117 research outputs found


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    Bu araştırmada; Türkiye ve Dünya’da geniş doğal yayılışı bulunan ve odunu, odun kökenli sanayiinin bazı dallarında önemli ölçüde kullanılan, Titrek Kavak (Populus tremula L.)’ın doğal yayılışı, botanik, anatomik, teknolojik özellikleri ve kullanım yerleri incelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda, Titrek Kavak’ın odununa ilişkin hava kurusu ve tam kuru özgül ağırlıkları, hacim ağırlık değeri, odunun toplam hacimsel çekme ve şişme yüzdeleri gibi fiziksel özellikler ile liflere paralel basınç, eğilme, dinamik eğilme, liflere paralel makaslama dirençleri ve Janka sertlik değeri gibi mekanik özellikler;Öner(1996),Erten ve ark.(1995) tarafından yapılan araştırmalardan elde edilmiştir. Öner(1996) tarafından yapılan araştırma sonuçlarına göre; Titrek Kavak odununun hava kurusu ve tam kuru özgül ağırlıkları, 0,42190 ve 0,38350 g/cm³, hacim ağırlık değeri 0,33620 g/cm³, odunun toplam hacimsel çekme ve şişme yüzdeleri ,%12,04446 ve 13,36872, liflere paralel basınç, eğilme, dinamik eğilme, liflere paralel makaslama dirençleri ve Janka sertlik değerleri ise sırasıyla 395,61000 kp/cm2,761,75770 kp/cm2,0,522990 kpm/cm2,69,79000 kpm/cm2,liflere dik 356,52100 ve liflere paralel 258,81300 kp/cm2 olarak belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, Titrek Kavak odununun fiziksel ve mekanik özellikleri daha önce yapılan çalışmalarla, kimyasal özellikleri ise diğer kavak türleriyle karşılaştırılmış, kullanım yerleri belirlenmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Titrek Kavak, Teknolojik Özellikle


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    Bu çalışmada, odun esaslı levhaların yanma dayanımı araştırılmıştır. Deneyde, fırça ile sürme ve daldırma yöntemleri, potasyum karbonat ( 2K2CO3 . 3H2O ), boraks ( Na2B4O7 . 10H2O ) ve wolmanit- CB maddeleri ile Kontrplak, OSB, MDF levhaları kullanılmıştır. Yanma deneyleri, DIN-4102 Part:1 standardı B1 Yanma sınıfına göre hazırlanmış deney düzeneklerinde yapılmıştır. Deney sırasında yanmaya ilk başlama süresi (sn), alev kaynaksız olarak alevli ve kor halde yanma süreleri (sn) tespit edilmiştir. Bu tespitlere göre, deney sonucu istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ahşap esaslı levhalar, Yanma, Emprenye, Yanmayı geciktirici kimyasal maddeler, Emprenye yöntemler

    The effect of overt and subclinical hypothyroidism on the development of non-dipper blood pressure

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    Introduction: ′Non-dippers′ are individuals without the anticipated nocturnal decrease in blood pressure. An increased incidence of target organ damage and a worse outcome in terms of cardiovascular events have been reported in this group of people. The pathogenesis of non-dipper hypertension is not clear at present. We aimed to investigate the effects of overt and subclinical hypothyroidism on the development of a non-dipper blood pressure pattern via 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Material and methods: 109 normotensive patients with overt and subclinical hypothyroidism were evaluated, and 95 of these patients without reverse dipping and masked hypertension were included in the study. The control group consisted of 75 gender- and age-matched, normotensive, euthyroid healthy individuals. Results: Median serum TSH levels were 7.61 and 1.59 mUmL in patient and control groups, respectively. The number of non-dippers according to systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure was significantly higher in the patients with hypothyroidism compared to the control group. In linear regression analysis, TSH had a negative effect on the night/day ratio of the systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressures. Conclusion: Despite the fact that the effect of hypothyroidism on non-dipper blood pressure pattern is not known, the present study has revealed that elevated TSH levels are likely to increase the risk of non-dipping in normotensive patients with either overt or subclinical hypothyroidism. (Pol J Endocrinol 2012; 63 (2): 97–103)Wstęp: U osób określanych jako non-dippers nie występuje fizjologiczne obniżenie ciśnienia tętniczego w godzinach nocnych. Jak wynika z doniesień, w tej grupie chorych częściej dochodzi do zmian narządowych i zdarzeń sercowo-naczyniowych. Patogenezy nadciśnienia tętniczego typu non-dipper dotychczas nie wyjaśniono. Celem autorów było zbadanie wpływu jawnej i subklinicznej niedoczynności tarczycy na rozwój profilu dobowej zmienności ciśnienia tętniczego typu non-dipper metodą całodobowego automatycznego pomiaru ciśnienia tętniczego. Materiał i metody: Spośród 109 chorych z prawidłowym ciśnieniem i z jawną lub subkliniczną niedoczynnością tarczycy do analizy włączono 95 osób, u których nie występował nocny wzrost ciśnienia tętniczego (reverse dipping) ani utajone nadciśnienie tętnicze. Grupa kontrolna składała się z 75 zdrowych osób z prawidłowym ciśnieniem tętniczym i prawidłową czynnością tarczycy odpowiednio dobranych pod względem płci i wieku. Wyniki: Mediany stężeń TSH w surowicy w grupach badanej i kontrolnej wynosiły odpowiednio 7,61 i 1,59 mUml. Liczba osób, u których nie występował nocny spadek wartości skurczowego, rozkurczowego i średniego ciśnienia tętniczego, był istotnie wyższy w grupie chorych z niedoczynnością tarczycy niż w grupie kontrolnej. W analizie regresji liniowej wykazano istnienie odwrotnej zależności między stężeniem TSH a stosunkiem między nocnymi i dziennymi wartościami ciśnienia skurczowego, rozkurczowego i średniego ciśnienia tętniczego. Wnioski: Mimo że nie wiadomo, jaki jest mechanizm oddziaływania niedoczynności tarczycy na rozwój dobowego profilu ciśnienia tętniczego typu non-dipper, w niniejszym badaniu wykazano, że podwyższone stężenie TSH może zwiększać ryzyko wystąpienia takiego profilu ciśnienia tętniczego u osób z prawidłowym ciśnieniem tętniczym i jawną lub subkliniczną niedoczynnością tarczycy. (Endokrynol Pol 2012; 63 (2): 97–103


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    The aim of this study is to select promising wild apricot rootstocks among wild apricot populations propagated by seeds naturally found in Malatya, Erzincan, Nev?ehir, Sivas and Elaz?g provinces. In the first stage, land scans were carried out between 2007 and 2009 and 756 genotypes were determined which could be suitable for the characteristics of the rootstock by considering the phenotypic characteristics. On land surveys,  the wild apricot trees that are healthy, productive, bitter seeds, thornless, dwarth growth habit and smooth trunk structure was selected. Among the marked wild apricot types were selected 240 types in 2008, 262 types in 2009 and 254 types in 2010. Seeds taken from these determined wild apricot trees were planted for 2 years in Erzincan and Malatya locations and germination experiments were carried out. In the study, Hasanbey and Hac?halilo?lu apricot varieties were used as control plants. Seed germination percentage, seedling diameter, height, diameter and high homogeneity were determined. At the end of three years of germination experiments were evaluated according to weighting ranking score and finally 8 types that has hight score selected for Malatya location and 18 types for Erzincan location. In the second step, these 26 types after selected in germination tests, was grafted by cv. Hac?halilo?lu in Malatya and by cv. Hasanbey in Erzincan. After grafting success, shoot diameter, homogenity, shoot length and homogenity were evaluated. Then, the data was selected according to weighting ranking score and finally 7 types (58/6, 58/7, 24/111, 24/7, 24/25, 24/33 and 44/8) that has hight score selected for Malatya and Erzincan locations, and transferred to the third stage. In third stage, collection orchards will be established and rootstocks-scion, yield, phenological observations, pomological analysis, tree growth and habit will be evaluated.&nbsp

    The assessment of twin pregnancies delivered in our clinic: three-year experience

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    Objective: Twin pregnancies constitute 1–2% of all pregnancies. With the recent developments in assisted reproductive technologies, the incidence of multiple pregnancy has increased. Preterm labor is held responsible for the poor neonatal outcomes primarily. In our study, we aimed to assess fetal-maternal outcomes of twin pregnancies seen in our clinic. Methods: One hundred and thirty twin pregnancy cases out of 4241 pregnant women who delivered in our clinic between 01.01.2017 and 01.01.2020 were included in the study. The labor records of the patients were reviewed retrospectively and their data for age, week of gestation, delivery type, birth weight, fetal sex, chorionicity characteristics and laboratory parameters were recorded. Definitive statistics and SPSS 21.0 for statistical analyses were used to evaluate the data obtained from the study. The data were presented as mean ± SD (standard deviation). Results: The incidence of twin pregnancy was found 3%. In the ultrasonographic imaging evaluated during diagnosis, 27.7% of the cases were monochorionic and 72% of them were dichorionic. Of the pregnant women, 12.3% were at term and 87.7% were at preterm period. When the preterm fetuses were evaluated, 37.7% of 114 preterm fetuses were delivered at late preterm period, 29.2% of them at mid-preterm period and 20.8% at premature preterm period. The rates of treatment pregnancy (pregnancy provided by ovulation induction and assisted reproductive technologies) and spontaneous twin pregnancy were 20% and 80%, respectively. Mean maternal age was found 31.3. When evaluated in terms of maternal morbidity, preterm labor and premature rupture of membrane were the most common problems. Mean newborn weight was 1832g and 59.3% of the newborns had low birth weight and 21.8% of them had very low birth weight. While one fetus had transverse presentation in 12.5% of the patients, at least one fetus had breech presentation in 53.1% of the cases and 34.4% of the cases had head-head presentation. Conclusion: Twin pregnancies are characterized by the increased feto-maternal risks. Therefore, both antenatal and intrapartum management should be maintained diligently

    Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the commercial Origanum onites L. oil against nosocomial carbapenem resistant extended spectrum beta lactamase producer Escherichia coli isolates

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    In recent years rapidly growing antibiotic resistance has increased interest toward natural products, especially essential oils because of their various effects. The aim of this study was to identify the chemical composition of the commercial Origanum onites essential oil (EO) and to investigate the antimicrobial activity by disc diffusion and dilution methods, against ten different ATCC strains, including eight bacteria, two yeasts and seventy-nine clinical nosocomial Escherichia coli isolates that produce extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL). The chemical composition of EO was analyzed by GC and GC-MS. The major compounds of the EO were determined as carvacrol (51.4%) followed by linalool (11.2%), p-cymene (8.9%) and γ-terpinene (6.7%). O. onites EO had antimicrobial activity against all standard strains and inhibited microbial growth of ESBL positive E. coli isolates. According to our results, O. onites EO may be an alternative to synthetic drug, used in combination with other antibiotics for treatment of infection caused by multidrug resistant bacteria after testing toxic effects and irritation at preferred doses on human

    Patient use of complementary and alternative medicine for psoriasis vulgaris and factors believed to trigger the disease: A multicenter cross-sectional study with 1621 patients

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    Introduction: Due to the chronic recurrent nature of psoriasis vulgaris (PV) and lack of definitive treatment for the disease, patients often resort to alternative treatments. Physicians seem to have low awareness of this issue. Objectives: To elicit the perceptions of 1,621 PV patients on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and examine factors reported to worsen PV. Methods: The patients sociodemographic characteristics, Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI), Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), disease duration, and severity were recorded, and the patients CAM use was questioned in detail. The patients were also asked about factors that worsened PV and their experiences with a gluten-free diet. Results: Of the patients, 56.51% had used CAM. The mean age, illness duration, PASI scores and DLQI of those using CAM were significantly higher. CAM use was significantly higher in those with facial, genital involvement, and arthralgia/arthritis. The patients mostly referred to CAM when PV became severe (46.4%). Of the CAM users, 45.52% used herbal topicals. The physicians of 67.03% did not inquire whether they used CAM. Of the participants, 37.73% considered that stress worsened their disease. Gluten-free diet did not affect PV symptoms in 52.22%. Conclusions: Patients CAM use is often overlooked by dermatologists. Our results showed that more than half the patients used CAM and did not share this information with their physicians. Therefore, the awareness of physicians should be increased and patients should be asked about the use of CAM and directed to the appropriate medical treatment options by physicians

    Habits of using social media and the internet in psoriasis patients

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    Introduction: Psoriasis significantly affects the patients quality of life, which often leads patients to seek online information about this disease. Objectives: To explore the habits of patients with psoriasis related to their use of social media (SM) and the internet to obtain information about their disease. Methods: 1,520 patients completed the survey and the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) questionnaire. The Psoriasis Area Severity Index scores (PASI) and clinical data of the patients were recorded by their physicians. Results: Of the 1,114 patients that reported using SM and internet, 48.38% regularly and 31.14% sometimes resorted to obtain information about psoriasis. The use of SM and internet for psoriasis was statistically significantly higher among young people (P = 0.000), those with university or higher education (P = 0.009), higher DLQI (P = 0.000) and PASI (P = 0.011) scores, facial (P = 0.050), scalp (P = 0.032), hand (P = 0.048), genital (P = 0.001) and inverse (P = 0.000) involvement, and arthralgia/arthritis (P = 0.006). The participants mostly used the Google (86%) and Facebook (41%). More than half of the participants (62.8%) expected dermatologists to inform society that psoriasis is not contagious. Conclusions: Internet and SM being widely available and offering substantial information to be easily accessed make it very attractive for patients to use these platforms to investigate diseases, including psoriasis. If what is presented on SM conflicts with what the physician says, patients mostly trust the latter, but at the same time, they tend not to share the results of their online inquiries with their physicians

    Honey Plants of Düzce University Ornamental and Medicinal Plants Botanical Garden

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    In this study, melliferous plants that the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) can benefit from among the taxa planted in Düzce University Ornamental and Medicinal Plants Botanical Garden, are presented. Among the 451 taxa planted in the botanical garden, those with these characteristics were determined by reviewing studies on the subject. Of the 165 taxa (36.58%) included in the honey plant class; 119 contain both nectar and pollen, 25 contain pollen, 13 contain nectar, 4 contain both pollen and insect secretion (IS) or sweet sap (SS), 2 contain pollen, nectar and IS or SS, 1 contain both nectar and SS, 1 contain only IS. In order to prevent the decrease in pollinator and pollinator insects, whose numbers are decreasing due to global climate change, a "Bee and Insect Hotel" was placed in the botanical garden. For this reason, the majority of the plants selected for planting were chosen from taxa with honey plant properties. The main purpose here is both to pollinate the plants in the botanical garden and to show and explain the effects of insect species on pollination through nature education

    Internet addiction, fatigue, and sleep problems among adolescent students: a large-scale study

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    Aim: The aim of the present study was to examine the association between Internet Addiction (IA), fatigue, and sleep problems among university students. Methods: A total of 3,000 Turkish students aged 18 to 25 years were approached and 2,350 students (78.3%) participated in this cross-sectional study from April 2017 to September 2017 in public and private universities in Istanbul. Data were collected via a structured questionnaire including socio-demographic details, lifestyle and dietary habits, Internet Addiction Test (IAT), Fatigue Scale, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale [ESS]. Descriptive statistics, multivariate and factorial analyses were performed. Results: The overall prevalence of IA among the studied population was 17.7%. There were significant differences between gender, family income, father’s occupation, school performance, frequency and duration of watching television, physical activity, internet use duration, and sleep duration (all p<0.001). Significant differences were also found between participants with IA and those without IA in having headaches, blurred vision, double vision, hurting eyes, hearing problems, and eating fast food frequently (all p<0.001). Using multivariate regression analysis, the duration of internet use, physical and mental symptoms, headache, hurting eyes, tired eyes, hearing problems and ESS scores were significantly associated with (and primary predictors of) IA. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that IA was associated with poor dietary habits, sleep problems, and fatigue symptoms