552 research outputs found

    A Novel Grid Connected Photovoltaic System

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    Inthispaper, a novel grid connected photovoltaic system is proposed which can function as an Active Power Filter (APF) with Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). Filter reference current is derived using Fourier Transform. Considering 33% reduction in inverter switches, cost of the grid-connect photovoltaic power plant can be reduced considerably. Using this approach, it is also possible to compensate for reactive and harmonic components of the local loads; moreover it can inject generated active power into grid at maximum power point of the photovoltaic cells. According to this, during daytime, the proposed system injects active power to the grid and at the same time compensates for the reactive power of the load. When there is no sunlight, the inverter only compensates local loads. Considering cost reduction, such capabilities may result in more application of the grid connected photovoltaic systems. Main novelty of the proposed system is simultaneous APF and MPPT functioning using single DC/AC converter. In fact, extra DC-DC converter is not required in the proposed system for MPPT. In order to verify the performance of the proposed method, some simulation is done using MATLAB/Simulink software. Also, some experimental results are presented for practical verification of the proposed grid connected inverter


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    Student-University Identification (SUI) of virtual students in higher education is one area of identity that receives less attention. This study aimed to explore the SUI of a purposive sample of five virtual students studying Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) at the Ph.D. level in Iran. Investigating SUI in higher education among virtual TEFL Ph.D. candidates potentially contributes to demystifying a complex relationship of factors, such as cultural experiences, linguistic backgrounds, and online environment challenges. Using phenomenology, the study investigated the identities of the participants by thematically analyzing semi-structured interview data. The findings revealed the participants’ various ways of identifying with a university, the subsequent consequences of identification, and the obstacles preventing them to develop SUI. The findings indicated that several factors at play are unique to doctoral candidates. The faculty prestige, research-based concerns, and nature of online media were identified to be crucial aspects of SUI for the TEFL Ph.D. students. Universities are thus advised to provide appropriate direction for virtual candidates. The study also found that some students perceived a lack of competence in TEFL, which, in turn, acted as a barrier to their SUI. To alleviate this problem, further research needs to identify what is lacking in teacher education university programs and what initiatives are required to improve TEFL students’ professional development and help them become confident English teachers

    Suicide and Laser Refractive Surgery

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    This is a Letter to the Editor and does not have an abstract

    The efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in a structured program of benzodiazepine withdrawal on cognitive function and sleep in the elderly: a pilot study.

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    Background: Benzodiazepines are prescribed for anxiety and insomnia. In majority of cases, consumption of benzodiazepines becomes chronic and accompanies risks and comorbidities affecting a wide range of cognitive abilities. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i) is the first line therapy for treating insomnia. Implementation of this therapy with benzodiazepine withdrawal programs can improve sleep quality and weaning success rate. Objective: To evaluate the effect of CBT-i on cognition upon withdrawal from a prolonged benzodiazepine consumption for chronic insomnia. Methods: 24 insomniacs aged 60 years or older, after undergoing a comprehensive sleep and cognitive evaluation, were randomly assigned into two groups of CBT-i (n=12) and waitlist (n=12). While both groups followed a structured and progressive benzodiazepine withdrawal program over 16 weeks, the CBT-i group additionally received 8 sessions of CBT-i therapy. At the end of the weaning program, both groups underwent the same sleep and cognitive evaluations. Results: All of sleep diary measures improved in the CBT-i group. Both groups showed improvements in insomnia severity index (p=0.000) and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (p=0.002), while the latter improved more notably in the CBT-i group (p=0.014). Actigraphy, highlighted improved sleep efficiency (p=0.000) and decreased wake after sleep onset (p=0.008) in CBT-i group. The cognitive tests showed improvements in the reading speeds (time, p=0.000; score, p=0.006) and recall copying ability (p=0.040) of the CBT-i group. Conclusion: This study, highlight the benefits of supplementing benzodiazepine withdrawal with CBT-i related to improvements in sleep quality, while also sheds some lights on its possible effects on cognition

    Short-term Effects of Transcranial Near-Infrared Photobiomodulation on Motor Performance in Healthy Human Subjects: An Experimental Single-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Introduction: Transcranial near-infrared photobiomodulation (NIR-PBM) is a new noninvasive procedure which transcranially applies a near-infrared wavelength to the scalp with a laser or a light-emitting diode (LED) source. Improvement in the neurological or psychological symptoms has been reported following light irradiation. However, to our knowledge, there is no study to investigate the effects of transcranial NIR-PBM on motor performance directly. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the short-term effects of transcranial NIR-PBM on motor performance in healthy human subjects.Methods: In this experimental single-blind randomized clinical trial study, 56 right-handed healthy participants, whose ages ranged from 18 to 30, were randomly assigned to (1) Real transcranial NIR-PBMC3 group (n=14), (2) Sham transcranial NIR-PBMC3 group (n=14), (3) Real transcranial NIR-PBMC4 group (n=14), and (4) Sham transcranial NIR-PBMC4 group (n=14). We applied the 808 nm laser with irradiation energy density of 60 J/cm2 and power density of 200 mw/cm2 to the C3 or C4 points of the scalp. The number of finger taps as an indicator of motor performance was assessed by the finger-tapping test (FTT) before and after irradiation of transcranial NIR-PBM on the corresponding points of the scalp for 5 minutes.Results: The results showed that the number of finger taps in both right and left hands following the use of transcranial NIR-PBM in the real transcranial NIR-PBMC3 group significantly increased (P < 0.05).Conclusion: We concluded that using transcranial NIR-PBM with a laser source on C3 point of the motor cortex in right-handed healthy people can increase the number of finger taps in both hands as an indicator of motor performance improvement

    Methodological explanation of realist interview

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    Retroduction research strategy based on realistic philosophy is one of the four research strategies in the social sciences, which despite the necessary philosophical and methodological foundations, due to the complexity of the mechanism explanation and the lack of appropriate research tools, has put researchers in this field in serious trouble. Realistic (theory driven) interviewing is an emerging tool that has tried to compensate for existing shortcomings. Lack of sufficient methodological literature for conducting such a type of interview, especially in the scientific community of the country, motivated the researcher, in addition to explaining the theoretical foundations and enumerating the distinctive aspects of its components compared to common interviews in both quantitative and qualitative traditions, to describe its implementation methods as well. Findings reveal that the distinctive identity of the realistic interview due to the researcher's theory assignment as the subject of negotiation in the interview, embedding teaching-learning and conceptual focus functions, the dynamic and expert-centered role of the researcher in conducting the interview and different criteria in compiling, analyzing and validating the findings, takes the function of this interview beyond the typical level of regulation or mere interpretation of data

    L'effet de la COVID-19 sur l'éducation et le bien-être des étudiants en médecine : une enquête transversale

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    Background: Canadian medical school curriculums have undergone major restructuring during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study’s goal was to assess the perceived impact of COVID-19 on medical students’ education and wellbeing.  Methods: An online survey was distributed to Canadian medical students.  Descriptive analyses and ANOVAs were used to assess changes in mental health, health habits and quality of education during the pandemic. Results: 248 medical students from 13 schools across Canada participated in this study. 74% reported a reduction in the quality of their education since COVID-19. 58% of students found online to be inferior to in-person teaching. 65% of students had more time for wellness and leisure activities, about half of the cohort felt more depressed (48%) and lonelier (52%). Student’s overall health habits worsened after the start of the pandemic (F=37.4, p < 0.001). Alcohol drinking, time spent seated, and screen time also increased since the pandemic (p < 0.001). During the pandemic, students with a prior history of depression or anxiety expressed increased depressive symptoms (66% vs. 42%, p =0.003), increased anxiety (69% vs. 41%, p < 0001), worse sleep quality (34% vs. 18%, p = 0.031), and poorer quality of life (55% vs. 65%, p = 0.024) versus those with no prior history. Conclusion: Canadian medical student’s education and wellbeing has been negatively impacted during the pandemic.Contexte : Les cursus des facultés de médecine canadiennes ont subi une restructuration majeure pendant la pandémie du COVID-19. L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer l'impact perçu de la pandémie sur l'éducation et le bien-être des étudiants en médecine. Méthodes : Un sondage en ligne a été distribué aux étudiants en médecine au Canada. Des analyses descriptives ont été effectuées et une analyse de variance a été réalisée pour évaluer le changement de quatre habitudes de santé pendant la pandémie. Résultats : 248 étudiants en médecine de 13 établissements au Canada ont participé à cette étude. 74% d'entre eux ont signalé une baisse de la qualité de leur enseignement depuis le début de la pandémie. 58% des étudiants ont trouvé que l'enseignement en ligne était inférieur à l'enseignement en présentiel. 65% des étudiants ont déclaré avoir plus de temps à consacrer à leurs loisirs et à des activités en lien avec le bien-être, environ la moitié de la cohorte s’est sentie plus déprimée (48 %) et plus seule (52 %). Les habitudes de santé des étudiants se sont considérablement détériorées à l'arrivée de la pandémie (F=37,4, p < 0,001). La consommation d'alcool, le temps passé assis et le temps passé devant un écran ont également augmenté de manière significative depuis le début de la pandémie (p < 0,001). Pendant la pandémie, les étudiants ayant des antécédents de dépression ou d'anxiété ont présenté des niveaux plus élevés de symptômes liés à ces états (66 % contre 42 %, p = 0,003 pour la dépression et 69 % contre 41 %, p<0001 pour l’anxiété), ils avaient une moins bonne qualité de sommeil (34 % contre 18 %, p = 0,031) et une moins bonne qualité de vie en général (55 % contre 65 %, p = 0,024) que ceux qui n'avaient pas de tels antécédents. Conclusion : L'éducation et le bien-être des étudiants en médecine canadiens ont été touchés négativement pendant la pandémie

    Acridinium 2-hy­droxy­benzoate

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    In the title compound, C13H10N+·C7H5O3 − or (acrH)+(Hsal)−, the asymmetric unit contains one acridinium cation and one salicylate anion. The acridinium N atom is protonated and the carb­oxy­lic acid group of salicylic acid is deprotonated. Both moieties are planar, with an r.m.s. deviation of 0.0127 Å for the acr cation and 0.0235 ° for the sal anion. They are aligned with a dihedral angle of 71.68 (3)° between them. The crystal structure is stabilized by a network of inter­molecular N—H⋯O, O—H⋯O and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. C—H⋯π inter­actions are also present
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