15,542 research outputs found

    "Big Bang" Versus Gradualism in Economic Reforms: An Intertemporal Analysis with an Application to China

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    This paper analyzes issues concerning the speed of adjustment and sequencing of reforms in a transition economy. It presents a dynamic general equilibrium model parameterized with Chinese data. The model is used to generate different policy simulations that highlight the importance of the policy instruments used during the transition period. The simulations consider privatization, tariff reform, and devaluation, as well as alternative speeds of introducing these policies. They show that different speeds of adjustment, as well as sequencing of reforms, will have very different implications for macroeconomic aggregates. Copyright 2003, International Monetary Fund

    Investigation Interoperability Problems in Pharmacy Automation: A Case Study in Saudi Arabia

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    The aim of this case study is to investigate the nature of interoperability problems in hospital systems automation. One of the advanced healthcare providers in Saudi Arabia is the host of the study. The interaction between the pharmacy system and automated medication dispensing cabinets is the focus of the case system. The research method is a detailed case study where multiple data collection methods are used. The modelling of the processes of inpatient pharmacy systems is presented using Business Process Model Notation. The data collected is analysed to study the different interoperability problems. This paper presents a framework that classifies health informatics interoperability implementation problems into technical, semantic, organisational levels. The detailed study of the interoperability problems in this case illustrates the challenges to the adoption of health information system automation which could help other healthcare organisations in their system automation projects

    Using an integrated information system to reduce interruptions and the number of non-relevant contacts in the inpatient pharmacy at tertiary hospital

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    Patient care is provided by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals intended for high-quality and safe patient care. Accordingly, the team must work synergistically and communicate efficiently. In many hospitals, nursing and pharmacy communication relies mainly on telephone calls. In fact, numerous studies have reported telephone calls as a source of interruption for both pharmacy and nursing operations; therefore, the workload increases and the chance of errors raises. This report describes the implementation of an integrated information system that possibly can reduce telephone calls through providing real-time tracking capabilities and sorting prescriptions urgency, thus significantly improving traceability of all prescriptions inside pharmacy. The research design is based on a quasi-experiment using pre-post testing using the continuous improvement approach. The improvement project is performed using a six-step method. A survey was conducted in Prince Sultan Military Medical City (PSMMC) to measure the volume and types of telephone calls before and after implementation to evaluate the impact of the new system. Beforehand of the system implementation, during the two-week measurement period, all pharmacies received 4466 calls and the majority were follow-up calls. Subsequently of the integrated system rollout, there was a significant reduction (p > 0.001) in the volume of telephone calls to 2630 calls; besides, the calls nature turned out to be more professional inquiries (p > 0.001). As a result, avoidable interruptions and workload were decreased

    Leveraging Employer Practices in Global Regulatory Frameworks to Improve Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities

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    Work is an important part of life, providing both economic security and a forum to contribute one’s talents and skills to society, thereby anchoring the individual in a social role. However, access to work is not equally available to people with disabilities globally. Regulatory environments that prohibit discrimination and support vocational training and educational opportunities constitute a critical first step toward economic independence. However, they have not proven sufficient in themselves. In this article, we aim to infuse deeper consideration of employer practice and demand-side policy reforms into global policy discussions of the right to work for people with disabilities. We begin by documenting the employment and economic disparities existing for people with disabilities globally, followed by a description of the international, regional, and local regulatory contexts aiming to improve labor market outcomes for people with disabilities. Next, we examine how policies can leverage employer interests to further address inequalities. We discuss employer policies and practices demonstrated in the research to facilitate recruitment, hiring, career development, retention, and meaningful workplace inclusion. The goal of the article is to synthesize existing international literature on employment rights for people with disabilities with the employer perspective

    Correlation of hippocampal theta rhythm with changes in cutaneous temperature

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    A possible role for the hippocampus in alerting an animal to changes in cutaneous temperature was examined. Following local warming or cooling of the ears of unanesthetized, loosely restrained rabbits, theta waves (4-7 Hz EEG waves) were recorded from electrodes straddling the hippocampus. The onset of the hippocampal theta rhythm was correlated with changes in cutaneous temperature, an observation consistent with studies indicating that the theta rhythm is a nonspecific response evoked by stimulation of several sensory modalities. Additional data from cats and rabbits were correlated with specific neurons within the hippocampus, namely pyramidal cells. Post stimulus time histograms obtained by excitation of the dorsal fornix were interpreted in terms of excitatory and inhibitory inputs to pyramidal cells. Thus, the theta rhythm, which appears to be evoked by changes in cutaneous temperature, can be related to a specific type of hippocampal neuron which is in turn connected with other areas of the brain involved in temperature regulation


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    PERFORMANS SAPI LOKAL JANTAN YANG DIBERI PAKAN SUBSTITUSI FERMENTASI KULIT KACANG TANAH (LOCAL BEEF PERFORMANCE THAT IS GIVEN FERMENTATION SUBSTITUTION FEED OF GROUND PEANUT LEATHER)M. Saleh1, Dr. Ir. Didy Rachmadi, M.P 1, Dr. Ir. Dzarnisa,M.Si 1*1Program Studi Peternakan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah KualaAbstrak. Penelitian tentang performans sapi lokal jantan yang diberi pakan substitusi fermentasi kuit kacang tanah telah dilakukan di gampong cot teube kecamatan gandapura kabupaten bireuen dan di gampong data gaseeh kecamatan jantho kabupaten Aceh besar, yang di mulai pada bulan Juni 2017 sampai dengan Juli 2017. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk melihat pengaruh fermentasi kulit kacang tanah fermentasi sebagai ransum ternak terhadap pertambahan berat badan ternak sapi lokal jantan.. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri atas 5 perlakuan dengan 4 kelompok. R0 adalah perlakuan kontrol/ransum tanpa penambahan kulit kacang tanah fermentasi, R1 adalah ransum dengan penambahan kulit kacang tanah fermentasi 5%, R2 adalah ransum dengan penambahan kulit kacang tanah fermentasi 10%, R3 adalah ransum dengan penambahan kulit kacang tanah fermentasi 15%, sedangkan R4 adalah ransum dengan penambahan kulit kacang tanah fermentasi 20%. Parameter yang diukur adalah pertambahan berat badan, konsumsi pakan, biaya produksi, hasil produksi, nilai hasil produksi, keuntungan dan kelayakan usaha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kulit kacang tanah yang difermentasi dengan Enzimax berpengaruh sangat nyata (P0,05) tehadap pertambahan bobot badan. Tingkat keuntungan dan penerimaan semua perlakuan dalam penelitian ini mendapatkan keuntungan. Hal ini disebabkan karena perolehan penerimaan yang tinggi karena tingginya hasil produksi atau pertambahan berat badan. Rasio manfaat biaya yang diperoleh perlakuan R0 (1.10), perlakuan R1 (1.08), perlakuan R2 (1.11), perlakuan R3 (1.11) dan perlakuan R4 ( 1,09) menunjukkan bahwa usaha yang dijalankan ini layak dilanjutkan. Kata kunci : Sapi Lokal Jantan, Kulit kacang tanah fermentasi, Enzimax, Performans.Abstract. Research on the performance of local male cattle fed fermented peanut quail waste has been done in gampong cot teube sub district gandapura bireuen district and gampong data gaseeh sub district jantho district of Aceh Besar, which began in June 2017 until July 2017. This study aims to see the effect of fermented peanut skin fermentation as livestock ration to the weight of local male cattle. This study used Randomized Block Design consisting of 5 treatments with 4 groups. R1 is a ration with the addition of peanut skin fermentation 5%, R2 is ration with the addition of peanut skin fermentation 10%, R3 is ration with the addition of peanut skin fermentation 15%, while R4 is a ration with the addition of peanut skin fermentation 20%. Parameters measured were weight gain, feed consumption, production cost, production yield, production value, profit and business feasibility. The results showed that peanut skin fermented with Enzimax had significant effect (P 0,05) on body weight gain. The rate of profit and acceptance of all treatments in this study benefits. This is due to high revenue gain due to high production or weight gain. The cost benefit ratio obtained by treatment R0 (1.10), the treatment of R1 (1.08), the treatment of R2 (1.11), the treatment of R3 (1.11) and the treatment of R4 (1.09) indicates that the undertaking is feasible to proceed.Keywords: Local Male Cow, Peanut Skin fermentation, Enzimax, Performans

    Conflicts between economic growth and enveronment

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