408 research outputs found
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Teaching mathematics at a distance: Trialling a wiki community to focus reflection and share resources
Professional development for academic staff in Higher Education is always more interesting and inspiring if good practice can be embedded in a way which is meaningful and relevant to the individual. The current project focuses on raising awareness of significant or difficult parts of a course, and promoting the exchange of good practice using a wiki environment. Our findings suggest that this methodology has promise, and is particularly valuable to new tutors, or at the start of a new course. The wiki can be used to host a repository of teaching materials and we illustrate a number of examples. We have also learnt a number of useful lessons on the ways in which a wiki might be used to support a staff community in the future, and offer a list of recommendations
Female social relationships among wild Assemese macaques (Macaca assamensis)
Es wurde wiederholt gezeigt, dass enge, affiliative soziale Beziehungen (im Folgenden
âsoziale Beziehungenâ) Ă€uĂerst wichtig fĂŒr die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden des Menschen
sind. Eine steigende Zahl von Befunden deutet darauf hin, dass nicht-menschliche Arten
Sozialbeziehungen fĂŒhren, die wichtige Eigenschaften menschlicher sozialer Beziehungen teilen,
insbesondere Differenzierung in StÀrke, StabilitÀt und Gleichwertigkeit, und dass diese
Beziehungen eine wichtige Rolle fĂŒr die Fitness und das Wohlbefinden dieser Arten spielen.
Allerdings wurden diese Arbeiten von einigen stark kritisiert und es wird argumentiert, die
scheinbaren Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen menschlichen und nicht-menschlichen sozialen
Beziehungen könnten Begleiterscheinungen anderer, einfacherer Prozesse sein. Zudem wurden
nicht alle Aspekte der vorgeschlagenen, gemeinsamen Eigenschaften vollstÀndig mit den
menschlichen Entsprechungen verglichen. Untersuchungen nicht-menschlicher sozialer
Beziehungen werden auĂerdem grundsĂ€tzlich durch einen Mangel an Ăbereinstimmung darĂŒber,
wie nicht-menschliche soziale Beziehungen am besten quantitativ zu bewerten sind, erschwert.
Das allgemeine Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit war, die Eigenschaften sozialer Beziehungen zwischen
frei lebenden weiblichen Assam-Makaken zu ermitteln und sorgfĂ€ltig zu prĂŒfen, inwiefern diese
den Eigenschaften enger sozialer Beziehungen zwischen Menschen und anderen nichtmenschlichen
Arten gleichen. Ich habe mich im Speziellen mit den Kritiken und den
WissenslĂŒcken hinsichtlich nicht-menschlicher sozialer Beziehungen befasst. Des Weiteren habe
ich die neuen Möglichkeiten, die die soziale Netzwerkanalyse bietet, um soziales Verhalten zu
messen, beurteilt und genutzt, sowie geprĂŒft, ob diese Messmethoden unsere Bewertung nichtmenschlicher
Beziehungen verbessern können.
Die Daten dieser Arbeit stammen von einer einzelnen Gruppe Assam-Makaken, die in
ihrem natĂŒrlichen Lebensraum im Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary (16°5âČâ35âČN, 101°20âČâ55âČO) in der
Provinz Chaiyaphum im Nordosten Thailands leben. Das Schutzgebiet umfasst 1573kmÂČ und ist
Teil des ca. 6500 kmÂČ umfassenden, zusammenhĂ€ngenden Western Forest Complex. Die Daten
wurden in zwei einjĂ€hrigen BeobachtungszeitrĂ€umen erhoben (Zeitraum 1: Oktober 2007 â
September 2008; Zeitraum 2: Mai 2010 â April 2011). WĂ€hrend dieser Zeit bestand die Gruppe
aus insgesamt 49-53 Individuen, davon 12 adulten Weibchen im ersten und 15 adulten Weibchen
im zweiten Beobachtungszeitraum. Alle adulten Weibchen wurden regelmĂ€Ăig mittels der
Fokustiermethode beobachtet, wÀhrenddessen alle sozialen Interaktionen kontinuierlich und
allgemeine AktivitÀten nach einer zeitabhÀngigen Regel aufgezeichnet wurden. Insgesamt
wurden ĂŒber 2100 Stunden an Verhaltensbeobachtungen gesammelt. Die Analyse dieser Daten zeigte, dass die sozialen Beziehungen weiblicher Assam-
Makaken wesentliche Charakteristika enger sozialer Beziehungen von Menschen teilen. Wie
beim Menschen unterschieden sich die Sozialbeziehungen weiblicher Assammakaken deutlich in
ihrer StĂ€rke, wobei Weibchen dazu neigen nur wenige ĂŒberdurchschnittlich enge soziale
Beziehungen zu bilden. AuĂerdem blieben soziale Beziehungen ĂŒber ein ganzes Jahr stabil, trotz
signifikanter VerĂ€nderungen in der Zeit, die Weibchen fĂŒr andere Verhaltensweisen, wie z.B.
Fressen und Ruhen, aufwandten, wie sie mit VerÀnderungen im weiblichen Reproduktionszyklus
einhergehen. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass die sozialen Beziehungen ĂŒber mehrere
Jahre stabil bestehen bleiben. Ich konnte nachweisen, dass Weibchen Leistungen balanciert
austauschen, allerdings wurden die Art und der Zeitrahmen, ĂŒber den Leistungen ausgetauscht
wurden, im Gegensatz zu sozialen Beziehungen beim Menschen nicht durch die StÀrke sozialer
Beziehungen beeinflusst. Der Einsatz der sozialen Netzwerkanalyse in meiner Arbeit zeigte, dass
diese nicht nur nĂŒtzliche Messwerte liefert, um die Struktur der sozialen Beziehungen weiblicher
Assam-Makaken zu quantifizieren, sondern auch andere, potentiell nĂŒtzliche Messwerte fĂŒr
zukĂŒnftige Studien nicht-menschlicher sozialer Beziehungen.
Diese Ergebnisse liefern einen wertvollen Beitrag fĂŒr unser VerstĂ€ndnis sowohl nichtmenschlicher
als auch menschlicher Sozialbeziehungen. Sie geben uns einen tieferen Einblick in
das Sozialleben von Assam-Makaken im Allgemeinen, in dem gezeigt wird, dass feste soziale
Beziehungen eine wichtige GröĂe des weiblichen Soziallebens dieser Art sind, wĂ€hrend die
Rangordnung eine untergeordnete Rolle im weiblichen Verhalten spielt. Sie unterstĂŒtzen den
âAnsatz der wertvollen Beziehungenâ, der genutzt wird, um nicht-menschliche soziale
Beziehungen zu verstehen, und nicht den Ansatz der, von einigen vorgeschlagenen, biologischen
Markttheorie. SchlieĂlich haben diese Ergebnisse Auswirkungen auf unser VerstĂ€ndnis des
evolutionĂ€ren Ursprungs menschlicher sozialer Beziehungen, insbesondere fĂŒr ihren
ursprĂŒnglichen funktionalen Nutzen, da sie Hinweise darauf geben, dass soziale Beziehungen
nicht-menschlicher Arten wichtige Eigenschaften mit engen zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen
gemeinsam haben. In Zukunft können wir unser VerstÀndnis nicht-menschlicher
Sozialbeziehungen vertiefen, indem weiter untersucht wird, in welchen Eigenschaften sich diese
sozialen Beziehungen Àhneln. Zeitgleich sollten wir versuchen, Eigenschaften, die insbesondere
fĂŒr nicht-menschliche Arten von gröĂerer Bedeutung sein könnten, zu ermitteln und zu
untersuchen. SchlieĂlich sollten wir beginnen, unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die vielen schwachen
und dynamischen sozialen Beziehungen zurichten, die in Gruppen nicht-menschlicher Arten
existieren, und ihren potentiellen Nutzen zu erforschen
Long-term condition management in adults with intellectual disability in primary care: a systematic review
Background: Adults with intellectual disabilities have higher morbidity and earlier mortality than the general population. Access to primary health care is lower, despite a higher prevalence of many long-term conditions.
Aim: To synthesise the evidence for the management of long-term conditions in adults with intellectual disabilities and identify barriers and facilitators to management in primary care.
Design & setting: Mixed-methods systematic review.
Method: Seven electronic databases were searched to identify both quantitative and qualitative studies concerning identification and management of long-term conditions in adults with intellectual disability in primary care. Both the screening of titles, abstracts, and full texts, and the quality assessment were carried out in duplicate. Findings were combined in a narrative synthesis.
Results: Fifty-two studies were identified. Adults with intellectual disabilities are less likely than the general population to receive screening and health promotion interventions. Annual health checks may improve screening, identification of health needs, and management of long-term conditions. Health checks have been implemented in various primary care contexts, but the long-term impact on outcomes has not been investigated. Qualitative findings highlighted barriers and facilitators to primary care access, communication, and disease management. Accounts of experiences of adults with intellectual disabilities reveal a dilemma between promoting self-care and ensuring access to services, while avoiding paternalistic care.
Conclusion: Adults with intellectual disabilities face numerous barriers to managing long-term conditions. Reasonable adjustments, based on the experience of adults with intellectual disability, in addition to intervention such as health checks, may improve access and management, but longer-term evaluation of their effectiveness is required
Automatic geolocation and measuring of offshore energy infrastructure with multimodal satellite data
With increasing trend of energy transition to low carbon economies, the rate of offshore structure installation and removal will rapidly accelerate through offshore renewable energy development and oil and gas decommissioning. Knowledge of the location and size of offshore infrastructure is vital in management of marine ecosystems, and also for safe navigation at sea. The availability of multimodal data enables the systematic assessment of offshore infrastructure. In this paper, we propose an automatic solution for the geolocation and size evaluation of offshore infrastructure through a data fusion model of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data and Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI) imagery. The use of the Sentinel-1 (SAR) data aims to quick localization of the candidate offshore energy infrastructure by its all-weather imaging capabilities, while the high-resolution optical data provided by the Sentinel-2 can enable more accurate localization and measurement of the offshore infrastructure. To be specific, a candidate detection model is applied to a time-series of Sentinel-1 images to extract the âguided areaâ of the infrastructure, followed by morphological operation based precise localization within an individual Sentinel-2 image as well as estimating the size of each structure. With validation against the ground truth data of the Scottish waters from the baseline and closing bays, to the limit of the Exclusive Economic Zone of Scotland, an area of 371,915 km2, our method has automatically identified 332 objects with an omission error of 0.3% and a commission rate of 0%. Our proposed method was comprehensively compared to two state-of-the-art offshore energy infrastructure detection algorithms. The results validate that our method achieves the highest overall accuracy of 99.70%, surpassing the compared methods by 3.84-12.50%. For the size evaluation, the achieved mean topside area size error of oil/gas platforms and the mean error for diameter length measurement of wind turbines both are 1 pixel in Sentinel-2 images, providing an effective technique for the identification and estimation of offshore infrastructure
Evolution of marine gravel dunes on the open shelf under multi-directional currents conditions
On inner continental shelves, a variety of coarse grained bedforms, such as gravel dunes, are shaped by hydrodynamic and morphodynamic processes. The formation and evolution of bedforms reflect a balance between seabed and coastal morphology, sediment type and availability, and regional hydrodynamics. Yet, observing bedform evolution directly in the marine environment is rare, mostly due to the lack of repeat seafloor mapping surveys. In this study we use repeat bathymetry from 3 surveys over 4 years from the western Cook Strait/Te Moana-o-Raukawakawa region, New Zealand/Aotearoa. We integrate seabed morphology characterisation with sediment classification and regional hydrodynamic modelling, to investigate the evolution of gravel dunes under multi-directional current conditions. The repeat seafloor mapping reveals morphological changes to plan-view dune geometry and bifurcation of crestlines, with maximum observed vertical changes up to 3 m at water depths between 60 and 80 m. However, no dune migration was detected. Our hydrodynamic model shows that the most prominent morphological changes over the gravel dunes are spatially correlated with eddy formation, and high multi-directional near-bottom currents, reaching maximum speeds of âŒ4 m sâ1 and bottom stress of >25 N mâ2 in each tidal cycle. We demonstrate that the average hydrodynamic conditions in this region are capable of mobilising coarse-grained sediment (i.e., sand to gravel), indicating that the observed morphological changes over multi-year time scales are a result of continuous remobilisation by currents, rather than extreme or storm events. Our findings demonstrate the highly dynamic nature of the seabed in Cook Strait, and the need for regular, repeat mapping surveys to ensure up-to-date seabed morphology information
Why colorectal screening fails to achieve the uptake rates of breast and cervical cancer screening : a comparative qualitative study
Funding: National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative Grant (C9227/A17676) awarded to co-PIs KR and CMcC.Background In Scotland, the uptake of clinic-based breast (72%) and cervical (77%) screening is higher than home-based colorectal screening (~60%). To inform new approaches to increase uptake of colorectal screening, we compared the perceptions of colorectal screening among women with different screening histories. Methods We purposively sampled women with different screening histories to invite to semistructured interviews: (1) participated in all; (2) participated in breast and cervical but not colorectal (âcolorectal-specific non-participantsâ); (3) participated in none. To identify the sample we linked the data for all women eligible for all three screening programmes in Glasgow, Scotland (aged 51â64 years; n=68â324). Interviews covered perceptions of cancer, screening and screening decisions. Framework method was used for analysis. Results Of the 2924 women invited, 86 expressed an interest, and 59 were interviewed. The three groupsâ perceptions differed, with the colorectal-specific non-participants expressing that: (1) treatment for colorectal cancer is more severe than for breast or cervical cancer; (2) colorectal symptoms are easier to self-detect than breast or cervical symptoms; (3) they worried about completing the test incorrectly; and (4) the colorectal test could be more easily delayed or forgotten than breast or cervical screening. Conclusion Our comparative approach suggested targets for future interventions to increase colorectal screening uptake including: (1) reducing fear of colorectal cancer treatments; (2) increasing awareness that screening is for the asymptomatic; (3) increasing confidence to self-complete the test; and (4) providing a suggested deadline and/or additional reminders.PostprintPeer reviewe
Campus Vol V N 2
Gillies, Jean. Cover. Picture. 0.
Gould, Jim. A Christmas Carol...A Modern Tragedy . Prose. 3.
MacDonald, Honnie. More Sinned Against . Prose. 4.
Olwin, Lynn. Campus Calender Queens For Christmas . Poem. 7.
Trimble, John. Campus Calender Queens For Christmas . Picture. 7.
Bedell, Barrie and John Hodges. Shopping Guide For Christmas Prose. 15.
Yearling, Joe. Sport Shorts . Prose. 16.
Dresser, Bill. Tenth Anniversary . Prose. 18.
Gleason, Sally. Lost Christmas . Prose. 17
Lung cancer symptom appraisal among people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A qualitative interview study
© 2019 The Authors. Psycho-Oncology Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Objective: The incidence of lung cancer is four times higher in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) compared with the general population. Promotion of a shorter time from symptom onset to presentation is one potential strategy for earlier lung cancer diagnosis, but distinguishing respiratory symptoms can be difficult. We investigated how the experience of COPD influences symptom appraisal and help seeking for potential lung cancer symptoms. Methods: We conducted qualitative interviews with men (n = 17) and women (n = 23) aged 40 to 83 years with COPD. Topic guides drew on the integrated symptom-response framework and covered symptom experience, interpretation, action, recognition, help seeking, evaluation, and reevaluation. We used the framework method to analyse the data. Results: Participants said that they attributed chest symptoms to their COPD; no other cause was considered. Participants said that family/friends noticed changes in their symptoms and encouraged help seeking. Others felt isolated by their COPD because they could not get out, were fatigued, or were embarrassed. Participants visited health professionals frequently, but increased risk of lung cancer was not discussed. Conclusions: Our study provides insight into different levels of influence on symptom appraisal and targets for intervention. Greater awareness of increased lung cancer risk and support to act on symptom changes is essential and could be achieved through a concerted information campaign. Health professionals working with people with COPD could also optimise appointments to support symptom appraisal of potential lung cancer symptoms
No association between intravenous fluid volume and endothelial glycocalyx shedding in patients undergoing resuscitation for sepsis in the emergency department
Endothelial glycocalyx (EG) shedding is associated with septic shock and described following intravenous (IV) fluid administration. To investigate the possible impact of IV fluids on the pathobiology of septic shock we investigated associations between biomarkers of EG shedding and endothelial cell activation, and relationships with IV fluid volume. Serum samples were obtained on admission (T0) and at 24 h (T24) in patients undergoing haemodynamic resuscitation for suspected septic shock in the emergency department. Biomarkers of EG sheddingâSyndecan-1 (Syn-1), Syndecan-4 (Syn-4), Hyaluronan, endothelial activationâEndothelin-1 (ET-1), Angiopoeitin-2 (Ang-2), Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-1(VEGF-1) and leucocyte activation/inflammationâResistin, Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) and a marker of cardiac stretchâPro-Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (Pro-ANP) were compared to the total IV fluid volume administered using Tobit regression. Data on 86 patients (52 male) with a mean age of 60 (SD 18) years were included. The mean fluid volume administered to T24 was 4038 ml (SD 2507 ml). No significant association between fluid volume and Pro-ANP or any of the biomarkers were observed. Syn-1 and Syn-4 were significantly correlated with each other (Spearman Rho 0.43, p \u3c 0.001) but not with Hyaluronan. Syn-1 and Syn-4 both correlated with VEGFR-1 (Rho 0.56 and 0.57 respectively, p \u3c 0.001) whereas Hyaluronan correlated with ET-1 (Rho 0.43, p \u3c 0.001) and Ang-2 (Rho 0.43, p \u3c 0.001). There was no correlation between Pro-ANP and any of the EG biomarkers. Distinct patterns of association between biomarkers of EG shedding and endothelial cell activation were observed among patients undergoing resuscitation for sepsis. No relationship between IV fluid volume and Pro-ANP or any of the other biomarkers was observed
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