28 research outputs found

    Conservative Treatment of A Follicular Ameloblastoma Of The Anterior Mandible: A Case Report

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    Introduction: Ameloblastoma  is a tumor of odontogenic epithelium arising from  remnants of dental lamina. It is a benign tumor but locally invasive affecting mandible more than maxilla.Presentation of the case: A 36-year-old male patient reported with a swelling on the anterior mandibular area and extended to the right side of mandible. Orthopantomogram revealed a unilocular radiolucency extending from mesial side of tooth 34 to mesial side of 45. CT Scan showed the extension of the lesion in the mesio-distal axis. It also revealed the buccal cortical expansion and the preservation of the internal bone cortical. Enucleation conservative treatment was then performed under local anesthesia with extraction of the 43. The pathology report concluded a Follicular Unicystic Ameloblastoma. The patient was then followed up over a period of one year and showed a notable reduction of the size of the lesion with no signs of recurrence.Conclusions: Conservative treatment is highly recommended in unicystic follicular patterns of ameloblastoma rather than radical treatment

    Pro-inflammatory Cytokines and Oral Lichen Planus

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    Pro-inflammatory Cytokines are powerful mediators which play a central role in both innate and adapted immune responses. Aberrant productions of cytokines may lead to the onset of immune deficiency, allergy or autoimmunity, which are involved in the mechanisms of various immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammation disease affecting the oral mucosa with unknown aetiology. Previous studies have described the abnormal expression patterns of various inflammation-related cytokines, such as IL-1, 2, 4, , 6, 8, 10, 12, 17, 18, TGF- , IFN-  and TNF- , in lesions, saliva, serum and peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with OLP, which may reflect the immune dysregulation status and emerge as central players in the immunopathogenesis of OLP. Besides, the gene polymorphisms of several cytokines such as IFN- , TNF- , IL-4, IL-10 have been found to be involved in the susceptibility of OLP. The aim of this paper is to briefly present the characteristics and a current description about the involvement of these pro-inflammatory cytokines in the pathogenesis of OLP leading to understand the eventual malignant transofrmation of OLP to Oral Cancer

    The Role of Free Fibula Flap in the Reconstruction of a Mandibular Ameloblastoma: A Case Report

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    Introduction: The ameloblastoma is a rare odontogenic tumor of the oral cavity. It affects more the mandible than the maxilla, and has a predilection for the posterior region. Although this tumor is benign, its behavior is locally aggressive and requires the most often surgical resection margin. Case  Report: A young woman aged 28,  has consulted the Oral Surgery Department of Rabat, complaining of a  right mandibular swelling, extended from the 46 to the right mandibular ramus, lasting for eight months. The intraoral examination revealed a swelling covered of a mucosa of normal appearance.  Panoramic radiograph revealed the presence of a multi-geodic lesion at the right hemi-mandible. A biopsy was performed at the level of the lesion and concluded an ameloblastoma. The patient was subsequently referred to the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of the Hospital of Specialties of Rabat. Two teams, one of maxillofacial surgery and another one for vascular surgery, collaborated to perform a hemi-mandibulectomy with a free fibula flap graft.Conclusion : The free fibula osteocutaneous flap is the most versatile and reliable option for microsurgical reconstruction of large mandibular defects

    Malignant Transformation of Erosive Oral Mucosal Lichen Planus To Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report and a Review of the Literature

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    Introduction: Oral Mucosal Lichen Planus (OMLP) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, usually benign that affects all areas of the oral mucosa. Its diagnosis is based on the clinical examination and histological analysis. The erosive form presents a risk of malignant transformation from 0.3% to 3%, justifying the strict surveillance of the disease and effective treatment of relapses.Case report: This is a 65 years old woman, without specific and non smoking history, reported to the Oral Surgery Department of the Consultation Center of Dental Treatment of Rabat, presenting oral lesions lasting for four years. The intraoral examination revealed the presence of white lesions in the form of plates sitting on the entire right side edge of the tongue. A biopsy was performed and concluded an erosive oral lichen planus which has been transformed to Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Discussion: Malignant transformation of the OMLP is rare and remains a subject of controversy despite numerous studies that have been devoted. It occurs most often on the atrophic and erosive forms. Several assumptions have been suggested to explain this malignant transformation, but the chronic inflammation seems to be the key factor. Tobacco and alcohol are well known carcinogenic factors, may contribute to the malignant transformation of the OMLP, but it turns out that this disease affects mostly women who have no-smoking Ethylo intoxication. So there must be other factors

    Focal Fibrous Hyperplasia : Two Case Reports

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    Introduction: Focal fibrous hyperplasia is a lesion of reactive nature afflicting the gingival mucosa in most of cases, with idiopathic etiology.Presentation of the case: This paper reports two cases of focal fibrous hyperplasia in both maxillary and mandibular locations.Conclusion: Focal fibrous hyperplasia is a slowly progressing lesion, the growth of which is generally limited. Many cases will progress for long periods before patients seek treatment because of the lack of symptoms associated with the lesion.

    The efficacy of low-level laser therapy in treating oral papilloma: A case reporting a lingual location

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    Oral papilloma is a benign proliferation of the stratified epithelium, which results in a papillary or verrucous exophytic mass, which can be induced by human papillomavirus. These oral mucosa lesions are most often asymptomatic and have small progression. Laser-assisted surgery is common nowadays with several advantages including successful hemostasis, devoid of sutures, wound sterilization and minimal postoperative pain, and edema. The aim of this report is to present the oral papilloma in a 40-year-old female patient and its treatment with soft-tissue laser. The lesion was excised with diode laser, and the healing was uneventful in a follow-up visit after 1 month. Oral papillomas can be found in young adult patient's oral cavity, and laser dentistry can be used by dental clinicians to treat these kinds of oral lesions and should be considered as an alternative to conventional surgery

    Syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren: manifestations buccales et prise en charge

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    Le syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren (SGS) est une affection auto-immune touchant en premier lieu les glandes exocrines. Sa principale manifestation clinique est le syndrome sec salivaire et/ou oculaire par infiltration lymphocytaire des glandes salivaires et/ou lacrymales. Le médecin dentiste est surtout consulté pour les complications bucco-dentaires et l’inconfort buccal engendrés par les variations qualitatives et quantitatives de la salive. Il a un rôle important à jouer dans le dépistage et le diagnostic précoce de cette affection. Il participe à la prévention des complications en motivant le patient pour l’hygiène bucco-dentaire et en surveillant l’évolution de la pathologie. Le traitement a pour objectif essentiel d’améliorer le confort du malade

    Management of advanced stages of Osteonecrosis of the Jaws due to Bisphosphonates: Report of two cases

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    Bisphosphonates are a class of drugs used to strengthen bone. They are indicated in the treatment of osteoporosis and Paget's disease as well as malignant pathologies such as breast cancer, bone metastases. The examples of medications bisphosphonates includes Aledronate, Ibandronate, Incadronate, Olpadronate, Pamidronate, Risedronate, and Zoledronate. One of the most important complications of bisphosphonates is osteonecrosis of the jaws which alters the quality of life of the patient and is all the more difficult to manage as osteonecrosis is advanced. This paper describes two cases of advanced osteonecrosis whose management was very difficult leading to a recurrence of this complication

    A propos d’un ostéosarcome maxillaire

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