204 research outputs found


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    Gender Identity Development: A Study of Caregivers in a Preschool Setting

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    This study observed the present conditions of attitudes toward gender roles, as communicated by caregivers in eight east central Illinois preschool settings. Two research questions were formulated in order to categorize responses for the purpose of identifying prevailing gender role attitudes. Those questions were: How do caregivers in a preschool setting affect gender role stereotypes? and What are key communication events that may create or perpetuate gender role stereotypes in the preschool setting? The data was obtained from personal interviews and the Bem Sex Role Inventory. The results indicated caregivers in the preschool setting did not see gender roles and gender role stereotypes to be of major concern to children on the preschool level of development. However, examples of gender role stereotyping was identified from interview responses


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    This research is CAR (Classroom Action Research) conducted in SMP Negeri 1 Lamongan. This research uses picture aided learning startegy to improve students’ writing ability. The subjects of this study are the 28 (twenty eight) students from grade VII. The research was conducted in year 2018-2019. The results shows that picture series-aided learning can improve students’ writing ability. Their average scores increase from 56.86 into 77.87 (21.01 increase points), that can be elaborated as follows: 10.43 points increase, from 20.86 into 31.29, for content; 5.28 points increase, from 11.79 into 17.07, for language; and 5.29 points increase, from 24.21 into 29.50, for organization

    Tata Rias Wajah Dengan Aplikasi Eyeshadow Bold Eyes Dipadu Eyeshadow Gliter Untuk Koreksi Kelainan Mata Pseudoptosis.

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    Abstrak: Teknikkaplikasi eyeshadow bold eyes dipadu dengan eyesshadow gliter untuk koreksi mata pseudoptosis adalah tata rias korektiffyang menutupi suatu kekurangan dengan ilmu tata rias yang mengalami inovasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1.) Pengaplikasian aplikasi eyeshadow bold eyes dipadu dan eyesshadow gliterruntuk koreksi mata pseudoptosi. 2.) Untuk mengetahui penilaian ahli terhadap hasil jadi tata rias wajah dengan teknik aplikasi eyeshadow bolddeyesk dipadu dan eyesshadowngliter untuk koreksi mata pseudoptosi. Jenis penelitian ini diskriptiffkualitatif data yang didapat berupa hasil pengaplikasian aplikasi eyeshadow bold eyes dipadu dan eyesshadow gliter untuk koreksi mata pseudoptosi yang digunakan pra penelitian dengan rekayasa desain, pendapat ahli, pelaksanaan penelitian, penilaian ahli terhadap hasilm tata riasswajah aplikasi eyeshadow bold eyes dipadu dengan eyesshadow gliter untuk koreksi kelainan mata pseudoptosis.,.Metode pengumpulan data wawancara, dan observasi.Hasil penilaian observer terhadap tata rias wajah dengan aplikasi eyeshadownbold eyes dipadu eyeshadow glitter untuk koreksi kelainan mata pseudoptosis menyatakan bahwa keseluruhan pengaplikasianmini sesuai diterapkan di pengantin Sunda Siger muslim ditinjau dari hasil eksperimen yang pernah dilakukan dan dinilai dengan para ahli. Kata Kunci: Aplikasi Eyeshadow Bold Eyess Dipadu Dengan EyesshadowwGliter Untuk Koreksi Mata Pseudoptosis. Abstract: Bold eyes eyeshadow application techniques combined withheyesshadow eye correction to gliter pseudoptosis is corrective makeup that covers a lack with the science of Cosmetology who experience innovation. This research aims to find out: 1.) Application Deployment) eyeshadowwbold eyes combined and gliter eyesshadow pseudoptosi eye for correction. 2.) To find out the results of the expert assessment against so makeup eyeshadow application techniques with bold eyes combined and gliter eyesshadow pseudoptosi eye for correction. This type of research is qualitative diskriptif the data obtained in the form of bold eyeshadow application deployment results eyes combined and eyesshadow eye pseudoptosi correction to gliter used pra research with engineering design, expert opinion, implementationnof research, expert assessment against the results of the application of eyeshadow makeup bold eyes combined with eyesshadow for the correction of the eye disorder gliter pseudoptosis on Sunda Siger muslim bride. Methods of data collection, interview and observation. The results of the assessment of the observer towards the makeup with bold eyes eyeshadow application combined eyeshadow glitter for the correction of eye disorders pseudoptosis stated that overall this deployment applied in Sundanese Siger muslim bride reviewed the results of experiments ever conducted and assessed by the experts. Keywords: Bold Eyes Eyeshadow Application Combined With Eyesshadow Eye Correction To Gliter Pseudoptosis

    Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Investasi di Pasar Modal: Pendekatan Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)

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    The investment intention is important to be explored because intention to invest in Indonesian capital market is still low. This study analyze the factors that influence investment intention by using Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). Through TPB, investment intention can be measured from explanatory variables which in turn will encourage actual behaviour. The variables used to predict investment intention are attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, financial literacy, and risk perception. This study uses 161 respondents that were collected through a questionnaire. Data were analyzed with validity, reliability, and hypothesis testing using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through path analysis method. The results show that attitudes and subjective norms have no significant effect on investment intention. Meanwhile, perceived of behavioural control, financial literacy, and risk perception have a positive effect on investment intention in the Indonesian capital market. This results are expected to contribute for future research and provide advice to the government to design programs that can increase investment intention in the capital market.Keywords: Investment Intention, Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), Financial Literacy, Risk Perceptio


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    Abstrak Pokok permasalahan dari penelitian ini yaitu mencari tahu bagaimana pemanfaatan koin Shopee dalam pembelian barang di aplikasi Shopee, apakah informasi yang diberikan pihak Shopee terkait penggunaan koin Shopee sudah lengkap serta bagaimana ketentuan hukum Islam dalam pelaksanaan tersebut. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian literatur, dengan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan normatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan koin Shopee pada pembelian barang di aplikasi Shopee termasuk dalam harta manfaat yang sah yakni telah memenuhi unsur jaminan fisik (ain) berupa potongan harga pada saat pembelian, dan jaminan utang (dain). Pihak Shopee sebagai yang memiliki utang dan yang diutangi adalah pihak konsumen, sedangkan pihak yang berhak menagih utang adalah penjual, serta jaminan nafs (jiwa) yakni kesanggupan untuk melakukan sesuatu apabila mendapat klaim dari konsumen. Kata Kunci : Koin Shopee, Promosi dan Diskon Abstrac The main problem of this research is to find out how to use Shopee coins in purchasing goods in the Shopee application, whether the information provided by Shopee regarding the use of Shopee coins is complete and what are the provisions of Islamic law in this implementation. This type of research uses literature research, with qualitative methods and a normative approach. The results of this study indicate that the use of Shopee coins in purchasing goods in the Shopee application is included in legal beneficial assets, namely having fulfilled the elements of physical collateral (ain) in the form of price discounts at the time of purchase, and debt guarantees (dain). Shopee has the debt and the debtor is the consumer, while the party entitled to collect the debt is the seller, as well as the nafs (life) guarantee, namely the ability to do something if a claim is received from the consumer. Keywords : Shopee Coins, Promotions and Discount

    Confessions Of A Black Female Rapper: An Autoethnographic Study On Navigating Selfhood And The Music Industry

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    The following research explores the ways in which a Black female rapper navigates her selfhood and traditional expectations of the music industry. By examining four overarching themes in the literature review - Hip-Hop, race, gender and agency - the author used observations of prominent Black female rappers spanning over five decades, as well as personal experiences, to detail an autoethnographic account of self-development alongside pursuing a music career. Methodologically, the author wrote journal entries to detail her experiences, as well as wrote and performed an accompanying original mixtape entitled The Thesis (available on all streaming platforms), as a creative addition to the research. The author then coded the journal entries and song lyrics using affective methods coding cycles. The author concluded that the best way to navigate selfhood and traditional expectations of the music industry was to put her selfhood first, regardless of how other Black female rappers performed on and off stage, or what consumers or music executives expected of Black female artists

    Conceptual Understanding and Reasoning of Students with Dyscalculia: A Literature Review

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    Dyscalculia is a specific learning condition that affects one’s understanding and manipulation of numerical concepts. Conceptual understanding is one of the components of mathematics proficiency that can be developed through reasoning skills. However, neither the conceptual understanding nor the reasoning abilities of students with dyscalculia have been thoroughly described. The objective of this systematic review of the relevant scientific literature is to identify and analyse existing evidence regarding the conceptual understanding and reasoning skills of students with dyscalculia by using the following procedures: (1) developing a research question; (2) selection criteria; (3) developing the search strategy; (4) study selection process; (5) appraising the quality of studies; and (6) synthesis result. Twenty articles were selected and analysed in total. It was discovered that students with dyscalculia lacked conceptual understanding and reasoning skills, which could present them with a variety of difficulties, such as processing mathematical facts and further developing their mathematical skills


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    Boiler adalah suatu alat berbentuk bejana tertutup yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan steam. Steam diperoleh dengan cara pemanasan, dimana sumber panas berasal dari hasil pembakaran bahan bakar yang ada di furnace. Boiler ini dikatakan Cross Section Double Drum Water Tube dikarenakan memiliki dua drum (double drum) yang ditempatkan secara menyilang ke sumber panas dan tube dipasang secara berlawanan arah dengan drum, kemudian dengan kemiringan tube 65o agar mengurangi gaya gravitasi sehingga mempercepat proses penguapan molekul air. Bahan bakar yang digunakan pada penelitian kali ini menggunakan bahan bakar cair yaitu solar dengan rasio udara bahan bakar sebagai variable berubah, sedangkan bahan bakar sebanyak 15 Liter dan air umpan boiler sebanyak 75 kg sebagai variable tetap. Rasio udara bahan bakar yang digunakan pada rentang excess 6% hingga excess 22%. Hasil perhitungan didapatkan efisiensi furnace pada alat cross section water tube boiler adalah 69,25% pada rasio udara dan bahan bakar adalah excess 18% dengan tekanan superheated steam sudah mencapai tekanan optimum yaitu sebesar 5 bar serta didapatkan heat loss konveksi dari permukaan furnace sebanyak 1370,1581 Btu/h