234 research outputs found

    Toxic thermoresistant metabolites of Fusarium oxysporum are capable of inducing histopathological alterations in Wistar rats

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    The genus Fusarium is known to produce mycotoxins that cause fusariosis in plants, animals and humans. Mycotoxins are among the virulence factors of this genus. Metabolic extracts of Fusarium oxysporum, isolated from a patient with onychomycosis and sterilized by filtration or autoclave, were inoculated intradermally into Wistar rats at concentrations of 0.25, 0.5 and 1 µg/µL, and the effects on their tegument were observed at 24 and 72 hours. After histological procedures and staining by hematoxylineosin, the sections were studied for their inflammatory-reaction intensity and for evidence of injury and tissue distortion. Inflammatory reactions in the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue were observed at all concentrations of the inoculated extract tested. There was a significant influx of neutrophils, mastocytes and lymphocytes, as well as a large quantity of macrophages. Apoptotic bodies and hyperemic blood vessels were observed. This reaction was directly related to the extract concentration, and was most intense in animals that received the 1 mg/µL dose. The maximum peak was observed at 24 hours. The autoclaved metabolic extract produced the same effects as the untreated one, indicating the presence of heat-resistant metabolites. In conclusion, the metabolic extracts obtained from sterilized culture filtrates of F. oxysporum are capable of inducing an inflammatory response within 24 hours in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue of rats

    Electromyographic Evaluation of Early Stage Results of Exoscopic Microdecompressive Spinal Surgery in Dogs

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    Background: Spinal surgical interventions are generally used in the treatment of various spinal pathologies such as vertebral fracture, luxation-subluxation, congenital vertebral deformities, discal hernia, infection and tumor. Minimally invasive spinal surgery contributes to rapid recovery by reducing iatrogenic muscle damage and postoperative pain. In minimally invasive spinal surgery, a new hybrid imaging technique, the exoscope, has been developed in the last decade The purpose of this study was to report efficacy of the exoscopic microdecompressive spinal surgery (MDSS) and its early postoperative electromyography (EMG) results in dogs.Materials, Methods & Results:The material of this study consisted of the owned 10 dogs with spinal cord injury resulted from the different etiologies. On the basis of examinations, medical support (fluid therapy, corticosteroid, etc.) was applied to the required dogs. Exoscopic MDSS was performed under general anesthesia in dogs. The neurologic, radiologic and EMG examination were completed at pre- and postoperative periods. EMG results at postoperative 1st week showed increased conduction velocity and amplitudes in 3 cases. There was no significant change in a case. And, there was a slight slowdown in conduction velocity and significant decrease in amplitudes in a case. At postoperative 4th week, ther was increased conduction velocity and amplitudes in 8 cases and needle EMG showed that spontan muscle activity was normal in 5 cases, mild in 2 cases, moderate a case and severe in a case. But spontan muscle activity was unfollowed in a case. Postoperative outcomes were poor in 3 cases, fair in 3 cases, good in 3 cases and unfollowed in a case. Discussion: Spinal cord injuries encountered in veterinary medicine have significant morbidity and mortality. In spinal patients, in addition to neurological examination, lesion localization can be determined using imaging techniques such as radiology, computed tomography, and MRI. EMG and somatosensory evoked potentials examinations are used to evaluate quantitative functional recovery, especially in spinal cord injuries. EMG also provides an opportunity to evaluate muscle activation patterns during recovery. Exoscopic spinal surgery is the newest hybrid imaging technique. Exoscopic MDSS facilitated manipulation by providing adequate illumination and vision at the exploration site. Exoscopic MDSS has the advantages of microscopic surgery and is a new technique that can be applied in dogs with spinal pathology

    An Integrated Appraisal of the Péligre Electricity Transmission Line Rehabilitation Investment

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    The analytical challenges in evaluating the impacts of transmission line investments have vexed practitioners and electricity market regulators. The purpose of this study is to provide a guideline for improving the accuracy and predictability of the impacts of electricity rehabilitation projects. The subject is too broad to address completely here. The proposed guideline is suitable for evaluations of such project implemented in a broken electricity network. In such case, the demand for electricity is deterred, the supply of the electricity is unreliable, and the system is far away from its least-cost optimum production/consumption level. The guideline does not rebut the catalog of existing evaluation models or approaches. The guideline utilizes them for a reasonable ex-ante assessment to identify “good” projects that satisfy the economic and public objectives of the economy. An integrated cost-benefit analysis (CBA) framework is recommended to appraise such projects along with allocating the impacts to stakeholders in a manner that is commensurate with the net benefits they receive. Such an integrated analysis is much more than a set of procedures for estimating the expected net present values or rates of return of the project

    Atenção primária à saúde e a prevenção das complicações crônicas às pessoas com diabetes mellitus à luz da complexidade

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem, Florianópolis, 2015O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a atenção à saúde das pessoas com diabetes mellitus desenvolvida pelos integrantes da Atenção Primária à Saúde na perspectiva da prevenção das complicações crônicas da doença. Estudo qualitativo, que utilizou o Pensamento Complexo como referencial teórico e a pesquisa avaliativa como referencial metodológico. A coleta de dados utilizou três técnicas: entrevista, observação e análise de prontuários. As entrevistas foram realizadas com 38 profissionais de saúde, que compuseram três grupos amostrais: o primeiro com profissionais que atuavam nas equipes de Saúde da Família; o segundo com integrantes do Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família; e o terceiro com gestores. A observação teve participação moderada nas atividades coletivas e individuais que os profissionais realizavam com pessoas com diabetes. Foram analisados 25 prontuários de pessoas com diabetes que recebiam essa atenção. A triangulação subsidiou a análise dos dados. Foi utilizada parcialmente a técnica analítica da Grounded Theory, que compreendeu as etapas de codificação aberta e codificação axial. Para a organização e análise dos dados das entrevistas empregou-se o software ATLAS.ti. A análise foi dirigida com base nos documentos que compõem a política estabelecida pelo Ministério da Saúde que direciona a atenção às pessoas com diabetes na atenção primária, e, especificamente para a construção do terceiro manuscrito, também foi utilizado o Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas proposto por Eugênio Vilaça Mendes. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa Envolvendo Seres Humanos da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina com Parecer de número 466.855. Como resultados do estudo, evidenciou-se que a assistência avaliada cumpria parcialmente com uma das principais exigências das políticas públicas para o diabetes mellitus, que é garantir o acesso ao serviço de saúde a essa população, e oferecer o tratamento contínuo nesse nível de atenção. Foram encontradas várias lacunas nessa atenção, com destaque para o vínculo, a escuta qualificada na proposta de humanização da assistência, a educação em saúde e a execução de práticas preventivas antecipatórias que almejassem conter a doença e evitar as complicações crônicas. A prevenção era vista mais em ações de abrangência geral e a assistência priorizava ações curativas às preventivas. Para as pessoas já em acompanhamento, não foram referidas ações específicas que possibilitassem, de maneira criativa, encontrar alternativas para as dificuldades de adesão ao tratamento, passando-se a culpabilizar as pessoas pela dificuldade de controle da doença. Os dados ressaltaram uma prática clínica situada no modelo biomédico, com ações centradas na unicausalidade, na queixa específica, no tratamento medicamentoso e no profissional médico. Havia um grande distanciamento daquilo que está proposto pelo modelo de atenção à saúde específico para a atenção às pessoas com doenças crônicas, que prevê a participação ativa e efetiva dos profissionais, das pessoas usuárias, suas famílias e comunidade, diante do processo saúde/doença e dos aspectos que envolvem as necessidades impressas na cronicidade. A assistência oferecida faz parte de um contexto complexo, dinâmico, interativo que necessita de mais envolvimento por parte dos profissionais e gestores. Ações unidirecionais não são capazes de suprir todas as demandas e as necessidades do processo saúde/doença das pessoas com Diabetes mellitus, deixando lacunas na prevenção das complicações crônicas da doença.Abstract : This study aimed to evaluate the health care of people with diabetes mellitus carried out by members of the Primary Health Care in the context of preventing the disease s chronic complications. It is a qualitative study that used the Complex Thought as its theoretical framework and the evaluative research as a methodological framework. We used three techniques for data collection: interview, observation, and analysis of medical records. Thirty-eight health professionals were interviewed and divided into three sample groups. The first consisted of professionals working in the Family Health teams, the second by members of Centre of Support to Family Health, and the third with managers. The observation of the individual and collective activities that these professionals held with diabetic people were moderate. Twenty-five medical records of diabetic people who received such attention were analyzed. Triangulation supported the data analysis. Grounded Theory was partially used as the analytical technique, which covered open and axial coding. ATLAS.ti software was used to organize and analyze the interviews. The analysis was based on documents from the Health Ministry that establish the policy guiding the care diabetic people receive at Primary Health Care, and specifically for our third paper, we used the Chronic Care Model proposed by Eugênio Vilaça Mendes. This project was approved by the Permanent Committee on Ethics in Research Involving Human Beings of the Federal University of Santa Catarina with Decision number 466.855. Our analyzes results showed that the assessed care only partially met a key demand of public policies for diabetes mellitus, which is to ensure access to health services to this population, and to provide continuous treatment at this level of attention. Several gaps were found regarding this care, specially regarding rapport, qualified listening for humanizing the care given, the health education, the implementation of anticipatory preventive practices that aimed at containing the disease and prevent chronic complications. Prevention was more observed in general scope activities, prioritizing curative to preventive actions. For those people already being treated, there were no specific actions that would enable them, in creative ways, to find alternatives to the difficulties of adherence to the treatment, henceforth, blaming people with diabetes sufferers for the difficulty in controlling the disease. Our data showed a clinical practice centered on the biomedical model, with actions focused on a single cause, on a specific complaint, on drug treatment, and on the physician. There was a sharp distancing from what is proposed by the Health Care model specifically for people with chronic diseases (which provides for the active and effective participation of health professionals, the people using health services, their families and community) in the face of the health/disease process and the aspects concerning the needs in chronicity. The care offered is part of a complex, dynamic, interactive context, which needs a deeper involvement from professionals and managers. One-way actions are not able to meet all the demands and needs of the health/disease process of diabetes mellitus sufferers, leaving gaps in the prevention of the disease chronic complications

    Three essays on the economics of renewable energy in small island economies

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    In chapter 1, we introduce mechanism and present results of an integrated investment appraisal of an onshore wind farm for electricity generation in Cape-Verde that is owned and operated by a private investor. From the perspective of the electric utility and the economy, the results of such an ex-ante financial and economic appraisal of wind electricity generation depends critically on one’s view of the expected long-term level of future fossil fuel prices, negotiations of the power purchase agreement (PPA) price and wind capacity factor. In Chapter 2, we investigate the impacts of wind and solar renewable power sources on both electricity generation and planning by employing and applying a cost minimization model in Cyprus. The cost minimization model demonstrates that the use of wind alone and mix of wind and solar power in an electricity generation mix reduces the overall cost of the system. Due to high cost of electricity generation from fuel oil in Cyprus, we conclude that shift toward wind and solar mix of energy sources in Cyprus will have significant impact by means of cost reduction. Therefore, integrating these renewables will essentially contribute to the welfare of Cypriot consumers alongside its environmental and health benefits associated in them. In Chapter 3, we study the impacts of implementing real-time electricity pricing (RTP) in the Cypriot electricity market with and without wind/solar capacities. We use a merit order stack approach to generation investment and operation decisions. Empirical results show that dynamic pricing will increase generation capacity utilization by means of reduction in equilibrium installed capacity reduction and increase in load factors of off-peak plants. These savings are larger at higher demand elasticities. The emissions from electricity generation will potentially increase resulting from increased energy consumption, however. Because wind (solar) availability comes mostly during low (high) demand hours when relatively cleaner (dirtier) plants operate in the system, we find that there is considerable potential for capital cost savings and emission savings from smart metering even with only a small consumer response and at moderate participation in the programme. At the current costs of solar, investing in wind alone will however yield higher bill savings

    Peritoneal Fluid Analysis of the Newborn Calves with Intestinal Atresia - a Clinical Approach

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    Background: Anomalies and fetal problems are encountered in all animals. Intestinal atresia is a congenital anomaly of both humans and animals. Intestinal atresia has four morphological types, and they can be observed in jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon, rectum and anus (type I: mucosal atresia, type II: atretic ends separated by fibrous cord, type III: atretic ends separated by a “V” shaped mesenteric gap or atretic end coil like an “apple peel”, type IV: multiple atresia). In calves, it is also commonly encountered; it is still a question to be replied about the exact prognosis of the patients with intestinal atresia. Thus, the main objective of the present study was to evaluate peritoneal fluid analysis results of calves with intestinal atresia.Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty-two calves were presented with abdominal distension and lack of defecation. Clinical and radiological findings pointed out the intestinal atresia. Blood samples were collected for routine hematological and serum total protein (TP) analysis. Peritoneal fluids were aspirated with sterile technique from the caudal abdomen, and biochemical features, cell contents and microbiological cultures of the peritoneal fluids were analyzed. Following to preoperative, surgical and necropsy findings, intestinal atresia were diagnosed as type II, III and IV in calves. Neutrophilic leukocytosis was observed in calves with type IV intestinal atresia. Red blood cells and platelet counts were determined in the peritoneal fluids. TP and density values of the peritoneal fluid were high in all cases. These results pointed the presence of the acute infection and peritonitis. Statistical comparison of each parameter showed that there was no significant difference between the types of intestinal atresia. Microbiologically, fecal origin bacteria were cultured in 12 calves.Discussion: In general, four types of intestinal atresia are encountered in calves, and all types are fatal pathologies; thus, surgery should urgently be planned as soon as diagnostic work-ups are completed after birth. Peritoneal fluid analysis is a useful diagnostic choice because changes in the peritoneal fluid parameters help to diagnosis of the intra-abdominal pathology. Intestinal atresia as more common anomaly in Holstein, Jersey and Montafon breed calves. In animals with intestinal atresia, surgical treatment is not usually recommended due to economic reasons and small chance of postoperative success. Long-term survival rate of surgically treated animals depends on the type of intestinal atresia and applied surgical technique. Atresia recti and ani may occur simultaneously with atresia coli, and all atresias (atresia coli, ani, recti or ani et recti) can be successfully treated by surgery. Continuous distention of the large intestinal segments leads to ischemia, necrosis, peritonitis and bowel perforation. Peritoneal fluid analysis should include the classic parameters for diagnosis, but these analyses are often insufficient to identify the etiology or pathogenesis of the disease. An increase in total WBC count and percentage of the neutrophil cells in the peritoneal fluid indicate the acute infectious origin inflammation. Additional parameters in the peritoneal fluid analysis have been established to improve diagnostic precision and specific information. Presence or absence of the bacteria in the peritoneal fluid samples is important to characterize the transudate and exudate. Changings in the peritoneal fluid values does not related to type of the intestinal atresia in calves

    Incorporating Risk and Uncertainty in Cost-Benefit Analysis

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    Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a tool for assessing the welfare effects of changes in regulatory and investment interventions. While in many ways an effective approach, a significant drawback of CBA, however, is that it relies on estimates for variables that cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. As such, expected outcomes generated by CBA, such as financial and economic net present values (NPVs), incorporate a degree of risk and uncertainty. It is therefore critical that CBA is based on transparent assumptions about the nature of risk and uncertainty affecting key variables: CBA cannot contribute to rational decision-making unless the distribution of outcomes is clear, and the effect on forecast reliability understood. Real-world risk and uncertainty generate numerous ex-ante outcomes at the point of appraisal. Correctly assessing risk and uncertainty is therefore one of the most difficult challenges decision-makers face in applying the results of CBA. This report offers a systematic approach to the incorporation of risk and uncertainty in CBA. The primary objectives are to review the professional literature on risk and uncertainty; to provide a methodology for taking account of risk and uncertainty in CBA; and to suggest guidelines for the interpretation and application of CBA results in the decision-making process. The treatment of risk and uncertainty are clearly addressed in the CBA guidelines of most OECD countries, although approaches vary. The simplest procedures are based on sensitivity analysis, as applied to a deterministic base case. More comprehensive analysis is based on assumed probability distributions for the variables concerned. The CBA guidelines of multilateral financial institutions and a number of advanced economies (Australia, Canada, France, the UK, the US and the European Union) call for sensitivity analysis on a project-by-project basis, identifying specific long-term risks and uncertainties associated with the assumptions and values used in appraisal and evaluation. Still greater insight into the impact of risk and uncertainty on expected regulatory outcomes can be gained from a probabilistic modeling of variable distributions and their inter-dependencies. A Monte Carlo simulation is therefore recommended alongside sensitivity analysis, where data, time and budget permit

    An Economic and Stakeholder Analysis for the Design of IPP Contracts for Wind Farms

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    In this paper we introduce a method for quantifying the benefits and costs of implementing a grid-connected onshore wind project that is owned and operated by an independent power producer (IPP). The proposed policy analysis tool is applied to the appraisal of a wind farm in Santiago Island, Cape Verde. The policy analysis is conducted from the perspectives of the electric utility, the country’s economy, the government and the private sector investor. The key question is whether the design of the power purchase agreement (PPA) will yield a high enough rate of return to the project to be bankable, while at the same time yielding a positive net financial and economic present value to the electric utility and the country respectively. The PPA results in a negative outcome for the economy of Cape Verde in almost all circumstances. In contrast the owners of the IPP are guaranteed a very substantial return for their modest investment under all circumstances