602 research outputs found

    The influences of e-satisfaction, e-trust and hedonic motivation on the relationship between e-banking adoption and its determinants in Nigeria

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    The main objective of this study is to investigate factors that can predict adoption of ebanking in Nigeria. Specifically, it aims at investigating mediating influences of esatisfaction, e-trust and hedonic motivation on the relationship between e-banking adoption and its other determinants. The motivation of this study is driven by the inconsistent findings in the literature with respect to the relationships between e-banking adoption and its determinants: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived security and facilitating condition. In line with the inconsistencies, various suggestions have emerged pointing to the need to investigate the possible mediating variables that could explain the inconsistencies. For that purpose, this study employed theories of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Universal Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Social Exchange theory to synchronize the possible relationships among the variables in the conceptual framework. Survey questionnaire was advocated and the questionnaires were distributed randomly to 382 customers of four major banks in Nigeria. Out of 291 returned questionnaires, 266 were useable for analysis. PLS-SEM was used to analyze both direct and indirect relationships among the variables of the study. The results reveal that perceived usefulness, perceived security, perceived ease of use, facilitating condition, and awareness are positive determinants of e-banking adoption, e-satisfaction, hedonic motivation and e-trust accordingly with an exception of perceived usefulness that does not determine e-trust. The study also found that e-satisfaction; e-trust and hedonic motivation mediate the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived security and facilitating conditions and e-banking adoption. Finally, managerial, policy and theoretical implications as well as directions for future research are discussed in this paper

    Penyeliaan Latihan Mengajar: Implikasi dari Kajian Kes Penilaian Latihan Mengajar

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    Artikel ini melaporkan hasil kajian yang telah dij'alankan ke atas guru-guru pelatih Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. Khususnya ia melaporkan dapatan daripada kajian tentang pandangan guru pelatih tentang apakah yang mereka anggap penting dalam Penyeliaan Latihan Mengajar Guru-Guru Pelatih UPM. Kajian ini menemukan 3 dimensi atau gugusan kriteria dalam penyeliaan latihan perguruan iaitu pengetahuan teknik pengajaran, kemahiran menyelia dan minat menyelia. Model perkaitan antara pembolehubah tingkah laku penyeliaan dicerap dmipada matris korelasi menggunakan Teknik Analisis Kesamaan McQuity (Dunn-Rankin 1983).Maklumat diperolehi dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik yang telah dibentuk khas untuk kajian ini berdasarkan kepada tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Data dikumpul daripada 243 orangguru pelatih iaitu lebih kurang 20%daripada jumlah guru-guru pelatih yang mengambil kursus "Latihan Mengajar dan Praktikum Kaunseling" Sesi 1986/1987, Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. Sampel bagi kajian ini terdiri daripada 126 orang pelatih perempuan dan 117 orang pelatih lelaki. Mengikut program, 35 orang adalah pelatih Bacelor Sains dengan Pendidikan, 78 orang pelatih Diploma Sains dengan Pendidikan, 65 orang pelatih Bacelor Pendidikan (Pengajaran Bahasa Malaysia sebagai Bahasa Pertama) dan 65 orang pelatih Bacelor Pendidikan (Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris sebagai Bahasa Kedua)

    Sintesis sebatian hidroksi-eter minyak sawit olein

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    Sebatian hidroksi-eter-POo (80% hasil) disintesis melalui pembukaan gelang oksirana minyak sawit olein terepoksida (EPOo) secara alkoholisis. Hasil optimum pembukaan gelang oksirana (99.2%) dicapai dengan menggunakan asid sulfurik 3% v/bt pada suhu tindak balas yang tinggi (80oC) selama 30 minit masa tindak balas. Spektrum resonan magnetik nukleus-proton (1H-NMR) hidroksi-eter-POo telah menunjukkan kehadiran puncak proton pada karbon eter (3.2, 3.5 ppm) dan proton pada kumpulan hidroksil (4.8 ppm). Spektrum resonan magnetik nukleus-karbon (13C-NMR) hidroksi-eter-POo telah menunjukkan kehadiran puncak karbon yang terikat dengan kumpulan hidroksil (75 ppm) dan karbon pada karbonil kumpulan eter (72 ppm). Kelikatan kinematik hidroksi-eter-POo adalah 234.4 cSt (40oC) dan 28.1 cSt (100oC) dengan indeks kelikatan 156

    Electrochemical Behavior of Polycrystalline Copper in Aqueous Phosphate Buffered Solution During CO2 Reduction.

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    The redox processes occurring on the copper surface in phosphate buffered solution were investigated. The results show that the oxidation and the reduction of copper surface occur in a slow process with hydrogen evolution region proceeding at potential more negative than -1.0 V. It is found that the hydrogen evolution region was not affected by the anodic potential limits. The anodic film forms on the copper surface are reduced possibly in quasireversible manner. In CO2-saturated solution, the loss of copper to the solution increases due to the formation of copper soluble species. This process is further enhanced with the polarization process, where copper(I)-carbonyl forms to the bulk solution. The results also show that the electrochemical behavior of copper electrode is dramatically changed by the polarization process. The hydrogen evolution region is greatly depressed due to the CO2 reduction process. Consequently, the reduction of CO2 is not pronounced on the copper surface except for the electrode surface has which been polarized at high cathodic potential for a period of time

    Synthesis And Characterization Of Ester Trimethylolpropane Based Jatropha Curcas Oil As Biolubricant Base Stocks

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    Biolubricant production of ester trimethylolpropane (ET) was conducted via esterification of fatty acid (FA) of Jatropha curcas oil with trimethylolpropane (TMP). The condition for this reaction was as follows: temperature was 150°C, time of reaction was 3 hours, molar ratio of FA: TMP was 4:1, and 2 % w/w catalyst (based on weight of FA). Sulfuric acid was used as the catalyst in this reaction. The composition of ET was determined by gas chromatography (GC-FID). The ester group was confirmed by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and the structure was confirmed by proton and carbon Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H-NMR and 13C-NMR) spectra. 55% of product was successfully synthesized in this research. The pour point of the product was observed as low as –30°C, flash point was >300 °C and viscosity was 79 cP

    Epoxidation of Palm Kernel Oil Fatty Acids

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    Epoxidation of palm kernel oil fatty acids using formic acid and hydrogen peroxide was carried out effectively using a homogeneous reaction. It was found that epoxidation reaction occurred optimally at a temperature of 40oC and reaction time of 120 minits. The oxirane conversion was the highest at 1.46mol and 0.85mol of hydrogen peroxide and formic acid respectively. It was found that a maximum of 99% relative conversion of ethylenic oxirane was obtained, similar to the conversion of iodine value. The formation of epoxide adduct of palm kernel oil fatty acids (FAPKO) was confirmed by 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectral analysis showed the disappearance of double bonds and replaced by epoxy group in the EFAPKO

    New stabilizers for polystyrene based on 2-N-salicylidene-5-(substituted)-1,3,4-thiadiazole compounds

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    AbstractThe photostabilization of polystyrene (PS) films by 2-N-salicylidene-5-(substituted)-1,3,4-thiadiazole compounds was investigated. The PS films containing concentration of complexes 0.5% by weight were produced by the casting method from chloroform solvent. The photostabilization activities of these compounds were determined by monitoring the carbonyl and hydroxyl indices with irradiation time. The changes in viscosity average molecular weight of PS with irradiation time were also tracked (using benzene as a solvent). The quantum yield of the chain scission (Φcs) of these complexes in PS films was evaluated and found to range between 3.31×10−6 and 7.89×10−6. Results obtained showed that the rate of photostabilization of PS in the presence of the additive follows the trend: SN>SC>SB>SI>SPAccording to the experimental results obtained, several mechanisms were suggested depending on the structure of the additive. Among UV absorption, peroxide decomposer and radical scavenger for photostabilizer additives mechanisms were suggested

    Woody Flora Of Natural Forest Gaps In A Bamboo-dominated Forest Remnant In Southwestern Amazonia

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    Forest gaps, created by the falling of one or more trees, have been seen as a key factor for the maintenance of local plant diversity in tropical forests. In this study, our goal was to determine the floristic composition of woody plants colonizing natural gaps and in the understory of an open, bamboo-dominated (Guadua weberbaueri Pilg.) forest in southwestern Amazonia, Acre, Brazil. We sampled and identified woody plants (≥1 m tall and DBH ≤10 cm) in 20 forest gaps and nine adjacent understories. In total, 1656 plants were identified in 159 species, 116 genera and 45 families. A list of species was created, containing habitat, habit, functional group, threat status (Brazilian Flora Red List) and abundance data for each species. © 2016 Check List and Authors.12