51 research outputs found

    Usages Socioeconomiques Des Espèces Ligneuses Au Sahel: Cas De Guidan Roumdji Au Niger

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    Woody species are of multiple use in the department of Guidan- Roumdji, in Niger. The present study carried out in Garin-yahaya and Tsayin-daka aims to identify the woody species, their different uses and to determine their present state. Data collection methodology consisted of a floristic inventory at the level of 80 plots and ethnobotanical surveys on a sample of 250 respondents. 46 species, divided into 38 genera and 22 families, were recorded. There were 24 species used in food, 19 fodder species and 38 others species used in the treatment of several ailments in the area. Also, in handicrafts and construction, a dozen species are used respectively against 19 others species in the production of wood energy. These diverse and wide-ranging uses, associated with the effects of climate change, affect the woody species populations. Thus, in the area, 25 species are declared extinct, 18 and 14 others are respectively considered threatened and rare. The study also reported on woody species management practices in the area, including the conservation of 7 local species and the introduction of 11 exotic species because of various products and services they provide. Also, 96% of the local population practices the trees’ farming natural regeneration management (FNRM) in their farms for various reasons. This would be a start in the sustainable and rational management of forest resources in the area with the maintenance of several woody species in the area

    Аксіологічний вимір змісту Конституції України

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    Салей М. І. Аксіологічний вимір змісту Конституції України / М. І. Салей // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: В. В. Завальнюк (голов. ред.) [та ін.] ; відп. за вип. М. В. Афанасьєва. – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2015. – Вип. 75. – C. 150-154.Аналізується ціннісний зміст Конституції України. Доводиться, що Конституція закладає конституційні цінності, які відображають найбільш важливі засади життя суспільства та держави.Аксиологическое измерение содержания Конституции Украины. Анализируется ценностное содержание Конституции Украины. Доказывается, что Конституция закладывает конституционные ценности, отражающие наиболее важные устои жизни общества и государства.Axiologican Dimension of the Content of Ukrainian Constitution. The article contains the analysis of the value content of Ukrainian Constitution. The author argues at the Constitution lays the basis of the values which are most significant for the state and the society

    Climate Change and Utah Ski Resorts: Impacts, Perceptions, and Adaptation Strategies

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    Climate change is a threat to ski resorts, the ski industry, and mountain communities that rely on ski tourism. Ski resorts may be able to mitigate some of the social and economic impacts caused by climate change with proactive adaptation strategies. Using historical weather data, future climate projections, and interviews with ski resort managers in Utah (United States), this research investigates the effects of climate change on ski resorts across the state. We examine temperature change at all resorts within the state from 1980–2018 and climate projections from 2021–2100 under different climate change scenarios (RCPs 2.6, 4.5, and 8.5). We also report on semistructured interviews with resort managers to provide insights into how resort leadership perceives the impacts of climate change, is implementing adaptation strategies, and is addressing barriers to adaptation. Many resorts in Utah are warming faster than global averages, and minimum temperatures are rising faster than maximum temperatures. By the end of the century, winter (December–March) minimum daily temperatures in Utah could warm an additional 6.0°C under the RCP 8.5 scenario near northern Utah resorts and 6.6°C near southern Utah resorts. Resort managers are concerned about shorter season lengths, shifting ski seasons, less snow cover, and poorer snow quality. Many resorts are already adapting, with the most common adaptations being snowmaking and diversifying outdoor recreation offerings (particularly during the summer and shoulder seasons). Barriers to adaptation reported by managers include financial costs, adequate water availability for snowmaking, and uncertainty about climate change projections. Climate change is already impacting Utah ski resorts, but adaptation practices can reduce the negative impacts to some degree at most resorts

    Cervical Cancer Risk Factors among Female High School Students in Baguio city

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    Objective: To determine and correlate the prevalence of cervical cancer risk factor exposures such as smoking, sexual activity, use of condoms, contraceptives pills, and history of STIs according to age and high school year level in Baguio city high-school students, Philippines. Background: Cervical cancer is the second cause of cancer deaths among women in the Philippines and the second most frequent cancer in women ages 15-44 [1]. Methods: The risk stratification level of cervical cancer development was determined using a questionnaire adapted from Siteman Cancer Center and Barnes- Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine. A coding manual was created for each of the risk factors and the level stratification of the risk factors. The study size was computed with the use of Open Epi, Version 2, open source calculator—SSPropo, an internet based epidemiologic calculator. Results: 98.3% of the study group was classified to have much below average risk of developing cervical cancer. 1.2% of the study group was of below average risk and 0.5% of the study group was with above average risk of cervical cancer with significant relationship to age of first sexual contact and number of sexual partners. Conclusion: An increased risk of cervical cancer among these students were associated with early onset of sexual activity, increasing number of sexual partners and early parity

    Analysis of Mercury Content in Canned Tuna Fish Commercially Available in the Philippines

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    Objective: To analyze the total concentration (in mg/kg) of Mercury in Canned Tuna Fish commercially available in the Philippines, using Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (CVAAS) and to compare the results gathered with permissible FAO/WHO levels. Background: The levels of the toxic heavy metal, mercury have not been previously determined in canned Tuna commercially available in the Philippines. Methods: Six different brands of canned tuna, commercially and widely available in the Philippines were selected. The samples were primed, then analyzed using Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The values obtained were then compared the tolerable weekly limit of Mercury as set by WHO. Results: Of the six canned tuna, all were tested positive for mercury. The mercury content expressed in mg/kg body weight were 0.10, 0.04, 0.06, 0.02, 0.02, and 0.02, for samples A, B, C, D, E and F respectively. The Provisional Tolerable Weekly intake of total mercury is 0.004 mg/kg, as set by the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives [1]. The recovered mercury from all the canned tunas tested were well above the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake of total Mercury [1]. Conclusion: All of the 6 cans of tuna samples tested were positive for mercury well above the permissible FAO/WHO levels for mercury. Therefore, the analysis of the canned tuna is considered significant and the canned tuna fish seem to be unsafe for human consumption

    Diversité Inter Décennale De La Végétation De La Vallée De Goulbi N’Kaba

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    The present study is conducted in the Sylvo-Pastoral Zone (ZSP) of the Goulbi N'Kaba Valley and the agricultural zone (fields on adjacent terraces), in the southern center of Niger. The objective of the study is to evaluate the inter-decennial plant biodiversity (2004-2014). Thus, the phytosociological surveys (Daget and Poissonet, 1971) were carried out in plots of 2500 m², along the 6.5 km transects following stratified sampling. An ascending hierarchical classification, followed by an ordination by Nonmetric Multi-dimensional Scaling (NMS) allowed to identify the plant groups. The diversity of each group was evaluated. The results show that the families of Poaceae and Fabaceae are the most abundant in 2004 (15.58% and 11.69%) and in 2014 (18.75% and 7.29%). However, compared to the genera, Indigofera (10.53%), Cassia (6.58%), Acacia (5.26%), Aristida (5.26%) are the most abundant in 2004, while Aristida (4 , 17%), Cassia (4.17%), Spermacoce (3.13%), in 2014. Three groups (mixed, fields, ZSP) have been identified. The 2004 and 2014 index, of Margalef (18,38 and 11,28), Menhinick (2,55 and 1,52), Shannon-Weaver (4,77 and 4,14), the fairness of Pielou (0, 66 and 0.63), the Simpson index (0.89 and 0.91) and Hill (0.95 and 0.93) are high in all the groups, mixed, fields and ZSP (respectively for G1, G2 and G3). But the beta diversity (Whittaker (24), Jaccard (0.52), Sorensen (0.69) index) for each of these groupings remains low. There was no significant change in inter-decennial diversity at the Guidan Tawayé and Korin Habdjia sites from 2004 to 2014