149 research outputs found

    A graduate capability focused top down approach for developing third level programmes

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    Employers of engineering graduates are looking for what exactly the new recruits can do as opposed to just what knowledge base they have. For any Engineering Programme it has to become more important to ensure that each subject taught identifies a definite link to a set of “Learning Outcomes” or “Ability Markers” which the student completing that subject/module will acquire. When developing a new programme, the approach taken can be top down in which the graduate’s capabilities are identified first. This follows selection of subjects/modules with associated “Learning Outcomes” which provide the foundation for the competence and capability of the graduates. The alternative is the “Bottom Up” approach in which all the modules are compiled and the Learning Outcomes of each module are established and listed. The Programme Learning Outcomes are then synthesised from the global list of the module Learning Outcomes. This approach suits better for reformatting existing programmes which have not been previously planned in the context of Learning Outcomes. In the presentation, the Top Down approach for planning couple of engineering degree programmes will be illustrated in a step by step procedure. Additionally, an exercise will be given to the audience for Top Down planning of the structure of an arbitrary degree programme to re-enforce the presented procedure

    Optimising the laser-welded butt-joints of medium carbon steel using RSM

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    The optimization capabilities in design-expert software were used to optimise the keyhole parameters (i.e. maximize penetration (P) and minimise the heat input, width of welded zone, (W) and width of heat affected zone (WHAZ)) in CW CO2 laser butt-welding of medium carbon steel. The previous developed mathematical models to predict the keyhole parameters in terms of the process factors namely; laser power (LP), welding speed (S) and focused position (F) were used to optimize the welding process. The goal was to set the process factors at optimum values to reach the desirable weld bead quality and to increase the production rate. Numerical and graphical optimization techniques were used. In fact, two optimization criteria were taken into account. In this investigation optimal solutions were found that would improve the weld quality, increase the productivity and minimize the total operation cost. In addition to that, superimposing the contours for the various response surfaces produced overlay plots

    Multi-response optimization of CO2 laser welding process of austenitic stainless steel

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    Recently, laser welding of austenitic stainless steel has received great attention in industry, due to its wide spread application in petroleum refinement stations, power plant, pharmaceutical industry and households. Therefore, mechanical properties should be controlled to obtain good welded joints. The welding process should be optimized by the proper mathematical models. In this research, the tensile strength and impact strength along with the joint operating cost of laser welded butt joints made of AISI304 was investigated. Design-expert software was used to establish the design matrix and to analyze the experimental data. The relationships between the laser welding parameters (laser power, welding speed and focal point position) and the three responses (tensile strength, impact strength and joint operating cost) were established. Also, the optimization capabilities in design-expert software were used to optimise the welding process. The developed mathematical models were tested for adequacy using analysis of variance and other adequacy measures. In this investigation the optimal welding conditions were identified in order to increase the productivity and minimize the total operating cost. Overlay graphs were plotted by superimposing the contours for the various response surfaces. The process parameters effect was determined and the optimal welding combinations were tabulated


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    Media, as a source of information, plays a crucial role in opinion-making and perception-building. During the Iraq War (2003), the media's role was to shape the images of war while propagating specific ideas to influence the people. As a result, the world perceived propagandistic messages that appeared to take the form of fake news. The disinformation campaign was designed to profess the threat of weapons of mass destruction and explicate Saddam Hussein's affiliation with terrorist organizations as a threat to the world. The instantly shared live images, videos, recordings, and pictures across mass media platforms elicited shock, dismay, and disbelief throughout the world. With this insight, this paper attempts to comprehend the role of media propaganda which promoted the agenda of a media spectacle of the US military victory by transforming into a presentation of anarchy that destabilizes the rationale behind the invasion. It also provides an overview of the development of the Iraq War through the lens of the Herman-Chomsky Propaganda model. This model elucidates the role of propaganda in manipulating the opinion of the Iraqi people and how it was used to achieve economic, social, and political advantages.   Bibliography Entry Javed, Huma, and Arshi Saleem Hashmi. 2021. “Corporate Media Manipulation in the US Wars: A Case Study of Iraq War.” Magalla Papers 25 (1): 143-152

    The effects of sintering parameter to the microstructure and thermal properties of CuSiC composite for electronic packaging application

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    Microelectronics and nano-electronics play a prominent role in current technologies and will do so to a greater extent in the future. The availability of suitable new materials for the electronic packaging is critical to the continuing advancement (miniaturisation and integration) of electronic components. As matter of fact, a plethora of new products/processes have been brought-in over the last few years. Much of the materials and microstructure research related to packaging has involved investigation toward better thermal management. Miniaturisation of electronic chips which have increasing functionality within the same package size has inducedsignificant increases in requirements for extraction of heat from the integrated circuit (IC). Packaging materials therefore have to be capable to conduct heat efficiently and at the same time have low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) to minimize the thermal stress and warping. Since copper (Cu) is a better thermal conductor than aluminium (Al), therefore, copper should be the best candidate as thermal material. With the presence of silicon carbide (SiC) as reinforcement, copper silicon carbide (CuSiC) metal matrix composite (MMC) should be able to perform better as a heat spreader or a heat sink than aluminium silicon carbide (AlSiC) metal matrix composite. In the present study, the focus was toward development of light weight metal matrix composite with high ceramic contents, good thermal dissipation and easy of processability. Copper silicon carbide was chosen as the material basis for focused investigation to solve thermal management problems presented by current IC systems. Powder metallurgy routes were chosen to fabricate the MMC based on this materials system. Copper and silicon carbide powders were mixed together in a planetary ball mill, and the green articles were then compacted and sintered to produce the final product of CuSiC. The effects of sintering parameters were investigated for their effects towards the produced composite density, porosity and specific heat capacity. Sintering parameters investigated included temperature, heating duration and the gaseous environment. Upon sintering, the CuSiC particle bond to one another giving a higher strength and a possibility in attaining desirable density. The higher in density and the lower in porosity of the CuSiC composite, will create a low specific heat capacity characteristic which is closer to the specific heat capacity of pure copper (Cu). Thus to achieve the lower specific heat capacity, the amount of porosity in the CuSiC composite must be minimized through the optimization of the sintering parameters.Finally in a nutshell, in order to boost the specific heat capacity of the CuSiC, the recommended sintering parameter suggests that the CuSiC composite should be sintered at 950oC for seven hours in nitrogen gas

    New horizons: COVID-19 and the burden of neuropsychiatric illness in Pakistan

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    This manuscript reviews the current state of knowledge about the burden of mental illness and assesses the impact of COVID-19 illness on mental health in Pakistan. For this we analyzed secondary data obtained from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation. The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study draws from a wide range of data sources to quantify global and regional effects of a disease. We also did a literature search on the effects of COVID-19 illness on mental health and the psychosocial effects of COVID-19 and other Corona virus related illnesses such as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Data from the studies obtained was utilized to extrapolate the anticipated effects of COVID-19 illness on healthcare workers, COVID-19 patients and the general public in Pakistan. Mental illness poses a significant challenge to Pakistan\u27s under resourced health care system. COVID-19 has the potential to strain Pakistan\u27s healthcare system to the breaking point. So far, the general morbidity from COVID-19 illness in Pakistan has been low compared to other countries but this could change in the coming weeks and months. Hidden within this crisis are also some opportunities for both healthcare and education

    3D transient thermal modelling of laser microchannel fabrication in lime-soda glass

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    Laser-fabricated microchannels in glass offer a wide range of bioengineering and telecommunication applications. A 1.5 kW CO2 laser with 10.6 ÎŒm wavelength was used in this study to fabricate micorchannels on the surface of soda-lime glass sheets. A thermal model of the process was developed based on transient heat conduction due to a pulsed heat input. The resulting equation predicted the temperature distribution in the regions surrounding the laser focus. Temperature – time curves were drawn from those equations, which were useful in estimating the thermal history in the processed samples. The temperature distribution was also used to predict the channel geometry (based on the vaporisation temperature of glass). Most of the laser power used was consumed in bringing the glass to the vaporisation temperature. The model was able to predict the channel width, depth and surface roughness. These laser-fabricated channel characteristics were measured and compared to the results obtained from the thermal model. The laser power, frequency, pulse width and translation speed were the control parameters in both studies; hence a direct comparison was established between the model and the experimental results

    A Comparative Study of the Use of Language in the Selected Poems of William Wordsworth and M. Athar Tahir

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    This research paper aims to make a comparative stylistic analysis of the selected poems of William Wordsworth and Pakistani Poet M. Athar Tahir. The researcher has made a stylistic analysis to acknowledge the use of style on the four levels lexical, grammatical, figure of speech, cohesion, and context suggested by Leech and Short (2007) in their book ‘Style in Fiction’. The study's main concern is to analyze and compare the style adopted by the two diverse poets who share a common love for nature. Keywords: Style, Stylistic and Stylistic Analysi

    Investigating the Syntactic Features in the Novel My Feudal Lord by Tehmina Durrani

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    The study entitled “Investigating the Syntactic Features in the Novel My Feudal Lord” aims at describing syntactic devices used in the novel “My Feudal Lord”. This study was conducted using a textual analysis method. This research is based on a mixed research method as it involves qualitative collection of data and then the data is analyzed quantitatively to find out the dominant feature among all syntactic features. For this purpose, the researcher has used the software SPSS to perform descriptive statistics tests on syntactic features. The theoretical framework for this research is I.R. Galperin’s book “Stylistics”. Part five “Syntactical Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices” (Galperin, 1977) of this book is taken as a model for this research. For this purpose, the researcher has selected nine samples of 10 pages each from the pdf file of the book “My Feudal Lord” available on the internet. The novel “My Feudal Lord” used eight types of syntactic features i.e. inversion, parallelism, aposiopesis, ellipsis, repetition, asyndeton, polysyndeton, and rhetorical question. These features performed some major functions in the novel. The syntactical devices most frequently used by the writers of the novel “My Feudal Lord” is a parallelism with a mean value of 29.33 and inversion (13.22) and the least frequently used devices are asyndeton (0.78) and aposiopesis (0.33). By using parallelism, the novelist draws the reader’s attention to focus on the content of the novel.  Keywords: Stylistics, Syntax, Mixed Research&nbsp

    Diagnosis Blood Test for Liver Disease using Fuzzy Logic

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    Most commonly lab test used to measure or monitor general health and liver health are following: Liver Biochemical/Function test, CBC and Chemistry Panel. In this thesis we are focusing on CBC. Complete Blood Counts measure the four components of blood leukocytes, Hematocrit, Hemoglobin and Blood Platelets. For this purpose we design fuzzy control model which help to diagnose a disease related to human liver. Fuzzy design model have four input variables (leukocytes, hematocrit, hemoglobin, blood platelets) and three output variables (infection fight, anemia and thrombocytopenia). Fuzzy design model algorithm divided into four steps Fuzzification, Inference Engine, Rule selector and Defuzzification. Each input variable and output variable graphically represented by M
