19 research outputs found

    El consum de tabac a Catalunya: resultats d'una enquesta

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    La situació real del problema a casa nostra, per tal de poder abordar-lo posteriorment de la manera més eficaç possibl

    Enquesta preliminar de càries dentària en la població escolar del Priorat, la Ribera d'Ebre i la Terra Alta: objectius i metodologia (I.ª part)

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    Podeu consultar la segona part de l'article a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/112051Hi ha una notable escassetat de dades i d'estudis epidemiològics sobre la magnitud del problema de la càries dentària a Catalunya i a la resta d'Espanya. L'únic treball realitzat a Espanya prou important per poder extreure'n resultats significatius és el que va realitzar la Direcció General de Sanitat, durant els anys 1968-1969, entre la població escolar..

    Resultats de l'enquesta preliminar de càries dentària en la població escolar del Priorat, Ribera d'Ebre i Terra Alta (2.ª part)

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    Podeu consultar la primera part de l'article a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/106530Hi ha una elevada prevalença de càries dentària en la població d'edat escolar d'aquestes tres comarques. Així, la prevalença de càries en dents permanents és del 71,7%. Les xifres són encara més preocupants si considerem la càries en dents temporals. En aquest cas, el 91% dels nens de 6 a 14 anys té algun tipus de càries

    Failures of 13-Valent Conjugated Pneumococcal Vaccine in Age-Appropriately Vaccinated Children 2-59 Months of Age, Spain

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    Vaccination with the 13-valent conjugated pneumococcal disease (PCV13) has reduced invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD), but there have been reports of vaccine failures. We performed a prospective study in children aged 2-59 months who received diagnoses of IPD during January 2012-June 2016 in 3 pediatric hospitals in Catalonia, Spain, a region with a PCV13 vaccination coverage of 63%. We analyzed patients who had been age-appropriately vaccinated but who developed IPD caused by PCV13 serotypes. We detected 24 vaccine failure cases. The serotypes involved were 3 (16 cases); 19A (5 cases); and 1, 6B, and 14 (1 case each). Cases were associated with children without underlying conditions, with complicated pneumonia (OR 6.65, 95% CI 1.91-23.21), and with diagnosis by PCR (OR 5.18, 95% CI 1.84-14.59). Vaccination coverage should be increased to reduce the circulation of vaccine serotypes. Continuous surveillance of cases of IPD using both culture and PCR to characterize vaccine failures is necessary

    Impact of the 13-valent conjugated pneumococcal vaccine on the direct costs of invasive pneumococcal disease requiring hospital admission in children aged < 5 years. A prospective study

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    The lack of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) cost studies may underestimate the effect of pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugated vaccines (PCV). The objective of this study was to estimate the direct costs of hospitalized IPD cases. A prospective study was made in children aged <5 years diagnosed with IPD in two high-tech hospitals in Catalonia (Spain) between 2007-2009 (PCV7 period) and 2012-2015 (PCV13 period). Costs were calculated according to 2014 Catalan Health Service rates using diagnostic-related groups. In total, 319 and 154 cases were collected, respectively. Pneumonia had the highest cost (65.7% and 62.0%, respectively), followed by meningitis (25.8% and 26.1%, respectively). During 2007-2015, the costs associated with PCV7 serotypes (Pearson coeffcient (Pc) = 0.79; p = 0.036) and additional PCV13 serotypes (Pc = 0.75; p = 0.05) decreased, but those of other serotypes did not (Pc = 0.23 p = 0.62). The total mean cost of IPD increased in the PCV13 period by 31.4% (¿3016.1 vs. ¿3963.9), mainly due to ICU stay (77.4%; ¿1051.4 vs. ¿1865.6). During the PCV13 period, direct IPD costs decreased due to a reduction in the number of cases, but cases were more severe and had a higher mean cost. During 2015, IPD costs increased due to an increase in the costs associated with non-PCV13 serotypes and serotype 3 and this requires further investigation

    Effectiveness of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in preventing invasive pneumococcal disease in children aged 7-59 months. A matched case-control study

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    Background The 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) was licensed based on the results of immunogenicity studies and correlates of protection derived from randomized clinical trials of the 7-valent conjugate pneumococcal vaccine. We assessed the vaccination effectiveness (VE) of the PCV13 in preventing invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in children aged 7-59 months in a population with suboptimal vaccination coverage of 55%. Methods The study was carried out in children with IPD admitted to three hospitals in Barcelona (Spain) and controls matched by hospital, age, sex, date of hospitalization and underlying disease. Information on the vaccination status was obtained from written medical records. Conditional logistic regression was made to estimate the adjusted VE and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results 169 cases and 645 controls were included. The overall VE of ≥1 doses of PCV13 in preventing IPD due to vaccine serotypes was 75.8% (95% CI, 54.1-87.2) and 90% (95% CI, 63.9-97.2) when ≥2 doses before 12 months, two doses on or after 12 months or one dose on or after 24 months, were administered. The VE of ≥1 doses was 89% (95% CI, 42.7-97.9) against serotype 1 and 86.0% (95% CI, 51.2-99.7) against serotype 19A. Serotype 3 showed a non-statistically significant effectiveness (25.9%; 95% CI, -65.3 to 66.8). Conclusions The effectiveness of ≥1 doses of PCV13 in preventing IPD caused by all PCV13 serotypes in children aged 7-59 months was good and, except for serotype 3, the effectiveness of ≥1 doses against the most frequent PCV13 serotypes causing IPD was high when considered individually

    Is the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine useful in preventing community-acquired pneumonia?

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/32393Although bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia is the most severe form of pneumonia, non-bacteremic forms are much more frequent. Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of nonbacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia have a low sensitivity and specificity, and therefore all-cause pneumonia has been proposed as a suitable outcome to evaluate vaccination effectiveness. This work reviews the epidemiology of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and evaluates the effectiveness of the 3-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV-23) in preventing CAP requiring hospitalization in people aged ≥65 years. We performed a case-control study in patients aged ≥65 years admitted through the emergency department who presented with clinical signs and symptoms compatible with pneumonia. We included 489 cases and 1,467 controls and it was obtained a vaccine efectiveness of 23.6 (0.9-41.0). Our results suggest that PPV-23 vaccination is effective and reduces hospital admissions due to pneumonia in the elderly, strengthening the rationale for vaccination programmes in this age group

    Is the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine useful in preventing community-acquired pneumonia?

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/32393Although bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia is the most severe form of pneumonia, non-bacteremic forms are much more frequent. Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of nonbacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia have a low sensitivity and specificity, and therefore all-cause pneumonia has been proposed as a suitable outcome to evaluate vaccination effectiveness. This work reviews the epidemiology of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and evaluates the effectiveness of the 3-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV-23) in preventing CAP requiring hospitalization in people aged ≥65 years. We performed a case-control study in patients aged ≥65 years admitted through the emergency department who presented with clinical signs and symptoms compatible with pneumonia. We included 489 cases and 1,467 controls and it was obtained a vaccine efectiveness of 23.6 (0.9-41.0). Our results suggest that PPV-23 vaccination is effective and reduces hospital admissions due to pneumonia in the elderly, strengthening the rationale for vaccination programmes in this age group

    Análisis coste-efectividad de tres programas comunitarios alternativos de uso de flúor para la prevención de la caries dental en Cataluña

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    Se presentan los resultados del análisis coste-efectividad, llevado a cabo por el Departamento de Sanidad y Seguridad Social de la Genera­litat de Cataluña, para averiguar cual es el más eficiente (menos costo­so) de tres programas alternativos propuestos para la reducción de la caries dental en los escolares de Cataluña. La fluoración del agua de bebida es el más eficiente de los progra­mas propuestos, seguido de los enjuagues con soluciones fluoradas y del cepillado con dentrífico fluorado. Salvar una superficie CAO con el programa de cepillado cuesta 8,4 veces más que con la fluoración del agua de bebida. Con el programa de enjuagues el coste es casi el doble que con el de fluoración del agua de bebida