3,169 research outputs found

    Core-crust transition pressure for relativistic slowly rotating neutron stars

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    We study the influence of core-\textit{crust} transition pressure changes on the general dynamical properties of neutron star configurations. First we study the matching conditions in core-\textit{crust} transition pressure region, where phase transitions in the equation of state causes energy density jumps. Then using a surface \textit{crust} approximation, we can construct configurations where the matter is described by the equation of state of the core of the star and the core-\textit{crust} transition pressure. We will consider neutron stars in the slow rotation limit, considering perturbation theory up to second order in the angular velocity so that the deformation of the star is also taken into account. The junction determines the parameters of the star such as total mass, angular and quadrupolar momentum.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Chiral Lagrangian at finite temperature from the Polyakov-Chiral Quark Model

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    We analyze the consequences of the inclusion of the gluonic Polyakov loop in chiral quark models at finite temperature. Specifically, the low-energy effective chiral Lagrangian from two such quark models is computed. The tree level vacuum energy density, quark condensate, pion decay constant and Gasser-Leutwyler coefficients are found to acquire a temperature dependence. This dependence is, however, exponentially small for temperatures below the mass gap in the full unquenched calculation. The introduction of the Polyakov loop and its quantum fluctuations is essential to achieve this result and also the correct large NcN_c counting for the thermal corrections. We find that new coefficients are introduced at O(p4){\cal O}(p^4) to account for the Lorentz breaking at finite temperature. As a byproduct, we obtain the effective Lagrangian which describes the coupling of the Polyakov loop to the Goldstone bosons.Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    Soliton structures in a molecular chain model with saturation

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    In the present work, we study, by means of a one-dimensional lattice model, the collective excitations corresponding to intra molecular ones of a chain like proteins. It is shown that such excitations are described by the Nonlinear Schrodinger equation with saturation. The solutions obtained here are the bell solitons, bubbles, kinks and crowdons. Since they belong to different sectors on the parametric space, the bubble condensation could give place to some important changes of face in this kind of nonlinear system. Additionally, it is shown that the limiting velocity of the solitons is the velocity of sound waves corresponding to longitudinal vibrations of molecules.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Determination of combustion gas temperatures by infrared radiometry in sooting and nonsooting flames

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    Flame temperatures in nonsooting and sooting environments were successfully measured by radiometry for pre-mixed propane-oxygen laminar flames stabilized on a water-cooled, porous sintered-bronze burner. The measured temperatures in the nonsooting flames were compared with fine-wire thermocouple measurements. The results show excellent agreement below 1700 K, and when the thermocouple measurements were corrected for radiation effects, the agreement was good for even higher temperatures. The benefits of radiometry are: (1) the flow is not disturbed by an intruding probe, (2) calibration is easily done using a blackbody source, and (3) measurements can be made even with soot present. The theory involved in the radiometry measurements and the energy balance calculations used to correct the thermocouple temperature measurements are discussed

    Born-Infeld Cosmologies

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    We present a model for an inhomogeneous and anisotropic early universe filled with a nonlinear electromagnetic field of Born-Infeld (BI) type. The effects of the BI field are compared with the linear case (Maxwell). Since the curvature invaria nts are well behaved then we conjecture that our model does not present an initial big bang singularity. The existence of the BI field modifies the curvature invariants at t=0 as well as sets bounds on the amplitude of the conformal metric functionComment: 13 pages, latex, 6 eps figure

    Bounds on the mass and abundance of dark compact objects and black holes in dwarf spheroidal galaxy halos

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    We establish new dynamical constraints on the mass and abundance of compact objects in the halo of dwarf spheroidal galaxies. In order to preserve kinematically cold the second peak of the Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal (UMi dSph) against gravitational scattering, we place upper limits on the density of compact objects as a function of their assumed mass. The mass of the dark matter constituents cannot be larger than 1000 solar masses at a halo density in UMi's core of 0.35 solar masses/pc^3. This constraint rules out a scenario in which dark halo cores are formed by two-body relaxation processes. Our bounds on the fraction of dark matter in compact objects with masses >3000 solar masses improve those based on dynamical arguments in the Galactic halo. In particular, objects with masses 105\sim 10^{5} solar masses can comprise no more than a halo mass fraction 0.01\sim 0.01. Better determinations of the velocity dispersion of old overdense regions in dSphs may result in more stringent constraints on the mass of halo objects. For illustration, if the preliminary value of 0.5 km/s for the secondary peak of UMi is confirmed, compact objects with masses above 100\sim 100 solar masses could be excluded from comprising all its dark matter halo.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Fuel-rich catalytic combustion of Jet-A fuel-equivalence ratios 5.0 to 8.0

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    Fuel-rich catalytic combustion (E.R. greater than 5.0) is a unique technique for preheating a hydrocarbon fuel to temperatures much higher than those obtained by conventional heat exchangers. In addition to producing very reactive molecules, the process upgrades the structure of the fuel by the formation of hydrogen and smaller hydrocarbons and produces a cleaner burning fuel by removing some of the fuel carbon from the soot formation chain. With fuel-rich catalytic combustion as the first stage of a two stage combustion system, enhanced fuel properties can be utilized by both high speed engines, where time for ignition and complete combustion is limited, and engines where emission of thermal NO sub x is critical. Two-stage combustion (rich-lean) has been shown to be effective for NO sub x reduction in stationary burners where residence times are long enough to burn-up the soot formed in the first stage. Such residence times are not available in aircraft engines. Thus, the soot-free nature of the present process is critical for high speed engines. The successful application of fuel-rich catalytic combustion to Jet-A, a multicomponent fuel used in gas turbine combustors, is discusssed

    El antropomorfismo como herramienta de divulgación científica por televisión: estudio de El Hombre y la Tierra

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    La tendencia del hombre al antropomorfismo resulta polémica al divulgar la ciencia, pero, ¿qué papel juega en su difusión? Los científicos intentan resolverlo desde mediados del s.XIX. A este interrogante se suma el de los profesionales de la comunicación, en particular, el de los documentalistas de la naturaleza que son quienes afrontan con frecuencia esta disyuntiva. Conocer qué opinan los académicos y realizadores permite ofrecer un posible acuerdo sobre la legitimidad del antropomorfismo para difundir la ciencia por televisión. Un convenio que se ejemplifica con el análisis de El Hombre y la Tierra: la serie documental de divulgación científica más exitosa en Españ