24 research outputs found

    Гигиеническая оценка индивидуальных годовых доз природного облучения населения модельных территорий Алтайского края

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    The goal is to determine ionizing radiation natural sources exposure regularities of Altai Territory model areas population. The materials and methods. 11376 radon measurements, 1247 gamma radiation meas-urements in an open area and in residential and office buildings were performed, selection of 189 drinking water tests was carried out. Results. Complex radiation and hygienic examination of the region with the most large municipalities number with model areas allocation was conducted. The assessment of the Altai Territory population’s individual annual radiation doses from natural radionuclides has revealed a number of the regularities depending on the terrain’s ecological and geographical type. Following the research results, ranging the region territories taking into account of annual effective doses of the population from natural sources for 2009-2015 was carried out. The annual individual effective dose of the Altai Territory upland areas population presented by the highest values and ranges from 7.36 mSv / year to 8.19 mSv / year. Foothill regions of Altai and in Salair ridge are characterized by increased population exposure from natural sources. Here the dose ranges from 5.09 mSv / year to 6.22 mSv / year. Steppe and forest-steppe territories are characterized by the lowest level of the natural radiation which is ranging from 3.23 mSv / year to 4.11 mSv / year, that doesn’t exceed the all-Russian levels. Most of the hygienic radon equivalent equilibrium volume activity standards exceedances were registered in mountain and foothill areas buildings. A number of radon anomalies is revealed also in steppe areas. Med exceedances ranged from 203 ± 17.8 Bq / m3 to 480 ± 37.9 Bq / m3. Given the fact that most of these buildings belong to the administrative or educational institutions with an eight-hour working day, the dose of radiation for people there can be up to 10 mSv / year. Conclusion. Spreading of individual annual effective dose of the Altai Territory population showed that five regions of the model areas are converted into three main groups depending on the natural radiation dose due primarily radon equivalent equilibrium volume activity and depends mostly on the eco-geographical terrain type.Целью работы является определение закономерностей облучения населения модельных территорий Алтайского края от природных источников ионизирующего излучения.Материалы и методы. Было выполнено 11 376 измерений радона, 1247 измерений гамма-излучения на открытой местности, в жилых и административных зданиях, осуществлялся отбор 189 проб питьевой воды. Результаты. Проведено комплексное радиационно-гигиеническое обследование региона с самым большим количеством муниципальных образований с выделением модельных территорий. Оценка индивидуальных годовых доз облучения населения Алтайского края от природных радионуклидов выявила ряд закономерностей, зависящих от эколого-географического типа местности. По итогам исследования проведено ранжирование территорий региона с учетом годовых эффективных доз облучения населения от природных источников за 2009–2015 гг. Годовая индивидуальная эффективная доза населения нагорных областей Алтайского края представлена наибольшими значениями и изменяется в пределах от 7,36 мЗв/год до 8,19 мЗв/год. Предгорные районы Алтая и территории в области Салаирского кряжа характеризуются повышенным облучением населения от природных источников, здесь дозы составляют от 5,09 до 6,22 мЗв/ год. Степные и лесостепные территории характеризуются наименьшим уровнем природного облучения, находящегося в пределах от 3,23 до 4,11 мЗв/год, что не превышает общероссийские уровни. Большая часть превышений гигиенических нормативов ЭРОА радона регистрировалась в зданиях горных и предгорных областей, ряд радоновых аномалий выявлен и в степных районах. Медианы превышений изменялись в пределах от 203±17,8 до 480±37,9 Бк/м3. С учетом того, что большинство таких зданий относятся к административным или образовательным учреждениям с восьмичасовым рабочим днем, доза облучения находящихся там людей может составлять до 10 мЗв/год.Заключение. Распределение индивидуальных годовых эффективных доз населения Алтайского края показало, что районы пяти модельных территорий преобразуются в три основных группы в зависимости от доз природного облучения, обусловленного в первую очередь ЭРОА радона и зависящего в большей степени от эколого-географического типа местности


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    The aim of the study is to determine the clinical and epidemiological features of measles in the Altai territory. Materials and methods: a retrospective analysis of 92 medical histories of inpatient patients with a confirmed diagnosis of «Measles» at the age of 17 to 54 years, who were treated in the Infectious Departments of City Hospitals № 5 and №11 in Barnaul in 2015–2018, was made. Results: the epidemic situation of measles in the Altai territory is characterized by an increase of morbidity rate in 2015, as well as isolated cases in 2017–2018. The peculiarity of the outbreak of the disease was in-hospital infection of patients upon admission to medical hospitals and late diagnosis of measles, as well as the importation of infection from adjacent territories (regions of Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan), which is confirmed by genotyping of the virus in patients. The development of the disease in 23,9% of those,who were vaccinated, was routinely observed in the age group older than 30 years. In the clinical picture of measles at the present stage, along with the classical manifestations, in 15.2% of patients in the first days of the disease gastroenteritis was marked, in 40,2% of patients the signs of hepatitis (cytolysis syndrome) were observed. Conclusion: the prevalence among the patientspersons, older than 30 years, may indicate the extinction of post-vaccination immunity. Timely immunization against measles in adulthood (after 30 years), will increase the effectiveness of measures to implement the program of elimination of measles in the Altai territory. The development of gastroenteritis up to the 5 days of the disease (on average 2,5±0.9 days), hepatitis in the period of height of the disease (in 15,2% and 40,2% of patients, respectively), determined the erroneous diagnosis of «Enterovirus infection», pseudotuberculosis, etc. and deserved the attention of practitioners.Цель: определить клинико-эпидемиологические особенности кори у взрослых на территории Алтайского края. Материалы и методы: проведен ретроспективный анализ 92 медицинских карт стационарного больного пациентов с подтвержденным диагнозом «Корь» в возрасте от 17 до 54 лет, находившихся на лечении в инфекционных отделениях КГБУЗГБ № 5 и № 11 г. Барнаула в 2015–2018 гг. Результаты: эпидемическая ситуация по кори в Алтайском крае характеризуется подъемом заболеваемости в 2015 г., а также единичными случаями в 2017– 2018 гг. Эпидемиологическими особенностями явились завоз инфекции из сопредельных территорий и из-за рубежа (Республики Казахстан, Турции, Мальдивских островов), несвоевременное установление диагноза кори при поступлении в медицинское учреждение и, как следствие, внутрибольничное инфицирование. Завозной характер инфекции подтвержден генотипированием вируса у заболевших. Развитие заболевания у 23,9% вакцинированных в плановом порядке наблюдалось в возрастной группе старше 30 лет. В клинической картине кори на современном этапе, наряду с классическими проявлениями, у 15,2% пациентов в первые дни болезни отмечены явления гастроэнтерита, у 40,2% заболевших – признаки гепатита (синдром цитолиза). Заключение: преобладание среди больных лиц старше 30 лет может свидетельствовать об угасании постпрививочного иммунитета. Дополнительное проведение иммунизации против кори в зрелом возрасте (после 30 лет) повысит эффективность мероприятий по реализации программы элиминации кори на территории Алтайского края. Развитие синдрома гастроэнтерита до 5-го дня болезни (в среднем на 2,5±0,9 сутки), гепатита в периоде разгара (у 15,2% и 40,2% больных соответственно) определяло постановку ошибочного диагноза «Энтеровирусная инфекция», «Псевдотуберкулез» и т.д. и заслуживает внимания практикующих врачей

    Wykrywanie wad sygnału na złączu szynowym

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    The method of signal detection from transverse crack within rails joint is presented in the article. Using of correlation analysis of this signal after subtraction of averaged rails joint signal from it is proposed. The signal alignment for averaging is based on the mean value crossing point.W artykule przeanalizowano sposób identyfikacji sygnału pochodzącego od pęknięcia poprzecznego w obszarze złącza szynowego. Zaproponowano wykorzystanie analizy korelacji tego sygnału po odjęciu uśrednionego sygnału pochodzącego od luzu pomiędzy szynami. Analizowane sygnały znajdują się dokładnie w punkcie przejścia przez ich wartość średnią

    Size and distribution of palladium nanoparticles electrodeposited on graphite

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    Morphology and particle size distribution of palladium nanoparticles obtained by pulse electrodeposition on graphite surfaces in dimethylformamide solution containing 0.01 M PdCl2 were examined by field emission scanning electron microscopy. Chemical composition of the deposits was determined by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. It was found that the average size of palladium nanoparticles increased while their density decreased with the number of pulse cycles

    Hydrogen cycling in ?-Mg(BH<inf>4</inf>)<inf>2</inf> with cobalt-based additives

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    Magnesium borohydride (Mg(BH&lt;inf&gt;4&lt;/inf&gt;)&lt;inf&gt;2&lt;/inf&gt;) is an attractive candidate as a hydrogen storage material due to its high hydrogen content and predicted favorable thermodynamics. In this work we demonstrate reversible hydrogen desorption in partially decomposed Mg(BH&lt;inf&gt;4&lt;/inf&gt;)&lt;inf&gt;2&lt;/inf&gt; which was ball milled together with 2 mol% Co-based additives. Powder X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy showed that after partial decomposition at 285 °C, amorphous boron-hydride compounds were formed. Rehydrogenation at equivalent temperatures and hydrogen pressures of 120 bar yielded the formation of crystalline Mg(BH&lt;inf&gt;4&lt;/inf&gt;)&lt;inf&gt;2&lt;/inf&gt; in the first cycle, and amorphous Mg(BH&lt;inf&gt;4&lt;/inf&gt;)&lt;inf&gt;2&lt;/inf&gt; with other boron-hydrogen compounds upon the third H&lt;inf&gt;2&lt;/inf&gt; absorption. Reversibility was observed in the samples with and without Co-based additives, although the additives enhanced hydrogen desorption kinetics in the first cycle. X-ray absorption spectroscopy at Co K-edge revealed that all the additives, apart from Co&lt;inf&gt;2&lt;/inf&gt;B, reacted during the first desorption to form new stable species. This journal i

    Electrochemical properties of the composites synthesized from polyaniline and modified MWCNT

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    Electroactive composites made of polyaniline and MWCNT modified by aminobenzene groups were electrochemically synthesized. SEM observation confirms that the composites become more porous as the MWCNT aggregation on the electrode surface gradually increases. Paraboloid dependence of specific electrical conductivity on theMWCNT content was found for the composites with more than 2.0 wt% of MWCNT. Obtained results confirmed a strong relationship between the surface and electrical properties allowing to offer their optimization using different amount ofMWCNTs and preparation procedure

    Annual individual hygienic assessment of natural exposure doses of the Altai territory model areas population

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    The goal is to determine ionizing radiation natural sources exposure regularities of Altai Territory model areas population. The materials and methods. 11376 radon measurements, 1247 gamma radiation meas-urements in an open area and in residential and office buildings were performed, selection of 189 drinking water tests was carried out. Results. Complex radiation and hygienic examination of the region with the most large municipalities number with model areas allocation was conducted. The assessment of the Altai Territory population’s individual annual radiation doses from natural radionuclides has revealed a number of the regularities depending on the terrain’s ecological and geographical type. Following the research results, ranging the region territories taking into account of annual effective doses of the population from natural sources for 2009-2015 was carried out. The annual individual effective dose of the Altai Territory upland areas population presented by the highest values and ranges from 7.36 mSv / year to 8.19 mSv / year. Foothill regions of Altai and in Salair ridge are characterized by increased population exposure from natural sources. Here the dose ranges from 5.09 mSv / year to 6.22 mSv / year. Steppe and forest-steppe territories are characterized by the lowest level of the natural radiation which is ranging from 3.23 mSv / year to 4.11 mSv / year, that doesn’t exceed the all-Russian levels. Most of the hygienic radon equivalent equilibrium volume activity standards exceedances were registered in mountain and foothill areas buildings. A number of radon anomalies is revealed also in steppe areas. Med exceedances ranged from 203 ± 17.8 Bq / m3 to 480 ± 37.9 Bq / m3. Given the fact that most of these buildings belong to the administrative or educational institutions with an eight-hour working day, the dose of radiation for people there can be up to 10 mSv / year. Conclusion. Spreading of individual annual effective dose of the Altai Territory population showed that five regions of the model areas are converted into three main groups depending on the natural radiation dose due primarily radon equivalent equilibrium volume activity and depends mostly on the eco-geographical terrain type

    Nucleation and growth of Au and Au-Pd nanoparticles at the beginning of electrochemical deposition

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    Gold and gold-palladium nanodeposits were obtained by pulse electrolysis in dimethylformamide with 4 x 10(-3) M HAuCl4 and in dimethyl sulfoxide solution with a mixture of 4 x 10(-3) M HAuCl4 and 4 x 10(-3) M PdCl2, respectively. Isolated gold nanoparticles of about 15 nm in diameter were found by SEM observation after 6 ms of electrochemical deposition. Three pulse and pause periods with duration of 6 ms and 300 ms respectively led to an increase in the particle size approximately two times. In case of gold-palladium deposition, no particles were detected after 10 electrochemical cycles while after 50 cycles 10-35 nm nanoparticles were found. Detailed SEM analysis of electrode surface suggested that at the beginning of electrochemical deposition the growth of gold/nucleation of gold-palladium NPs is a preference for mono-Au/bimetallic Au-Pd system

    Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of measles in adults residents of the Altai territory

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    The aim of the study is to determine the clinical and epidemiological features of measles in the Altai territory. Materials and methods: a retrospective analysis of 92 medical histories of inpatient patients with a confirmed diagnosis of «Measles» at the age of 17 to 54 years, who were treated in the Infectious Departments of City Hospitals № 5 and №11 in Barnaul in 2015–2018, was made. Results: the epidemic situation of measles in the Altai territory is characterized by an increase of morbidity rate in 2015, as well as isolated cases in 2017–2018. The peculiarity of the outbreak of the disease was in-hospital infection of patients upon admission to medical hospitals and late diagnosis of measles, as well as the importation of infection from adjacent territories (regions of Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan), which is confirmed by genotyping of the virus in patients. The development of the disease in 23,9% of those,who were vaccinated, was routinely observed in the age group older than 30 years. In the clinical picture of measles at the present stage, along with the classical manifestations, in 15.2% of patients in the first days of the disease gastroenteritis was marked, in 40,2% of patients the signs of hepatitis (cytolysis syndrome) were observed. Conclusion: the prevalence among the patientspersons, older than 30 years, may indicate the extinction of post-vaccination immunity. Timely immunization against measles in adulthood (after 30 years), will increase the effectiveness of measures to implement the program of elimination of measles in the Altai territory. The development of gastroenteritis up to the 5 days of the disease (on average 2,5±0.9 days), hepatitis in the period of height of the disease (in 15,2% and 40,2% of patients, respectively), determined the erroneous diagnosis of «Enterovirus infection», pseudotuberculosis, etc. and deserved the attention of practitioners

    Structural Changes Observed during the Reversible Hydrogenation of Mg(BH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> with Ni-Based Additives

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    The decomposition and rehydrogenation of γ-Mg­(BH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> ball milled together with 2 mol % of Ni-based additives, Ni<sub>nano</sub>, NiCl<sub>2</sub>, NiF<sub>2</sub>, and Ni<sub>3</sub>B, has been investigated during one hydrogen desorption–absorption cycle. Under the applied ball-milling conditions, no mechanochemical reactions between γ-Mg­(BH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> and Ni<sub>add</sub> were observed. Hydrogen desorption carried out at temperatures of 220–264 °C resulted for all samples in partial decomposition of Mg­(BH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> and formation of amorphous phases, as seen by powder X-ray diffraction (PXD). PXD analysis after rehydrogenation at temperatures of 210–262 °C and at pressures between 100 and 155 bar revealed increased fractions of crystalline β-Mg­(BH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>, indicating a partial reversibility of the composite powders. The highest amount of [BH<sub>4</sub>]<sup>−</sup> is formed in the composite containing Ni<sub>3</sub>B. Analysis by X-ray absorption spectroscopy performed after ball milling, after desorption, and after absorption shows that the Ni<sub>3</sub>B additive remains unaffected, whereas NiCl<sub>2</sub> and NiF<sub>2</sub> additives react with Mg­(BH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> during the hydrogen desorption–absorption and form compounds with a local structure very similar to that of amorphous Ni<sub>3</sub>B. Multinuclear NMR spectroscopy confirms the partial reversibility of the system as well as the formation of [B<sub>10</sub>H<sub>10</sub>]<sup>2–</sup> during hydrogen absorption. The presence of [B<sub><i>n</i></sub>H<sub><i>n</i></sub>]<sup>2–</sup> (<i>n</i> = 10, 12) was also detected by infrared (IR) spectroscopy of the dehydrogenated and rehydrogenated samples. The IR measurements give no clear indication that ions containing B–H–B bridged hydrogen groups were formed during the H-sorption cycle