City market, and worked as laundry women and shopkeepers. The food consumption adaptation strategy among people in Karampuang Island was accomplished by diversifying food between cassava and rice.

    Combination of Bonding, Bridging and Linking Social Capital in a Livelihood System: Nomadic Duck Herders Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Livelihood systems of nomadic duck herders make a unique study subject due to the livelihood assets, strategies, and outcomes they manage, which involve interactions with various actors that keep moving around. Social capital the duck herders build in their interaction with other actors, namely rice farmers, play an important role to face different vulnerability context, including those brought by the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to characterize components of bonding, bridging and linking social capital in the context of relationships between duck herders and other actors, and seeks to find the essential role of the combination of the three types of social capital for livelihood outcomes, particularly in facing vulnerabilities due to the pandemic. The method of grounded theory research was applied for its ability to allow researchers to reveal processual relationships between duck herders and other actors. Data were collected through semi structured interviews, analyzed by open, axial, and selective coding. The duck herders combine components of bonding, bridging, and linking social capital selectively depending on the interests behind each interaction with different actors. The bridging and linking role that social capital plays in herders’ interactions with farmers and irrigation officials is undertaken in order to gain access to natural capital (rice fields and irrigated water), while in their interaction with egg traders, they utilize bridging social capital to gain access to financial capital (in the form of cash and loans). The vulnerability context due to the pandemic has shaken the livelihood system of the duck herders by upsetting the egg supply chain due to social restriction policies. Social capital therefore plays an important role in facing vulnerability, in the context of forming good will among egg traders that continued to buy eggs from the duck herders, which served as a kind of pay back for the loyalty of the duck herders. We find that social capital plays a vital role in a livelihood system, within which the access to livelihood assets depend on social relations. This study also explored the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic as it resonates more on supply chains than production processes

    Digitalisasi Pertanian melalui Program Kostratani pada Agribisnis Padi Sawah di Kecamatan Barebbo Kabupaten Bone

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    Kostratani or Agricultural Strategic Command is the center of agricultural development activities at the sub-district level to optimize the tasks, functions, and roles of the Agricultural Extension Center (BPP) by utilizing and maximizing IT functions to realize national food sovereignty. With the existence of Kostratani, it is hoped that the Ministry of Agriculture can have a database that is truly accurate and not only increases production and quality, but also improves farmers' welfare through empowering extension workers at BPP. BPP Barebbo is one of the BPP Kostratani models under the guidance of the Agricultural Development Polytechnic (Polbangtan) of Gowa. BPP Barebbo is located in Kampuno Village, Barebbo District, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This study aims to determine and obtain an overview of the implementation of Kostratani and the benefits received by recipients of lowland rice agribusiness services in Barebbo District. This research was conducted in February-April 2022 at BPP Barebbo, Bone Regency. The basic method of this research is a case study with a qualitative approach. The informants of this research were the BPP Coordinator, agricultural extension workers, and farmers. Research data obtained by interview and observation. Data were analyzed qualitatively without statistical tests. The results show that BPP Barebbo has implemented the functions and roles of BPP Kostratani but there are still recipients of rice agribusiness services who have not felt the benefits, namely the downstream system. It is hoped that BPP Barebbo can maintain its implementation and increase the benefits that can be received by rice farmers.Kostratani atau Komando Strategis Pertanian adalah pusat kegiatan pembangunan pertanian pada tingkat kecamatan untuk optimalisasi tugas, fungsi, dan peran Balai Penyuluh Pertanian (BPP) dengan memanfaatkan dan memaksimalkan fungsi TI untuk mewujudkan kedaulatan pangan nasional. Dengan adanya Kostratani, diharapkan Kementerian Pertanian dapat memiliki satu database yang benar-benar akurat dan tidak hanya meningkatkan produksi dan kualitas, tetapi juga meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani melalui pemberdayaan penyuluh di BPP. BPP Barebbo merupakan salah satu model BPP Kostratani di bawah binaan Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian (Polbangtan) Gowa. BPP Barebbo terletak di Desa Kampuno Kecamatan Barebbo Kabupaten Bone Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memperoleh gambaran implementasi Kostratani dan manfaat yang diterima oleh penerima jasa agribisnis padi sawah di Kecamatan Barebbo. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Februari-April 2022 di BPP Barebbo Kabupaten Bone. Metode dasar penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Informan penelitian ini adalah Koordinator BPP, penyuluh pertanian, dan petani. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan wawancara dan observasi. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif tanpa uji statistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa BPP Barebbo sudah mengimplementasikan fungsi dan peran BPP Kostratani namun pada penerima jasa agribisnis padi masih ada yang belum merasakan manfaatnya yaitu sistem hilir. Diharapkan BPP Barebbo dapat mempertahankan implementasinya dan meningkatkan manfaat yang dapat diterima oleh petani padi
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