6 research outputs found

    Biciactivismo en Medellin de la acciĂłn colectiva, a la agenda polĂ­tica

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    El anĂĄlisis de la acciĂłn colectiva de los biciactivistas de MedellĂ­n en la agenda polĂ­tica actual de la ciudad, es una reflexiĂłn sobre la distancia existente entre el ciudadano y las polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas, abordado desde una perspectiva teĂłrica interpretativista que da importancia a contextos, saberes locales y argumentos de la ciudadanĂ­a -- El estudio de caso en sĂ­ mismo es la herramienta metodolĂłgica para la indagaciĂłn -- La evidencia empĂ­rica se obtiene a partir de entrevistas semiestructuradas, observaciĂłn directa, revisiĂłn de informaciĂłn documental y se sistematiza mediante matrices de relaciones y mapas conceptuales -- Los colectivos biciactivistas de MedellĂ­n se visibilizan con propuestas que muestran la bicicleta como sĂ­mbolo de ciudad, de polĂ­tica, del ciudadano que participa, que se involucra, que se moviliza -- Y es esta visiĂłn la que se instaura en la agenda polĂ­tica actual de la ciudad, abriendo escenarios de posibilidades en la toma de decisiones para exigir que la vida y el derecho a la ciudad se respete

    Biciactivismo en MedellĂ­n. De la acciĂłn colectiva a la agenda polĂ­tica

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    The analysis of collective action from Medellin’s cycling advocacy groups on the political agenda of the city, when seen through an Interpretativist Theoretical Perspective, is a reflection of the actual gap between the citizens and the public policy. This fact gives importance to the contexts, local knowledge, and the citizenry’s arguments. The case study is in itself a tool of methodological inquiry. Empirical evidence is gathered by applying semi-structured interviews, direct observation, and documentary review. Such evidence is systematized using matrixes and map-analysis. Cycling advocacy groups of Medellin become visible through proposals which represent the bicycle as a symbol of the city, politics, and of the citizen who participates and is involved. Now, this vision is earning a room within the current political agenda of the city, opening possible decision-making scenarios that would demand respect for the life and the right of the city.El anĂĄlisis de la acciĂłn colectiva de los biciactivistas de MedellĂ­n en la agenda polĂ­tica actual de la ciudad, es una reflexiĂłn sobre la distancia existente entre el ciudadano y las polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas, abordado desde una perspectiva teĂłrica interpretativista que da importancia a contextos, saberes locales y argumentos de la ciudadanĂ­a. El estudio de caso en sĂ­ mismo es la herramienta metodolĂłgica para la indagaciĂłn. La evidencia empĂ­rica se obtiene a partir de entrevistas semiestructuradas, observaciĂłn directa, revisiĂłn de informaciĂłn documental y se sistematiza mediante matrices de relaciones y mapas conceptuales. Los colectivos biciactivistas de MedellĂ­n se visibilizan con propuestas que muestran la bicicleta como sĂ­mbolo de ciudad, de polĂ­tica, del ciudadano que participa, que se involucra, que se moviliza. Y es esta visiĂłn la que se instaura en la agenda polĂ­tica actual de la ciudad, abriendo escenarios de posibilidades en la toma de decisiones para exigir que la vida y el derecho a la ciudad se respeten

    Biciactivismo en MedellĂ­n. De la acciĂłn colectiva a la agenda polĂ­tica

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    The analysis of collective action from Medellin’s cycling advocacy groups on the political agenda of the city, when seen through an Interpretativist Theoretical Perspective, is a reflection of the actual gap between the citizens and the public policy. This fact gives importance to the contexts, local knowledge, and the citizenry’s arguments. The case study is in itself a tool of methodological inquiry. Empirical evidence is gathered by applying semi-structured interviews, direct observation, and documentary review. Such evidence is systematized using matrixes and map-analysis. Cycling advocacy groups of Medellin become visible through proposals which represent the bicycle as a symbol of the city, politics, and of the citizen who participates and is involved. Now, this vision is earning a room within the current political agenda of the city, opening possible decision-making scenarios that would demand respect for the life and the right of the city

    Accelerating Medicines PartnershipÂź Schizophrenia (AMPÂź SCZ):Rationale and Study Design of the Largest Global Prospective Cohort Study of Clinical High Risk for Psychosis

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    This article describes the rationale, aims, and methodology of the Accelerating Medicines PartnershipÂź Schizophrenia (AMPÂź SCZ). This is the largest international collaboration to date that will develop algorithms to predict trajectories and outcomes of individuals at clinical high risk (CHR) for psychosis and to advance the development and use of novel pharmacological interventions for CHR individuals. We present a description of the participating research networks and the data processing analysis and coordination center, their processes for data harmonization across 43 sites from 13 participating countries (recruitment across North America, Australia, Europe, Asia, and South America), data flow and quality assessment processes, data analyses, and the transfer of data to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Data Archive (NDA) for use by the research community. In an expected sample of approximately 2000 CHR individuals and 640 matched healthy controls, AMP SCZ will collect clinical, environmental, and cognitive data along with multimodal biomarkers, including neuroimaging, electrophysiology, fluid biospecimens, speech and facial expression samples, novel measures derived from digital health technologies including smartphone-based daily surveys, and passive sensing as well as actigraphy. The study will investigate a range of clinical outcomes over a 2-year period, including transition to psychosis, remission or persistence of CHR status, attenuated positive symptoms, persistent negative symptoms, mood and anxiety symptoms, and psychosocial functioning. The global reach of AMP SCZ and its harmonized innovative methods promise to catalyze the development of new treatments to address critical unmet clinical and public health needs in CHR individuals.</p

    Proceedings of the 23rd Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: part one

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