15 research outputs found

    Toxicological evaluation of methanolic extract of Momordica charantia leaves in rats

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    The acute and sub-chronic toxicity studies of the methanolic extract of the leaves of Momordica charantia were carried out in rats using the oral route. Acute toxicity study was conducted orally in two phases according to the method of Lorke (1983). Animals were observed for signs of toxicity and mortality. The sub-chronic toxicity studies were carried out at three dose levels of 1250, 2500 and 5000 mg/kg for twelve weeks. A fourth group served as the control and received normal saline. At the end of every four weeks, blood samples were collected from five rats per group by cardiac puncture for analysis of hematological and serum liver enzymes parameters. Another five rats per group were euthanized and necropsied for gross pathological lesions and body organs including the liver, heart, kidney, spleen, stomach and intestines were removed and fixed in formalin saline for histopathological examinations. The extract was not lethal to the rats dosed at 5000 mg/kg body weight. Significant (P0.05) on PCV, TP and Hb concentration levels were observed. The liver, kidney, spleen, stomach and intestines showed mild to moderate congestion. These results suggest that the leaves of M. charantia though safe, should be used with caution in the treatment of diseases that require long term therapy.Keywords: Momordica charantia, sub-chronic, toxicity, liver enzymes, haematology, histopathologyRésumé L\'étude de la toxicitée aigue et sub-chronique de l\'extrait methanolique des feuilles du Momordica charantia ont été entreprisent sur des souris utilisant la voix oral.l\'étude de la toxicitée aigue ont été conduite orallement en deux phases suivant la methode de lorke.(1983) les animaux étaient observé pour des signes de toxicitée et de mortalité. L\'étude de toxicité sub-chronique ont été conduite avec trios dose 1250, 2500 et 5000mg/kg pendant douze semaines Un quatrième groupe servant de contrôle et reçu une solution salée isotonique. A la fin de chaque quatre semaines les échantillons de sang étaient collecte sur 5 souris par groupe et ce par punction cardiaque pour analyse hemathologique et du serum pour les parametre des enzymes du foie. Cinq autre souris euthanasiées et nécropsies pour les lesion macro pathologique. Et les organes incluant le foie , le Coeur, la rate, les reins l\'estomach et les intest ont été prelevé et fixé à la formaline saline pour étude histopathologique. les extraits n\'etait pas lethal pour les souris à la dose de 5000mg /kg du poids corporel . l\'elevation significative(P,0.05)du niveau des enzymes du foie ce de même pour des globule rouges et blancs comptée ont été observés aucun effet significatif (P>0.05) sur l\'hematocrite, TP et le taux d\'Hb était observée. Le foie ,reins ,rate, stomach, intestine ont montré une congestion d\'ifinie à moderé. Les resultats sugèrnt que les feuilles de Momordica charantia certe sauve doive être utilise avec precaution dans le traitement des maladies qui demande une therapy à long terme.Mots clés: Momordica charantia, sub-chronique, toxicité, foie, enzymes du foie, hemathologie, histopathologieWest African Journal of Pharmacology and Drug Research Vol. 20(1&2) 2005: 15-2

    Scaling up Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV Infection to Primary Health Facilities in Nigeria: Findings from Two Primary Health Centres in Northwest Nigeria

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    Nigeria is scaling up prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV interventions to primary health care centres (PHCs). This retrospective study of PMTCT was at two PHCs in Northwest Nigeria with the main outcome measure being HIV infection rate of exposed infants at 6 weeks of life. Of 10,289 women who had antenatal HIV test, 74 had positive results. This gave a prevalence of 0.7%. The uptake of antenatal (99.8%) and intrapartum (97.3%) tests was high at both centres. 30% of HIV infected mothers and 25% of exposed infants were lost to follow-up (LFU). Most women (85.7%) had highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and vaginal delivery (98%). Perinatal mortality rate was 66/1000 births and 95.3% of exposed infants had negative HIV-DNA polymerase reaction test at 6 weeks of life. Despite a high LFU, a new vista has been opened to attaining a zero infection rate. Afr J Reprod Health 2013 (Special Edition); 17[4]: 130-137).Keywords: HIV in pregnancy, PMTCT in primary health centr

    Anaesthesia for awake craniotomy: A report of two cases in national hospital, Abuja

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    Anaesthesia for neurosurgery while the patient remains awake requires a highly motivated patient and provision of high safety standard. Resection of brain tumours may cause neurological sequelae especially in the eloquent cortex depending on the site and size of tumour. Awake craniotomy which allows monitoring and mapping of the eloquent cortex is therefore a solution to this problem. This report of two cases of awake craniotomy done in National Hospital Abuja, Nigeria illustrates the procedure. The first patient is a 28year old man who had right fronto-parietal intra-axil tumour and underwent awake craniotomy under monitored anaesthesia care (MAC).The second case is a 64year old man who had some neurological deficit from solitary brain metastasis from previously treated colonic adenocarcinoma. He was also a known hypertensive. He underwent awake craniotomy and excision of the solitary metastatic lesion. Both patients did well intraoperatively and postoperatively with monitored anaesthesia care.Neurosurgery in awake patients could be challenging and it requires a dedicated and skilful anaesthetist, an experienced surgeon and a careful selection of appropriate patients. We report two cases of awake craniotomy done successfully under monitored anaesthesia care.Keywords: Awake craniotomy, monitored anaesthesia care, neurosurgery, brain tumou

    Efficacy of vitamin C and ethanolic extract of Sesamum indicum in promoting fertility in male Wistar rats

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    Aims: This study investigates the efficacy of ethanolic extract of Sesamum indicum (EES), vitamin C (VC), and EES + VC in promoting fertility and finding a possible link between their profertility effects and their antioxidant activities. Materials and Methods: Forty adult male Wistar rats [Body weight (BW) 186.56 ± 0.465 g] were randomly analyzed into four groups of ten rats each: Control, EES G (EES only), VC G (vitamin C only), and EES + VC G (EES in conjunction with vitamin C). Control was given 5 ml/kg BW/day of normal saline orally; EES G was administered 0.3 g/kg BW/day of EES; VC G was administered 15 mg/kg BW/ day of VC; while EES + VC G was administered both 0.3 g/kg BW/day of EES and 15 mg/kg BW/day of VC. All treatments were for 10 weeks. Statistical Analysis Used: Independent-sample T test was used to analyze the obtained results. Results: The results obtained showed that EES, VC, and more importantly EES + VC are capable of significantly increasing BW gain, seminal parameters, testosterone level, and body antioxidant activities. Conclusions: These findings lead to the conclusion that EES + VC as well as ESS and VC promote fertility due to both their testosterone-increasing effects and their antioxidant effects

    Onion (Allium cepa) extract prevents cadmium induced renal dysfunction

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    Cadmium (Cd), a heavy metal, is known for its adverse effects on the body. In this study, the lowering effect of Cd on renal clearance (RC) was investigated, and Allium cepa extract (AcE) (an antioxidant) was pre-administered orally to prevent Cd's adverse effects. Seventy-two Wistar rats, grouped into three (n = 24), were used for this study. While Group C was given 1.0 ml of AcE daily (orally), Group A and Group B were given distilled water. AcE administration was done for eight weeks. Afterwards B and C were then given 1.5 ml/kg BW of 0.3 mg/L 3CdSO4.8H2O intraperitoneally for three consecutive days. The results obtained showed that Cd causes significant reduction in the 24 hour urine volume (from 3.017 ± 0.125 to 2.433 ± 0.118 ml), RC (from 3.258 ± 0.114 to 1.357 ± 0.104 ml/h for creatinine; and from 0.350 ± 0.057 to 0.185 ± 0.055 ml/h for urea), plasma and tissue SOD and CAT activity (form 1.644 ± 0.036 to 1.307 ± 0.056 u/g protein for plasma SOD; 0.391 ± 0.029 to 0.2692 ± 0.031 u/protein for plasma CAT; 1.695 ± 0.034 to 1.327 ± 0.049 u/g protein for tissues SOD; and from 0.350 ± 0.027 to 0.273 ± 0.043 u for tissue CAT), and significant MDA increased in plasma (from 1496.79 ± 1.321 to 1679.48 ± 143.29 μg/g protein) and tissue (from 1265.22 ± 2.285 to 1669.87 ± 14.61 μg/dL). AcE, however, prevents these Cd's adverse effects. This findings lead to the conclusion Cd exposure causes renal dysfunction, but oral administration of onion could prevent it