1,097 research outputs found
Community Service Activities aim to build the livestock community to be independent, increase their knowledge and skills in providing quality feed for their livestock needs. The solutions offered are through several methods : taking an approach to understand the partner group's problems and carrying out counseling and training. As a result of service activities, partner group members can know how to feed and can make complete silage. The evaluation results show that the partner group succeeded in making complete silag
Community service activities aim to improve the skills of group members in making broiler chicken feed in order to overcome the increasing price of feed. The solutions offered are through several methods, namely 1) approaching by discussing the problems faced by partner groups, 2) counseling and training for partner groups in Jan Village, South Ternate District. The results of the service activities of group members know the types of local materials and agricultural waste that can be used as a mixture of broiler chicken feed. Partners know and have been able to make feed from several local feed ingredients that are available for broilers with different growth phases. The results of observations showed that broiler chickens given a mixture of local feed ingredients showed good performance and farmers did not use antibiotics in their maintenance
Abstrac: Indonesia not only prioritizes IQ but EQ is also a priority in building a virtuous society. EQ can be achieved one of them with moral education whose domain touches on the morals of learners. One way in shaping the morals of learners is through disciplined moral education. Discipline moral education itself acts as the first gateway in the entry of moral education among learners because this discipline is a form of obedience as well as respect for the rules and advice of teachers in Madrasah. The fruit of disciplined education is the growing attitude of responsibility to students. The purpose of this study is 3, namely: (1) Knowing from disciplined education, (2) Knowing the role of disciplined education in improving attitudes of responsibility, (3) Knowing supporting actors and inhibiting disciplined moral education in improving attitudes of responsibility. This type of research uses case studies . This research is included in qualitative research with a background in Madrasah Aliyah Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Tebuireng Jombang. This study analyzed several things related to the Role of Disciplined Moral Education in Improving Student Attitudes of Responsibility. The data obtained from this study is the result of observations, interviews and documentation that are then analyzed and drawn conclusions. Based on the research, it was obtained that disciplined moral education uses teaching methods, transparency and supervision. Disciplined education plays a role in improving student responsibility attitudes. As for the supporting factors and obstacles there are internal and external. bstrak: Pemerintah Indonesia tidak hanya mengutamakan IQ saja melainkan EQ juga menjadi prioritas dalam membangun masyarakat yang berbudi luhur khususnya bagi para peserta didik. EQ tersebut bisa tercapai salah satunya dengan pendidikan akhlak yang ranahnya menyentuh pada akhlak siswa. Salah satu cara dalam membentuk akhlak siswa adalah melalui pendidikan akhlak disiplin. Pendidikan akhlak disiplin sendiri berperan sebagai gerbang pertama dalam masuknya pendidikan akhlak di kalangan siswa dikarenakan disiplin ini adalah wujud daripada ketaatan sekaligus penghormatan terhadap peraturan dan nasehat guru di lingkungan sekolah atau madrasah. Buah dari pendidikan disiplin adalah tumbuhnya sikap tanggung jawab pada siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini ada 3, yakni : (1) Mengetahui dari pendidikan disiplin,(2) Mengetahui peran pendidikan disiplin dalam meningkatkan sikap tanggung jawab,(3) Mengetahui aktor pendukung dan penghambat pendidikan disiplin dalam meningkatkan sikap tanggung jawab. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui sesuatu secara mendalam. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dalam konteks Madrasah Aliyah Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Tebuireng Jombang. Penelitian ini menganalisis beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan peran pendidikan akhlak disiplin dalam meningkatkan sikap siswa terhadap tanggung jawab. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini merupakan hasil observasi, wawancara, dan rekaman, yang kemudian dianalisis dan dirangkum. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa pendidikan kedisiplinan mengadopsi metode pengajaran, metode model dan metode pendampingan. Pendidikan disiplin berperan dalam meningkatkan rasa tanggung jawab siswa, yang diwujudkan dalam kemampuan siswa untuk mematuhi aturan dan peraturan madrasah. Faktor pendukung dan penghambat bersifat intrinsik dan ekstrinsik
Prophet Muhammad is a person whose entire aspects of life become role models for all mankind on earth, except for certain things that do apply specifically to him. The recording of the personality of the Prophet Muhammad that we inherited and preserved for his authenticity namely the Hadith is the most authoritative book to study his personality. From here we can trace how the method that was practiced by the Prophet Muhammad when teaching his friends. Instead the theory of education and teaching that is learned and applied in Indonesia is more likely to be adopted from theWest, due to victory in the second world war. Though the theory of education at that time only focused on meeting industrial and military needs. A method in the teaching process is very vital because it determines the level of effectiveness and efficiency of success in teaching itself. A teacher or educator is required to be careful in choosing methods so that success in teaching can be maximized. This paper seeks to reveal that the Demonstration method is a method often used by the Prophet Muhammad in his teaching. Because he had died, the source of the research data wascarried out through hadiths whose authenticity and validity had been selected by the hadith scholars
Pengaruh Perubahan Arus Kas Dan Laba Akuntansi Terhadap Return Saham Pada Perusahaan LQ-45 Yang Terdaftar Di BEI Tahun 2017-2019
ABSTARCTThis study aims to determine the effect of changes in operating cash flow and accounting profit partially and simultaneously on stock returns in LQ-45 companies listed on the stock exchange in 2071-2019. The method used is purposive sampling with a population of 45 companies and the sample used is 15 company data. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression. The result of this study indicate that partally operating cash flow has a positive and not significant effect on stock return on LQ-45 companies on the Stock Exchange in 2017-2019 and accounting profit have a positive and not significant effect on Stock Exchange in 20117-2019. Keywords : Operating Cash Flow, Accounting Profit And Stock Retur
Varian Makna Dosa dalam Al-Qur’an : Studi Tafsir Tentang Lafadh Al-Dhanb dan Al-Ithm
Abstract: Al-Qur'an describes various forms of sin both applicatively and implicitly. but from various forms of different meanings. These all have a common thread of meaning so that in short it is immediately interpreted as sin. Although in fact there are many differences in understanding the essence of the sentences of the Qur'an which are interpreted as sin. The unification of meaning into one meaning, namely sin, makes the writer feel uneasy because reality has different applications and implications. Departing from a reflection to explore the true meaning that is appropriate to be attached to the pronunciation al-ithm and al-dhanb which have the meaning of sin. This happens because the author observes that many people understand and know what sin means, but understanding it will lead to different meanings and explanations. This happens because of various aspects which are even closely related to sin. This study is focusing to explore the true meaning of the pronunciation al-ithm and al-dhanb which are usually interpreted as sin, even though the two actually have differences. This research finally resulted in what the authors were looking for, namely the difference in the operational meanings of the two pronunciations that originated from the interpretation of the Al-Qur'an verse.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh pemberian air perasan daun pepaya dengan berbagai tingkatan dosis terhadap respon patofisiologik duodenum ayam buras. Penelitian menggunakan 20 ekor ayam buras yang berumur 3 bulan dengan berat badan rata-rata (± SD) 577 ± 69,97 g. Hewan percobaan dilcelompokkan secara acak merata dalam lima kelompok perlalcuan, tiap-tiap kelompok terdiri dari empat ekor. Kelompok pertarna sebagai kontrol hanya diberi akuades (Po)kelompok kedua sampai kelompok\u27 lima diberi air perasan daun papaya dosis tunggal sebagai berilait: 1,5 ml (P1), 2,0 ml (P2), 2,5 nil (P3) dan 3,0 ml (P4). Untuk pembuatan perasan daun papaya digunakan 400 g daun pepaya dan diekstraksi secara sederhana. Empat had setelah perlakuan ayam dikorbankan, dibedah bangkai, dilalcukan pemeriksaan duodenum. Pemeriksaan dilakukan secara makroskopik dan mikroskopik. Preparat mikroskopik dibuat dengan metode paraffin dan diwarnai dengan hematoksilin-eosin (HE). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perubahan patologik pada duodenum pada kelompok perlakuan P2, P3 dan P4. Secara makroskopik pada duodenum terlihat gambaran hiperemi dan hemoragi difusa. Sedangkan secara mikroskopik duodenum ayam pada ketiga kelompok perlakuan P2, P3 dan P4 terjadi erosi pada lapisan epitel mukosa, hiperemi, dan hemoragi pada lamina propria. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol dan Pi tidak terlihat adanya perubahan makroskopik maupun mikroskopik. Dari hash penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dosis air perasan daun papaya 1,5 ml tidak menimbulkan perubahan patofisiologik, sedangkan pemberian pada dosis 2,0 ml, 2,5 ml dan 3,0 ml memperlihatkan perubahan patofisiologik pada duodenum ayam buras. Sernakin tinggi dosis pemberian air perasan daun pepaya yang diberikan semakin besar perubahannya.
Kata kunci: Air perasan dam pepaya, patofisiologik duodenu
Community Service Activities are a collaborative activity between the PKM team of the Faculty of Agriculture Unkhair and Partners, namely the FeedLot livestock group in Susupu Village, Sahu District, West Halmahera Regency. The problem with partners is that they do not know about feed processing technology. The purpose of this service is to build an independent farmer community, increase the knowledge of residents about how to make silage and synergize the potential of lecturers and students in carrying out community service. To achieve the goal of service, counseling and training in making silage are carried out. The activity was carried out in several stages, namely surveys, counseling and training and implementation. The results of service activities are that farmers respond very well, breeders can make silage and know the use of silage
Education is an instrument in cultivating the value of tolerance. The focus of this research is Living value in the life of Pondok Pesantren Salaf Tarbiyatun Nasyi'in Paculgowang. This type of research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection from this study contains data quotations to provide an overview of the presentation of the report. Data comes from, field notes, interview manuscripts, photos, personal documents, etc. The results of the observations show that the planting of pesantren living values ​​is carried out in 3 stages, namely Aqidah, worship, and morals
Problem Solving Profile of Class IX Junior High School Students Viewed from Spatial Visual Intelligence on Building Materials Room
The purpose of this study was to obtain a description of the problem-solving grade IX SMP Labschool UNTAD Palu in problem-solving solid figures in terms of visual-spatial intelligence. This study used a qualitative method that is based on the problem-solving steps proposed by Polya. The results showed at the stage of understanding the problem (1) student of high visual-spatial intelligence was drawn objects contained in the problem and make an example at the points in the image according to their own understanding to identify the information contained in the problem. As well as these students can mention all the information that exists correctly. (2) student of mid visual spatial intelligence was to draw objects in the problem to identify information contained in the problem. As well as these students can mention all the information that exists correctly. (3) student of low visual spatial intelligence can mention all the information that exists correctly. At the stage of making a plan (1) student of high visual spatial intelligence prefer shorter and less common strategies to solve problems, namely to find the area of all upright sides in the pyramid and add to the area of the beam without a roof. (2) student of mid visual spatial intelligence are choosing a very common strategy for solving problems, namely looking for the surface area of the beam, adding it to the surface area of the pyramid. Then the sum of results will be reduced by the area of the base of the pyramid and the area of the roof of the beam. (3) student of low visual spatial intelligence experience difficulties and are incomplete in determining problem solving strategies. At the stage of carrying out the plan (1) student of visual spatial intelligence can implement strategies to solve problems correctly. (2) student of mid visual spatial intelligence are able to apply strategies to solve problems correctly. (3) student of low visual spatial intelligence experience difficulties when working on problems and cannot solve problems correctly. At the stage of looking back (1) student of high visual spatial intelligence is very thorough in re-examining the work step by step and reexamining the results that have been obtained. Student believe the truth of the answer by recalculating and concluding the results obtained correctly. (2) student of mid visual spatial intelligence is not re-examining the results that have been obtained because they have believed the truth of the answer. (3) student of low visual spatial intelligence do not re-examine the results that have been obtained because of doubt
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