61 research outputs found

    The Effect of a Weekly Social Presence in Online Classes

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    This study involved looking at the effect that providing a visual presence in online classes had on the students’ success on tests, overall achievement in the class, and retention. The instructor provided a weekly visual video to review weekly outcomes, summarize weekly expectations, and provide clarification on content and assignments. The literature on the importance of including engagement by the instructor and adding a human component to online classes for the most part supports the positive effects it can have on students completing online courses successfully. This research included comparing the results of two exams given in a Methods and Curriculum in Early Childhood course, the students’ overall grades in the course, and retention. The first year there was no visual presence in the course and the second year the visual presence was added. It was determined that it would be more accurate if a survey was conducted to see who actually watched the videos. A survey was conducted with college students at a community college. Students were asked how many videos they watched and if the videos were helpful. The results from the survey were compared to the students’ overall grades. In analyzing the data, it was shown that the test scores were not higher when the visual presence was added. There was no significant difference in the overall course grade. There were, however, more students who completed the Methods and Curriculum course with the addition of the instructor video. Moreover, when comparing the students who viewed the majority of the videos, and their success in the class, there was a strong connection between those who received higher grades and those who watched the videos

    Modeling Pre-Settlement Wetlands in Northern Minnesota

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    Modern land use has dramatically altered the native landscape across much of Minnesota and the United States. “Manifest Destiny” has ingrained the idea in American society that wetlands and related lands of “low value” need to be tamed and made profitable. In many places, wetlands have been drained and removed so that agriculture can take over. In recent years, people have begun to see the unintended consequences of this method, and importance is now being given to natural wetlands through various government projects and programs. Using National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data, Drainage Index (DI) values calculated from Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) data, and areas of low anthropogenic disturbance, this study investigates correlations between mapped soils and mapped wetlands. The main objective is to estimate the amount of wetland area that has been lost and suggest the likelihood of what type of wetland was present. The results reveal a good correlation with Max DI values and NWI wetland types when the Max DI values were greater than 75, meaning that it is sufficient enough to use soil data as representations for past wetlands based on the mapping techniques used in this study. Initial results suggest this process can be applied iteratively at a regional level for more accurate measurements in future studies

    Das Programm "Forschung zur Humanisierung des Arbeitslebens". Stand und Möglichkeiten der Evaluierung eines staatlichen Forschungsprogramms

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    "In diesem Beitrag sollen Möglichkeiten und Schwierigkeiten von Bilanzierung - Bestandsaufnahme und Evaluierung - am Beispiel des Programms "Forschung zur Humanisierung des Arbeitslebens" aufzgezeigt werden. ... Es wird ein erster Versuch unternommen, einige Aspekte der Durchführbarkeit von Evaluierung innerhalb eines instabilen Politikfeldes zu benennen und zu systematisieren. Nach einer kurzen Beschreibung des Programms, seiner Ziele und Instrumente, sollen zunächst einige Probleme der Evaluierung von Programmen mit quasiexperimentellem Charakter dargelegt werden. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Überblickes stehen Probleme der Wirkungsanalyse, vor allem die Nutzung von Programmvollzugsdaten für eine programmbegleitende Evaluierung und die Nutzung von Fallstudien zur Teilbilanzierung. Hierbei werden auch die Verfahren und Ergebnisse des Projektes "Wirkungsanalyse zu ausgewählten Zielaspekten des HdA-Programms" geschildert.."Humanisierung der Arbeit, Wirkungsforschung

    Effects of iso-alpha-acids on rumen fermentation and comparison of microbial populations between rumens and continuous culture fermenters

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    University of Minnesota M.S. thesis. August 2015. Major: Animal Sciences. Advisor: Marshall Stern. 1 computer file (PDF); x, 160 pages.Two experiments were conducted using dual-flow continuous culture fermenters to study rumen fermentation in vitro. The first experiment examined the effects of iso-alpha-acids from Humulus lupulus (Hops) extract on rumen fermentation. Iso-alpha-acid extract (IE) was provided to continuous culture fermenters to supply 0 (CON), 600 (LOW), 1200 (MED) or 1800 mg of IE/kg of diet DM/day. There was no effect (P > 0.05) of IE inclusion on DM, OM, NDF or ADF digestion (%). Volatile fatty acid (VFA) metabolism was not affected by IE treatment (P > 0.05), with total VFA concentrations of 105.5, 93.4, 87.9 and 103.6 mM for the CON, LOW, MED and HIGH treatments, respectively. Nitrogen metabolism was also not affected (P > 0.05) by IE level, with the CON, LOW MED, and HIGH treatments resulting in nitrogen concentrations of 7.4, 5.3, 7.6 and 6.8 mg N/dL of rumen fluid, respectively. No effects (P > 0.05) of treatment on fermenter pH were observed. It was concluded that administration of IE had no impact on fermentation by ruminal microbes maintained in continuous culture fermenters. Experiment 2 used 16S amplicon sequencing to compare microbial populations between the rumen of dairy cattle and continuous culture fermenters and to determine the temporal changes in microbial community during fermenter operation. Redundancy analysis (RDA) was performed to determine correlations between fermentation measurements based on microbial community. Correlations were also conducted to determine associations between prominent microbial families and fermentation measures from the In vitro system. Differences in microbial community were assessed using UniFrac metrics, Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrices. Differences in taxonomic composition of different sample types were analyzed at kingdom, phylum, class, order and family taxonomic levels. Functional inferences were made by matching taxonomic data to KEGG Orthology terms using PICRUSt software, and analyzed based on sample type. Community profile did not differ (P > 0.10) between cows in either rumen or inoculum samples, but was different (P 0.10) based on sample type. Proteobacteria, Tenericutes, Spirochaetes and Verrucomicrobia were different (P 0.10) in relative abundance of Prevotellaceae, which was the most abundant family in all three samples. Abundant families that were different (P 0.10) by sample type according to PICRUSt inferences

    Effects of Walking Poles on Posture and Gait

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    INTRODUCTION: Walking poles have become increasingly popular not only as a tool for exercising, but also as an assistive device. Physical Therapists use them to assist patients with balance during ambulation. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to look at the effects of walking poles on gait speed and posture. METHODS: This study included 60 community ambulators between 21-74 years old (19 males and 41 females), seen for a single session. Participants were fitted for walking poles and given a 3-minute warm-up period to become comfortable with them. A 10 Meter Walk Test (10 MWT) was performed with and without walking poles. Additionally, pictures were taken standing in front of a posture grid and while walking on instrumented walkway (GAITRite) with and without walking poles. Participants completed a walking pole survey at the end of the session. RESULTS: It was found that walking poles do not significantly change gait speed or posture during a single session. Forty-three percent (43%) of the participants perceived improvement in posture with use of walking poles, though only 11.7% of participants posture was found to improve by researchers. Gait speed decreased slightly overall with the use of walking poles during the 10 MWT and GAITRite, but was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Walking poles do not significantly change gait speed or posture in community ambulators with in this single session study, though many participants perceived improved posture. Only a few participants had ever used walking poles prior to the study and only a short practice session was allotted. Future studies could explore the effects of walking poles on posture and gait after a longer period of practice with the poles (i.e, 6 weeks). Also, future studies could compare effects of walking pole and other assistive devices (i.e., cane)

    Feeding Practices on Dairy Farms with Automatic Milking Systems

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    Salfer, Jim; Endres, Marcia. (2014). Feeding Practices on Dairy Farms with Automatic Milking Systems. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/204513

    Régi és új orális antikoagulánsok hazai alkalmazása pitvarfibrillációban | Old and new oral anticoagulants in the management of atrial fibrillation. Hungarian data

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: A pitvarfibrilláció kezelésében a régi és az új antikoagulánsok jelentősen csökkentik a stroke és mortalitás előfordulását. Célkitűzés: Annak felderítése, hogy az elmúlt időben a pitvarfibrillációt elszenvedő betegek milyen arányban kaptak hatásos stroke-profilaxist, és milyen volt ezeknek a betegeknek a gyógyszer-adherenciája. Módszer: Az OEP/NEAK adatbázisában szereplő, pitvarfibrillációt elszenvedő betegekre vonatkozó adatgyűjtés. A vizsgált időszak: 2010–2015. Azok a betegek kerültek beválogatásra, akiknek ez idő alatt legalább egyszer szerepelt az I48 BNO-kód a nyilvántartásában. Adherensnek tekintettük azokat a betegeket, akik legalább 80%-ban kiváltották a receptjeiket. Eredmények: Magyarországon 3% a pitvarfibrilláció prevalenciája. Az adott évben egészségügyi ellátásra kerülő, pitvarfibrilláló betegek mortalitása 7–10% közötti. A betegek egyharmada nem kap effektív stroke-profilaxis kezelést. A legutolsó, 2015. évet figyelembe véve az adherencia 55% volt a K-vitamin-antagonistát szedőknél, míg 69,7% a direkt antikoagulánst szedőknél. Következtetések: Az új orális antikoagulánsok bevezetésével javítható volt a betegek adherenciája, de még mindig magas az effektív stroke-profilaxisban nem részesülők aránya. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(39): 1545–1549. | Abstract: Introduction: Despite a progress in the management of patients with atrial fibrillation this arrhythmia is one of the major causes of stroke, heart failure, sudden death and cardiovascular morbidity. Oral anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonist or non-vitamin K antagonist markedly reduces stroke and mortality in atrial fibrillation patients. Aim: To estimate the real-life vitamin K antagonist and non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant treatment in past years in Hungary. Method: Analysis of the National Health Insurance Administation database for atrial fibrillation (BNO: I48) between 2010–2015. We assumed that AF patient would turn to health care provides at least once either as inpatients or outpatients in a 5-year period. The patient was accepted as adherent after 6 months therapy and at least 80% oral anticoagulant prescription. Results: The prevalence of AF in Hungary is 3%. The mortality rate of AF 7%–10% per year. The adherence of the old oral anticoagulant treatment was 55%, but it was 69% among patient treated by “new” oral anticoagulant treatment. However, one third of the patients are not treated by effective old or new oral anticoagulant treatment. Conclusions: We need more effort to improve the effective and high adherence oral anticoagulant therapy in our country. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(39): 1545–1549

    Computational Methods for the Quantitative Analysis of Membranes in Cryo-Electron Tomography

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