215 research outputs found

    Essai d’une farine de sevrage dans la réhabilitation nutritionnelle de la malnutrition aigüe en milieu communautaire, au Niger

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    Objectif : l’objectif vise à évaluer l’efficacité des bouillies à base de mil, tourteaux d’arachide et la poudre de moringa, chez les enfants âgés de 6 à 59 mois admis pour malnutrition au niveau du Centre de Santé Intégré de Dan Issa.Méthodologie et Résultats : Cette étude prospective, s’est déroulée du 23 août au 04 octobre 2019. Elle a concerné 44 enfants de 06 à 59 mois, répartis en trois groupes. Le premier groupe de 20 enfants atteints de malnutrition aigüe modérée, recevant la bouillie ; le deuxième groupe constitué de 12 enfants atteints de malnutrition aigüe légère, reçoit la même bouillie et le troisième groupe constitué de 12 enfants atteints de malnutrition aigüe modérée, reçoit du CSB++. Les données ont été analysées avec le logiciel SPSS version 20. Ainsi, il ressort : pour le premier groupe, l’âge moyen est de 12,20 mois ± 4,336. La moitié des enfants (50%) a observé une amélioration de leur nutritionnel dès la première semaine de traitement avec un gain de poids moyen de 73,92g par jour ± 73,7. Pour le deuxième groupe, l’âge moyen est de 28,92 mois ± 15,163. On a constaté que 75% des enfants ont atteint le poids cible dès la première semaine de prise en charge, avec un gain de poids moyen de 85,11g/j ± 47,22. Pour le troisième groupe ayant reçu le CSB++, on a constaté que seuls 3 enfants sur 12 (25%) ont observé une amélioration de leur état nutritionnel après 14 jours de traitement. Le gain de poids moyen était de 20,53g/j ± 23,14. Cependant, il faut noter que ce dernier groupe n’a reçu le CSB++ qu’une seule fois et le CSI était en rupture jusqu’à la fin de l’étude. En effet, l’action de la bouillie sur le gain pondéral a été remarquable. Tous les enfants ont acceptés la bouillie et qu’aucun signe d’intolérance n’a été noté.Conclusion et application des résultats : la bouillie mis au point à partir du mil, tourteaux d’arachide et la poudre de moringa est une approche pour combattre ou prévenir à long terme la malnutrition chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans au Niger. Cependant, la bouillie seule ne constitue pas le traitement, mais doit être couplée avec des mesures sanitaires, d'hygiène et d’éducation nutritionnelle des mères. Objective: the objective aims to assess the effectiveness of millet-based porridge, peanut cake and moringa powder, in children aged 6 to 59 months admitted for malnutrition at the Dan Issa Integrated Health Center.Methodology and Results: This prospective study took place from August 23 to October 04, 2019. It involved 44 children from 06 to 59 months, divided into three groups. The first group of 20 children with moderate acute malnutrition, receiving porridge; the second group of 12 children with mild acute malnutrition receives the same porridge and the third group of 12 children with moderate acute malnutrition receives CSB ++. Data were analyzed with SPSS software version 20. Thus, it emerges: for the first group, the average age is 12.20 months ± 4.336. Half the children (50%) observed an improvement in their nutrition from the first week of treatment with an average weight gain of 73.92 g per day ± 73.7. For the second group, the average age is 28.92 months ± 15.163. It was found that 75% of children reached thetarget weight within the first week of treatment, with an average weight gain of 85.11 g / d ± 47.22. For the third group who received CSB ++, it was found that only 3 out of 12 children (25%) observed an improvement in their nutritional status after 14 days of treatment. The average weight gain was 20.53 g / d ± 23.14. However, it should be noted that the latter group received CSB ++ only once and the CSI was out until the end of the study. Indeed, the action of porridge on weight gain has been remarkable. All the children accepted the porridge and no signs of intolerance were noted.Conclusion and application of the results: the porridge developed from millet, peanut cake and moringa powder is an approach to combat or prevent long-term malnutrition in children under five in Niger. However, porridge alone is not the treatment, but should be combined with sanitary, hygienic and nutritional education measures for mothers

    Un cas de spondylodiscite d'Anderson

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    Nous rapportons le cas d´un patient de 48 ans sans antécédent particulier suivi pour une spondylarthrite ankylosante depuis 2012 en accord avec les critères d´ASAS (Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society). Il présente une lombalgie d´horaire inflammatoire sans facteurs déclenchants. Il n´était retrouvé ni notion de fièvre, ni de toux, ni d´amaigrissement. L´examen physique montrait une raideur lombaire avec l´indice de Schöber 10+1, la distance doigts-sol = 30 cm. La radiographie n´était pas contributive. L´imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) lombaire révèle une spondylite d´Anderson au niveau L4-L5, ces données sont confirmées par le scanner lombaire qui met en évidence une spondylolyse avec érosions L4-L5. Une cause infectieuse et néoplasique a été éliminée. L´évolution était favorable sous traitement antalgique, anti-inflammatoires et port de ceinture lombaire

    Industry and Society 10/1974 12 March 1974

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    Lane changing is one of the most common maneuvers on motorways. Although, macroscopic traffic models are well known for their suitability to describe fast moving crowded traffic, most of these models are generally developed in one dimensional framework, henceforth lane changing behavior is somehow neglected. In this paper, we propose a macroscopic model, which accounts for lane-changing behavior on motorway, based on a two-dimensional extension of the Aw and Rascle [Aw and Rascle, SIAM J.Appl.Math., 2000] and Zhang [Zhang, Transport.Res.B-Meth., 2002] macroscopic model for traffic flow. Under conditions, when lane changing maneuvers are no longer possible, the model "relaxes" to the one-dimensional Aw-Rascle-Zhang model. Following the same approach as in [Aw, Klar, Materne and Rascle, SIAM J.Appl.Math., 2002], we derive the two-dimensional macroscopic model through scaling of time discretization of a microscopic follow-the-leader model with driving direction. We provide a detailed analysis of the space-time discretization of the proposed macroscopic as well as an approximation of the solution to the associated Riemann problem. Furthermore, we illustrate some features of the proposed model through some numerical experiments.Comment: 26 page

    Crash risk by driver age, gender, and time of day using a new exposure methodology

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    Introduction: Concerns have been raised that the nonlinear relation between crashes and travel exposure invalidates the conventional use of crash rates to control for exposure. A new metric of exposure that bears a linear association to crashes was used as basis for calculating unbiased crash risks. This study compared the two methods – conventional crash rates and new adjusted crash risk – for assessing the effect of driver age, gender, and time of day on the risk of crash involvement and crash fatality. Method: We used police reports of single-car and multi-car crashes with fatal and nonfatal driver injuries that occurred during 2002–2012 in Great Britain. Results: Conventional crash rates were highest in the youngest age group and declined steeply until age 60–69 years. The adjusted crash risk instead peaked at age 21–29 years and reduced gradually with age. The risk of nighttime driving, especially among teenage drivers, was much smaller when based on adjusted crash risks. Finally, the adjusted fatality risk incurred by elderly drivers remained constant across time of day, suggesting that their risk of sustaining a fatal injury due to a crash is more attributable to excess fragility than to crash seriousness. Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate a biasing effect of low travel exposure on conventional crash rates. This implies that conventional methods do not yield meaningful comparisons of crash risk between driver groups and driving conditions of varying exposure to risk. The excess crash rates typically associated with teenage and elderly drivers as well as nighttime driving are attributed in part to overestimation of risk at low travel exposure. Practical Applications: Greater attention should be directed toward crash involvement among drivers in their 20s and 30s as well as younger drivers. Countermeasures should focus on the role of physical vulnerability in fatality risk of elderly drivers

    Diabetes Retinopathy Prevalence and Risk Factors among Diabetic Patients Seen at Highland Eye Clinic Mutare Zimbabwe: A Retrospective Study

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy and its association with hypertension, age, gender, and fasting blood glucose level.Methods: This retrospective study assessed the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy with its associated risk factors on 135 diabetic patients, aged 18 years and above, visiting the Highland Eye Clinic Mutare, Zimbabwe. Data were collected on the age, sex, and type of retinopathy. Based on the identified retinopathy, subjects were divided into no retinopathy, non-proliferative diabetic renopathy, and proliferative diabetic retinopathy groups. Analysis were then performed using multivariate and univariate regression analyses to test the association between the presence of retinopathy and several risk factors, and results were presented in percentages, with P< 0.05  considered to show statistical significance.Results: The average age of the subjects this study was 60.8 ± 14 with female subjects constituted more than half of the total number of subjects (58.5%). Forty four percent were overweight (BMI 25-30), 34.8 % were obese, and the overall prevalence of diabetic retinopathy was 31.1% (non-proliferative diabetic renopathy, 20%; proliferative renopathy, 11.1%). The proportion of subjects with retinopathy increased with duration of DM, being 23.3% in those with a DM duration of less than 10 years and 46.6% in those with a DM duration of more than 10 years. Age and hypertension were significantly associated with the presence of diabetic retinopathy (P< 0.05) in univariate analysis, but no association was identified between retinopathy and fasting blood glucose (chi-square test, P =0.0965)Conclusion: The prevalence of diabetic retinopathy (DR) is high (31.1%), Non-proliferative DR is more common than the proliferative (DR). There is a strong association between diabetic retinopathy, hypertension, and age

    Etude comparative de l’exploitation traditionnelle de la pintade locale (Numida meleagris) dans deux villages, Toêghin et Sambonaye, au Burkina Faso

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    L’élevage de la pintade se pratique à Sambonaye comme à Toêghin, sans distinction de sexes, respectivement dans les régions du Centre et du Sahel du Burkina Faso. Il comporte dans sa pratique à la fois des avantages et également des inconvénients bien connus des p roducteurs. Cette activité représente, non seulement une source importante de revenus et de protéines pour la population, mais elle répond également à leurs besoins socioculturels. Les produits de cet élevage servent  essentiellement à la vente, à la reproduction, aux dons, à  l’autoconsommation et également aux sacrifices. Les différents  pourcentages affectés à chacun des éléments d’exploitation sont approchés dans cette étude. Cette activité est liée à la saison, car défavorable en saison sèche, elle est favorable à la saison des pluies. Mais, cet élevage connaît malheureusement des contraintes  multifactorielles, parmi lesquelles les contraintes sanitaires qui conduisent à des taux de mortalité très élevés. L’élevage de la pintade revêt plusieurs avantages et inconvénients avec lesquels l’éleveur est obligé de composer tous les jours. Mais les différentes voies d’exploitation de la pintade demeurent variables d’une année à l’autre et d’un village à l’autre.Mots clés : Burkina Faso, avantages, inconvénients, exploitation, pintades
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