27 research outputs found


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    ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFICACY OF PROPRANOLOL AND DILTIAZEM ON THE INTENSITY, DURATION AND PERIODS OF PAIN IN THE ANGINA PATIENTS REFERRED TO THE HEART CLINIC OF THE SHAHREKORED UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES KHaledi A1, Elahei N2,Moradi M3, Salehi SH4* Received: 7 Sep , 2013 Accepted: 16 Nov , 2013 Abstract Background & Aims: Ischemic heart disease is one of the most common, chronic and deadly diseases in the world. Ischemic heart disease treatment consists of ensuring the patient, its identification, eliminating risk factors, lifestyle changes and drug therapy. The study tries to compare the efficacy of propranolol and diltiazem on the intensity, duration and periods of pain in the angina patients referred to the heart clinic of Shahrekored University of Medical Sciences. Materials & Methods: In a cross sectional study 60 patients with stable angina were selected with convenience sampling. Initially after receiving exercise testing, and completing the questionnaire to determine angina class, the patients were randomly divided into A and B groups by using the questionnaire and related chart recording of physiological variables. Demographic characteristics, types of drugs, the number of angina attacks and the results of the stress test were registered. The patients were treated with 20 mg propranolol every 8 hours daily, and with 30 mg diltiazem for 6 weeks, and they were considered as Group A, and Group B respectively. The patients were examined by a cardiologist for 6 weeks. Inclusion criteria to the survey were typical angina pain, positive exercise test, patient satisfaction, and dwelling in the provincial capital. Exclusion criteria were negative exercise test, treated with cardiac drugs, drug complications, diabetes, severe ischemic attacks, and cutting off medication. Hospitalization data were recorded by a questionnaire, and the collected papers were analyzed by using SPSS statistical software. Results: The results showed that from the 60 stable angina patients in both groups of A, and B, 68.3 % were male, and 31.7 % were females. The most abundant minor pain, was angina pain, with 50% , and the least pain, was terrified angina pain with 10%. The most abundant Angina class was class 2 with 80%, and lowest was class 3 with 8.3%. There was a significant differences between the two groups of treatment concerning the drug’s effectiveness, number of attacks of pain, and the effect of pain. Fisher's exact test indicated that there was a significant difference between negative exercise test in the two groups. Conclusion: Although both Ayndral and diltiazem had an effective role on the quality of pain, number of attacks, period of pain in patients with stable angina, but this effect was more effective in diltiazem group. More investigations with bigger sample size are needed

    Ispitivanje značajka domova djece s alergijskim rinitisom i astmom

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    The prevalence of allergic diseases, especially asthma and allergic rhinitis, has dramatically increased during the last decades. Mite and cockroach, which are the most common allergens in house dust, are the major indoor allergens in asthmatic and allergic rhinitis patients. The aim of this study was to compare the association between age of dwelling and some other home characteristics in asthmatic and allergic rhinitis children, who had positive skin prick test to mite and cockroaches, with allergic patient with negative skin test. Thirty-six asthmatic and allergic rhinitis children with positive skin prick test to mite and cockroach allergens, and 34 allergic rhinitis and asthmatic children with negative skin prick test to these allergens were enrolled in this study. Data on home characteristics, including age of homes, kind of carpeting, floor of home and number of rooms in the building, were collected by telephone questionnaire. The mean age of buildings was higher in the group of children sensitive to mite and cockroach (22.4±12.9 vs. 16.3±13.9 years), but the difference was not significant. However, when patients sensitive to mite only were compared to control patients, the difference was significant (p=0.025). There was no significant difference in the number of floor, rooms, kind of carpet and other features of building between the case and control group. There was a significant relationship between mite allergy and building age, which could be important for the policy of allergy control in the society. However, further studies are needed to clarify the association between more specific home characteristics and allergy diseases.Učestalost alergijskih bolesti, poglavito astme i alergijskog rinitisa, bilježi znatan porast posljednjih desetljeća. Grinje i žohari kao najčešći alergeni u kućnoj prašini glavni su alergeni na koje nailaze osobe s alergijom i alergijskim rinitisom u zatvorenom prostoru. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je usporediti povezanost starosti objekta i neke druge značajke domova kod djece s astmom i alergijskim rinitisom te s pozitivnim kožnim testom na grinje i žohare s vrijednostima istih kod djece s astmom i alergijskim rinitisom, ali s negativnim kožnim testom na grinje i žohare. U studiju je bilo uključeno 36 djece s astmom i alergijskim rinitisom te s pozitivnim kožnim testom na grinje i žohare i 34 djece s astmom i alergijskim rinitisom, ali s negativnim kožnim testom na grinje i žohare. Podatci o značajkama doma uključujući starost zgrade, vrst zidne obloge, kat i broj soba u zgradi prikupljeni su telefonskim anketiranjem roditelja. Srednja starost zgrade u kojoj žive bila je veća kod djece osjetljive na grinje i žohare nego u djece koja nisu pokazala osjetljivost na ove alergene (22,4±12,9 prema 16,3±13,9 years), ali razlika nije bila značajna. Međutim, kad su s kontrolnom skupinom uspoređena djeca osjetljiva samo na grinje, tada je razlika bila značajna (p=0,025). Nije bilo nikakve razlike između dviju skupina u odnosu na kat, broj soba, vrst zidne obloge i druge značajke zgrade. Dakle, utvrđena je značajna povezanost alergije na grinje i starosti zgrada, što bi moglo biti važno u planiranju aktivnosti za suzbijanje alergije u društvu. Potrebna su daljnja ispitivanja kako bi se pojasnila udruženost nekih specifičnih značajka zgrada i alergijskih bolesti

    Evaluation of the Antibacterial and Wound Healing Properties of a Burn Ointment Containing Curcumin, Honey, and Potassium Aluminium

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    Burn wounds can severely trouble the health system and life quality of patients. The present study aimed to analyze the synergistic healing properties of curcumin, honey, and potassium alum substances merged in a newly-devised burn ointment on second-degree burn wounds in rats. The MIC and MBC tests on 200 clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginous are compared to imipenem in vitro. Their killing time and cytotoxicity are also studied using a standard isolate of P. aeruginous, fibroblast stem cells (FSC) and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF). Furthermore, histopathological and histomorphological assessments are conducted on 150 male Wistar rats whitin four experimental groups to evaluate the efficiency of the prepared burn ointment. We found a significant wound healing in both macroscopical observations and microscopical evaluations. Both curcumin and honey show strong antimicrobial effects with no cytotoxicity. Also, the histopathological results present a considerable and comparable wound re-epithelization in the a group of rats treated with both honey and curcumin after 7 days. The burn ointment containing curcumin, honey, and potassium alum show considerable efficacy in accelerating the healing of experimentally-induced burn wounds in animals. Th novel onement product is propose as a powerful alternative for the topical treatment of burn injuries

    Graves' disease: introducing new genetic and epigenetic contributors

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    Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) accounts for 90% of all thyroid diseases and affects 2-5% of the population with remarkable familial clustering. Among AITDs, Graves' disease (GD) is a complex disease affecting thyroid function. Over the l ast two decades, casecontrol studies using cutting-edge gene sequencing techniques have detected various susceptible loci that may predispose individuals to GD. It has been presumed that all likely associated genes, variants, and polymorphisms might be responsible for 75-80% of the heritability of GD. As a result, there are implications concerning the potential contribution of environmental and epigenetic factors in the pathogenesis of GD, including its initiation, progression, and development. Numerous review studies have summarized the contribution of genetic factors in GD until now, but there are still some key questions and notions that have not been discussed concerning the interplay of genetic, epigenetic, and immunological factors. With this in mind, this review discusses some newly-identified loci and their potential roles in the pathogenicity of GD. This may lead to the identification of new, promising therapeutic targets. Here, we emphasized principles, listed all the reported disease-associated genes and polymorphisms, and also summarized the current understanding of the epigenetic basis of GD

    Hydrogel nanocomposite based on alginate/zeolite for burn wound healing: In vitro and in vivo study

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    Objective(s): The main objective of the current assay was to evaluate the antibacterial and regenerative effects of hydrogel nanocomposite containing pure natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) integrated with alginate (Alg) as wound healing/dressing biomaterials.Materials and Methods: The zeolites were size excluded, characterized by SEM, DLS, XRD, FTIR, and XRF, and then integrated into Alg hydrogel followed by calcium chloride crosslinking. The Alg and alginate zeolite (Alg/Zeo) hydrogel was characterized by swelling and weight loss tests, also the antibacterial, hemocompatibility, and cell viability tests were performed. In animal studies, the burn wound was induced on the back of rats and treated with the following groups: control, Alg hydrogel, and Alg/Zeo hydrogel.Results: The results showed that the hydrodynamic diameter of zeolites was 367 ± 0.2 nm. Zeolites did not show any significant antibacterial effect, however, the hydrogel nanocomposite containing zeolite had proper swelling as well as hemocompatibility and no cytotoxicity was observed. Following the creation of a third-degree burn wound on the back of rats, the results indicated that the Alg hydrogel and Alg/Zeo nanocomposite accelerated the wound healing process compared with the control group. Re-epithelialization, granulation tissue thickness, collagenization, inflammatory cell recruitment, and angiogenesis level were not significantly different between Alg and Alg/Zeo nanocomposite.Conclusion: These findings revealed that although the incorporation of zeolites did not induce a significant beneficial effect in comparison with Alg hydrogel, using zeolite capacity in hydrogel for loading the antibiotics or other effective compounds can be considered a promising wound dressing


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    The term “Human error ” can simply be defined as an error which made by a human. In fact, Human error is an explanation of malfunctions, unintended consequents from operating a system. There are many factors that cause a person to have an error due to the unwanted error of human. The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship of human error as one of the factors to computer related abuses. The paper beings by computer-relating to human errors and followed by mechanism mitigate these errors through social and technical perspectives. We present the 25 techniques of computer crime prevention, as a heuristic device that assists. A last section discussing the ways of improving the adoption of security, and conclusion.

    Reactivation of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis after Renal Transplantation: A Case Report

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    A 45-year-old man with reactivation of previously existing and subsiding cutaneous leishmaniasis on his wrist and lower leg (shin) after renal transplantation was admitted to our dermatology service on March 2008. He presented to us with two huge tumoral and cauliflower-like lesions. Skin smear and histopathology of skin showed leishman bodies and confirmed the diagnosis. After renal transplantation, he received cyclosporine plus prednisolone to induce immunosuppression and reduce the probability of transplant rejection. After immunosuppressive therapy, reactivation of cutaneous leishmaniasis with the above presentation took place. The patient responded to 800 mg/day intravenous sodium stibogluconate for 3 weeks plus local cryotherapy. Systemic plus local therapy along with reducing the doses of immunosuppressive drugs led to improvement of lesions. Reactivation of leishmaniasis after immunosuppression has been rarely reported

    Splenogonadal fusion: A rare case report and literature review

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    Introduction and importance: Splenogonadal fusion is a rare congenital anomaly occurs when splenic tissue presents near or within a gonad. It mostly involves male children. Although it is benign and rare, making a pre-operation precise diagnosis is challenging which can lead to unnecessary invasive treatments. Case presentation: A 3-year-old boy was presented by the chief complaint of a painless mass on the left testis and left inguinal hernia. He had a previous history of bilateral cryptorchidism and orchiopexy. Ultrasonography showed a small mass on the inferior pole of left testis and left reducible inguinal hernia. He went under left orchiectomy and hernia repair. Pathological investigation of the specimen resembled normal splenic tissue next to testicular tissue and the diagnosis of splenogonadal fusion was made. Clinical discussion: Splenogodal fusion cases can be challenging. Pain and sensation of mass in the scrotal sac are the most common presentation of splenogonadal fusion. Testicular malignancies can be considered as their main differential diagnosis, despite the fact that imaging and intra-operation frozen section can be helpful in making a definite diagnosis in some cases. It is mostly diagnosed incidentally during other procedures such as hernia repair or orchiopexy. Since it is benign, removal of tumor without orchiectomy is curative. Conclusion: In dealing with testicular mass in children, raising awareness of splenogonadal fusion have utmost importance to prevent unnecessary radical surgical interventions

    Carnauba wax-based edible coatings retain quality enhancement of orange (Citrus sinensis cv. Moro) fruits during storage

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    Abstract Fruit coatings serve a dual purpose in preserving the quality of fruits. Not only do they act as a barrier against water evaporation and fungal infiltration, but they also enhance the fruit’s visual appeal in the market. Yet, their influence on the fruit’s quality components, which play a crucial role in determining its nutritional value, taste, and overall flavor, has remained relatively unexplored. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of carnauba wax coating on the quality of Moro oranges during storage. The selected fruits were meticulously chosen for uniformity in size. The experiment involved applying carnauba wax, a commonly used type among local producers, at four different concentrations: 0%, 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%. These treatments were applied during various storage periods, including immediately after fruits were harvested and after 40 and 80 days. Following the application of these treatments, the oranges were stored in a controlled environment (morgue) at a temperature of 4 ± 1 °C. Subsequently, several physicochemical parameters of both the fruit flesh and skin were examined. The results unveiled a decline in the overall ascorbic acid content of the fruits. In terms of phenol content, a general decreasing trend was observed after harvesting. At each sampling interval during storage, the phenol content in uncoated fruits consistently exceeded that of their waxed counterparts. Significant reduction in fruit weight was observed throughout the storage period. Both vitamin C and total acidity levels in the fruit exhibited decreases during the storage period. As time passed, fruit firmness gradually declined, while fruit decay increased during the 40- and 80-day storage periods for untreated Moro oranges. The anthocyanin content showed an increasing trend. The study also unveiled a decline in the antioxidant capacity of citrus fruits during storage. Strong significant positive correlations were observed between total phenol content and key parameters, such as antioxidant activity (0.941**), MDA (0.364*), vitamin C content, and total carbohydrate content (0.475**). Skin radiance showed a perfect correlation with chroma and hue (1.000**). Principal component analysis revealed that the first principal component accounted for 34.27% of the total variance, out of a total of five principal components that explained 77.14% of the variance. Through cluster analysis, the variables were categorized into three distinct groups; one associated with weight loss and another with ion leakage. Considering these findings, carnauba wax-based coating emerges as a promising solution for preserving Moro oranges. It effectively mitigates fruit weight loss and helps maintain fruit firmness during storage, making it a valuable tool for fruit preservation

    The effect of movement system impairment-based classification treatment compared to routine physiotherapy on pain, disability, alignment, and movement impairments in individuals with tibiofemoral rotation syndrome: a randomized controlled trial

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    Abstract Background Knee pain is a common musculoskeletal problem. Lower extremity movement impairments could alter stresses in different planes and contribute to knee pain. Classifying these impairments may be helpful in the diagnosis and treatment of knee problems. Movement system impairment (MSI)-based classification is a system to evaluate movement impairments. Trials that involve this classification are limited. Therefore, it will be of interest to examine the effect of movement system impairment-based classification treatment compared to routine physiotherapy in individuals with tibiofemoral rotation syndrome. Methods Twenty-two individuals with knee pain aged 18–40 years (2 males, 20 females) diagnosed with tibiofemoral rotation (TFR) syndrome were included. After initial evaluation, individuals were randomly assigned into two treatment groups (MSI-based treatment and routine physiotherapy). Both treatment groups contained 8 treatment sessions over 4 weeks. Alignment and movement impairments data form, a numeric rating scale (NRS), and the Kujala Disability Questionnaire were assessed at baseline and after a four-week intervention. Independent samples t-test and Mann-Whitney U test were used for quantitative variables, and Fisher’s exact test was employed for qualitative variables to compare the groups. One-way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and paired samples t-test were utilized to within-group changes of quantitative variables, and qualitative variables were analyzed with the McNemar test. Results The results showed that pain intensity and disability significantly decreased within and between groups after intervention (P > 0.05). There were also statistically significant differences between treatment groups for 3 out of 6 alignment and movement impairments (PS-FAdd/IR, Step down-Add/Valgus, and STS-Add/Valgus) (P > 0.05). Within-group differences for alignment and movement impairments were significant only for the MSI-based treatment group (P > 0.05). Conclusions The findings suggest that a specific MSI-based treatment, considering a homogenous group of individuals with knee pain, may contribute to pain, disability, and alignment and movement impairments improvement. Therefore, it is important to notice the classification-based treatment for individuals with knee pain. Trial Registration Number (TRN) and date of registration The trial was registered at the ( https://www.irct.ir ), (IRCT20210505051181N3) on 17/7/2021