14 research outputs found

    A Conceptual Framework and a Suite of Tools to Support Crisis Management

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    This article aims at describing an approach to support crisis management. The main idea is to use an original vision of Big-Data to manage the question of collaboration issues in crisis response. On the one hand, this article introduces a general framework that structures the methodology applied in our approach. This framework includes several technical and business dimensions and embeds scientific results that are presented in this article or have been described in previous articles. On the other hand, the resulting implemented suite of tools is also presented with regards to the conceptual framework. Finally, in order to emphasize all the main features described in this article, both the framework and the suite of tools are illustrated and put into action through a scenario extracted from a real exercise

    Conception et mise en oeuvre d'une plate-forme pour la sûreté de fonctionnement des Services Web

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    Les Services Web fournissent une nouvelle approche pour le développement d'applications distribuées, à savoir les Architectures Orientées Services (AOS). Ces architectures sont basées sur des contrats de "service" qui unissent le client et le prestataire. Cependant, les contrats de services Web sont peu sensibles aux besoins de sûreté de fonctionnement du client. Pour résoudre ce problÚme, nous avons développé un langage spécifique capable de "robustifier" un service pour chaque client (ou prestataire). Ce langage dédié permet d'offrir une meilleure expressivité et concision sans compromettre la sûreté et la sécurité. Nous montrons que notre approche permet de mettre en place des mécanismes adaptables de tolérance aux fautes. Cette approche est utilisée dans le cadre de la conception d'une plate-forme pour la mise en place de services sûrs de fonctionnement.Web Services provide a new approach for the development of distributed applications, i.e. the Service Oriented Architectures (SOA). These architectures are based on the notion of service contract between a client and a provider. However, such service contracts do not pay attention to client's need in terms of dependability. To address this problem, we have developed a specific language to make robust versions of web services according to client's requirements. This Domain Specific Language provides expressiveness and conciseness without compromising dependability. We show that this approach enables the implementation of adaptative dependability mechanisms. This approach has been used within the framework of the development of a platform for implementing dependable Web Services.TOULOUSE-ENSEEIHT (315552331) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A Metamodel for Knowledge Management in Crisis Management

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    International audienceThis article considers collaboration issue and data management issue as the key points of crisis management. In this context, the presented research works focus on a crisis management metamodel, dedicated to provide a way to class incoming data by connecting it to concepts of the metamodel. Such instances would then become intelligible for crisis management tools. This metamodel includes several points of view, specific to the domain of crisis management (including characteristics of the crisis, of the context, of the actors involved, etc.). Besides, the models built from this metamodel can be used as information bases for tools dedicated to support collaboration of actors: collaborative processes may be deduced from the models (and then orchestrated). Similarly, the evolution of the situation can be recorded as updates of the crisis models and contribute to the agility of the crisis management

    Towards Hyperconnected Resource Requirements Planning

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    International audienceThis paper focuses on Resource Requirements Planning (RRP) for hyperconnected supply chain. The objective is to enable Physical Internet (PI) Logistics Web actors to plan their resources effectively to be able to fulfill the demand in the forthcoming years. We first identify a lack of research literature about RRP for hyperconnected supply chains. We conclude from our literature review that the research efforts done by the PI community are focused on enabling the PI to become operational. But the PI community has not yet shown any interest in PI strategic planning. So, we position our research regarding the MRP II system's RRP, focusing on the strategic planning processes for production and capacity control. Therefore, from the lack of research literature about RRP for hyperconnected supply chains, and from the MRP II strategic planning methodology structure, we demonstrate the significant need to adapt this MRP II system's RRP to fit the hyperconnected supply chains requirements and so the PI requirements. Finally, we introduce a Physical Internet Resource Requirement Planning (PI-RRP) methodology corresponding to our research agenda guidelines. The development of this methodology will drive our futures researches

    Management of collaborative behavior through a service-oriented mediation system The case of crisis management

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    International audienceIn crisis management context, coordination of partners is a crucial requirement. However, defining, orchestrating and maintaining collaborative behavior of stakeholders of crisis management are arduous tasks. This article presents an approach dedicated to support these three missions in crisis management context. This objective is achieved according to three abstraction levels in charge of covering the three previous expectations. Besides, three prototypes have been developed (based on SOA and EDA) and are introduced in this article also through a simple use-case

    Automated Deduction of Cross-Organizational Collaborative Business Processes

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    International audienceBeing able to implement efficient cross-organizational collaborations has become a key factor for enterprises to respond to emerging market opportunities. The Business Process Management approach is commonly used to design cross-organizational collaborations. This type of business process aims at achieving specific collaborative objectives by addressing three main steps according to a top-down approach: (i)defining the business services that have to be performed to reach the objectives, (ii)finding the best set of partners to provide them and (iii)ordering the business services in an optimized way. While the resulting business processes are a cornerstone to support the interoperability among the partners of a collaboration, their design step remains often humanly-conducted and laborious. Moreover, seeking the ”best” set of partners involves non-additive criteria such as the delivery time (i.e. business services can be performed in sequence or in parallel within the process). In this context, this paper presents a decision support system based on an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to exploit collaborative knowledge gathered from companies on a dedicated platform (companies’ profile models registered to the platform and collaborative opportunity models) and deduce quasi-optimal collaborative business processes. A prototype that supports this system is also presented

    Mediation Information System Engineering for Interoperability Support in Crisis Management

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    6th International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications, Coventry, ENGLAND, APR 14-15, 2010International audienceOne objective of the French-funded (ANR-2006-SECU-006) ISyCri Project (ISyCri stands for Interoperability of Systems in Crisis situation) is to provide the crisis cell in charge of the situation management with an Information System (IS) able to support the interoperability of partners involved in this collaborative situation. Such a system is called Mediation Information System (MIS). This system must be in charge of (i) information exchange, (ii) services sharing and (iii) behavior orchestration. This article proposes, first, an approach of MIS engineering in crisis context. This design method is model-driven and uses model morphisms principles and techniques. Furthermore, due to the intrinsically evolutionary nature of crisis phenomenon, the MIS must remain adapted to the situation and to the panel of partners involved. This paper presents also the MIS on the fly adaptation, based also on model-driven approach in order to provide agility to the MIS