271 research outputs found

    Strategic Impact of Shareholders ‘Say on pay’ on Executive Remuneration & Board Composition in UK

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    This research addresses two fundamental issues: first the strategic impact of shareholders votes on Executive pay (EP) and board compositions. The overall result from the analysis contends that say-on-pay votes have insignificant explanatory power on both remuneration and Board Composition (BC). Since the features of Executive Pay (EP) and BC are determined by both observable and unobservable firm characteristics. Both of which can only be determined by simultaneously looking at the endogenous (Size, Market Value (MV) or firm performance such as Return on Investment (RI), Dividends Yield (DY); as well as the exogenous (macroeconomic forces) characteristics and their relative impact on the performance of the firm. The empirical findings from this analysis show that shareholders involvement in pay determination as well as the composition and structures of corporate boards to improve the efficiency as well as the performance of the firms to certain degree. It also shows that activisms overall is one of the best and effective tools available to engage dispersed shareholders into the strategic decision making process; unlike the institutional shareholders whom can request to have close proximity representation on the board hence contributing directly to the strategic decisions made by board across the firm’s dimensions. The result shows an overall increase in firm value ex-post voting event. This is suggesting that firms who adapt say-on-pay could be seen in the coming future as potentially a secure source of investment. The study furthermore concludes by suggesting that even though say-on-pay is a viable monitoring tool, non-binding vote bring more strategic flexibility to the firm than biding shareholder votes. Because binding votes might steer the power of making important strategic decisions from the hand of the board of directors whom are better placed to do so into the hand of perhaps immature or self-interest driven shareholders. The study furthermore support that more research is required in the field of say-on-pay due to the lack of consistency in findings from previous literature

    Une loase oculaire: Ă  propos d'un cas

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    Notre objectif est de rapporter le cas dÂŽune loase dans une zone sahĂ©lienne habituellement non endĂ©mique dans sa manifestation ophtalmologique. Il sÂŽagissait dÂŽun homme de 25 ans admis en consultation ophtalmologique pour sensation des corps Ă©tranger dans l®Ɠil droit. AprĂšs examen ophtalmologique un ver translucide tortueux et mobile dÂŽenviron 4cm sous la conjonctive bulbaire Ă  l®Ɠil droit est observĂ©. AprĂšs une extraction non traumatique chirurgicale, lÂŽexamen parasitologique confirme la loase. Il sÂŽagit dÂŽune parasitose des rĂ©gions forestiĂšres essentiellement africaines. Suites aux mouvements des populations, elle peut ĂȘtre prĂ©sente partout dans le monde. Il faut savoir la reconnaitre lors de nos consultations

    A study of sonosalpingogram compared to laparoscopic chromopertubation in the evaluation of tubal patency

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    Background: Tubal problems associated with infertility can be due to blocked tubes, adhesion and scarring of the tubes and distal block leading to Hydrosalpinx. The objective of this study is to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of Sonosalpingography in the assessment of tubal patency, in comparison to the gold standard method of laparoscopic Chromopertubation and to determine its value as a basic non-invasive screening procedure in infertile women.Methods: A prospective study involving a series of 50 women including both primary and secondary infertility registered in the infertility clinic, Obstetrics and Gynaecology department, at Jubilee Mission Hospital for 1 year (June 2011 to June 2012). These patients after initial evaluation were subjected to sonosalpingography on one of the days between 5th and 10th days of the menstrual cycle for assessment of tubal patency. This was followed by laparoscopy with chromopertubation on the same day or next day. The results of the two tests were compared to determine the accuracy of these SSG.Results: Mean duration of infertility 6-12 years of standard deviation (SD) from mean of 3.72 years. SE<0.4769 and 95% CI was 5.6 to 7.079 yrs. Sensitively for tubal patency with SSG compared to Laparoscopic chromotubation was 93.30% with 95% CI between 84.77 and 96.85.Conclusions: If SSG is performed as a base line test, laparoscopy can be reserved for those women who have unexplained infertility or whose SSG is abnormal or whose medical history and physical examination reveal pelvic pathology

    Les achats locaux des vivres : une stratégie pour améliorer la sécurité alimentaire au Niger

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    Face Ă  l’insĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire chronique au Niger, le Programme alimentaire mondial des Nations unies (PAM), en partenariat avec l’Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO), a mis en place depuis 2014 un projet d’achats des vivres auprĂšs des petits producteurs locaux. Objectif : amĂ©liorer la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire et le pouvoir d’achat des agriculteurs Ă  travers l’appui Ă  la production agricole par la fourniture d’intrants, de matĂ©riel et l’accĂšs Ă  des formations techniques. L’opĂ©ration a eu des impacts positifs, en particulier sur l’autonomisation des femmes vulnĂ©rables

    Climate Change at Utah Ski Resorts: Impacts, Perceptions, and Adaptation Strategies

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    Utah sees over four million skier visits per season, which has substantial economic impact across the state. However, climate change may affect the operability of these ski resorts, which could also impact local businesses and communities. With warming temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns, the future of Utah\u27s ski resort industry may be uncertain. We conducted an interdisciplinary study to understand how past weather has changed at the resorts and what climate may be like in the future. We studied this using publically available weather data from PRISM, Daymet, and the National Snow and Ice Data Center, and climate change projection data from NA-CORDEX. We then conducted semi-structured interviews with resort managers across Utah to understand their perceptions of climate change impacts, their adaptation strategies, and barriers to adaptation. Results show that temperatures have increased significantly at all resorts from 1980 to 2017, and that there are fewer days per season where the temperature is below 23 degrees Fahrenheit, which is needed to make snow. Additionally, snowpack is becoming more variable during the skiing season. However, many resorts in Utah are already adapting to these changes. Adaptation strategies vary by resort, with larger resorts often having more capacity to adapt. While climate change will impact all Utah ski resorts in some way, the effects will be different depending on resort characteristics and their ability to adapt

    Le cas du Niger : les touareg du passé au futur

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    The objective is to put into light certain historical and cultural aspects of the Targuie civilization and to establish a detailed point of view regarding a certain number of problems that the young Nigerian democracy is confronted with. He points out that many false rumors concerning the Tuareg are diffused in the West. After a short historical brief on the Tuareg (Targui origin and population on Nigerian territory), the author describes the Tuaregis socio-political structures and the TarguieĂ­s economy. He wonders what future awaits the Sahel people. According to him, interrelations between stockbreeders and farmers constitute a system adapted to the social, economic and cultural situation of the Sahel people which favours the exploitation of natural ressources without putting the equilibrum of the sub-regionĂ­s ecosystem in danger. Therefore, Nigerians should get together in order to mould their destiny and hence apply the principles of human rights based on equality, justice and union of different ethnic groups

    A prospective study to evaluate the efficacy of 11-13+6 weeks anatomy scan in detecting fetal structural anomalies compared to traditional 18-22 weeks scan

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    Background: Congenital anomalies are one of the leading causes of infant mortality. Traditional TIFFA scan done at 18-22 weeks leads to delay in diagnosis, referral and management. With high resolution ultrasound and TVS probe, normal and abnormal fetal anatomy could be visualized in early gestation with good accuracy. Objective of present study was to evaluate the efficacy of 11-13+6 weeks anatomy scan in detecting fetal structural anomalies compared to traditional 18 -22weeks scan and in visualizing the complete normal fetal anatomyMethods: An Observational study of 300 antenatal patients at Jubilee Mission Medical College for 1 year (Jan-Dec2014) was done. The scan was performed at 11-13+6 weeks by TAS first, if a full fetal anatomy survey not achieved, TVS added. A mid-trimester fetal anatomy scan was then performed in patients who had not dropped out, miscarried or undergone pregnancy termination at 18-22weeks.Results: The incidence of anomalies in our study was 3.67% -11 cases; 9 detected at 11-13+6 weeks, 2 were newly detected at 18-22 weeks. At 11-13+6 weeks anatomy scan, the detection rate of anomalies was 81.8% and complete fetal anatomy survey was achieved in 92%. Heart and kidneys were not properly visualized in 4% and 12.7%, at 11‐13+6 weeks compared with 0.7% and 0% at 18‐22 weeks.Conclusions: The 11-13+6 weeks anatomy scan is an important diagnostic tool which is underutilized and should be offered to all women as a routine standard of antenatal care. However as fetal anomalies can present at varying gestational age, standard 18-22 weeks anatomy scan cannot be abandoned

    Modeling and Solving a Linear Integer Problem (PLNE) for the Optimal Localization of a Hub Air Transport in the WAEMU Zone

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    In this article, we propose a linear integer model for the optimal location of a hub for air traffic in the WAEMU zone. A hub represents for an airline a base where an essential part of its activities is concentrated. Its location must therefore be judiciously determined. The hub location problem is one of the new and promising areas of research in the field of location theory. In order to satisfy a demand, the location of the hub involves the movement of people, goods between origin destination pairs required. Hubs are applied to reduce the number of transport links between the origin and destination airports. The proposed model minimizes the distances and takes into account the flow of passengers registered in the different airports and minimizes the total cost of the transfer via the hub airport. The simulations were made with the programming language Python

    Comparative evaluation of the influence of species, age and sex on carcass characteristics of camels, cattle, sheep and goats in Sahel environment

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    This study, comparative evaluation of sources of supply of edible meat from camel with cattle, sheep and goats in Sahel environment was conducted at Zinder Abattoir in Niger Republic. The factors considered were species, sex and age. Species significantly influenced (p˂0.01) the meat evaluation indices with camel being highest in most of the meat indices. Cattle yielded highest head and skin weights. Goat yielded highest dressing percentage. The sheep had no superiority in any index. Sex of the animal had no significant effect (p&gt;0.05) on meat evaluation indices in camel and goats. It significantly affected (p&lt;0.05; 0.01) the indices in cattle and sheep; except for hind quarter weights and edible offals in sheep (p&gt;0.05). Age of the animals significantly (p&lt;0.01) affected the meat evaluation indices in camel, cattle and sheep. It only significantly affected (p&lt;0.05; 0.01) hind quarter weight, legs weight and edible offals in goats. The correlation observed among the meat evaluation indices showed some variable correlated relationship (p&lt;0.05 – 0.01; r = 0.25 – 0.97 and r = 0.29 – 0.93) and (p&gt; 0.05; r = -0.03 – 0.24 and r = 0.00 – 0.20). In conclusion, camel and ruminants meat productive performance can be assessed through their respective meat indices. Camels could serve as good sources of meat supply in the arid environment to supply the needed animal protein to the populace.Keywords: Camel, Ruminants, Meat evaluation indices, Meat supply, Sahel environmen
