4 research outputs found

    Kontribusi Penyadapan Getah Pinus (Pinus Merkusii) terhadap Tingkat Pendapatan di PT. Inhutani I Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Income is a person's source of income to meet daily needs which are very important for survival. The income of pine sap tappers who live in rural areas generally does not come from one source, but comes from two or more sources of income. The relatively low level of income requires household members who are potential farmers to work harder. This study was to determine the contribution of tapping pine sap to the income level of the tapping community at PT. Inhutani I, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi. This research was conducted from April to May 2022. The method used was the census method. The number of samples consisted of 20 heads of families with pine sap tappers status. This study uses primary data and secondary data. Collecting data through field surveys and data collection techniques using observation, interviews and questionnaires. The data analysis used in this research is qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results showed that the average income of pine resin tappers in the pine forest area. Pine sap income Rp. 2.030.000/month, other sector income Rp. 1.365.000/month, and the total income of the tappers is Rp. 3.395.000/month. Then the total income of pine resin tappers is Rp. 3.395.000/month, the contribution of pine resin tappers is 59.79%/month. With pine resin income of Rp. 2.030.000/month, people in pine forest area. And the income contribution of tappers is Rp. 1.745.000/month, or 59.79% with a total income of Rp. 3.395.000/month, and the components needed for tappers are Rp. 1.650.000/month. The need for direction and guidance from PT. Inhutani I Gowa to the community to be enthusiastic and participate in increasing the production of pine resin in order to meet the set targets, and this is useful for the company because the production of sap increases, the income of the community also increases.Pendapatan merupakan sumber penghasilan seseorang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari yang sangat penting bagi kelangsungan hidup. Pendapatan para penyadap getah pinus yang rata-rata bermukim di pedesaan pada umumnya tidak berasal dari satu sumber, tetapi berasal dari dua sumber atau lebih sumber pendapatan. Tingkat pendapatan yang relatip rendah mengharuskan anggota rumah tangga yang berpotensi sebagai petani untuk lebih giat bekerja. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kontribusi penyadapan getah pinus terhadap tingkat pendapatan masyarakat penyadap di PT.Inhutani I Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitan ini dilaksanakan dari Bulan April hingga Mei 2022. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode sensus. Jumlah sampel terdiri dari 20 kepala keluarga dengan status penyadap getah pinus. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data melalui survei lapangan dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan kuisioner. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian didapat bahwa rata-rata pendapatan penyadap getah pinus didaerah kawasan hutan pinus. Pendapatan getah pinus Rp. 2.030.000/bulan, pendapatan sektor lain Rp. 1.365.000/bulan, dan dan pendapatan total penyadap Rp. 3.395.000/bulan. Kemudian pendapatan total penyadap getah pinus Rp.  3.395.000/bulan, kontribusi penyadap getah pinus sebesar 59.79% /bulan. Dengan pendapatan getah pinus Rp. 2.030.000/bulan, masyarakat didaerah kawasan hutan pinus. Dan kontribusi pendapatan penyadap Rp. 1.745.000/bulan, atau 59,79% dengan pendapatan total penyadap Rp. 3.395.000/bulan, dan komponen kebutuhan penyadap Rp. 1.650.000/bulan. Perlunya arahan dan pembinaan dari PT. Inhutani I Gowa kepada masyarakat agar bersemangat dan ikut serta meningkatkan produksi getah pinus agar dapat memenuhi target yang ditetapkan, dan hal ini berguna bagi perusahaan karna produksi getah meningkat, pendapatan masyarakat juga akan meningkat


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    Konflik Israel dan Palestina menjadi perhatian di media sosial saat ini terutama di Indonesia. Beragam ulasan yang dapat ditemui pada media sosial baik yang bersifat negatif maupun positif. Oleh sebab itu dilakukanlah sebuah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menganalisa ulasan yang bersifat positif maupun negatif oleh Masyarakat Indonesia terhadap masalah yang sedang terjadi antara Israel dan Palestina di media sosial menggunakan algoritma Support Vector Machine dengan tiga skema preprocessing. Metode penelitian dilaksanakan dengan berbagai tahap yakni pengumpulan data ulasan, preprocessing data ulasan, klasifikasi, dan evaluasi model. Penelitian ini menggunakan data komentar masyarakat Indonesia pada platform YouTube. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skema 3 yang menerapkan casefolding dan stemming memiliki nilai akurasi tertinggi dimana nilai F1-Score untuk ulasan positif mencapai 98% dan untuk ulasan negatif mencapai 93%, diikuti oleh skema 1 yang menerapkan casefolding, stopword dan stemming dengan nilai F1-Score untuk ulasan positif mencapai 97% dan ulasan negatif mencapai 85% dan yang terakhir adalah skema 2 yang menerapkan casefolding dan stopword dengan nilai F1-Score untuk ulasan positif mencapai 96% dan ulasan negatif mencapai 85%. Dengan hasil tersebut dapat dilihat bahwa skema preprocessing mempengaruhi hasil dari algoritma Support Vector Machine

    Politeness strategies used by a child in “Jersey Girl” movie

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    ABSTRACT In our daily communication, people need to use the strategy of politeness to build harmony when they interact with others in order to achieve their wants and goals by maintaining other’s face. Whether we realize it or not, we will automatically try to be polite when we explore our idea to the addressee in any reasons. It is because politeness is one of the topics of pragmatics which studies about a strategy of communication that emphasizes on how to be polite in words and actions. Politeness phenomenon also appears in the dialogues of movie in the terms of conversation between the characters. Therefore, the writer chooses Jersey girl movie to investigate politeness used by the children. This study is aimed at finding the use of politeness strategies in Jersey Girl’s movie. Moreover, this study is designed to find out the types of politeness strategies and the reason for using the strategy by Gertie as the main character when she expresses her opinion in order to reach her wants. This study is descriptive-qualitative since the data were collected, analyzed and described in the form of words rather than numerical scores or statistics. The study is descriptive because it tries to describe the way politeness strategies are used by children. The data of the research are the utterances, which contains politeness strategies employed by Gertie. This study has one primary data source which is the movie itself. The researcher also used movie’s script of the film from internet. The result of this research shows that Gertie uses four kinds of politeness strategies being proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987) to express her opinion, namely: Bald on Record, Positive Politeness, Negative Politeness and Off Record. Furthermore, based on the finding of this research, the researcher found that the strategy which is mostly used by Gertie is Bald on Record. It means that Gertie likes to speak direct, clear, ambiguous and concise ways when she intends achieve her wants. Moreover, he found that there are many reasons of Gertie in using those kinds of politeness strategies. It mostly influenced by her feeling of emotion, environment, and the situation when she uses politeness strategies. The result of this study is useful for the next researchers who are in the same area of this study. For the next researcher, he suggested to choose different field research and different theory, in order to enrich the area of study and investigation