56 research outputs found

    Using of spouted bed spray granulation process for fabricating of metal/ceramic-polymer composites

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    Naturally occurring structural materials are composites with very high filling degrees on hard constituent. In recent years structure and properties of biological materials have been studied in detail. But it has not been possible to reconstruct this structural design. In this contribution we present a process for the fabrication of very highly filled composite materials by using of the spouted bed spray granulation process. Spouted bed granulation offers many advantages for the design of composite materials. In this investigation fine particles (dP =10-50 µm) could be uniformly spouted, and optimal properties for further processing to bulk materials can be obtained by means of granulation. For this a hybrid spouted bed with horizontal gas inlets was designed, which has a small prismatic process chamber with adjustable inlets and a high conical-cylindrical relaxation zone. The thickness of the polymer layer is adjusted by a two-fluid nozzle. The adjustment of the thickness of polymer layer is very important to fabricate composites of adjustable filling degrees. After granulation the particles are assembled to a composite material by means of warm pressing. Additionally for achievement of very high packing densities bimodal particle size distributions are used. For this purpose, particles in nm-range are firstly suspended in polymer solution and the suspension is sprayed in the spouted bed on coarser particles. Granulated particles are assembled to composites and mechanical properties of these were analysed by 4-point bending-tests. We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the German Research Foundation (DFG) via the collaborative research center SFB986. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Investigations on the spouting stability in a prismatic spouted bed and apparatus optimization

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    This paper deals especially with spouting stability in a slot-rectangular (prismatic) spouted bed. The flow stability was characterized by the pressure drop evaluation (the uniformity and amplitude of the fluctuations) and visual observations (the flow symmetry). The effect of several geometrical conditions, such as the inlet design, prismatic angle and draft plates on the bed behaviour was investigated for different particles and bed inventories exposed to different air flow rates. The prismatic angle was found to have a strong impact on the spouting characteristics. A method to improve significantly the spouting quality and to make the spouting stability independent on the gas inflow velocity is presented. Compared to the reference geometry the prismatic angle was changed to a higher value and the apparatus was equipped with draft plates. Whereas, to achieve a stable spouting in a wide range of the air flow rates the design of draft plates should be customized to the bed inventory. Dependent on the static bed height full or open-sided draft plates should be used. In the proposed apparatus implementation, the maximum spouting velocity was almost eliminated for large particles (Geldart D), i.e. a highly coherent dense spouting can pass continuously into the dilute-like stable regime, without stability loss at intermediate gas velocities. The spouting of Geldart B particles is also improved


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    Objective: to assess the specific features of central hemodynamics (CH), extravascular lung water index (EVLWI), and pulmonary oxygenizing function in patients with different outcomes of treatment for severe communityacquired pneumonia (CAP).Subjects and methods. The retrospective study enrolled 57 patients with CAP. According to its outcome, there were 2 groups: 1) 44 patients (33 men and 11 women), whose disease ended in recovery; 2) 13 patients (8 men and 5 women), whose CAP resulted in a fatal out come. The groups did not differ in age (48.1±2.3 and 55.3±4.1 years) and overall disease severity according to the APACHE II (21.5±0.8 and 25.2±2.1 scores) and SOFA (8.7±0.2 and 9.7±1.0 scores) scales (p<0.05). CAP was more severe in Group 2: 3.5±0.1 and 4.4±0.27 CURB65 scores (p>0.05). All the patients received identical antibiotic therapy. They underwent transpulmonary thermodilution according to the standard procedure. The indicators were daily recorded. The data were statistically processed. A corre lation analysis was made calculating the correlation coefficients (r). The significance of differences was estimated by the Student's ttest or Mann-Whitney test.Results. On day 1 of followup, the patients in both groups were prone to arterial hypotension, had tachycardia, lower or nearnormal central venous pressure (CVP). Group 1 versus Group 2 had higher cardiac index (CI) (2.9±0.2 and 2.1±0.1 l/min/m2 ) and global ejection fraction (GEF) (22.5±1 and 15.8±1.7%) (p<0.05) and lower CVP (4.1±0.2 and 5.6±0.4 mm Hg) (p<0.05). On day 3, Group 2 versus Group 1 had higher CVP (p<0.05) and lower CI, GEF, and some other cardiac pump function indicators. Admission EVLWI was virtually equally elevated in both groups. In Group 1, the indicator decreased later on and approached the normal values at 67 days of treatment. In Group 2, EVLWI remained high and did not virtually decrease. The indicator was ascertained to be inversely correlated with GEF on treatment days 1—2 (r=0.35 to 0.58; p<0.01) and 6—7 (r=0.67 to 0.43; p<0.001).Conclusion. In the first 24 hours of treatment, the patients with the unfavorable course of severe CAP are diag nosed as having signs of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and impaired CH, which can be interpreted as progressive right ventricular dysfunction. The pivotal role of ARDS in the pathogenesis of CH disorders is borne out by the inverse correlation between EVLWI and integral cardiac systolic function indicator and GEF.Цель исследования — оценить особенности центральной гемодинамики (ЦГД), индекс внесосудистой воды и оксигенирующую функцию легких у больных с различным исходом лечения тяжелой внебольничной пневмонии (ВП).Материалы и методы. В ретроспективное исследование включили 57 больных ВП. В зависимости от исхода ВП выделили 2 группы: 1-я (n=44) — больные (33 мужчины и 11 женщин), заболевание которых закончилось выздоровлением; 2-я (n=13) — больные (8 мужчин и 5 женщин), ВП у которых привела к летальному исходу. Выделенные группы не различались (p>0,05) по возрасту (48,1±2,3 и 55,3±4,1 лет), тяжести общего состояния по шкалам APACHE II (21,5±0,8 и 25,2±2,1 баллов) и SOFA (8,7±0,2 и 9,7±1,0 баллов). ВП была тяжелее (p<0,05) во 2-й группе: 3,5±0,1 и 4,4±0,27 балла по CURB65. Все больные получали идентичную антибиотикотерапию. У всех больных осуществляли транспульмональную термодилюцию по стандартной методике. Регистрацию показателей осуществляли по суткам. Данные обрабатывали статистически. Выполнили корреляционный анализ с расчетом коэффициентов корреляции (r). Достоверность отличий оценивали по t-критерию Стьюдента или по критерию Манна-Уитни.Результаты. В 1-е сутки наблюдения для больных обеих групп были характерны тенденция к артериальной гипотензии, тахикардия, сниженные или близкие к нормальным значения центрального венозного давления (ЦВД). У больных 1-й группы были выше (p<0,05) сердечный индекс (2,9±0,2 и 2,1±0,1 л/мин/м2 ) и глобальная фракция изгнания сердца (ГФИС) (22,5±1 и 15,8±1,7%), а ЦВД (4,1±0,2 и 5,6±0,4 мм рт. ст.) — ниже (р<0,05). С 3-х суток у больных 2-й группы были более высокими (p<0,05), чем в 1-й, значения ЦВД, а СИ, ГФИС и некоторые другие показатели насосной функции сердца — сниженными. Индекс внесосудистой воды легких (ИВСВЛ) в обеих группах был практически одинаково повышен при по ступлении. В дальнейшем у больных 1й группы показатель снижался и к 67м суткам лечения приближался к нормальным значениям. У больных 2й группы ИВСВЛ оставался высоким и практически не снижался. Установили, что ИВСВЛ обратно коррелировал с ГФИС в 1—2-е (r=0,35 — 0,58 при p<0,01) и 6—7-е сутки лечения (r=0,67 — 0,43 при p<0,0001).Заключение. У больных с неблагоприятным течением тяжелой ВП, начиная с первых суток лечения, диагностируются признаки ОРДС и нарушения ЦГД, которые можно трактовать, как прогрессирующую правожелудочковую дисфункцию. Определяющая роль ОРДС в патогенезе нарушений ЦГД подтверждается стойкой обратной корреляционной связью между ИВСВЛ и интегральным показателем систолической функции сердца ГФИС

    Methodological approach to the terminological analysis of the key concepts of economic security

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    The issue of defining concepts and developing terminology is fundamental in any science. Definitions and terms influence the final results of research. Currently, a large number of diverse approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “economic security” are presented in the scientific literature, while the content of each analyzed term reflects one or another approach of the author. Given the dynamic growth of objective interest in the requirements and practical aspects and issues of ensuring economic security, the systematization and development of the methodological apparatus for ensuring economic security, according to the authors, is a priority of scientific research. The results of a study on the substantiation of a methodological approach to conducting a terminological analysis of key concepts on the example of the maxim "economic security" are presented. This approach offers a five-step gradation of terminological constructions and allows you to highlight the key factors that most fully and accurately characterize the concept of economic security, as well as give an author's definition that meets the criteria of significance. The methodological approach is universal and can be used for terminological analysis of scientific categories both in the field of economic security and in other scientific fields

    Improving the organization of production processes in the conditions of innovative development of the quality management system

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    The article highlights the results of a study of the nature of innovation changes in methods and forms of production management in the light of the main provisions of quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Presents the author's interpretation of key provisions of a modern system of quality management are highlighted in the General directions of development of the company's management examined the nature of institutional changes in the quality management system and the system of organization of production, as well as methodological approaches, methods and tools improving the organization of production processes. Analysis of changes based on the key provisions of the integrated model of management system qualities, allowed to reveal the contents of the provisions in the context of an enterprise management system and system of organization of production, to offer the author's interpretation of the concept of organization of production based on the principles and requirements of the quality management system, and to substantiate features of the quality management system as a special form of organization of production processes. According to the analysis of benefits at the enterprise the quality management system developed in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, describes the objectives and tasks of the system of production organisation in the light of the recommendations of the integrated model of this system, learn how to change the patterns of development methods and forms of organization of production processes with regard to the content of the process approach recommended by the system management qualities as well as the interrelation of the concept of "knowledge management" and improving personnel management processes of enterprises with the aim of ensuring their competence in the field of maintenance and improvements in the quality of manufacturing processes, studied the problems of enterprises related to the implementation of key provisions of the integrated quality management system and proposed management recommendations to address

    Trends in human resource management in the digital economy

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    The issue of definition of concepts and development of terminology is very important in any science. Definitions and terms that underlie reasoning affect the final results of research. Any term is based on one or another approach or the author’s attitude to the problem under consideration. Currently, a large number of diverse approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "economic security" are presented in the scientific literature. However, all of them give very inaccurate and scattered representations, in particular, they do not reveal the essence, and nature and functions of the phenomenon under study. In the context of dynamic growth and requirements related to ensuring economic security, the systematization and development of a methodology for hardware support of economic security, according to the authors, is a priority of scientific research in the field of economic security. The article presents the results of research on the development of regional development strategy taking into account the priority factors of economic security. In contrast to the original methodological concept, where the analyzed definition is decomposed into its components (defining, developing, clarifying and supplementing the attributes), in the case of the definition of “economic security”, the authors came to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce an additional factor - a concrete attribute, since the studied maxim differs very much complex and branched structure and contains a large number of characterizing concepts. Based on the results of the study, as well as the experience obtained by the authors, the directions and recommendations for the formation of the economic security strategy as an integral and system-forming part of the overall strategy of socio-economic development of the region are propose