6 research outputs found

    Impact of International Immersion Experiences in Occupational Therapy Education: A Retrospective Survey

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    ABSTRACT Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of an international education experience on participants’ self-perceived personal growth, international perspective, and intellectual development using a modified version of the International Education Survey (IES). Method. Seventy-one participants, representing occupational therapy practitioners and students from multiple universities, completed the survey. Results. Mean scores were highest for impact in the area of International Perspectives (M= 5.32), followed by Personal Development (M=4.65), and Intellectual Development (M=4.05). Additionally, 100% of the participants responded that all university students should be encouraged to engage in international education experiences (M=6.66). Qualitative comments related to the impact of their experiences revealed increased awareness and appreciation for cultural differences, a feeling of personal growth, and a reshaping of both personal life priorities and professional responsibilities. Study limitations include the relatively small sample size, variability of length of participants’ international experience, as well the variability in the number of immersion experiences reported. Conclusions and Recommendations. Engaging students in international immersion experiences during academic preparation had a positive impact on participants’ self-perceived cultural competence. Future research should explore the impact of the length of time and number of international experiences on practitioners’ perceptions of cultural competence as well as the impact of immersion experiences on professional practice

    Decreasing Stress for Parents of Special Needs Children through a Web-Based Mindfulness Program: A Pilot Study

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    Purpose: Parents often experience moderate to severe levels of stress due to the challenges of raising a child with special needs. Previous research has proven that excessive parental stress negatively impacts both the parent and child’s health. However, few organizations have been identified which offer intervention programs focusing directly on decreasing parental stress. This pilot study investigates the effectiveness of a 6-week online mindfulness-based course in reducing stress experienced by parents of children with special needs. Method: A pre-test, post-test pilot design, as well as a participatory action approach, were employed to determine the impact of the online mindfulness-based course in reducing perceived stress experienced by parents of children with special needs. Eleven parents participated in the pilot study. The course was facilitated by an occupational therapist (the first author) trained and experienced in mindfulness practices and a parent of two children with special needs. The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale - Stress subscale (DASS-SS), The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), The Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire-15 (FFMQ-15), and author-generated measures were administered pre- and post-intervention to determine changes in perceived stress levels, as well as, the impact and application of mindfulness practices. Results: The DASS-SS measuring the parents’ perceived stress level revealed a 30% mean reduction in stress when comparing pre-and post-intervention scores. The PSS revealed a 21% mean reduction in perceived stress score post-intervention. The FFMQ-15 (used to measure changes in the integration of mindfulness practices into the parent’s daily routine) indicated a 4% increase in the groups’ mindfulness practices comparing pre- and post-intervention scores. Responses to the author-generated measure revealed that 82% of parents believed they could better handle challenging situations post-intervention; 100% of the parents agreed that the course made them more mindful of their thoughts. Conclusion: Results indicate that an introductory online mindfulness-based parenting program can be an effective intervention for reducing the stress experienced by parents of children with special needs

    Outcomes of an Online Post Professional Doctorate Degree in Occupational Therapy

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine outcomes of a post professional Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) program on graduates’ engagement in evidence-based practice, leadership, and scholarly activities one year post graduation. Method: Thirty graduates of a post professional OTD program completed an online survey addressing evidence-based practice skills, implementation of occupation and evidence-based programs, and participation in leadership and scholarly endeavors. Results: The majority of graduates reported confidence in their evidence-based practice skills and using evidence in clinical decision making. Over half of the respondents reported designing or revising occupation based programs, and all indicated that their OTD education improved their practice skills. Fifty-three percent reported assuming new leadership positions, with one third reporting engagement in scholarly activities since graduation.Conclusion: This research suggests post professional OTD programs have potential to develop practitioners grounded in occupation centered and evidence-based practice who can serve as professional leaders and mentors. Additionally, the results have implications for other allied health disciplines with post professional doctoral programs

    Assessing Knowledge Acquisition of Students: Impact of Introduction to the Health Professions Course

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    Purpose. Undergraduate students interested in health careers often possess limited knowledge regarding the scope ofpractice of various health professions, particularly in allied health. Because of this, students sometimes enter a course of study in a field that is not compatible with their career plans or abilities. To date, there has been limited research exploring strategies to assist students in gaining knowledge of health careers. The purpose of this study was to investigate effectiveness of an Introduction to the Health Professions course on students Methods. Sixty-one undergraduate students who enrolled in an Introduction to the Health Professions course over five years were administered a pre and post course questionnaire related to their knowledge of seven allied health professions, including allopathic, naturopathic, osteopathic, and chiropractic medicine; physician assistant; occupational therapy; and physical therapy. For four of these professions, information was presented by a professional from that discipline. Results. A repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance indicated an overall statistically significant increase in accuracy of information regarding professional domains from pre to post test. Univariate repeated measures of analyses for each profession revealed a significant increase in knowledge regarding four of the seven professions (allopathic medicine, naturopathic medicine, physician assistant, and occupational therapy). In the disciplines where a clinician from that discipline presented the information, three of the four demonstrated significant increase in knowledge. Conclusion. Offering an Introduction to the Health Professions course may be an effective strategy for increasing student knowledge of various professions, particularly when information is presented by a clinician from that discipline. These courses have the potential to assist students in making informed decisions regarding their career path

    Design of an Online Curriculum Promoting Transformative Learning in Post Professional Doctoral Students

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    Written reflections of 113 occupational therapy clinical doctoral students who graduated from an online program between 2007 and 2013 were analyzed for themes which reflected transformative learning and characteristics of curricular design which promoted transformative learning. Qualitative analyses of written reflections were performed. Several themes emerged which are presented using the framework of Person/Learner, Environment/Learning Context, and Occupation/Engagement in Learning Activities. Strategies such as active learning; assignments that directly apply to students’ work settings; implementation of a cohort model; and use of reflection, dialog, and project implementation appear to be effective in facilitating transformative learning in an online clinical doctoral program

    Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Children and Youth Ages 5–21 Years

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