151 research outputs found

    Determination of aflatoxin contamination in cassava flour sold in selected markets in Zaria, Kaduna state; Nigeria

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    Cassava (Manihot esculenta ) is a major staple food crop across tropical  sub-Saharan Africa. Poor drying during processing or storage, especially during the rainy season, often results in contamination by fungi such as Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium. Aflatoxins are among the mycotoxins which are secondary metabolites produced by some strains of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus which are a major health concern to man and livestock because of their acute and chronic health effects. The aim of this study was to determine aflatoxin contamination and to quantify the aflatoxin levels in cassava flour. A total of 36 samples of Cassava flour were collected in three (3) major markets in Zaria, these are: Samaru, Sabon Gari and Zaria City Markets to determine and quantify aflatoxins using enzyme linked immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The results obtained showed that 22 out of 36 were contaminated with total aflatoxins at the range of 2.0μg/kg to 7.5μg/kg. This study indicated that there is low aflatoxin concentration in the Cassava and suggested that the cassava flour is safe and good for human consumption.Key words: Cassava, Aflatoxin, Fungi, Marke

    In-Vitro Anthelmintic Efficacy Of Crude Aqueous Extracts Of Neem (Azadirachta Indica) Leaf, Stem And Root On Nematode

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    The anthelmintic efficacy of the aqueous extracts o neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf and stem and root barks against the hatching of eggs and the survival of larvae of nematode parasites of small ruminants were studied. The results of the in vitro egg hatch assay showed that the aqueous extracts of the leaf and stem bark produced significant anthelmintic effect through reduction in nematode egg hatch. The reduction in egg hatch was concentration dependent being highest (51 % and 50 % for the leaf and stem bark extracts respectively) at the highest concentration (100 mg/ml) of the extracts but inferior to those produced by albendazoe (100 % at 40 mg/ml). Aqueous extracts of the leaf and root bark produced significant reduction in larval survival within 60 minutes at ambienttemperature (30 – 35 ºC). Larval death was similar in both extracts and concentration dependent, increasing with increasing concentration of the leaf and root bark extracts. The reduction in larval survival due to the extracts was similar to that produced by albendazole. In general, the aqueous extract of neem leaf was more efficacious in limiting nematode larvae survival and in-vitro egg hatch. The results confirm the folkloric claims that neem has anthelmintic effect and thus suggest its possible usefulness as an anthelmintic. Keywords: Anthelmintic efficacy, Aqueous extract, Leaf, Stem, Root, Bark, Azadirachta indicaAnimal Research International Vol. 3 (3) 2006 pp. 549-55

    The Economics of Indigenous Management Systems (IMSs) in Small Ruminants Production used by Small Scale Farmers in Gombe State, Nigeria

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    This study was designed to investigate the economics of using indigenous management systems (IMSs) in small ruminant production in Gombe state, Nigeria. A multistage sampling technique was employed to select 80 small scale goat and sheep producers. Data were collected from the primary sources using pre-tested and validated structured questionnaire supported with oral interview. Both descriptive statistics (percentage and mean) and inferential statistics (chi-square test and correlation analysis) were used to analyse the data. Majority (83.75%) of the small ruminant producers were below the age of 50 years. The results also revealed that 90.0% of the respondents are full time farmers, where about 60.0% are low level income earners of < N 50,000/annum. Only 07.50% of the respondents did not acquire any form of education, while most (51.25%) have the basic education. The study identified four major IMSs used by the livestock farmers in the study area, with the majority (40.0%) embarked on ‘Fulani pastoral system’ while only 05.0% of the respondents used ‘Turka management system’. It’s revealed also, being low level income earners, 97.50% of the respondents kept small ruminant animals to serve as live bank. A high patronage of IMSs was recorded with 98.75% and 88.75% because of the familiarity with IMSs and high costs of modern methods respectively. There was significant relationship between IMSs utilisation and Age (r = 0.439, p≤0.05), income (r = 0.498, p≤0.05), occupation (r = 0.638, p≤0.05), education (r = 0.562, p≤0.05), years of farming experience (r = 0.480, p≤0.05). Farmers expressed fear about the extinction of grazing lands. Seasonal change in the availability of some herbs is also identified as a limiting factor of IMSs used in the study area. It is recommended to provide credit facilities and as well adequate extension services so as to motivate and train small scale livestock producers in the State. Keywords: Indigenous, Management, Small Ruminant, Economics, Productio

    Synthesis and characterisation of some mixed ligands adducts of benzoylacetone and salicylaldehyde

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    A series of four mixed ligand complexes were synthesized by reacting benzoylacetone and salicylaldehyde with different metal chlorides in ethanolic medium. The complexes have been characterized by molar conductance measurements and spectral techniques such as IR and Uv-visible electronic spectra. Decomposition temperature was also determined. The results indicated that the compounds have bands at 400-500cm-1, with very sharp melting points. This proved the formation of metal-oxygen bond, purity and high thermal stability of the compounds that could lead to a high antimicrobial activity.Keywords: Adduct Synthesis, Ligands, and Complexe

    Comparative Costs and Returns Pattern of Small-scale Groundnut Milling of RMP-12 and Ex-dakar Varieties in Gombe Metropolis, Gombe State Nigeria

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    The study determined the costs and returns involved in small-scale groundnut oil processing of two varieties in Gombe metropolis. Twelve markets were purposively selected for their popularity in groundnut oil processing, where 90 processors were selected by simple random sampling technique. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and were analysed using farm budget model, profitability index and t-test analysis. The results revealed that Cost of shelled groundnut constituted the major (92.3% and 91.6%) components of processing costs (P<0.01) for RMP-12 and Ex-dakar respectively. The  gross ratios, fixed ratios and operating ratios of the two groundnut varieties were < 1, meaning that the business was profitable. Also, the returns per naira invested of the respective groundnut varieties was ₦ 0.17 (0.0006)and0.25( 0.0006) and ₦ 0.25 ( 0.0009) significant (P<0.01). Although, the RMP-12 variety gave higher gross income, but the Ex-dakar variety gave higher profit of ₦ 7,428.80 ($ 26.20) per tonne per week (P<0.01). To achieve higher profit, the traders should embark on Ex-dakar variety as the main resource input. They should also have access to formal loans so as to improve productivity and efficiency. Keywords: Comparative costs, Groundnut, Small-scaleJEL Classification: D24; D6

    Sustainable brownfields land use change modeling using GIS-based weights-of-evidence approach

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    Rapid and unorganized urban growth brings about urban sprawl, which leads to the increase in the number of abandoned lands and brownfields within the cities. Revitalization and redevelopment of these areas is one of the key factors of compact urban development to achieve urban sustainability. However, not much research work has been done on the redevelopment of brownfield on the base of compact urban development paradigm in the recent literature. Most researches on this field have mainly considered a single brownfield site for redevelopment on the bases of local neighborhood demand and characteristics. The current paper proposes a brownfields land use change modeling process according to a compact city paradigm in a larger scale perspectives rather than local aspects. The proposed model is a statistical-based weights-of-evidence (WoE) approach in the GIS environment. The growth of three main land use types in Kajang city, Malaysia was predicted using several compact development parameters and other urban and physical site characteristics. Maps that have been created with this process were validated by actual growth maps of these land use types using an area under curve (AUC) technique. The AUC of residential, commercial and industrial land use were gained as 77.4, 78, and 67 %, respectively. Finally, these maps were aggregated with an existing brownfields map in order to project future land use types according to planning strategies, as well as compact development characteristics. Results indicate that according to potential and suitability of the site and neighborhood properties, each brownfield can serve the community as single or mixture of several land use types. It is concluded that the combination of land use change modeling techniques and compact urban development theory in GIS environment can provide a strong tool for brownfields redevelopment planning and strategies


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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to find the histologic and motor activity effect of lead on prenatally and postnatally exposed Wistar rats. Methods: In this study, twelve Wistar Rats were used and grouped into four groups of two females and one male. Group I rats served as the control and allowed feed and water freely. The rats in Group II were administered 500ppm of Pb through drinking water from gestation day 8 (GD8) to parturition (GD21). While Group III rats were given 500ppm of Pb in drinking water from postnatal day 1 (PND1) to PND21. The rats in the fourth group (Group IV) were given 500ppm of Pb from GD8 to PND21. Palmer grasp reflex was conducted to assess the motor activity of the rat pups. The animals were then humanely sacrificed and the frontal cortices were isolated for routine histological processing. Results: The histological study has shown normal neurons in the control group while degenerating cells exhibiting karyolysis, pyknosis, karyorrhexis, vacuolation were seen in the lead-treated groups. Group II and Group IV showed considerate deficit in their motor activity while Group III showed mild effect. Conclusion: From this study, lead exposure of Wistar rats at both prenatal and postnatal period of development has effect on the histology of the frontal cortex as well as on their motor activity

    Pattern of serum zinc level, peripheral blood lymphocyte and neutrophil counts among patients with sickle cell disease

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    Background: Zinc is an important mineral element serving as a cofactor in a number of cellular pathways including those involved in cell growth and proliferation. Sickle cell disease (SCD) is associated with excessive haemolysis and defective kidney function with consequential decrease in body’s pool of vital micronutrients. The abnormal loss of zinc in SCD may affect leucopoiesis. Aim: This study was aimed to determine the relationship between serum zinc and leukocyte subsets (Lymphocyte, neutrophil) in adult patients with SCD in steady state together with their counterpart apparently healthy controls. Materials and Methods: Blood samples were collected from 33 adult participants with SCD and 33 apparently healthy controls. Lymphocytes and Neutrophils counts were performed using automated haematology analyser (Sysmex KX21N) and serum Zinc level was determined spectrophometrically using the Br-PADAP method. Results: The results shows statistically significant difference in absolute lymphocyte and neutrophil counts for the two groups were P &lt; 0.0001 and P &lt; 0.0001, respectively. The serum zinc level was also statistically significant between the groups: P&lt;0.0002. However, serum zinc level of subjects with SCD showed no correlation with lymphocyte and neutrophil counts p&lt;0.0610 and &lt;0.6775, respectively. Conclusions: Significant statistical difference was observed, indicating SCD patients have higher WBC count and neutrophil counts and reduced serum zinc and lymphocyte counts. There was no significant correlation between the leucocyte subset counts and serum zinc levels in both the SCD patients and the normal healthy controls. Keywords: Sickle Cell Disease; Lymphocytes; Neutrophils and Zinc

    Profit Margin Assessment of Sheep Marketing: A Panacea for Sustainable Small-scale Livestock Enterprise in Gombe State, Nigeria

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    This paper assessed the profitability of small-scale sheep marketing in Gombe Metropolis. Four sheep markets were purposively selected for their popularity in small ruminants marketing. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 91 sheep marketers these markets. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and were analysed using descriptive statistics, farm budget and maximisation of consumer satisfaction models. The result revealed that purchasing cost for ram and ewe constituted 92.59% and 91.50% of the total marketing costs respectively. The result further revealed the average net income of ₦4,922.46 (13.72) per head of animal was realised. The gross and operating ratios for the respective animals were < 1; meaning that the business was profitable. Also, the returns per naira invested for ram and ewe were ₦0.17 (0.00048) and ₦0.18 ($0.0005) respectively. The marketing coefficient (134.80%) of Tike-babba market, revealed to be most efficient. Inadequate capital was critical; this was attributed to insufficient sources of credits. However, improvement in the existing infrastructural facilities will help promote expansion of the present scale of the enterprise operations. Governments and other financial institutions should also do more to extend funds in the form of soft loans to the marketers, so as to improve efficiency.Keywords: Market; Profitability; Efficiency; Sheep; Small-scale; GombeJEL Classification: L10, Q13

    GIS-based sustainable city compactness assessment using integration of MCDM, Bayes theorem and RADAR technology

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    In recent decades, compact urban development and smart cities are recognised as most sustainable urban form in an effort to protect natural environment. Therefore, evaluation of existing compactness and sustainability of an area is an essential task before the real development takes place. In the literature, it is possible to see some studies on city’s compactness assessment and most of them have considered only a few aspects of compact development analysis. This paper aims to analyse urban sustainability of Kajang city (Malaysia) through a comprehensive city compactness assessment using geographical information system and radar remote sensing technology. To measure building density, a RADAR image of the study area was used to extract built-up areas with the aid of pixel-based and object-based classification schemes. Mixed land use development, urban density and intensity were the main indicators of the analysis. Finally, multicriteria decision-making and Bayes theorems were applied for overall compactness assessment. Building density analysis was validated using standard confusion matrix, which showed more than 90% accuracy. Similarly, the root-mean squared error showed 0.35 for object-based classification. The results classified the zones of the Kajang city in the range of least to most compact zones with the compactness value of 0.00273–0.0146, respectively. The results obtained in this study can help local government to improve the compactness of least compact zones to make Kajang city more sustainable. Furthermore, the results revealed that efficient public transportation and proper community facilities are the key factors to achieve sustainable urban development